path: root/lib/Travel/Status/DE/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Travel/Status/DE/')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/ b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/
index 174ebf6..04d4e81 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/
+++ b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/
@@ -563,111 +563,15 @@ sub parse_mgate {
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
- my @locL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{common}{locL} // [] };
- my @prodL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{common}{prodL} // [] };
- my @opL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{common}{opL} // [] };
- my @icoL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{common}{icoL} // [] };
- my @remL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{common}{remL} // [] };
- my @himL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{common}{himL} // [] };
- my @jnyL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{jnyL} // [] };
+ my @jnyL = @{ $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{jnyL} // [] };
for my $result (@jnyL) {
- my $date = $result->{date};
- my $time_s
- = $result->{stbStop}{ $self->{arrivals} ? 'aTimeS' : 'dTimeS' };
- my $time_r
- = $result->{stbStop}{ $self->{arrivals} ? 'aTimeR' : 'dTimeR' };
- my $datetime_s
- = $self->{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime("${date}T${time_s}");
- my $datetime_r
- = $time_r
- ? $self->{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime("${date}T${time_r}")
- : undef;
- my $delay
- = $datetime_r
- ? ( $datetime_r->epoch - $datetime_s->epoch ) / 60
- : undef;
- my $destination = $result->{dirTxt};
- my $is_cancelled = $result->{isCncl};
- my $jid = $result->{jid};
- my $platform = $result->{stbStop}{dPlatfS};
- my $new_platform = $result->{stbStop}{dPlatfR};
- my $product = $prodL[ $result->{prodX} ];
- my $train = $product->{prodCtx}{name};
- my $train_type = $product->{prodCtx}{catOutS};
- my $line_no = $product->{prodCtx}{line};
- my $operator;
- if ( defined $product->{oprX} ) {
- if ( my $opref = $opL[ $product->{oprX} ] ) {
- $operator = $opref->{name};
- }
- }
- my @messages;
- for my $msg ( @{ $result->{msgL} // [] } ) {
- if ( $msg->{type} eq 'REM' and defined $msg->{remX} ) {
- push( @messages, $self->add_message( $remL[ $msg->{remX} ] ) );
- }
- elsif ( $msg->{type} eq 'HIM' and defined $msg->{himX} ) {
- push( @messages,
- $self->add_message( $himL[ $msg->{himX} ], 1 ) );
- }
- else {
- say "Unknown message type $msg->{type}";
- }
- }
- my @stops;
- for my $stop ( @{ $result->{stopL} // [] } ) {
- my $loc = $locL[ $stop->{locX} ];
- my $arr = $stop->{aTimeS};
- my $arr_dt;
- if ($arr) {
- if ( length($arr) == 8 ) {
- # arrival time includes a day offset
- my $offset_date = $self->{now}->clone;
- $offset_date->add( days => substr( $arr, 0, 2, q{} ) );
- $offset_date = $offset_date->strftime('%Y%m%d');
- $arr_dt = $self->{strptime_obj}
- ->parse_datetime("${offset_date}T${arr}");
- }
- else {
- $arr_dt
- = $self->{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime("${date}T${arr}");
- }
- }
- push(
- @stops,
- {
- name => $loc->{name},
- eva => $loc->{extId} + 0,
- arrival => $arr_dt,
- }
- );
- }
- shift @stops;
@{ $self->{results} },
- sched_datetime => $datetime_s,
- rt_datetime => $datetime_r,
- datetime => $datetime_r // $datetime_s,
- datetime_now => $self->{now},
- delay => $delay,
- is_cancelled => $is_cancelled,
- train => $train,
- operator => $operator,
- route_end => $destination,
- platform => $platform,
- new_platform => $new_platform,
- messages => \@messages,
- route => \@stops,
+ common => $self->{raw_json}{svcResL}[0]{res}{common},
+ journey => $result,
+ hafas => $self,