path: root/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
index 0580825..faacc40 100644
--- a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
+++ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
@@ -1264,6 +1264,176 @@ sub station_train_details {
+sub train_details_dbris {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $trip_id = $self->stash('train');
+ $self->render_later;
+ Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS->new_p(
+ journey => $trip_id,
+ cache => $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
+ lwp_options => {
+ timeout => 10,
+ agent => ''
+ },
+ promise => 'Mojo::Promise',
+ user_agent => Mojo::UserAgent->new,
+ developer_mode => 1,
+ )->then(
+ sub {
+ my ($dbris) = @_;
+ my $trip = $dbris->result;
+ my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
+ my $res = {
+ trip_id => $trip_id,
+ train_type => $trip->train,
+ origin => ( $trip->route )[0]->name,
+ destination => ( $trip->route )[-1]->name,
+ operators => [],
+ linetype => 'bahn',
+ route_pre_diff => [],
+ route_post_diff => [],
+ moreinfo => [],
+ replaced_by => [],
+ replacement_for => [],
+ };
+ my $station_is_past = 1;
+ for my $stop ( $trip->route ) {
+ push(
+ @{ $res->{route_post_diff} },
+ {
+ name => $stop->name,
+ eva => $stop->eva,
+ id => $stop->id,
+ sched_arr => $stop->sched_arr,
+ sched_dep => $stop->sched_dep,
+ rt_arr => $stop->rt_arr,
+ rt_dep => $stop->rt_dep,
+ arr_delay => $stop->arr_delay,
+ dep_delay => $stop->dep_delay,
+ platform => $stop->platform,
+ }
+ );
+ if (
+ $station_is_past
+ and $now->epoch < (
+ $res->{route_post_diff}[-1]{rt_arr}
+ // $res->{route_post_diff}[-1]{rt_dep}
+ // $res->{route_post_diff}[-1]{sched_arr}
+ // $res->{route_post_diff}[-1]{sched_dep} // $now
+ )->epoch
+ )
+ {
+ $station_is_past = 0;
+ }
+ $res->{route_post_diff}[-1]{isPast} = $station_is_past;
+ }
+ if ( my $req_id = $self->param('highlight') ) {
+ my $split;
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $res->{route_post_diff} } ) {
+ if ( $res->{route_post_diff}[$i]{eva} eq $req_id ) {
+ $split = $i;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( defined $split ) {
+ $self->stash(
+ station_name => $res->{route_post_diff}[$split]{name} );
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $split - 1 ) {
+ push(
+ @{ $res->{route_pre_diff} },
+ shift( @{ $res->{route_post_diff} } )
+ );
+ }
+ my $station_info = shift( @{ $res->{route_post_diff} } );
+ $res->{eva} = $station_info->{eva};
+ if ( $station_info->{sched_arr} ) {
+ $res->{sched_arrival}
+ = $station_info->{sched_arr}->strftime('%H:%M');
+ }
+ if ( $station_info->{rt_arr} ) {
+ $res->{arrival}
+ = $station_info->{rt_arr}->strftime('%H:%M');
+ }
+ if ( $station_info->{sched_dep} ) {
+ $res->{sched_departure}
+ = $station_info->{sched_dep}->strftime('%H:%M');
+ }
+ if ( $station_info->{rt_dep} ) {
+ $res->{departure}
+ = $station_info->{rt_dep}->strftime('%H:%M');
+ }
+ $res->{arrival_is_cancelled}
+ = $station_info->{arr_cancelled};
+ $res->{departure_is_cancelled}
+ = $station_info->{dep_cancelled};
+ $res->{is_cancelled} = $res->{arrival_is_cancelled}
+ || $res->{arrival_is_cancelled};
+ $res->{tz_offset} = $station_info->{tz_offset};
+ $res->{local_dt_da} = $station_info->{local_dt_da};
+ $res->{local_sched_arr} = $station_info->{local_sched_arr};
+ $res->{local_sched_dep} = $station_info->{local_sched_dep};
+ $res->{is_annotated} = $station_info->{is_annotated};
+ $res->{prod_name} = $station_info->{prod_name};
+ $res->{direction} = $station_info->{direction};
+ $res->{operator} = $station_info->{operator};
+ $res->{platform} = $station_info->{platform};
+ $res->{scheduled_platform}
+ = $station_info->{sched_platform};
+ }
+ }
+ $self->respond_to(
+ json => {
+ json => {
+ journey => $trip,
+ },
+ },
+ any => {
+ template => $self->param('ajax')
+ ? '_train_details'
+ : 'train_details',
+ description => sprintf(
+ '%s %s%s%s nach %s',
+ $res->{train_type},
+ $res->{train_line} // $res->{train_no},
+ $res->{origin} ? ' von ' : q{},
+ $res->{origin} // q{},
+ $res->{destination} // 'unbekannt'
+ ),
+ departure => $res,
+ linetype => $res->{linetype},
+ dt_now => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ )->catch(
+ sub {
+ my ($e) = @_;
+ $self->respond_to(
+ json => {
+ json => {
+ error => $e,
+ },
+ status => 500,
+ },
+ any => {
+ template => 'exception',
+ message => $e,
+ exception => undef,
+ snapshot => {},
+ status => 500,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ )->wait;
sub train_details_efa {
my ($self) = @_;
my $trip_id = $self->stash('train');
@@ -1460,8 +1630,9 @@ sub train_details_efa {
sub train_details {
my ($self) = @_;
my $train = $self->stash('train');
- my $hafas = $self->param('hafas');
+ my $dbris = $self->param('dbris');
my $efa = $self->param('efa');
+ my $hafas = $self->param('hafas');
# TODO error handling
@@ -1472,6 +1643,9 @@ sub train_details {
$self->stash( departures => [] );
$self->stash( title => 'DBF' );
+ if ($dbris) {
+ return $self->train_details_dbris;
+ }
if ($efa) {
return $self->train_details_efa;