path: root/lib/loader/
diff options
authorDaniel Friesel <>2021-03-09 16:04:19 +0100
committerDaniel Friesel <>2021-03-09 16:04:19 +0100
commit396bc7fa899be4c1dc95a32476922c9a488cded2 (patch)
tree7cbec75549fe637b63d2f38a964db5408502d05b /lib/loader/
parent3a06a2ea959e184760c174f73fbee2c358b1a585 (diff)
Refactor loader into separate ET / MIMOSA modules
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/loader/')
1 files changed, 644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/loader/ b/lib/loader/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2893e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/loader/
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import io
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import struct
+import tarfile
+from dfatool.utils import soft_cast_int
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+arg_support_enabled = True
+class MIMOSA:
+ """
+ MIMOSA log loader for DFA traces with auto-calibration.
+ Expects a MIMOSA log file generated via dfatool and a dfatool-generated
+ benchmark. A MIMOSA log consists of a series of measurements. Each measurement
+ gives the total charge (in pJ) and binary buzzer/trigger value during a 10µs interval.
+ There must be a calibration run consisting of at least two seconds with disconnected DUT,
+ two seconds with 1 kOhm (984 Ohm), and two seconds with 100 kOhm (99013 Ohm) resistor at
+ the start. The first ten seconds of data are reserved for calbiration and must not contain
+ measurements, as trigger/buzzer signals are ignored in this time range.
+ Resulting data is a list of state/transition/state/transition/... measurements.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, voltage: float, shunt: int, with_traces=False):
+ """
+ Initialize MIMOSA loader for a specific voltage and shunt setting.
+ :param voltage: MIMOSA DUT supply voltage (V)
+ :para mshunt: MIMOSA Shunt (Ohms)
+ """
+ self.voltage = voltage
+ self.shunt = shunt
+ self.with_traces = with_traces
+ self.r1 = 984 # "1k"
+ self.r2 = 99013 # "100k"
+ self.errors = list()
+ def charge_to_current_nocal(self, charge):
+ """
+ Convert charge per 10µs (in pJ) to mean currents (in µA) without accounting for calibration.
+ :param charge: numpy array of charges (pJ per 10µs) as returned by `load_data` or `load_file`
+ :returns: numpy array of mean currents (µA per 10µs)
+ """
+ ua_max = 1.836 / self.shunt * 1_000_000
+ ua_step = ua_max / 65535
+ return charge * ua_step
+ def _state_is_too_short(self, online, offline, state_duration, next_transition):
+ # We cannot control when an interrupt causes a state to be left
+ if next_transition["plan"]["level"] == "epilogue":
+ return False
+ # Note: state_duration is stored as ms, not us
+ return offline["us"] < state_duration * 500
+ def _state_is_too_long(self, online, offline, state_duration, prev_transition):
+ # If the previous state was left by an interrupt, we may have some
+ # waiting time left over. So it's okay if the current state is longer
+ # than expected.
+ if prev_transition["plan"]["level"] == "epilogue":
+ return False
+ # state_duration is stored as ms, not us
+ return offline["us"] > state_duration * 1500
+ def _load_tf(self, tf):
+ """
+ Load MIMOSA log data from an open `tarfile` instance.
+ :param tf: `tarfile` instance
+ :returns: (numpy array of charges (pJ per 10µs), numpy array of triggers (0/1 int, per 10µs))
+ """
+ num_bytes = tf.getmember("/tmp/mimosa//mimosa_scale_1.tmp").size
+ charges = np.ndarray(shape=(int(num_bytes / 4)), dtype=np.int32)
+ triggers = np.ndarray(shape=(int(num_bytes / 4)), dtype=np.int8)
+ with tf.extractfile("/tmp/mimosa//mimosa_scale_1.tmp") as f:
+ content =
+ iterator = struct.iter_unpack("<I", content)
+ i = 0
+ for word in iterator:
+ charges[i] = word[0] >> 4
+ triggers[i] = (word[0] & 0x08) >> 3
+ i += 1
+ return charges, triggers
+ def load_data(self, raw_data):
+ """
+ Load MIMOSA log data from a MIMOSA log file passed as raw byte string
+ :param raw_data: MIMOSA log file, passed as raw byte string
+ :returns: (numpy array of charges (pJ per 10µs), numpy array of triggers (0/1 int, per 10µs))
+ """
+ with io.BytesIO(raw_data) as data_object:
+ with as tf:
+ return self._load_tf(tf)
+ def load_file(self, filename):
+ """
+ Load MIMOSA log data from a MIMOSA log file
+ :param filename: MIMOSA log file
+ :returns: (numpy array of charges (pJ per 10µs), numpy array of triggers (0/1 int, per 10µs))
+ """
+ with as tf:
+ return self._load_tf(tf)
+ def currents_nocal(self, charges):
+ """
+ Convert charges (pJ per 10µs) to mean currents without accounting for calibration.
+ :param charges: numpy array of charges (pJ per 10µs)
+ :returns: numpy array of currents (mean µA per 10µs)"""
+ ua_max = 1.836 / self.shunt * 1_000_000
+ ua_step = ua_max / 65535
+ return charges.astype(np.double) * ua_step
+ def trigger_edges(self, triggers):
+ """
+ Return indexes of trigger edges (both 0->1 and 1->0) in log data.
+ Ignores the first 10 seconds, which are used for calibration and may
+ contain bogus triggers due to DUT resets.
+ :param triggers: trigger array (int, 0/1) as returned by load_data
+ :returns: list of int (trigger indices, e.g. [2000000, ...] means the first trigger appears in charges/currents interval 2000000 -> 20s after start of measurements. Keep in mind that each interval is 10µs long, not 1µs, so index values are not µs timestamps)
+ """
+ trigidx = []
+ if len(triggers) < 1_000_000:
+ self.errors.append("MIMOSA log is too short")
+ return trigidx
+ prevtrig = triggers[999_999]
+ # if the first trigger is high (i.e., trigger/buzzer pin is active before the benchmark starts),
+ # something went wrong and are unable to determine when the first
+ # transition starts.
+ if prevtrig != 0:
+ self.errors.append(
+ "Unable to find start of first transition (log starts with trigger == {} != 0)".format(
+ prevtrig
+ )
+ )
+ # if the last trigger is high (i.e., trigger/buzzer pin is active when the benchmark ends),
+ # it terminated in the middle of a transition -- meaning that it was not
+ # measured in its entirety.
+ if triggers[-1] != 0:
+ self.errors.append("Log ends during a transition".format(prevtrig))
+ # the device is reset for MIMOSA calibration in the first 10s and may
+ # send bogus interrupts -> bogus triggers
+ for i in range(1_000_000, triggers.shape[0]):
+ trig = triggers[i]
+ if trig != prevtrig:
+ # Due to MIMOSA's integrate-read-reset cycle, the charge/current
+ # interval belonging to this trigger comes two intervals (20µs) later
+ trigidx.append(i + 2)
+ prevtrig = trig
+ return trigidx
+ def calibration_edges(self, currents):
+ """
+ Return start/stop indexes of calibration measurements.
+ :param currents: uncalibrated currents as reported by MIMOSA. For best results,
+ it may help to use a running mean, like so:
+ `currents = running_mean(currents_nocal(..., 10))`
+ :returns: indices of calibration events in MIMOSA data:
+ (disconnect start, disconnect stop, R1 (1k) start, R1 (1k) stop, R2 (100k) start, R2 (100k) stop)
+ indices refer to charges/currents arrays, so 0 refers to the first 10µs interval, 1 to the second, and so on.
+ """
+ r1idx = 0
+ r2idx = 0
+ ua_r1 = self.voltage / self.r1 * 1_000_000
+ # first second may be bogus
+ for i in range(100_000, len(currents)):
+ if r1idx == 0 and currents[i] > ua_r1 * 0.6:
+ r1idx = i
+ elif (
+ r1idx != 0
+ and r2idx == 0
+ and i > (r1idx + 180_000)
+ and currents[i] < ua_r1 * 0.4
+ ):
+ r2idx = i
+ # 2s disconnected, 2s r1, 2s r2 with r1 < r2 -> ua_r1 > ua_r2
+ # allow 5ms buffer in both directions to account for bouncing relais contacts
+ return (
+ r1idx - 180_500,
+ r1idx - 500,
+ r1idx + 500,
+ r2idx - 500,
+ r2idx + 500,
+ r2idx + 180_500,
+ )
+ def calibration_function(self, charges, cal_edges):
+ """
+ Calculate calibration function from previously determined calibration edges.
+ :param charges: raw charges from MIMOSA
+ :param cal_edges: calibration edges as returned by calibration_edges
+ :returns: (calibration_function, calibration_data):
+ calibration_function -- charge in pJ (float) -> current in uA (float).
+ Converts the amount of charge in a 10 µs interval to the
+ mean current during the same interval.
+ calibration_data -- dict containing the following keys:
+ edges -- calibration points in the log file, in µs
+ offset -- ...
+ offset2 -- ...
+ slope_low -- ...
+ slope_high -- ...
+ add_low -- ...
+ add_high -- ..
+ r0_err_uW -- mean error of uncalibrated data at "∞ Ohm" in µW
+ r0_std_uW -- standard deviation of uncalibrated data at "∞ Ohm" in µW
+ r1_err_uW -- mean error of uncalibrated data at 1 kOhm
+ r1_std_uW -- stddev at 1 kOhm
+ r2_err_uW -- mean error at 100 kOhm
+ r2_std_uW -- stddev at 100 kOhm
+ """
+ dis_start, dis_end, r1_start, r1_end, r2_start, r2_end = cal_edges
+ if dis_start < 0:
+ dis_start = 0
+ chg_r0 = charges[dis_start:dis_end]
+ chg_r1 = charges[r1_start:r1_end]
+ chg_r2 = charges[r2_start:r2_end]
+ cal_0_mean = np.mean(chg_r0)
+ cal_r1_mean = np.mean(chg_r1)
+ cal_r2_mean = np.mean(chg_r2)
+ ua_r1 = self.voltage / self.r1 * 1_000_000
+ ua_r2 = self.voltage / self.r2 * 1_000_000
+ if cal_r2_mean > cal_0_mean:
+ b_lower = (ua_r2 - 0) / (cal_r2_mean - cal_0_mean)
+ else:
+ logger.warning("0 uA == %.f uA during calibration" % (ua_r2))
+ b_lower = 0
+ b_upper = (ua_r1 - ua_r2) / (cal_r1_mean - cal_r2_mean)
+ a_lower = -b_lower * cal_0_mean
+ a_upper = -b_upper * cal_r2_mean
+ if self.shunt == 680:
+ # R1 current is higher than shunt range -> only use R2 for calibration
+ def calfunc(charge):
+ if charge < cal_0_mean:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return charge * b_lower + a_lower
+ else:
+ def calfunc(charge):
+ if charge < cal_0_mean:
+ return 0
+ if charge <= cal_r2_mean:
+ return charge * b_lower + a_lower
+ else:
+ return charge * b_upper + a_upper + ua_r2
+ caldata = {
+ "edges": [x * 10 for x in cal_edges],
+ "offset": cal_0_mean,
+ "offset2": cal_r2_mean,
+ "slope_low": b_lower,
+ "slope_high": b_upper,
+ "add_low": a_lower,
+ "add_high": a_upper,
+ "r0_err_uW": np.mean(self.currents_nocal(chg_r0)) * self.voltage,
+ "r0_std_uW": np.std(self.currents_nocal(chg_r0)) * self.voltage,
+ "r1_err_uW": (np.mean(self.currents_nocal(chg_r1)) - ua_r1) * self.voltage,
+ "r1_std_uW": np.std(self.currents_nocal(chg_r1)) * self.voltage,
+ "r2_err_uW": (np.mean(self.currents_nocal(chg_r2)) - ua_r2) * self.voltage,
+ "r2_std_uW": np.std(self.currents_nocal(chg_r2)) * self.voltage,
+ }
+ # print("if charge < %f : return 0" % cal_0_mean)
+ # print("if charge <= %f : return charge * %f + %f" % (cal_r2_mean, b_lower, a_lower))
+ # print("else : return charge * %f + %f + %f" % (b_upper, a_upper, ua_r2))
+ return calfunc, caldata
+ def analyze_states(self, charges, trigidx, ua_func):
+ """
+ Split log data into states and transitions and return duration, energy, and mean power for each element.
+ :param charges: raw charges (each element describes the charge in pJ transferred during 10 µs)
+ :param trigidx: "charges" indexes corresponding to a trigger edge, see `trigger_edges`
+ :param ua_func: charge(pJ) -> current(µA) function as returned by `calibration_function`
+ :returns: list of states and transitions, both starting andending with a state.
+ Each element is a dict containing:
+ * `isa`: 'state' or 'transition'
+ * `clip_rate`: range(0..1) Anteil an Clipping im Energieverbrauch
+ * `raw_mean`: Mittelwert der Rohwerte
+ * `raw_std`: Standardabweichung der Rohwerte
+ * `uW_mean`: Mittelwert der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme
+ * `uW_std`: Standardabweichung der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme
+ * `us`: Dauer
+ if isa == 'transition, it also contains:
+ * `timeout`: Dauer des vorherigen Zustands
+ * `uW_mean_delta_prev`: Differenz zwischen uW_mean und uW_mean des vorherigen Zustands
+ * `uW_mean_delta_next`: Differenz zwischen uW_mean und uW_mean des Folgezustands
+ if `self.with_traces` is true, it also contains:
+ * `plot`: (timestamps [s], power readings [W])
+ """
+ previdx = 0
+ is_state = True
+ iterdata = []
+ # The last state (between the last transition and end of file) may also
+ # be important. Pretend it ends when the log ends.
+ trigger_indices = trigidx.copy()
+ trigger_indices.append(len(charges))
+ for idx in trigger_indices:
+ range_raw = charges[previdx:idx]
+ range_ua = ua_func(range_raw)
+ isa = "state"
+ if not is_state:
+ isa = "transition"
+ data = {
+ "isa": isa,
+ "clip_rate": np.mean(range_raw == 65535),
+ "raw_mean": np.mean(range_raw),
+ "raw_std": np.std(range_raw),
+ "uW_mean": np.mean(range_ua * self.voltage),
+ "uW_std": np.std(range_ua * self.voltage),
+ "us": (idx - previdx) * 10,
+ }
+ if self.with_traces:
+ data["plot"] = (
+ np.arange(len(range_ua)) * 1e-5,
+ range_ua * self.voltage * 1e-6,
+ )
+ if isa == "transition":
+ # subtract average power of previous state
+ # (that is, the state from which this transition originates)
+ data["uW_mean_delta_prev"] = data["uW_mean"] - iterdata[-1]["uW_mean"]
+ # placeholder to avoid extra cases in the analysis
+ data["uW_mean_delta_next"] = data["uW_mean"]
+ data["timeout"] = iterdata[-1]["us"]
+ elif len(iterdata) > 0:
+ # subtract average power of next state
+ # (the state into which this transition leads)
+ iterdata[-1]["uW_mean_delta_next"] = (
+ iterdata[-1]["uW_mean"] - data["uW_mean"]
+ )
+ iterdata.append(data)
+ previdx = idx
+ is_state = not is_state
+ return iterdata
+ def validate(self, num_triggers, observed_trace, expected_traces, state_duration):
+ """
+ Check if a dfatool v0 or v1 measurement is valid.
+ processed_data layout:
+ 'fileno' : measurement['fileno'],
+ 'info' : measurement['info'],
+ 'triggers' : len(trigidx),
+ 'first_trig' : trigidx[0] * 10,
+ 'calibration' : caldata,
+ 'energy_trace' : mim.analyze_states(charges, trigidx, vcalfunc)
+ A sequence of unnamed, unparameterized states and transitions with
+ power and timing data
+ mim.analyze_states returns a list of (alternating) states and transitions.
+ Each element is a dict containing:
+ - isa: 'state' oder 'transition'
+ - clip_rate: range(0..1) Anteil an Clipping im Energieverbrauch
+ - raw_mean: Mittelwert der Rohwerte
+ - raw_std: Standardabweichung der Rohwerte
+ - uW_mean: Mittelwert der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme
+ - uW_std: Standardabweichung der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme
+ - us: Dauer
+ Nur falls isa == 'transition':
+ - timeout: Dauer des vorherigen Zustands
+ - uW_mean_delta_prev: Differenz zwischen uW_mean und uW_mean des vorherigen Zustands
+ - uW_mean_delta_next: Differenz zwischen uW_mean und uW_mean des Folgezustands
+ """
+ if len(self.errors):
+ return False
+ # Check trigger count
+ sched_trigger_count = 0
+ for run in expected_traces:
+ sched_trigger_count += len(run["trace"])
+ if sched_trigger_count != num_triggers:
+ self.errors.append(
+ "got {got:d} trigger edges, expected {exp:d}".format(
+ got=num_triggers, exp=sched_trigger_count
+ )
+ )
+ return False
+ # Check state durations. Very short or long states can indicate a
+ # missed trigger signal which wasn't detected due to duplicate
+ # triggers elsewhere
+ online_datapoints = []
+ for run_idx, run in enumerate(expected_traces):
+ for trace_part_idx in range(len(run["trace"])):
+ online_datapoints.append((run_idx, trace_part_idx))
+ for offline_idx, (online_run_idx, online_trace_part_idx) in enumerate(
+ online_datapoints
+ ):
+ offline_trace_part = observed_trace[offline_idx]
+ online_trace_part = expected_traces[online_run_idx]["trace"][
+ online_trace_part_idx
+ ]
+ if online_trace_part["isa"] != offline_trace_part["isa"]:
+ self.errors.append(
+ "Offline #{off_idx:d} (online {on_name:s} @ {on_idx:d}/{on_sub:d}) claims to be {off_isa:s}, but should be {on_isa:s}".format(
+ off_idx=offline_idx,
+ on_idx=online_run_idx,
+ on_sub=online_trace_part_idx,
+ on_name=online_trace_part["name"],
+ off_isa=offline_trace_part["isa"],
+ on_isa=online_trace_part["isa"],
+ )
+ )
+ return False
+ # Clipping in UNINITIALIZED (offline_idx == 0) can happen during
+ # calibration and is handled by MIMOSA
+ if (
+ offline_idx != 0
+ and offline_trace_part["clip_rate"] != 0
+ and not self.ignore_clipping
+ ):
+ self.errors.append(
+ "Offline #{off_idx:d} (online {on_name:s} @ {on_idx:d}/{on_sub:d}) was clipping {clip:f}% of the time".format(
+ off_idx=offline_idx,
+ on_idx=online_run_idx,
+ on_sub=online_trace_part_idx,
+ on_name=online_trace_part["name"],
+ clip=offline_trace_part["clip_rate"] * 100,
+ )
+ )
+ return False
+ if (
+ online_trace_part["isa"] == "state"
+ and online_trace_part["name"] != "UNINITIALIZED"
+ and len(expected_traces[online_run_idx]["trace"])
+ > online_trace_part_idx + 1
+ ):
+ online_prev_transition = expected_traces[online_run_idx]["trace"][
+ online_trace_part_idx - 1
+ ]
+ online_next_transition = expected_traces[online_run_idx]["trace"][
+ online_trace_part_idx + 1
+ ]
+ try:
+ if self._state_is_too_short(
+ online_trace_part,
+ offline_trace_part,
+ state_duration,
+ online_next_transition,
+ ):
+ self.errors.append(
+ "Offline #{off_idx:d} (online {on_name:s} @ {on_idx:d}/{on_sub:d}) is too short (duration = {dur:d} us)".format(
+ off_idx=offline_idx,
+ on_idx=online_run_idx,
+ on_sub=online_trace_part_idx,
+ on_name=online_trace_part["name"],
+ dur=offline_trace_part["us"],
+ )
+ )
+ return False
+ if self._state_is_too_long(
+ online_trace_part,
+ offline_trace_part,
+ state_duration,
+ online_prev_transition,
+ ):
+ self.errors.append(
+ "Offline #{off_idx:d} (online {on_name:s} @ {on_idx:d}/{on_sub:d}) is too long (duration = {dur:d} us)".format(
+ off_idx=offline_idx,
+ on_idx=online_run_idx,
+ on_sub=online_trace_part_idx,
+ on_name=online_trace_part["name"],
+ dur=offline_trace_part["us"],
+ )
+ )
+ return False
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # TODO es gibt next_transitions ohne 'plan'
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def add_offline_aggregates(online_traces, offline_trace, repeat_id):
+ # Edits online_traces[*]['trace'][*]['offline']
+ # and online_traces[*]['trace'][*]['offline_aggregates'] in place
+ # (appends data from offline_trace)
+ # "offline_aggregates" is the only data used later on by's by_name / by_param dicts
+ online_datapoints = []
+ for run_idx, run in enumerate(online_traces):
+ for trace_part_idx in range(len(run["trace"])):
+ online_datapoints.append((run_idx, trace_part_idx))
+ for offline_idx, (online_run_idx, online_trace_part_idx) in enumerate(
+ online_datapoints
+ ):
+ offline_trace_part = offline_trace[offline_idx]
+ online_trace_part = online_traces[online_run_idx]["trace"][
+ online_trace_part_idx
+ ]
+ if "offline" not in online_trace_part:
+ online_trace_part["offline"] = [offline_trace_part]
+ else:
+ online_trace_part["offline"].append(offline_trace_part)
+ paramkeys = sorted(online_trace_part["parameter"].keys())
+ paramvalues = list()
+ for paramkey in paramkeys:
+ if type(online_trace_part["parameter"][paramkey]) is list:
+ paramvalues.append(
+ soft_cast_int(
+ online_trace_part["parameter"][paramkey][repeat_id]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ paramvalues.append(
+ soft_cast_int(online_trace_part["parameter"][paramkey])
+ )
+ # NB: Unscheduled transitions do not have an 'args' field set.
+ # However, they should only be caused by interrupts, and
+ # interrupts don't have args anyways.
+ if arg_support_enabled and "args" in online_trace_part:
+ paramvalues.extend(map(soft_cast_int, online_trace_part["args"]))
+ # TODO rename offline_aggregates to make it clear that this is what ends up in by_name / by_param and
+ if "offline_aggregates" not in online_trace_part:
+ online_trace_part["offline_attributes"] = [
+ "power",
+ "duration",
+ "energy",
+ ]
+ # this is what ends up in by_name / by_param and is used by
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"] = {
+ "power": [],
+ "duration": [],
+ "power_std": [],
+ "energy": [],
+ "paramkeys": [],
+ "param": [],
+ }
+ if online_trace_part["isa"] == "transition":
+ online_trace_part["offline_attributes"].extend(
+ [
+ "rel_energy_prev",
+ "rel_energy_next",
+ "rel_power_prev",
+ "rel_power_next",
+ "timeout",
+ ]
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_energy_prev"] = []
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_energy_next"] = []
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_power_prev"] = []
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_power_next"] = []
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["timeout"] = []
+ if "plot" in offline_trace_part:
+ online_trace_part["offline_support"] = [
+ "power_traces",
+ "timestamps",
+ ]
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["power_traces"] = list()
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["timestamps"] = list()
+ # Note: All state/transitions are 20us "too long" due to injected
+ # active wait states. These are needed to work around MIMOSA's
+ # relatively low sample rate of 100 kHz (10us) and removed here.
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["power"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["uW_mean"]
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["duration"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["us"] - 20
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["power_std"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["uW_std"]
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["energy"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["uW_mean"] * (offline_trace_part["us"] - 20)
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["paramkeys"].append(paramkeys)
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["param"].append(paramvalues)
+ if online_trace_part["isa"] == "transition":
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_energy_prev"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["uW_mean_delta_prev"]
+ * (offline_trace_part["us"] - 20)
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_energy_next"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["uW_mean_delta_next"]
+ * (offline_trace_part["us"] - 20)
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_power_prev"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["uW_mean_delta_prev"]
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_power_next"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["uW_mean_delta_next"]
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["timeout"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["timeout"]
+ )
+ if "plot" in offline_trace_part:
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["power_traces"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["plot"][1]
+ )
+ online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["timestamps"].append(
+ offline_trace_part["plot"][0]
+ )