path: root/lib/
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authorDaniel Friesel <>2020-04-29 13:01:31 +0200
committerDaniel Friesel <>2020-04-29 13:01:31 +0200
commit36d02c1227374b107aa351388c0b5e3df65e4fa9 (patch)
tree14ccf8e77c2203a8ca775c1f1ffe9c7cc997c320 /lib/
parent4b79b253d268652a1ae7239b564aaff9c2871589 (diff)
Remove most unused perl scripts and modules
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6af9d..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-package FLAT;
-use FLAT::Regex;
-use FLAT::NFA;
-use FLAT::DFA;
-use Carp;
-use vars '$VERSION';
-$VERSION = 0.9.1;
-=head1 NAME
-FLAT - Formal Language & Automata Toolkit
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- is the base class of all regular language objects. For more
-information, see other POD pages.
-=head1 USAGE
-All regular language objects in FLAT implement the following methods.
-Specific regular language representations (regex, NFA, DFA) may implement
-additional methods that are outlined in the repsective POD pages.
-## let subclasses implement a minimal set of closure properties.
-## they can override these with more efficient versions if they like.
-sub as_dfa {
- $_[0]->as_nfa->as_dfa;
-sub as_min_dfa {
- $_[0]->as_dfa->as_min_dfa;
-sub is_infinite {
- ! $_[0]->is_finite;
-sub star {
- $_[0]->kleene
-sub difference {
- $_[0]->intersect( $_[1]->complement );
-sub symdiff {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self if not @_;
- my $next = shift()->symdiff(@_);
- ( $self->difference($next) )->union( $next->difference($self) );
-sub equals {
- $_[0]->symdiff($_[1])->is_empty
-sub is_subset_of {
- $_[0]->difference($_[1])->is_empty
- for my $method (qw[ as_nfa as_regex union intersect complement concat
- kleene reverse is_empty is_finite ])
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- *$method = sub {
- my $pkg = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
- carp "$pkg does not (yet) implement $method";
- };
- }
-=head2 Conversions Among Representations
-=item $lang-E<gt>as_nfa
-=item $lang-E<gt>as_dfa
-=item $lang-E<gt>as_min_dfa
-=item $lang-E<gt>as_regex
-Returns an equivalent regular language to $lang in the desired
-representation. Does not modify $lang (even if $lang is already in the
-desired representation).
-For more information on the specific algorithms used in these conversions,
-see the POD pages for a specific representation.
-=head2 Closure Properties
-=item $lang1-E<gt>union($lang2, $lang3, ... )
-=item $lang1-E<gt>intersect($lang2, $lang3, ... )
-=item $lang1-E<gt>concat($lang2, $lang3, ... )
-=item $lang1-E<gt>symdiff($lang2, $lang3, ... )
-Returns a regular language object that is the union, intersection,
-concatenation, or symmetric difference of $lang1 ... $langN, respectively.
-The return value will have the same representation (regex, NFA, or DFA)
-as $lang1.
-=item $lang1-E<gt>difference($lang2)
-Returns a regular language object that is the set difference of $lang1 and
-$lang2. Equivalent to
- $lang1->intersect($lang2->complement)
-The return value will have the same representation (regex, NFA, or DFA)
-as $lang1.
-=item $lang-E<gt>kleene
-=item $lang-E<gt>star
-Returns a regular language object for the Kleene star of $lang. The return
-value will have the same representation (regex, NFA, or DFA) as $lang.
-=item $lang-E<gt>complement
-Returns a regular language object for the complement of $lang. The return
-value will have the same representation (regex, NFA, or DFA) as $lang.
-=item $lang-E<gt>reverse
-Returns a regular language object for the stringwise reversal of $lang.
-The return value will have the same representation (regex, NFA, or DFA)
-as $lang.
-=head2 Decision Properties
-=item $lang-E<gt>is_finite
-=item $lang-E<gt>is_infinite
-Returns a boolean value indicating whether $lang represents a
-finite/infinite language.
-=item $lang-E<gt>is_empty
-Returns a boolean value indicating whether $lang represents the empty
-=item $lang1-E<gt>equals($lang2)
-Returns a boolean value indicating whether $lang1 and $lang2 are
-representations of the same language.
-=item $lang1-E<gt>is_subset_of($lang2)
-Returns a boolean value indicating whether $lang1 is a subset of
-=item $lang-E<gt>contains($string)
-Returns a boolean value indicating whether $string is in the language
-represented by $lang.
-FLAT is written by Mike Rosulek E<lt>mike at mikero dot comE<gt> and Brett
-Estrade E<lt>estradb at gmail dot comE<gt>.
-The initial version (FLAT::Legacy) by Brett Estrade was work towards an MS
-thesis at the University of Southern Mississippi.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 MORE INFO
-Please visit the Wiki at