diff options
3 files changed, 98 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
index c79a743..220e630 100644
--- a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
+++ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
@@ -458,6 +458,55 @@ sub render_train {
+ # Same for stationinfo (direction of travel). If it's too late and
+ # therefore missing, that's okay.
+ $self->wagonorder->get_stationinfo_p( $result->station_uic )->then(
+ sub {
+ my ($station_info) = @_;
+ my ($platform_number) = ( $result->platform =~ m{(\d+)} );
+ if ( not defined $platform_number ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $platform_info = $station_info->{$platform_number};
+ if ( not $platform_info ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $prev_stop = ( $result->route_pre )[-1];
+ my $next_stop = ( $result->route_post )[0];
+ my $direction;
+ if ( $platform_info->{kopfgleis} and $next_stop ) {
+ $direction = $platform_info->{direction} eq 'r' ? 'l' : 'r';
+ }
+ elsif ( $platform_info->{kopfgleis} ) {
+ $direction = $platform_info->{direction};
+ }
+ elsif ( $prev_stop
+ and exists $platform_info->{direction_from}{$prev_stop} )
+ {
+ $direction = $platform_info->{direction_from}{$prev_stop};
+ }
+ elsif ( $next_stop
+ and exists $platform_info->{direction_from}{$next_stop} )
+ {
+ $direction
+ = $platform_info->{direction_from}{$next_stop} eq 'r'
+ ? 'l'
+ : 'r';
+ }
+ if ($direction) {
+ $departure->{direction} = $direction;
+ }
+ return;
+ },
+ sub {
+ # errors don't matter here
+ return;
+ }
+ )->wait;
$self->hafas->get_route_timestamps_p( train => $result )->then(
sub {
my ( $route_ts, $route_info, $trainsearch ) = @_;
diff --git a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Helper/ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Helper/
index 5f0555d..1e9324a 100644
--- a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Helper/
+++ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Helper/
@@ -142,4 +142,43 @@ sub get_p {
return $promise;
+sub get_stationinfo_p {
+ my ( $self, $eva ) = @_;
+ my $url = "${eva}.json";
+ my $cache = $self->{main_cache};
+ my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
+ if ( my $content = $cache->thaw($url) ) {
+ return $promise->resolve($content);
+ }
+ $self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(5)->get_p( $url => $self->{header} )
+ ->then(
+ sub {
+ my ($tx) = @_;
+ if ( my $err = $tx->error ) {
+ $cache->freeze( $url, {} );
+ $promise->reject("HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $json = $tx->result->json;
+ $cache->freeze( $url, $json );
+ $promise->resolve($json);
+ return;
+ }
+ )->catch(
+ sub {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ $cache->freeze( $url, {} );
+ $promise->reject($err);
+ return;
+ }
+ )->wait;
+ return $promise;
diff --git a/templates/_train_details.html.ep b/templates/_train_details.html.ep
index 2816af0..a7ad86e 100644
--- a/templates/_train_details.html.ep
+++ b/templates/_train_details.html.ep
@@ -66,12 +66,20 @@
<span class="minfo">Fahrt fällt aus</span>
% }
% else {
+% my $left = '';
+% my $right = '';
+% if ($departure->{direction} and $departure->{direction} eq 'l') {
+% $left = '◀ ';
+% }
+% elsif ($departure->{direction} and $departure->{direction} eq 'r') {
+% $right = ' ▶';
+% }
% if ($departure->{scheduled_platform} and $departure->{platform}
% and $departure->{scheduled_platform} ne $departure->{platform}) {
- <span class="minfo">Gleis <%= $departure->{platform} %></span>
+ <span class="minfo"><%= $left %>Gleis <%= $departure->{platform} %><%= $right %></span>
% }
% elsif ($departure->{scheduled_platform} or $departure->{platform}) {
- Gleis <%= $departure->{platform} // $departure->{scheduled_platform} %>
+ <%= $left %>Gleis <%= $departure->{platform} // $departure->{scheduled_platform} %><%= $right %>
% }
% }