path: root/lib/loader/
diff options
authorDaniel Friesel <>2021-03-09 16:04:19 +0100
committerDaniel Friesel <>2021-03-09 16:04:19 +0100
commit396bc7fa899be4c1dc95a32476922c9a488cded2 (patch)
tree7cbec75549fe637b63d2f38a964db5408502d05b /lib/loader/
parent3a06a2ea959e184760c174f73fbee2c358b1a585 (diff)
Refactor loader into separate ET / MIMOSA modules
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/loader/')
1 files changed, 878 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/loader/ b/lib/loader/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b9b18f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/loader/
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import io
+import json
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import re
+import struct
+import tarfile
+import hashlib
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from dfatool.utils import NpEncoder, running_mean, soft_cast_int
+from .energytrace import (
+ EnergyTrace,
+ EnergyTraceWithBarcode,
+ EnergyTraceWithLogicAnalyzer,
+ EnergyTraceWithTimer,
+from .keysight import KeysightCSV
+from .mimosa import MIMOSA
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ from .pubcode import Code128
+ import zbar
+ zbar_available = True
+except ImportError:
+ zbar_available = False
+arg_support_enabled = True
+def _preprocess_mimosa(measurement):
+ setup = measurement["setup"]
+ mim = MIMOSA(
+ float(setup["mimosa_voltage"]),
+ int(setup["mimosa_shunt"]),
+ with_traces=measurement["with_traces"],
+ )
+ try:
+ charges, triggers = mim.load_data(measurement["content"])
+ trigidx = mim.trigger_edges(triggers)
+ except EOFError as e:
+ mim.errors.append("MIMOSA logfile error: {}".format(e))
+ trigidx = list()
+ if len(trigidx) == 0:
+ mim.errors.append("MIMOSA log has no triggers")
+ return {
+ "fileno": measurement["fileno"],
+ "info": measurement["info"],
+ "errors": mim.errors,
+ "repeat_id": measurement["repeat_id"],
+ "valid": False,
+ }
+ cal_edges = mim.calibration_edges(
+ running_mean(mim.currents_nocal(charges[0 : trigidx[0]]), 10)
+ )
+ calfunc, caldata = mim.calibration_function(charges, cal_edges)
+ vcalfunc = np.vectorize(calfunc, otypes=[np.float64])
+ traces = mim.analyze_states(charges, trigidx, vcalfunc)
+ # the last (v0) / first (v1) state is not part of the benchmark
+ traces.pop(measurement["pop"])
+ mim.validate(
+ len(trigidx), traces, measurement["expected_trace"], setup["state_duration"]
+ )
+ processed_data = {
+ "triggers": len(trigidx),
+ "first_trig": trigidx[0] * 10,
+ "calibration": caldata,
+ "energy_trace": traces,
+ "errors": mim.errors,
+ "valid": len(mim.errors) == 0,
+ }
+ for key in ["fileno", "info", "repeat_id"]:
+ processed_data[key] = measurement[key]
+ return processed_data
+def _preprocess_etlog(measurement):
+ setup = measurement["setup"]
+ energytrace_class = EnergyTraceWithBarcode
+ if measurement["sync_mode"] == "la":
+ energytrace_class = EnergyTraceWithLogicAnalyzer
+ elif measurement["sync_mode"] == "timer":
+ energytrace_class = EnergyTraceWithTimer
+ etlog = energytrace_class(
+ float(setup["voltage"]),
+ int(setup["state_duration"]),
+ measurement["transition_names"],
+ with_traces=measurement["with_traces"],
+ )
+ states_and_transitions = list()
+ try:
+ etlog.load_data(measurement["content"])
+ states_and_transitions = etlog.analyze_states(
+ measurement["expected_trace"], measurement["repeat_id"]
+ )
+ except EOFError as e:
+ etlog.errors.append("EnergyTrace logfile error: {}".format(e))
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ etlog.errors.append("EnergyTrace loader error: {}".format(e))
+ processed_data = {
+ "fileno": measurement["fileno"],
+ "repeat_id": measurement["repeat_id"],
+ "info": measurement["info"],
+ "energy_trace": states_and_transitions,
+ "valid": len(etlog.errors) == 0,
+ "errors": etlog.errors,
+ }
+ return processed_data
+class TimingData:
+ """
+ Loader for timing model traces measured with on-board timers using `harness.OnboardTimerHarness`.
+ Excpets a specific trace format and UART log output (as produced by
+ Prunes states from output. (TODO)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filenames):
+ """
+ Create a new TimingData object.
+ Each filenames element corresponds to a measurement run.
+ """
+ self.filenames = filenames.copy()
+ # holds the benchmark plan (dfa traces) for each series of benchmark runs.
+ # Note that a single entry typically has more than one corresponding mimosa/energytrace benchmark files,
+ # as benchmarks are run repeatedly to distinguish between random and parameter-dependent measurement effects.
+ self.traces_by_fileno = []
+ self.setup_by_fileno = []
+ self.preprocessed = False
+ self.version = 0
+ def _concatenate_analyzed_traces(self):
+ self.traces = []
+ for trace_group in self.traces_by_fileno:
+ for trace in trace_group:
+ # TimingHarness logs states, but does not aggregate any data for them at the moment -> throw all states away
+ transitions = list(
+ filter(lambda x: x["isa"] == "transition", trace["trace"])
+ )
+ self.traces.append({"id": trace["id"], "trace": transitions})
+ for i, trace in enumerate(self.traces):
+ trace["orig_id"] = trace["id"]
+ trace["id"] = i
+ for log_entry in trace["trace"]:
+ paramkeys = sorted(log_entry["parameter"].keys())
+ if "param" not in log_entry["offline_aggregates"]:
+ log_entry["offline_aggregates"]["param"] = list()
+ if "duration" in log_entry["offline_aggregates"]:
+ for i in range(len(log_entry["offline_aggregates"]["duration"])):
+ paramvalues = list()
+ for paramkey in paramkeys:
+ if type(log_entry["parameter"][paramkey]) is list:
+ paramvalues.append(
+ soft_cast_int(log_entry["parameter"][paramkey][i])
+ )
+ else:
+ paramvalues.append(
+ soft_cast_int(log_entry["parameter"][paramkey])
+ )
+ if arg_support_enabled and "args" in log_entry:
+ paramvalues.extend(map(soft_cast_int, log_entry["args"]))
+ log_entry["offline_aggregates"]["param"].append(paramvalues)
+ def _preprocess_0(self):
+ for filename in self.filenames:
+ with open(filename, "r") as f:
+ log_data = json.load(f)
+ self.traces_by_fileno.extend(log_data["traces"])
+ self._concatenate_analyzed_traces()
+ def get_preprocessed_data(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of DFA traces annotated with timing and parameter data.
+ Suitable for the PTAModel constructor.
+ See PTAModel(...) docstring for format details.
+ """
+ if self.preprocessed:
+ return self.traces
+ if self.version == 0:
+ self._preprocess_0()
+ self.preprocessed = True
+ return self.traces
+def sanity_check_aggregate(aggregate):
+ for key in aggregate:
+ if "param" not in aggregate[key]:
+ raise RuntimeError("aggregate[{}][param] does not exist".format(key))
+ if "attributes" not in aggregate[key]:
+ raise RuntimeError("aggregate[{}][attributes] does not exist".format(key))
+ for attribute in aggregate[key]["attributes"]:
+ if attribute not in aggregate[key]:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "aggregate[{}][{}] does not exist, even though it is contained in aggregate[{}][attributes]".format(
+ key, attribute, key
+ )
+ )
+ param_len = len(aggregate[key]["param"])
+ attr_len = len(aggregate[key][attribute])
+ if param_len != attr_len:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "parameter mismatch: len(aggregate[{}][param]) == {} != len(aggregate[{}][{}]) == {}".format(
+ key, param_len, key, attribute, attr_len
+ )
+ )
+def assert_legacy_compatibility(f1, t1, f2, t2):
+ expected_param_names = sorted(
+ t1["expected_trace"][0]["trace"][0]["parameter"].keys()
+ )
+ for run in t2["expected_trace"]:
+ for state_or_trans in run["trace"]:
+ actual_param_names = sorted(state_or_trans["parameter"].keys())
+ if actual_param_names != expected_param_names:
+ err = f"parameters in {f1} and {f2} are incompatible: {expected_param_names} ≠ {actual_param_names}"
+ logger.error(err)
+ raise ValueError(err)
+def assert_ptalog_compatibility(f1, pl1, f2, pl2):
+ param1 = pl1["pta"]["parameters"]
+ param2 = pl2["pta"]["parameters"]
+ if param1 != param2:
+ err = f"parameters in {f1} and {f2} are incompatible: {param1} ≠ {param2}"
+ logger.error(err)
+ raise ValueError(err)
+ states1 = list(sorted(pl1["pta"]["state"].keys()))
+ states2 = list(sorted(pl2["pta"]["state"].keys()))
+ if states1 != states2:
+ err = f"states in {f1} and {f2} differ: {states1} ≠ {states2}"
+ logger.warning(err)
+ transitions1 = list(sorted(map(lambda t: t["name"], pl1["pta"]["transitions"])))
+ transitions2 = list(sorted(map(lambda t: t["name"], pl1["pta"]["transitions"])))
+ if transitions1 != transitions2:
+ err = f"transitions in {f1} and {f2} differ: {transitions1} ≠ {transitions2}"
+ logger.warning(err)
+class RawData:
+ """
+ Loader for hardware model traces measured with MIMOSA.
+ Expects a specific trace format and UART log output (as produced by the
+ dfatool benchmark generator). Loads data, prunes bogus measurements, and
+ provides preprocessed data suitable for PTAModel. Results are cached on the
+ file system, making subsequent loads near-instant.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filenames, with_traces=False, skip_cache=False):
+ """
+ Create a new RawData object.
+ Each filename element corresponds to a measurement run.
+ It must be a tar archive with the following contents:
+ Version 0:
+ * `setup.json`: measurement setup. Must contain the keys `state_duration` (how long each state is active, in ms),
+ `mimosa_voltage` (voltage applied to dut, in V), and `mimosa_shunt` (shunt value, in Ohm)
+ * `src/apps/DriverEval/DriverLog.json`: PTA traces and parameters for this benchmark.
+ Layout: List of traces, each trace has an 'id' (numeric, starting with 1) and 'trace' (list of states and transitions) element.
+ Each trace has an even number of elements, starting with the first state (usually `UNINITIALIZED`) and ending with a transition.
+ Each state/transition must have the members `.parameter` (parameter values, empty string or None if unknown), `.isa` ("state" or "transition") and `.name`.
+ Each transition must additionally contain `.plan.level` ("user" or "epilogue").
+ Example: `[ {"id": 1, "trace": [ {"parameter": {...}, "isa": "state", "name": "UNINITIALIZED"}, ...] }, ... ]
+ * At least one `*.mim` file. Each file corresponds to a single execution of the entire benchmark (i.e., all runs described in DriverLog.json) and starts with a MIMOSA Autocal calibration sequence.
+ MIMOSA files are parsed by the `MIMOSA` class.
+ Version 1:
+ * `ptalog.json`: measurement setup and traces. Contents:
+ `.opt.sleep`: state duration
+ `.opt.pta`: PTA
+ `.opt.traces`: list of sub-benchmark traces (the benchmark may have been split due to code size limitations). Each item is a list of traces as returned by `harness.traces`:
+ `.opt.traces[]`: List of traces. Each trace has an 'id' (numeric, starting with 1) and 'trace' (list of states and transitions) element.
+ Each state/transition must have the members '`parameter` (dict with normalized parameter values), `.isa` ("state" or "transition") and `.name`
+ Each transition must additionally contain `.args`
+ `.opt.files`: list of coresponding MIMOSA measurements.
+ `.opt.files[]` = ['abc123.mim', ...]
+ `.opt.configs`: ....
+ * MIMOSA log files (`*.mim`) as specified in `.opt.files`
+ Version 2:
+ * `ptalog.json`: measurement setup and traces. Contents:
+ `.opt.sleep`: state duration
+ `.opt.pta`: PTA
+ `.opt.traces`: list of sub-benchmark traces (the benchmark may have been split due to code size limitations). Each item is a list of traces as returned by `harness.traces`:
+ `.opt.traces[]`: List of traces. Each trace has an 'id' (numeric, starting with 1) and 'trace' (list of states and transitions) element.
+ Each state/transition must have the members '`parameter` (dict with normalized parameter values), `.isa` ("state" or "transition") and `.name`
+ Each transition must additionally contain `.args` and `.duration`
+ * `.duration`: list of durations, one per repetition
+ `.opt.files`: list of coresponding EnergyTrace measurements.
+ `.opt.files[]` = ['abc123.etlog', ...]
+ `.opt.configs`: ....
+ * EnergyTrace log files (`*.etlog`) as specified in `.opt.files`
+ If a cached result for a file is available, it is loaded and the file
+ is not preprocessed, unless `with_traces` is set.
+ tbd
+ """
+ self.with_traces = with_traces
+ self.input_filenames = filenames.copy()
+ self.filenames = list()
+ self.traces_by_fileno = list()
+ self.setup_by_fileno = list()
+ self.version = 0
+ self.preprocessed = False
+ self._parameter_names = None
+ self.ignore_clipping = False
+ self.pta = None
+ self.ptalog = None
+ with[0]) as tf:
+ for member in tf.getmembers():
+ if == "ptalog.json" and self.version == 0:
+ self.version = 1
+ # might also be version 2
+ # depends on whether *.etlog exists or not
+ elif ".etlog" in
+ self.version = 2
+ break
+ if self.version >= 1:
+ self.ptalog = json.load(tf.extractfile(tf.getmember("ptalog.json")))
+ self.pta = self.ptalog["pta"]
+ if self.ptalog and len(filenames) > 1:
+ for filename in filenames[1:]:
+ with as tf:
+ new_ptalog = json.load(tf.extractfile(tf.getmember("ptalog.json")))
+ assert_ptalog_compatibility(
+ filenames[0], self.ptalog, filename, new_ptalog
+ )
+ self.ptalog["files"].extend(new_ptalog["files"])
+ self.set_cache_file()
+ if not with_traces and not skip_cache:
+ self.load_cache()
+ def set_cache_file(self):
+ cache_key = hashlib.sha256("!".join(self.input_filenames).encode()).hexdigest()
+ self.cache_dir = os.path.dirname(self.input_filenames[0]) + "/cache"
+ self.cache_file = "{}/{}.json".format(self.cache_dir, cache_key)
+ def load_cache(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.cache_file):
+ with open(self.cache_file, "r") as f:
+ try:
+ cache_data = json.load(f)
+ self.filenames = cache_data["filenames"]
+ self.traces = cache_data["traces"]
+ self.preprocessing_stats = cache_data["preprocessing_stats"]
+ if "pta" in cache_data:
+ self.pta = cache_data["pta"]
+ if "ptalog" in cache_data:
+ self.ptalog = cache_data["ptalog"]
+ self.setup_by_fileno = cache_data["setup_by_fileno"]
+ self.preprocessed = True
+ except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
+"Skipping cache entry {self.cache_file}: {e}")
+ def save_cache(self):
+ if self.with_traces:
+ return
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(self.cache_dir)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ pass
+ with open(self.cache_file, "w") as f:
+ cache_data = {
+ "filenames": self.filenames,
+ "traces": self.traces,
+ "preprocessing_stats": self.preprocessing_stats,
+ "pta": self.pta,
+ "ptalog": self.ptalog,
+ "setup_by_fileno": self.setup_by_fileno,
+ }
+ json.dump(cache_data, f)
+ def to_dref(self) -> dict:
+ return {
+ "raw measurements/valid": self.preprocessing_stats["num_valid"],
+ "raw measurements/total": self.preprocessing_stats["num_runs"],
+ "static state duration/mean": (
+ np.mean(list(map(lambda x: x["state_duration"], self.setup_by_fileno))),
+ r"\milli\second",
+ ),
+ }
+ def _concatenate_traces(self, list_of_traces):
+ """
+ Concatenate `list_of_traces` (list of lists) into a single trace while adjusting trace IDs.
+ :param list_of_traces: List of list of traces.
+ :returns: List of traces with ['id'] in ascending order and ['orig_id'] as previous ['id']
+ """
+ trace_output = list()
+ for trace in list_of_traces:
+ trace_output.extend(trace.copy())
+ for i, trace in enumerate(trace_output):
+ trace["orig_id"] = trace["id"]
+ trace["id"] = i
+ return trace_output
+ def get_preprocessed_data(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of DFA traces annotated with energy, timing, and parameter data.
+ The list is cached on disk, unless the constructor was called with `with_traces` set.
+ Each DFA trace contains the following elements:
+ * `id`: Numeric ID, starting with 1
+ * `total_energy`: Total amount of energy (as measured by MIMOSA) in the entire trace
+ * `orig_id`: Original trace ID. May differ when concatenating multiple (different) benchmarks into one analysis, i.e., when calling RawData() with more than one file argument.
+ * `trace`: List of the individual states and transitions in this trace. Always contains an even number of elements, staring with the first state (typically "UNINITIALIZED") and ending with a transition.
+ Each trace element (that is, an entry of the `trace` list mentioned above) contains the following elements:
+ * `isa`: "state" or "transition"
+ * `name`: name
+ * `offline`: List of offline measumerents for this state/transition. Each entry contains a result for this state/transition during one benchmark execution.
+ Entry contents:
+ - `clip_rate`: rate of clipped energy measurements, 0 .. 1
+ - `raw_mean`: mean raw MIMOSA value
+ - `raw_std`: standard deviation of raw MIMOSA value
+ - `uW_mean`: mean power draw, uW
+ - `uw_std`: standard deviation of power draw, uW
+ - `us`: state/transition duration, us
+ - `uW_mean_delta_prev`: (only for transitions) difference between uW_mean of this transition and uW_mean of previous state
+ - `uW_mean_elta_next`: (only for transitions) difference between uW_mean of this transition and uW_mean of next state
+ - `timeout`: (only for transitions) duration of previous state, us
+ * `offline_aggregates`: Aggregate of `offline` entries. dict of lists, each list entry has the same length
+ - `duration`: state/transition durations ("us"), us
+ - `energy`: state/transition energy ("us * uW_mean"), us
+ - `power`: mean power draw ("uW_mean"), uW
+ - `power_std`: standard deviations of power draw ("uW_std"), uW^2
+ - `paramkeys`: List of lists, each sub-list contains the parameter names corresponding to the `param` entries
+ - `param`: List of lists, each sub-list contains the parameter values for this measurement. Typically, all sub-lists are the same.
+ - `rel_energy_prev`: (only for transitions) transition energy relative to previous state mean power, pJ
+ - `rel_energy_next`: (only for transitions) transition energy relative to next state mean power, pJ
+ - `rel_power_prev`: (only for transitions) powerrelative to previous state mean power, µW
+ - `rel_power_next`: (only for transitions) power relative to next state mean power, µW
+ - `timeout`: (only for transitions) duration of previous state, us
+ * `offline_attributes`: List containing the keys of `offline_aggregates` which are meant to be part of the model.
+ This list ultimately decides which hardware/software attributes the model describes.
+ If isa == state, it contains power, duration, energy
+ If isa == transition, it contains power, rel_power_prev, rel_power_next, duration, timeout
+ * `online`: List of online estimations for this state/transition. Each entry contains a result for this state/transition during one benchmark execution.
+ Entry contents for isa == state:
+ - `time`: state/transition
+ Entry contents for isa == transition:
+ - `timeout`: Duration of previous state, measured using on-board timers
+ * `parameter`: dictionary describing parameter values for this state/transition. Parameter values refer to the begin of the state/transition and do not account for changes made by the transition.
+ * `plan`: Dictionary describing expected behaviour according to schedule / offline model.
+ Contents for isa == state: `energy`, `power`, `time`
+ Contents for isa == transition: `energy`, `timeout`, `level`.
+ If level is "user", the transition is part of the regular driver API. If level is "epilogue", it is an interrupt service routine and not called explicitly.
+ Each transition also contains:
+ * `args`: List of arguments the corresponding function call was called with. args entries are strings which are not necessarily numeric
+ * `code`: List of function name (first entry) and arguments (remaining entries) of the corresponding function call
+ """
+ if self.preprocessed:
+ return self.traces
+ if self.version <= 2:
+ self._preprocess_012(self.version)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported raw data version: {self.version}")
+ self.preprocessed = True
+ self.save_cache()
+ return self.traces
+ def _preprocess_012(self, version):
+ """Load raw MIMOSA data and turn it into measurements which are ready to be analyzed."""
+ offline_data = []
+ for i, filename in enumerate(self.input_filenames):
+ if version == 0:
+ self.filenames = self.input_filenames
+ with as tf:
+ self.setup_by_fileno.append(json.load(tf.extractfile("setup.json")))
+ traces = json.load(
+ tf.extractfile("src/apps/DriverEval/DriverLog.json")
+ )
+ self.traces_by_fileno.append(traces)
+ for member in tf.getmembers():
+ _, extension = os.path.splitext(
+ if extension == ".mim":
+ offline_data.append(
+ {
+ "content": tf.extractfile(member).read(),
+ # only for validation
+ "expected_trace": traces,
+ "fileno": i,
+ # For debug output and warnings
+ "info": member,
+ # Strip the last state (it is not part of the scheduled measurement)
+ "pop": -1,
+ "repeat_id": 0, # needed to add runtime "return_value.apply_from" parameters to offline_aggregates. Irrelevant in v0.
+ "setup": self.setup_by_fileno[i],
+ "with_traces": self.with_traces,
+ }
+ )
+ elif version == 1:
+ with as tf:
+ ptalog = json.load(tf.extractfile(tf.getmember("ptalog.json")))
+ # Benchmark code may be too large to be executed in a single
+ # run, so benchmarks (a benchmark is basically a list of DFA runs)
+ # may be split up. To accomodate this, ptalog['traces'] is
+ # a list of lists: ptalog['traces'][0] corresponds to the
+ # first benchmark part, ptalog['traces'][1] to the
+ # second, and so on. ptalog['traces'][0][0] is the first
+ # trace (a sequence of states and transitions) in the
+ # first benchmark part, ptalog['traces'][0][1] the second, etc.
+ #
+ # As traces are typically repeated to minimize the effect
+ # of random noise, observations for each benchmark part
+ # are also lists. In this case, this applies in two
+ # cases: traces[i][j]['parameter'][some_param] is either
+ # a value (if the parameter is controlld by software)
+ # or a list (if the parameter is known a posteriori, e.g.
+ # "how many retransmissions did this packet take?").
+ #
+ # The second case is the MIMOSA energy measurements, which
+ # are listed in ptalog['files']. ptalog['files'][0]
+ # contains a list of files for the first benchmark part,
+ # ptalog['files'][0][0] is its first iteration/repetition,
+ # ptalog['files'][0][1] the second, etc.
+ for j, traces in enumerate(ptalog["traces"]):
+ self.filenames.append("{}#{}".format(filename, j))
+ self.traces_by_fileno.append(traces)
+ self.setup_by_fileno.append(
+ {
+ "mimosa_voltage": ptalog["configs"][j]["voltage"],
+ "mimosa_shunt": ptalog["configs"][j]["shunt"],
+ "state_duration": ptalog["opt"]["sleep"],
+ }
+ )
+ for repeat_id, mim_file in enumerate(ptalog["files"][j]):
+ # MIMOSA benchmarks always use a single .mim file per benchmark run.
+ # However, depending on the dfatool version used to run the
+ # benchmark, ptalog["files"][j] is either "foo.mim" (before Oct 2020)
+ # or ["foo.mim"] (from Oct 2020 onwards).
+ if type(mim_file) is list:
+ mim_file = mim_file[0]
+ member = tf.getmember(mim_file)
+ offline_data.append(
+ {
+ "content": tf.extractfile(member).read(),
+ # only for validation
+ "expected_trace": traces,
+ "fileno": len(self.traces_by_fileno) - 1,
+ # For debug output and warnings
+ "info": member,
+ # The first online measurement is the UNINITIALIZED state. In v1,
+ # it is not part of the expected PTA trace -> remove it.
+ "pop": 0,
+ "setup": self.setup_by_fileno[-1],
+ "repeat_id": repeat_id, # needed to add runtime "return_value.apply_from" parameters to offline_aggregates.
+ "with_traces": self.with_traces,
+ }
+ )
+ elif version == 2:
+ with as tf:
+ ptalog = json.load(tf.extractfile(tf.getmember("ptalog.json")))
+ if "sync" in ptalog["opt"]["energytrace"]:
+ sync_mode = ptalog["opt"]["energytrace"]["sync"]
+ else:
+ sync_mode = "bar"
+ # Benchmark code may be too large to be executed in a single
+ # run, so benchmarks (a benchmark is basically a list of DFA runs)
+ # may be split up. To accomodate this, ptalog['traces'] is
+ # a list of lists: ptalog['traces'][0] corresponds to the
+ # first benchmark part, ptalog['traces'][1] to the
+ # second, and so on. ptalog['traces'][0][0] is the first
+ # trace (a sequence of states and transitions) in the
+ # first benchmark part, ptalog['traces'][0][1] the second, etc.
+ #
+ # As traces are typically repeated to minimize the effect
+ # of random noise, observations for each benchmark part
+ # are also lists. In this case, this applies in two
+ # cases: traces[i][j]['parameter'][some_param] is either
+ # a value (if the parameter is controlld by software)
+ # or a list (if the parameter is known a posteriori, e.g.
+ # "how many retransmissions did this packet take?").
+ #
+ # The second case is the MIMOSA energy measurements, which
+ # are listed in ptalog['files']. ptalog['files'][0]
+ # contains a list of files for the first benchmark part,
+ # ptalog['files'][0][0] is its first iteration/repetition,
+ # ptalog['files'][0][1] the second, etc.
+ # generate-dfa-benchmark uses TimingHarness to obtain timing data.
+ # Data is placed in 'offline_aggregates', which is also
+ # where we are going to store power/energy data.
+ # In case of invalid measurements, this can lead to a
+ # mismatch between duration and power/energy data, e.g.
+ # where duration = [A, B, C], power = [a, b], B belonging
+ # to an invalid measurement and thus power[b] corresponding
+ # to duration[C]. At the moment, this is harmless, but in the
+ # future it might not be.
+ if "offline_aggregates" in ptalog["traces"][0][0]["trace"][0]:
+ for trace_group in ptalog["traces"]:
+ for trace in trace_group:
+ for state_or_transition in trace["trace"]:
+ offline_aggregates = state_or_transition.pop(
+ "offline_aggregates", None
+ )
+ if offline_aggregates:
+ state_or_transition[
+ "online_aggregates"
+ ] = offline_aggregates
+ for j, traces in enumerate(ptalog["traces"]):
+ self.filenames.append("{}#{}".format(filename, j))
+ self.traces_by_fileno.append(traces)
+ self.setup_by_fileno.append(
+ {
+ "voltage": ptalog["configs"][j]["voltage"],
+ "state_duration": ptalog["opt"]["sleep"],
+ }
+ )
+ for repeat_id, etlog_files in enumerate(ptalog["files"][j]):
+ # legacy measurements supported only one file per run
+ if type(etlog_files) is not list:
+ etlog_files = [etlog_files]
+ members = list(map(tf.getmember, etlog_files))
+ offline_data.append(
+ {
+ "content": list(
+ map(lambda f: tf.extractfile(f).read(), members)
+ ),
+ # used to determine EnergyTrace class for analysis
+ "sync_mode": sync_mode,
+ "fileno": len(self.traces_by_fileno) - 1,
+ # For debug output and warnings
+ "info": members[0],
+ "setup": self.setup_by_fileno[-1],
+ # needed to add runtime "return_value.apply_from" parameters to offline_aggregates, also for EnergyTraceWithBarcode
+ "repeat_id": repeat_id,
+ # only for validation
+ "expected_trace": traces,
+ "with_traces": self.with_traces,
+ # only for EnergyTraceWithBarcode
+ "transition_names": list(
+ map(
+ lambda x: x["name"],
+ ptalog["pta"]["transitions"],
+ )
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ # TODO remove 'offline_aggregates' from pre-parse data and place
+ # it under 'online_aggregates' or similar instead. This way, if
+ # a .etlog file fails to parse, its corresponding duration data
+ # will not linger in 'offline_aggregates' and confuse the hell
+ # out of other code paths
+ if self.version == 0 and len(self.input_filenames) > 1:
+ for entry in offline_data:
+ assert_legacy_compatibility(
+ self.input_filenames[0],
+ offline_data[0],
+ self.input_filenames[entry["fileno"]],
+ entry,
+ )
+ with Pool() as pool:
+ if self.version <= 1:
+ measurements =, offline_data)
+ elif self.version == 2:
+ measurements =, offline_data)
+ num_valid = 0
+ for measurement in measurements:
+ if "energy_trace" not in measurement:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Skipping {ar:s}/{m:s}: {e:s}".format(
+ ar=self.filenames[measurement["fileno"]],
+ m=measurement["info"].name,
+ e="; ".join(measurement["errors"]),
+ )
+ )
+ continue
+ if version == 0 or version == 1:
+ if measurement["valid"]:
+ MIMOSA.add_offline_aggregates(
+ self.traces_by_fileno[measurement["fileno"]],
+ measurement["energy_trace"],
+ measurement["repeat_id"],
+ )
+ num_valid += 1
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Skipping {ar:s}/{m:s}: {e:s}".format(
+ ar=self.filenames[measurement["fileno"]],
+ m=measurement["info"].name,
+ e="; ".join(measurement["errors"]),
+ )
+ )
+ elif version == 2:
+ if measurement["valid"]:
+ try:
+ EnergyTrace.add_offline_aggregates(
+ self.traces_by_fileno[measurement["fileno"]],
+ measurement["energy_trace"],
+ measurement["repeat_id"],
+ )
+ num_valid += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Skipping #{measurement['fileno']} {measurement['info']}:\n{e}"
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Skipping {ar:s}/{m:s}: {e:s}".format(
+ ar=self.filenames[measurement["fileno"]],
+ m=measurement["info"].name,
+ e="; ".join(measurement["errors"]),
+ )
+ )
+ "{num_valid:d}/{num_total:d} measurements are valid".format(
+ num_valid=num_valid, num_total=len(measurements)
+ )
+ )
+ if version == 0:
+ self.traces = self._concatenate_traces(self.traces_by_fileno)
+ elif version == 1:
+ self.traces = self._concatenate_traces(self.traces_by_fileno)
+ elif version == 2:
+ self.traces = self._concatenate_traces(self.traces_by_fileno)
+ self.preprocessing_stats = {
+ "num_runs": len(measurements),
+ "num_valid": num_valid,
+ }
+def _add_trace_data_to_aggregate(aggregate, key, element):
+ # Only cares about element['isa'], element['offline_aggregates'], and
+ # element['plan']['level']
+ if key not in aggregate:
+ aggregate[key] = {"isa": element["isa"]}
+ for datakey in element["offline_aggregates"].keys():
+ aggregate[key][datakey] = []
+ if element["isa"] == "state":
+ aggregate[key]["attributes"] = ["power"]
+ else:
+ # TODO do not hardcode values
+ aggregate[key]["attributes"] = [
+ "duration",
+ "power",
+ "rel_power_prev",
+ "rel_power_next",
+ "energy",
+ "rel_energy_prev",
+ "rel_energy_next",
+ ]
+ if "plan" in element and element["plan"]["level"] == "epilogue":
+ aggregate[key]["attributes"].insert(0, "timeout")
+ attributes = aggregate[key]["attributes"].copy()
+ for attribute in attributes:
+ if attribute not in element["offline_aggregates"]:
+ aggregate[key]["attributes"].remove(attribute)
+ if "offline_support" in element:
+ aggregate[key]["supports"] = element["offline_support"]
+ else:
+ aggregate[key]["supports"] = list()
+ for datakey, dataval in element["offline_aggregates"].items():
+ aggregate[key][datakey].extend(dataval)
+def pta_trace_to_aggregate(traces, ignore_trace_indexes=[]):
+ """
+ Convert preprocessed DFA traces from peripherals/drivers to by_name aggregate for PTAModel.
+ arguments:
+ traces -- [ ... Liste von einzelnen Läufen (d.h. eine Zustands- und Transitionsfolge UNINITIALIZED -> foo -> FOO -> bar -> BAR -> ...)
+ Jeder Lauf:
+ - id: int Nummer des Laufs, beginnend bei 1
+ - trace: [ ... Liste von Zuständen und Transitionen
+ Jeweils:
+ - name: str Name
+ - isa: str state // transition
+ - parameter: { ... globaler Parameter: aktueller wert. null falls noch nicht eingestellt }
+ - args: [ Funktionsargumente, falls isa == 'transition' ]
+ - offline_aggregates:
+ - power: [float(uW)] Mittlere Leistung während Zustand/Transitions
+ - power_std: [float(uW^2)] Standardabweichung der Leistung
+ - duration: [int(us)] Dauer
+ - energy: [float(pJ)] Energieaufnahme des Zustands / der Transition
+ - clip_rate: [float(0..1)] Clipping
+ - paramkeys: [[str]] Name der berücksichtigten Parameter
+ - param: [int // str] Parameterwerte. Quasi-Duplikat von 'parameter' oben
+ Falls isa == 'transition':
+ - timeout: [int(us)] Dauer des vorherigen Zustands
+ - rel_energy_prev: [int(pJ)]
+ - rel_energy_next: [int(pJ)]
+ - rel_power_prev: [int(µW)]
+ - rel_power_next: [int(µW)]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ignore_trace_indexes -- list of trace indexes. The corresponding taces will be ignored.
+ returns a tuple of three elements:
+ by_name -- measurements aggregated by state/transition name, annotated with parameter values
+ parameter_names -- list of parameter names
+ arg_count -- dict mapping transition names to the number of arguments of their corresponding driver function
+ by_name layout:
+ Dictionary with one key per state/transition ('send', 'TX', ...).
+ Each element is in turn a dict with the following elements:
+ - isa: 'state' or 'transition'
+ - power: list of mean power measurements in µW
+ - duration: list of durations in µs
+ - power_std: list of stddev of power per state/transition
+ - energy: consumed energy (power*duration) in pJ
+ - paramkeys: list of parameter names in each measurement (-> list of lists)
+ - param: list of parameter values in each measurement (-> list of lists)
+ - attributes: list of keys that should be analyzed,
+ e.g. ['power', 'duration']
+ additionally, only if isa == 'transition':
+ - timeout: list of duration of previous state in µs
+ - rel_energy_prev: transition energy relative to previous state mean power in pJ
+ - rel_energy_next: transition energy relative to next state mean power in pJ
+ """
+ arg_count = dict()
+ by_name = dict()
+ parameter_names = sorted(traces[0]["trace"][0]["parameter"].keys())
+ for run in traces:
+ if run["id"] not in ignore_trace_indexes:
+ for elem in run["trace"]:
+ if (
+ elem["isa"] == "transition"
+ and not elem["name"] in arg_count
+ and "args" in elem
+ ):
+ arg_count[elem["name"]] = len(elem["args"])
+ if elem["name"] != "UNINITIALIZED":
+ _add_trace_data_to_aggregate(by_name, elem["name"], elem)
+ for elem in by_name.values():
+ for key in elem["attributes"]:
+ elem[key] = np.array(elem[key])
+ return by_name, parameter_names, arg_count