diff options
4 files changed, 808 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/dbris b/bin/dbris
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6b435cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dbris
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.020;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+use utf8;
+use DateTime;
+use Encode qw(decode);
+use JSON;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
+use List::Util qw(max);
+use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS;
+use Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS;
+my ( $date, $time, $from, $to );
+my $mots;
+my $developer_mode;
+my ( $json_output, $raw_json_output );
+my $use_cache = 1;
+my $cache;
+my @output;
+binmode( STDOUT, ':encoding(utf-8)' );
+for my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ $arg = decode( 'UTF-8', $arg );
+my $output_bold = -t STDOUT ? "\033[1m" : q{};
+my $output_reset = -t STDOUT ? "\033[0m" : q{};
+ 'd|date=s' => \$date,
+ 'h|help' => sub { show_help(0) },
+ 't|time=s' => \$time,
+ 'V|version' => \&show_version,
+ 'cache!' => \$use_cache,
+ 'devmode' => \$developer_mode,
+ 'json' => \$json_output,
+ 'raw-json' => \$raw_json_output,
+) or show_help(1);
+if ($use_cache) {
+ my $cache_path = ( $ENV{XDG_CACHE_HOME} // "$ENV{HOME}/.cache" )
+ . '/Travel-Status-DE-DBRIS';
+ eval {
+ require Cache::File;
+ $cache = Cache::File->new(
+ cache_root => $cache_path,
+ default_expires => '90 seconds',
+ lock_level => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(),
+ );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ $cache = undef;
+ }
+my ( $from_raw, $to_raw ) = @ARGV;
+if ( not( $from_raw and $to_raw ) ) {
+ show_help(1);
+sub get_stop {
+ my ($stop) = @_;
+ my $ris = Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS->new(
+ cache => $cache,
+ locationSearch => $stop,
+ developer_mode => $developer_mode,
+ );
+ if ( my $err = $ris->errstr ) {
+ say STDERR "Request error while looking up '${stop}': ${err}";
+ exit 2;
+ }
+ my $found;
+ for my $result ( $ris->results ) {
+ if ( defined $result->eva ) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ say "Could not find stop '${stop}'";
+ exit 1;
+my %opt = (
+ from => get_stop($from_raw),
+ to => get_stop($to_raw),
+ cache => $cache,
+ developer_mode => $developer_mode,
+if ( $date or $time ) {
+ my $dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
+ if ($date) {
+ if ( $date
+ =~ m{ ^ (?<day> \d{1,2} ) [.] (?<month> \d{1,2} ) [.] (?<year> \d{4})? $ }x
+ )
+ {
+ $dt->set(
+ day => $+{day},
+ month => $+{month}
+ );
+ if ( $+{year} ) {
+ $dt->set( year => $+{year} );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ say '--date must be specified as DD.MM.[YYYY]';
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($time) {
+ if ( $time =~ m{ ^ (?<hour> \d{1,2} ) : (?<minute> \d{1,2} ) $ }x ) {
+ $dt->set(
+ hour => $+{hour},
+ minute => $+{minute},
+ second => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ say '--time must be specified as HH:MM';
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $opt{datetime} = $dt;
+sub show_help {
+ my ($code) = @_;
+ print "Usage: dbris [-d] [-t hh:mm] <from> <to>\n"
+ . "See also: man dbris-m\n";
+ exit $code;
+sub show_version {
+ say "dbris version ${VERSION}";
+ exit 0;
+sub display_occupancy {
+ my ($occupancy) = @_;
+ if ( not $occupancy ) {
+ return q{ };
+ }
+ if ( $occupancy == 1 ) {
+ return q{.};
+ }
+ if ( $occupancy == 2 ) {
+ return q{o};
+ }
+ if ( $occupancy == 3 ) {
+ return q{*};
+ }
+ if ( $occupancy == 4 or $occupancy == 99 ) {
+ return q{!};
+ }
+ return q{?};
+sub format_occupancy {
+ my ($stop) = @_;
+ return display_occupancy( $stop->occupancy_first )
+ . display_occupancy( $stop->occupancy_second );
+sub format_delay {
+ my ( $delay, $len ) = @_;
+ if ( $delay and $len ) {
+ return sprintf( "(%+${len}d)", $delay );
+ }
+ return q{};
+my $ris = Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS->new(%opt);
+if ( my $err = $ris->errstr ) {
+ say STDERR "Request error: ${err}";
+ exit 2;
+if ($raw_json_output) {
+ say JSON->new->convert_blessed->encode( $ris->{raw_json} );
+ exit 0;
+if ($json_output) {
+ say JSON->new->convert_blessed->encode( [ $ris->connections ] );
+ exit 0;
+for my $connection ( $ris->connections ) {
+ my $header = q{};
+ for my $segment ( $connection->segments ) {
+ $header .= sprintf( ' %s', $segment->train_short, );
+ }
+ printf(
+ "%s (%02d:%02d) %s %s%s\n\n",
+ $connection->dep
+ ? $connection->dep->strftime('%d.%m. %H:%M')
+ : q{??.??. ??:??},
+ $connection->duration->in_units( 'hours', 'minutes' ),
+ $connection->arr ? $connection->arr->strftime('%H:%M') : q{??:??},
+ format_occupancy($connection),
+ $header,
+ );
+ for my $segment ( $connection->segments ) {
+ printf( "%s → %s\n", $segment->train_mid, $segment->direction );
+ printf( "%s ab %s\n",
+ $segment->dep->strftime('%H:%M'),
+ $segment->dep_name );
+ printf( "%s an %s\n",
+ $segment->arr->strftime('%H:%M'),
+ $segment->arr_name );
+ say q{};
+ }
+ say q{---------------------------------------};
+=head1 NAME
+dbris - Interface to public transit routing service
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dbris> [B<-d> I<DD.MM.YYYY>] [B<-t> I<HH:MM>] I<from-stop> I<to-stop>
+=head1 VERSION
+version 0.01
+B<dbris-m> is an interface to the public transport services available on According to word of mouth, it uses the HAFAS backend that can also
+be accessed by Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS(3pm)'s DB service. However, the entry point is likely more reliable in the long run.
+B<dbris-m> can serve as an arrival/departure monitor, request details about a
+specific trip, and look up public transport stops by name or geolocation. The
+operating mode depends on the contents of its non-option argument.
+=head2 Departure Monitor (I<station>)
+Show departures at I<station>. I<station> may be given as a station name or
+station ID. For each departure, B<dbris-m> shows
+=item * estimated departure time,
+=item * delay, if known,
+=item * trip name, number, or line,
+=item * direction / destination, and
+=item * platform, if known.
+=head2 Trip details (I<JourneyID>)
+List intermediate stops of I<JourneyID> (as given by the departure monitor when
+invoed with B<-j> / B<--with-jid>) with arrival/departure time, delay (if
+available), occupancy (if available), and stop name. Also includes some generic
+trip information.
+=head2 Location Search (B<?>I<query>|I<lat>B<:>I<lon>)
+List stations that match I<query> or that are located in the vicinity of
+I<lat>B<:>I<lon> geocoordinates with station ID and name.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+Values in brackets indicate options that only apply to the corresponding
+operating mode(s).
+=item B<-d>, B<--date> I<DD.MM.[YYYY]> (departure monitor)
+Request departures on the specified date.
+Default: today.
+=item B<-j>, B<--with-jid> (departure monitor)
+Show JourneyID for each listed arrival/departure.
+These can be used to obtain details on individual trips with subsequent
+B<dbris-m> invocations.
+=item B<--json>
+Print result(s) as JSON and exit. This is a dump of internal data structures
+and not guaranteed to remain stable between minor versions. Please use the
+Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS(3pm) module if you need a proper API.
+=item B<--no-cache>
+By default, if the Cache::File module is available, server replies are cached
+for 90 seconds in F<~/.cache/Travel-Status-DE-DBRIS> (or a path relative to
+C<$XDG_CACHE_HOME>, if set). Use this option to disable caching. You can use
+B<--cache> to re-enable it.
+=item B<--raw-json>
+Print unprocessed API response as JSON and exit.
+Useful for debugging and development purposes.
+=item B<-t>, B<--date> I<HH:MM> (departure monitor)
+Request departures on or after the specified time.
+Default: now.
+=item B<-V>, B<--version>
+Show version information and exit.
+0 upon success, 1 upon internal error, 2 upon backend error.
+=item * Class::Accessor(3pm)
+=item * DateTime(3pm)
+=item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm)
+=item * This module is very much work-in-progress
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2025 Birte Kristina Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4a476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+package Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS;
+# vim:foldmethod=marker
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.020;
+use utf8;
+use parent 'Class::Accessor';
+use Carp qw(confess);
+use DateTime;
+use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
+use Encode qw(decode encode);
+use JSON;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS;
+use Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS::Connection;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS->mk_ro_accessors(qw(earlier later));
+# {{{ Constructors
+sub new {
+ my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_;
+ my $service = $conf{service};
+ my $ua = $conf{user_agent};
+ if ( not $ua ) {
+ my %lwp_options = %{ $conf{lwp_options} // { timeout => 10 } };
+ $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%lwp_options);
+ $ua->env_proxy;
+ }
+ my $self = {
+ developer_mode => $conf{developer_mode},
+ results => [],
+ from => $conf{from},
+ to => $conf{to},
+ ua => $ua,
+ };
+ bless( $self, $obj );
+ my $dt = $conf{datetime} // DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
+ my @mots
+ if ( $conf{modes_of_transit} ) {
+ @mots = @{ $conf{modes_of_transit} // [] };
+ }
+ my $req = {
+ abfahrtsHalt => $conf{from}->id,
+ ankunftsHalt => $conf{to}->id,
+ anfrageZeitpunkt => $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00'),
+ ankunftSuche => 'ABFAHRT',
+ klasse => 'KLASSE_2',
+ produktgattungen => \@mots,
+ reisende => [
+ {
+ typ => 'ERWACHSENER',
+ ermaessigungen => [
+ {
+ klasse => 'KLASSENLOS'
+ },
+ ],
+ alter => [],
+ anzahl => 1,
+ }
+ ],
+ schnelleVerbindungen => \1,
+ sitzplatzOnly => \0,
+ bikeCarriage => \0,
+ reservierungsKontingenteVorhanden => \0,
+ nurDeutschlandTicketVerbindungen => \0,
+ deutschlandTicketVorhanden => \0
+ };
+ $self->{strptime_obj} //= DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+ pattern => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
+ time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
+ );
+ $self->{strpdate_obj} //= DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+ pattern => '%Y-%m-%d',
+ time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
+ );
+ my $json = $self->{json} = JSON->new->utf8;
+ if ( $conf{async} ) {
+ $self->{req} = $req;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ if ( $conf{json} ) {
+ $self->{raw_json} = $conf{json};
+ }
+ else {
+ my $req_str = $json->encode($req);
+ if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
+ say "requesting $req_str";
+ }
+ my ( $content, $error )
+ = $self->post_with_cache(
+ '', $req_str );
+ if ($error) {
+ $self->{errstr} = $error;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
+ say decode( 'utf-8', $content );
+ }
+ $self->{raw_json} = $json->decode($content);
+ $self->parse_connections;
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub new_p {
+ my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_;
+ my $promise = $conf{promise}->new;
+ if (
+ not( $conf{from}
+ and $conf{to} )
+ )
+ {
+ return $promise->reject('"from" and "to" opts are mandatory');
+ }
+ my $self = $obj->new( %conf, async => 1 );
+ $self->{promise} = $conf{promise};
+ $self->post_with_cache_p( $self->{url} )->then(
+ sub {
+ my ($content) = @_;
+ $self->{raw_json} = $self->{json}->decode($content);
+ $self->parse_connections;
+ $promise->resolve($self);
+ return;
+ }
+ )->catch(
+ sub {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ $promise->reject( $err, $self );
+ return;
+ }
+ )->wait;
+ return $promise;
+# }}}
+# {{{ Internal Helpers
+sub post_with_cache {
+ my ( $self, $url, $req ) = @_;
+ my $cache = $self->{cache};
+ if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
+ say "POST $url $req";
+ }
+ if ($cache) {
+ my $content = $cache->thaw($url);
+ if ($content) {
+ if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
+ say ' cache hit';
+ }
+ return ( ${$content}, undef );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
+ say ' cache miss';
+ }
+ my $reply = $self->{ua}->post(
+ $url,
+ Accept => 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
+ Origin => '',
+ Referer => '',
+ 'Sec-Fetch-Dest' => 'empty',
+ 'Sec-Fetch-Mode' => 'cors',
+ 'Sec-Fetch-Site' => 'same-origin',
+ TE => 'trailers',
+ Content => $req,
+ );
+ if ( $reply->is_error ) {
+ say $reply->status_line;
+ return ( undef, $reply->status_line );
+ }
+ my $content = $reply->content;
+ if ($cache) {
+ $cache->freeze( $url, \$content );
+ }
+ return ( $content, undef );
+sub post_with_cache_p {
+ ...;
+sub parse_connections {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $json = $self->{raw_json};
+ $self->{earlier} = $json->{verbindungReference}{earlier};
+ $self->{later} = $json->{verbindungReference}{later};
+ for my $connection ( @{ $json->{verbindungen} // [] } ) {
+ push(
+ @{ $self->{connections} },
+ Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS::Connection->new(
+ json => $connection,
+ strpdate_obj => $self->{strpdate_obj},
+ strptime_obj => $self->{strptime_obj}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ Public Functions
+sub errstr {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{errstr};
+sub connections {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return @{ $self->{connections} };
+# }}}
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/DBRIS/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/DBRIS/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f516729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/DBRIS/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS::Connection;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.020;
+use parent 'Class::Accessor';
+use DateTime::Duration;
+use Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS::Connection::Segment;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+ qw(changes
+ duration sched_duration rt_duration
+ sched_dep rt_dep dep
+ sched_arr rt_arr arr
+ occupancy occupancy_first occupancy_second)
+sub new {
+ my ( $obj, %opt ) = @_;
+ my $json = $opt{json};
+ my $strpdate = $opt{strpdate_obj};
+ my $strptime = $opt{strptime_obj};
+ my $ref = {
+ changes => $json->{umstiegsAnzahl},
+ id => $json->{tripId},
+ strptime_obj => $strptime,
+ };
+ if ( my $d = $json->{verbindungsDauerInSeconds} ) {
+ $ref->{sched_duration} = DateTime::Duration->new(
+ hours => int( $d / 3600 ),
+ minutes => int( ( $d % 3600 ) / 60 ),
+ seconds => $d % 60,
+ );
+ }
+ if ( my $d = $json->{ezVerbindungsDauerInSeconds} ) {
+ $ref->{rt_duration} = DateTime::Duration->new(
+ hours => int( $d / 3600 ),
+ minutes => int( ( $d % 3600 ) / 60 ),
+ seconds => $d % 60,
+ );
+ }
+ $ref->{duration} = $ref->{rt_duration} // $ref->{sched_duration};
+ for my $occupancy ( @{ $json->{auslastungsmeldungen} // [] } ) {
+ if ( $occupancy->{klasse} eq 'KLASSE_1' ) {
+ $ref->{occupancy_first} = $occupancy->{stufe};
+ }
+ if ( $occupancy->{klasse} eq 'KLASSE_2' ) {
+ $ref->{occupancy_second} = $occupancy->{stufe};
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $ref->{occupancy_first} and $ref->{occupancy_second} ) {
+ $ref->{occupancy}
+ = ( $ref->{occupancy_first} + $ref->{occupancy_second} ) / 2;
+ }
+ elsif ( $ref->{occupancy_first} ) {
+ $ref->{occupancy} = $ref->{occupancy_first};
+ }
+ elsif ( $ref->{occupancy_second} ) {
+ $ref->{occupancy} = $ref->{occupancy_second};
+ }
+ for my $segment ( @{ $json->{verbindungsAbschnitte} // [] } ) {
+ push(
+ @{ $ref->{segments} },
+ Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS::Connection::Segment->new(
+ json => $segment,
+ strptime_obj => $strptime
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ for my $key (qw(sched_dep rt_dep dep)) {
+ $ref->{$key} = $ref->{segments}[0]{$key};
+ }
+ for my $key (qw(sched_arr rt_arr arr)) {
+ $ref->{$key} = $ref->{segments}[-1]{$key};
+ }
+ bless( $ref, $obj );
+ return $ref;
+sub segments {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return @{ $self->{segments} // [] };
+sub TO_JSON {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $ret = { %{$self} };
+ return $ret;
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/DBRIS/Connection/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/DBRIS/Connection/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8134bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/DBRIS/Connection/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+package Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS::Connection::Segment;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.020;
+use parent 'Class::Accessor';
+use DateTime::Duration;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+ qw(
+ dep_name dep_eva arr_name arr_eva
+ train train_long train_mid train_short direction
+ sched_dep rt_dep dep
+ sched_arr rt_arr arr
+ sched_duration rt_duration duration duration_percent
+ journey_id
+ )
+sub new {
+ my ( $obj, %opt ) = @_;
+ my $json = $opt{json};
+ my $strptime = $opt{strptime_obj};
+ my $ref = {
+ arr_eva => $json->{ankunftsOrtExtId},
+ arr_name => $json->{ankunftsOrt},
+ dep_eva => $json->{abfahrtsOrtExtId},
+ dep_name => $json->{abfahrtsOrt},
+ train => $json->{verkehrsmittel}{name},
+ train_short => $json->{verkehrsmittel}{kurzText},
+ train_mid => $json->{verkehrsmittel}{mittelText},
+ train_long => $json->{verkehrsmittel}{langText},
+ direction => $json->{verkehrsmittel}{richtung},
+ };
+ if ( my $ts = $json->{abfahrtsZeitpunkt} ) {
+ $ref->{sched_dep} = $strptime->parse_datetime($ts);
+ }
+ if ( my $ts = $json->{ezAbfahrtsZeitpunkt} ) {
+ $ref->{rt_dep} = $strptime->parse_datetime($ts);
+ }
+ $ref->{dep} = $ref->{rt_dep} // $ref->{sched_dep};
+ if ( my $ts = $json->{ankunftsZeitpunkt} ) {
+ $ref->{sched_arr} = $strptime->parse_datetime($ts);
+ }
+ if ( my $ts = $json->{ezAnkunftsZeitpunkt} ) {
+ $ref->{rt_arr} = $strptime->parse_datetime($ts);
+ }
+ $ref->{arr} = $ref->{rt_arr} // $ref->{sched_arr};
+ if ( my $d = $json->{abschnittsDauerInSeconds} ) {
+ $ref->{sched_duration} = DateTime::Duration->new(
+ hours => int( $d / 3600 ),
+ minutes => int( ( $d % 3600 ) / 60 ),
+ seconds => $d % 60,
+ );
+ }
+ if ( my $d = $json->{ezAbschnittsDauerInSeconds} ) {
+ $ref->{rt_duration} = DateTime::Duration->new(
+ hours => int( $d / 3600 ),
+ minutes => int( ( $d % 3600 ) / 60 ),
+ seconds => $d % 60,
+ );
+ }
+ $ref->{duration} = $ref->{rt_duration} // $ref->{sched_duration};
+ bless( $ref, $obj );
+ return $ref;