path: root/cgi/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cgi/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/cgi/ b/cgi/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a3e30..0000000
--- a/cgi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use Mojolicious::Lite;
-use Cache::File;
-use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
-use Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn;
-use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS;
-use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;
-use 5.014;
-use utf8;
-no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
-our $VERSION = qx{git describe --dirty} || '0.04';
-my $refresh_interval = 180;
-sub get_results_for {
- my ( $backend, $station ) = @_;
- my $cache = Cache::File->new(
- cache_root => '/tmp/db-fake',
- default_expires => $refresh_interval . ' sec',
- );
- # Cache::File has UTF-8 problems, so strip it (and any other potentially
- # problematic chars).
- my $cstation = $station;
- $cstation =~ tr{[0-9a-zA-Z -]}{}cd;
- my $cache_str = "${backend}_${cstation}";
- my $results = $cache->thaw($cache_str);
- if ( not $results ) {
- if ( $backend eq 'iris' ) {
- my $status = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new(
- station => $station,
- serializable => 1
- );
- $results = [ $status->results ];
- $cache->freeze( $cache_str, $results );
- }
- else {
- my $status
- = Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn->new( station => $station );
- $results = [ $status->results ];
- $cache->freeze( $cache_str, $results );
- }
- }
- return @{$results};
-sub handle_request {
- my $self = shift;
- my $station = $self->stash('station');
- my $via = $self->stash('via');
- my @platforms = split( /,/, $self->param('platforms') // q{} );
- my @lines = split( /,/, $self->param('lines') // q{} );
- my $template = $self->param('mode') // 'multi';
- my $hide_low_delay = $self->param('hidelowdelay') // 0;
- my $hide_opts = $self->param('hide_opts') // 0;
- my $backend = $self->param('backend') // 'ris';
- $self->stash( departures => [] );
- $self->stash( title => 'db-fakedisplay' );
- $self->stash( version => $VERSION );
- if ( not( $template ~~ [qw[clean multi single]] ) ) {
- $template = 'multi';
- }
- if ( not $station ) {
- $self->render( $template, hide_opts => 0 );
- return;
- }
- my @departures;
- my @results = get_results_for( $backend, $station );
- if ( not @results ) {
- if ( $backend eq 'iris' ) {
- my @candidates = map { [ "$_->[1] ($_->[0])", $_->[0] ] }
- Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station($station);
- if (@candidates) {
- $self->render(
- 'multi',
- stationlist => \@candidates,
- hide_opts => 0
- );
- }
- }
- $self->render(
- 'multi',
- error => "Got no results for '$station'",
- hide_opts => 0
- );
- return;
- }
- if ( $template eq 'single' ) {
- if ( not @platforms ) {
- for my $result (@results) {
- if ( not( $result->platform ~~ \@platforms ) ) {
- push( @platforms, $result->platform );
- }
- }
- @platforms = sort { $a <=> $b } @platforms;
- }
- my %pcnt;
- @results = grep { $pcnt{ $_->platform }++ < 1 } @results;
- @results = sort { $a->platform <=> $b->platform } @results;
- }
- for my $result (@results) {
- my $platform = ( split( / /, $result->platform ) )[0];
- my $line = $result->line;
- my $delay = 0;
- if ($via) {
- my @route = $result->route;
- if ( $result->isa('Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result') ) {
- @route = $result->route_post;
- }
- if ( not( any { $_ =~ m{$via}io } @route ) ) {
- next;
- }
- }
- if ( @platforms and not( any { $_ eq $platform } @platforms ) ) {
- next;
- }
- if ( @lines and not( any { $line =~ m{^$_} } @lines ) ) {
- next;
- }
- my ( $info, $moreinfo );
- if ( $backend eq 'iris' ) {
- my $delaymsg
- = join( ', ', map { $_->[1] } $result->delay_messages );
- my $qosmsg = join( ' +++ ', map { $_->[1] } $result->qos_messages );
- if ( $result->is_cancelled ) {
- $info = "Fahrt fällt aus: ${delaymsg}";
- }
- elsif ( $result->delay and $result->delay > 0 ) {
- if ( $template eq 'clean' ) {
- $info = $delaymsg;
- $delay = $result->delay;
- }
- else {
- $info = sprintf( 'Verspätung ca. %d Min.%s%s',
- $result->delay, $delaymsg ? q{: } : q{}, $delaymsg );
- }
- }
- if ( $info and $qosmsg ) {
- $info .= ' +++ ';
- }
- $info .= $qosmsg;
- $moreinfo = [ $result->messages ];
- }
- else {
- $info = $result->info;
- if ($info) {
- $moreinfo = [ [ 'RIS', $info ] ];
- }
- }
- if ( $info eq '+0' ) {
- $info = undef;
- }
- if ( $template eq 'clean'
- and $info
- and $info =~ s{ (?: ca \. \s* )? \+ (\d+) :? \s* }{}x )
- {
- $delay = $1;
- }
- if ( $hide_low_delay and $info ) {
- $info =~ s{ (?: ca\. \s* )? \+ [ 1 2 3 4 ] $ }{}x;
- }
- if ($info) {
- $info =~ s{ (?: ca\. \s* )? \+ (\d+) }{Verspätung ca $1 Min.}x;
- }
- push(
- @departures,
- {
- time => $result->time,
- train => $result->train,
- via => [ $result->route_interesting(3) ],
- destination => $result->destination,
- platform => $platform,
- info => $info,
- moreinfo => $moreinfo,
- delay => $delay,
- }
- );
- }
- $self->render(
- $template,
- departures => \@departures,
- version => $VERSION,
- title => "departures for ${station}",
- refresh_interval => $refresh_interval + 3,
- hide_opts => $hide_opts,
- );
-get '/_redirect' => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my $station = $self->param('station');
- my $via = $self->param('via');
- my $params = $self->req->params;
- $params->remove('station');
- $params->remove('via');
- if ( $params->param('mode') and $params->param('mode') eq 'multi' ) {
- $params->remove('mode');
- }
- for my $param (qw(platforms)) {
- if ( not $params->param($param) ) {
- $params->remove($param);
- }
- }
- $params = $params->to_string;
- if ($via) {
- $self->redirect_to("/${station}/${via}?${params}");
- }
- else {
- $self->redirect_to("/${station}?${params}");
- }
-app->defaults( layout => 'default' );
-get '/' => \&handle_request;
-get '/:station' => \&handle_request;
-get '/:station/:via' => \&handle_request;
-get '/multi/:station' => \&handle_request;
- hypnotoad => {
- accepts => 10,
- listen => ['http://*:8092'],
- pid_file => '/tmp/',
- },