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1 files changed, 15 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/ b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/
index 2f49337..327af6a 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/
+++ b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/
@@ -902,7 +902,19 @@ Requests item(s) as specified by I<opt> and returns a new
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS element with the results. Dies if the wrong
I<opt> were passed.
-I<opt> must contain either a B<station>, B<geoSearch>, B<locationSearch>, B<journey>, or B<journeyMatch> flag:
+I<opt> must contain a HAFAS service identifier:
+=item B<service> => I<service> (mandatory)
+Request results from I<service>. See B<get_services> (and C<< hafas-m --list
+>>) for a list of supported services.
+Additionally, I<opt> must contain either a B<station>, B<geoSearch>,
+B<locationSearch>, B<journey>, or B<journeyMatch> flag:
@@ -938,6 +950,8 @@ is no real-time data.
The following optional flags may be set.
Values in brackets indicate flags that are only relevant in certain request
modes, e.g. geoSearch or journey.
@@ -993,12 +1007,6 @@ pass an empty hashref to call the LWP::UserAgent constructor without arguments.
Request up to I<count> results.
Default: 30.
-=item B<service> => I<service>
-Request results from I<service>, defaults to "DB".
-See B<get_services> (and C<< hafas-m --list >>) for a list of supported
=item B<with_polyline> => I<bool> (journey)
Request a polyline (series of geo-coordinates) indicating the train's route.