## vim:ft=zsh ## put - make a file available via HTTP ## supports as many 'failover' hosts as an array can hold ## Usage: put ## Copyright (C) 2008 by Daniel Friesel ## License: WTFPL autoload check_com fdie warn typeset hostname typeset -a ssh_options hosts typeset target_dir server_prefix typeset file typeset -i n_hosts n_ping n_curl if ! check_com curl; then function curl {return 0} warn "curl not present, won't be able to check upload success" fi function put_aneurysm_int { hostname='aneurysm' ssh_options=(-q) target_dir='public_html/tmp/' server_prefix='https://derf.homelinux.org/~derf/tmp/' } function put_aneurysm () { hostname='derf.homelinux.org' ssh_options=(-q) target_dir='public_html/tmp/' server_prefix='https://derf.homelinux.org/~derf/tmp/' } function put_sievert () { hostname='sievert.tabularazor.org' ssh_options=(-q) target_dir='www/tmp/' server_prefix='https://tabularazor.org/~derf/tmp/' } hosts=(aneurysm_int aneurysm sievert) n_hosts=$#hosts if [[ -f $1 ]] { file=$1 while (( $#hosts )) { put_$hosts[1] ping -c 1 $hostname &> /dev/null if (( ? == 0 )) { scp $ssh_options $file $hostname:$target_dir ssh $ssh_options $hostname "chmod 644 $target_dir${file:t}" if $(curl -fI $server_prefix${file:t} &> /dev/null); then echo $server_prefix${file:t} return 0 else (( n_curl++ )) fi } else { (( n_ping++ )) shift hosts } } fdie "Tried uploading to $n_hosts hosts without success\n" \ " - $n_ping hosts are unreachable\n" \ " - $n_curl errors while uploading" } else { fdie "$1: No such file" }