path: root/lib/FLAT/
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authorDaniel Friesel <>2020-04-29 13:01:31 +0200
committerDaniel Friesel <>2020-04-29 13:01:31 +0200
commit36d02c1227374b107aa351388c0b5e3df65e4fa9 (patch)
tree14ccf8e77c2203a8ca775c1f1ffe9c7cc997c320 /lib/FLAT/
parent4b79b253d268652a1ae7239b564aaff9c2871589 (diff)
Remove most unused perl scripts and modules
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/FLAT/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 557 deletions
diff --git a/lib/FLAT/ b/lib/FLAT/
deleted file mode 100644
index f96c9fb..0000000
--- a/lib/FLAT/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
-package FLAT::DFA;
-use strict;
-use base 'FLAT::NFA';
-use Storable qw(dclone);
-use Carp;
-sub set_starting {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->SUPER::set_starting(@_);
- my $num = () = $self->get_starting;
- confess "DFA must have exactly one starting state"
- if $num != 1;
-sub complement {
- my $self = $_[0]->clone;
- for my $s ($self->get_states) {
- $self->is_accepting($s)
- ? $self->unset_accepting($s)
- : $self->set_accepting($s);
- }
- return $self;
-sub _TUPLE_ID { join "\0", @_ }
-sub _uniq { my %seen; grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_; }
-## this method still needs more work..
-sub intersect {
- my @dfas = map { $_->as_dfa } @_;
- my $return = FLAT::DFA->new;
- my %newstates;
- my @alpha = _uniq( map { $_->alphabet } @dfas );
- $_->_extend_alphabet(@alpha) for @dfas;
- my @start = map { $_->get_starting } @dfas;
- my $start = $newstates{ _TUPLE_ID(@start) } = $return->add_states(1);
- $return->set_starting($start);
- $return->set_accepting($start)
- if ! grep { ! $dfas[$_]->is_accepting( $start[$_] ) } 0 .. $#dfas;
- my @queue = (\@start);
- while (@queue) {
- my @tuple = @{ shift @queue };
- for my $char (@alpha) {
- my @next = map { $dfas[$_]->successors( $tuple[$_], $char ) }
- 0 .. $#dfas;
- #warn "[@tuple] --> [@next] via $char\n";
- if (not exists $newstates{ _TUPLE_ID(@next) }) {
- my $s = $newstates{ _TUPLE_ID(@next) } = $return->add_states(1);
- $return->set_accepting($s)
- if ! grep { ! $dfas[$_]->is_accepting( $next[$_] ) } 0 .. $#dfas;
- push @queue, \@next;
- }
- $return->add_transition( $newstates{ _TUPLE_ID(@tuple) },
- $newstates{ _TUPLE_ID(@next) },
- $char );
- }
- }
- return $return;
-# this is meant to enforce 1 starting state for a DFA, but it is getting us into trouble
-# when a DFA object calls unset_starting
-sub unset_starting {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->SUPER::unset_starting(@_);
- my $num = () = $self->unset_starting;
- croak "DFA must have exactly one starting state"
- if $num != 1;
-#### transformations
-sub trim_sinks {
- my $self = shift;
- my $result = $self->clone();
- foreach my $state ($self->array_complement([$self->get_states()],[$self->get_accepting()])) {
- my @ret = $self->successors($state,[$self->alphabet]);
- if (@ret) {
- if ($ret[0] == $state) {
- $result->delete_states($state) if ($result->is_state($state));
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-sub as_min_dfa {
- my $self = shift()->clone;
- my $N = $self->num_states;
- my @alphabet = $self->alphabet;
- my ($start) = $self->get_starting;
- my %final = map { $_ => 1 } $self->get_accepting;
- my @equiv = map [ (0) x ($_+1), (1) x ($N-$_-1) ], 0 .. $N-1;
- while (1) {
- my $changed = 0;
- for my $s1 (0 .. $N-1) {
- for my $s2 (grep { $equiv[$s1][$_] } 0 .. $N-1) {
- if ( 1 == grep defined, @final{$s1, $s2} ) {
- $changed = 1;
- $equiv[$s1][$s2] = 0;
- next;
- }
- for my $char (@alphabet) {
- my @t = sort { $a <=> $b } $self->successors([$s1,$s2], $char);
- next if @t == 1;
- if (not $equiv[ $t[0] ][ $t[1] ]) {
- $changed = 1;
- $equiv[$s1][$s2] = 0;
- }
- }
- }}
- last if !$changed;
- }
- my $result = (ref $self)->new;
- my %newstate;
- my @classes;
- for my $s (0 .. $N-1) {
- next if exists $newstate{$s};
- my @c = ( $s, grep { $equiv[$s][$_] } 0 .. $N-1 );
- push @classes, \@c;
- @newstate{@c} = ( $result->add_states(1) ) x @c;
- }
- for my $c (@classes) {
- my $s = $c->[0];
- for my $char (@alphabet) {
- my ($next) = $self->successors($s, $char);
- $result->add_transition( $newstate{$s}, $newstate{$next}, $char );
- }
- }
- $result->set_starting( $newstate{$start} );
- $result->set_accepting( $newstate{$_} )
- for $self->get_accepting;
- $result;
-# the validity of a given string <-- executes symbols over DFA
-# if there is not transition for given state and symbol, it fails immediately
-# if the current state we're in is not final when symbols are exhausted, then it fails
-sub is_valid_string {
- my $self = shift;
- my $string = shift;
- chomp $string;
- my $OK = undef;
- my @stack = split('',$string);
- # this is confusing all funcs return arrays
- my @current = $self->get_starting();
- my $current = pop @current;
- foreach (@stack) {
- my @next = $self->successors($current,$_);
- if (!@next) {
- return $OK; #<--returns undef bc no transition found
- }
- $current = $next[0];
- }
- $OK++ if ($self->is_accepting($current));
- return $OK;
-# Experimental!!
-# DFT stuff in preparation for DFA pump stuff;
-sub as_node_list {
- my $self = shift;
- my %node = ();
- for my $s1 ($self->get_states) {
- $node{$s1} = {}; # initialize
- for my $s2 ($self->get_states) {
- my $t = $self->get_transition($s1, $s2);
- if (defined $t) {
- # array of symbols that $s1 will go to $s2 on...
- push(@{$node{$s1}{$s2}},split(',',$t->as_string));
- }
- }
- }
- return %node;
-sub as_acyclic_strings {
- my $self = shift;
- my %dflabel = (); # lookup table for dflable
- my %backtracked = (); # lookup table for backtracked edges
- my $lastDFLabel = 0;
- my @string = ();
- my %nodes = $self->as_node_list();
- # output format is the actual PRE followed by all found strings
- $self->acyclic($self->get_starting(),\%dflabel,$lastDFLabel,\%nodes,\@string);
-sub acyclic {
- my $self = shift;
- my $startNode = shift;
- my $dflabel_ref = shift;
- my $lastDFLabel = shift;
- my $nodes = shift;
- my $string = shift;
- # tree edge detection
- if (!exists($dflabel_ref->{$startNode})) {
- $dflabel_ref->{$startNode} = ++$lastDFLabel; # the order inwhich this link was explored
- foreach my $adjacent (keys(%{$nodes->{$startNode}})) {
- if (!exists($dflabel_ref->{$adjacent})) { # initial tree edge
- foreach my $symbol (@{$nodes->{$startNode}{$adjacent}}) {
- push(@{$string},$symbol);
- $self->acyclic($adjacent,\%{$dflabel_ref},$lastDFLabel,\%{$nodes},\@{$string});
- if ($self->array_is_subset([$adjacent],[$self->get_accepting()])) { #< proof of concept
- printf("%s\n",join('',@{$string}));
- }
- pop(@{$string});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # remove startNode entry to facilitate acyclic path determination
- delete($dflabel_ref->{$startNode});
- #$lastDFLabel--;
- return;
-sub as_dft_strings {
- my $self = shift;
- my $depth = 1;
- $depth = shift if (1 < $_[0]);
- my %dflabel = (); # scoped lookup table for dflable
- my %nodes = $self->as_node_list();
- foreach (keys(%nodes)) {
- $dflabel{$_} = []; # initialize container (array) for multiple dflables for each node
- }
- my $lastDFLabel = 0;
- my @string = ();
- $self->dft($self->get_starting(),[$self->get_accepting()],\%dflabel,$lastDFLabel,\%nodes,\@string,$depth);
-sub dft {
- my $self = shift;
- my $startNode = shift;
- my $goals_ref = shift;
- my $dflabel_ref = shift;
- my $lastDFLabel = shift;
- my $nodes = shift;
- my $string = shift;
- my $DEPTH = shift;
- # add start node to path
- my $c1 = @{$dflabel_ref->{$startNode}}; # get number of elements
- if ($DEPTH >= $c1) {
- push(@{$dflabel_ref->{$startNode}},++$lastDFLabel);
- foreach my $adjacent (keys(%{$nodes->{$startNode}})) {
- my $c2 = @{$dflabel_ref->{$adjacent}};
- if ($DEPTH > $c2) { # "initial" tree edge
- foreach my $symbol (@{$nodes->{$startNode}{$adjacent}}) {
- push(@{$string},$symbol);
- $self->dft($adjacent,[@{$goals_ref}],$dflabel_ref,$lastDFLabel,$nodes,[@{$string}],$DEPTH);
- # assumes some base path found
- if ($self->array_is_subset([$adjacent],[@{$goals_ref}])) {
- printf("%s\n",join('',@{$string}));
- }
- pop(@{$string});
- }
- }
- } # remove startNode entry to facilitate acyclic path determination
- pop(@{$dflabel_ref->{$startNode}});
- $lastDFLabel--;
- }
-# String gen using iterators (still experimental)
-sub get_acyclic_sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($start,$nodelist_ref,$dflabel_ref,$string_ref,$accepting_ref,$lastDFLabel) = @_;
- my @ret = ();
- foreach my $adjacent (keys(%{$nodelist_ref->{$start}})) {
- $lastDFLabel++;
- if (!exists($dflabel_ref->{$adjacent})) {
- $dflabel_ref->{$adjacent} = $lastDFLabel;
- foreach my $symbol (@{$nodelist_ref->{$start}{$adjacent}}) {
- push(@{$string_ref},$symbol);
- my $string_clone = dclone($string_ref);
- my $dflabel_clone = dclone($dflabel_ref);
- push(@ret,sub { return $self->get_acyclic_sub($adjacent,$nodelist_ref,$dflabel_clone,$string_clone,$accepting_ref,$lastDFLabel); });
- pop @{$string_ref};
- }
- }
- }
- return {substack=>[@ret],
- lastDFLabel=>$lastDFLabel,
- string => ($self->array_is_subset([$start],[@{$accepting_ref}]) ? join('',@{$string_ref}) : undef)};
-sub init_acyclic_iterator {
- my $self = shift;
- my %dflabel = ();
- my @string = ();
- my $lastDFLabel = 0;
- my %nodelist = $self->as_node_list();
- my @accepting = $self->get_accepting();
- # initialize
- my @substack = ();
- my $r = $self->get_acyclic_sub($self->get_starting(),\%nodelist,\%dflabel,\@string,\@accepting,$lastDFLabel);
- push(@substack,@{$r->{substack}});
- return sub {
- while (1) {
- if (!@substack) {
- return undef;
- }
- my $s = pop @substack;
- my $r = $s->();
- push(@substack,@{$r->{substack}});
- if ($r->{string}) {
- return $r->{string};
- }
- }
- }
-sub new_acyclic_string_generator {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->init_acyclic_iterator();
-sub get_deepdft_sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($start,$nodelist_ref,$dflabel_ref,$string_ref,$accepting_ref,$lastDFLabel,$max) = @_;
- my @ret = ();
- my $c1 = @{$dflabel_ref->{$start}};
- if ($c1 < $max) {
- push(@{$dflabel_ref->{$start}},++$lastDFLabel);
- foreach my $adjacent (keys(%{$nodelist_ref->{$start}})) {
- my $c2 = @{$dflabel_ref->{$adjacent}};
- if ($c2 < $max) {
- foreach my $symbol (@{$nodelist_ref->{$start}{$adjacent}}) {
- push(@{$string_ref},$symbol);
- my $string_clone = dclone($string_ref);
- my $dflabel_clone = dclone($dflabel_ref);
- push(@ret,sub { return $self->get_deepdft_sub($adjacent,$nodelist_ref,$dflabel_clone,$string_clone,$accepting_ref,$lastDFLabel,$max); });
- pop @{$string_ref};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return {substack=>[@ret], lastDFLabel=>$lastDFLabel, string => ($self->array_is_subset([$start],[@{$accepting_ref}]) ? join('',@{$string_ref}) : undef)};
-sub init_deepdft_iterator {
- my $self = shift;
- my $MAXLEVEL = shift;
- my %dflabel = ();
- my @string = ();
- my $lastDFLabel = 0;
- my %nodelist = $self->as_node_list();
- foreach my $node (keys(%nodelist)) {
- $dflabel{$node} = []; # initializes anonymous arrays for all nodes
- }
- my @accepting = $self->get_accepting();
- # initialize
- my @substack = ();
- my $r = $self->get_deepdft_sub($self->get_starting(),\%nodelist,\%dflabel,\@string,\@accepting,$lastDFLabel,$MAXLEVEL);
- push(@substack,@{$r->{substack}});
- return sub {
- while (1) {
- if (!@substack) {
- return undef;
- }
- my $s = pop @substack;
- my $r = $s->();
- push(@substack,@{$r->{substack}});
- if ($r->{string}) {
- return $r->{string};
- }
- }
- }
-sub new_deepdft_string_generator {
- my $self = shift;
- my $MAXLEVEL = (@_ ? shift : 1);
- return $self->init_deepdft_iterator($MAXLEVEL);
-=head1 NAME
-FLAT::DFA - Deterministic finite automata
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-A FLAT::DFA object is a finite automata whose transitions are labeled
-with single characters. Furthermore, each state has exactly one outgoing
-transition for each available label/character.
-=head1 USAGE
-In addition to implementing the interface specified in L<FLAT> and L<FLAT::NFA>,
-FLAT::DFA objects provide the following DFA-specific methods:
-=item $dfa-E<gt>unset_starting
-Because a DFA, by definition, must have only ONE starting state, this allows one to unset
-the current start state so that a new one may be set.
-=item $dfa-E<gt>trim_sinks
-This method returns a FLAT::DFA (though in theory an NFA) that is lacking a transition for
-all symbols from all states. This method eliminates all transitions from all states that lead
-to a sink state; it also eliminates the sink state.
-This has no affect on testing if a string is valid using C<FLAT::DFA::is_valid_string>,
-discussed below.
-=item $dfa-E<gt>as_min_dfa
-This method minimizes the number of states and transitions in the given DFA. The modifies
-the current/calling DFA object.
-=item $dfa-E<gt>is_valid_string($string)
-This method tests if the given string is accepted by the DFA.
-=item $dfa-E<gt>as_node_list
-This method returns a node list in the form of a hash. This node list may be viewed as a
-pure digraph, and is lacking in state names and transition symbols.
-=item $dfa-E<gt>as_acyclic_strings
-The method is B<deprecated>, and it is suggested that one not use it. It returns all
-valid strings accepted by the DFA by exploring all acyclic paths that go from the start
-state and end in an accepting state. The issue with this method is that it finds and
-returns all strings at once. The iterator described below is much more ideal for actual
-use in an application.
-=item $dfa-E<gt>as_dft_strings($depth)
-The method is B<deprecated>, and it is suggested that one not use it. It returns all
-valid strings accepted by the DFA using a depth first traversal. A valid string is formed
-when the traversal detects an accepting state, whether it is a terminal node or a node reached
-via a back edge. The issue with this method is that it finds and returns all strings at once.
-The iterator described below is much more ideal for actual use in an application.
-The argument, C<$depth> specifies how many times the traversal may actually pass through
-a previously visited node. It is therefore possible to safely explore DFAs that accept
-infinite languages.
-=item $dfa-E<gt>new_acyclic_string_generator
-This allows one to initialize an iterator that returns a valid string on each successive
-call of the sub-ref that is returned. It returns all valid strings accepted by the DFA by
-exploring all acyclic paths that go from the start state and end in an accepting state.
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- use strict;
- use FLAT::DFA;
- use FLAT::NFA;
- use FLAT::PFA;
- use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
- my $PRE = "abc&(def)*";
- my $dfa = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($PRE)->as_pfa->as_nfa->as_dfa->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks;
- my $next = $dfa->new_acyclic_string_generator;
- print "PRE: $PRE\n";
- print "Acyclic:\n";
- while (my $string = $next->()) {
- print " $string\n";
- }
-=item $dfa-E<gt>new_deepdft_string_generator($depth)
-This allows one to initialize an iterator that returns a valid string on each successive
-call of the sub-ref that is returned. It returns all valid strings accepted by the DFA using a
-depth first traversal. A valid string is formed when the traversal detects an accepting state,
-whether it is a terminal node or a node reached via a back edge.
-The argument, C<$depth> specifies how many times the traversal may actually pass through
-a previously visited node. It is therefore possible to safely explore DFAs that accept
-infinite languages.
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- use strict;
- use FLAT::DFA;
- use FLAT::NFA;
- use FLAT::PFA;
- use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
- my $PRE = "abc&(def)*";
- my $dfa = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($PRE)->as_pfa->as_nfa->as_dfa->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks;
- my $next = $dfa->new_deepdft_string_generator();
- print "Deep DFT (default):\n";
- for (1..10) {
- while (my $string = $next->()) {
- print " $string\n";
- last;
- }
- }
- $next = $dfa->new_deepdft_string_generator(5);
- print "Deep DFT (5):\n";
- for (1..10) {
- while (my $string = $next->()) {
- print " $string\n";
- last;
- }
- }
-FLAT is written by Mike Rosulek E<lt>mike at mikero dot comE<gt> and
-Brett Estrade E<lt>estradb at gmail dot comE<gt>.
-The initial version (FLAT::Legacy) by Brett Estrade was work towards an
-MS thesis at the University of Southern Mississippi.
-Please visit the Wiki at
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.