path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
7 files changed, 1786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57803fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import json
+import numpy as np
+import os
+from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
+import struct
+import sys
+import tarfile
+from dfatool import running_mean, MIMOSA
+voltage = float(sys.argv[1])
+shunt = float(sys.argv[2])
+filename = sys.argv[3]
+mim = MIMOSA(voltage, shunt)
+charges, triggers = mim.load_data(filename)
+trigidx = mim.trigger_edges(triggers)
+triggers = []
+cal_edges = mim.calibration_edges(running_mean(mim.currents_nocal(charges[0:trigidx[0]]), 10))
+calfunc, caldata = mim.calibration_function(charges, cal_edges)
+vcalfunc = np.vectorize(calfunc, otypes=[np.float64])
+json_out = {
+ 'triggers' : len(trigidx),
+ 'first_trig' : trigidx[0] * 10,
+ 'calibration' : caldata,
+ 'trace' : mim.analyze_states(charges, trigidx, vcalfunc)
+basename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
+# TODO also look for interesting gradients inside each state
+with open(basename + ".json", "w") as f:
+ json.dump(json_out, f)
+ f.close()
+#print(kmeans2(charges[:firstidx], np.array([130 * ua_step, 3.6 / 987 * 1000000, 3.6 / 99300 * 1000000])))
diff --git a/bin/cal-hist b/bin/cal-hist
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..96c4469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cal-hist
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import csv
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from dfatool import running_mean, MIMOSA
+voltage = float(sys.argv[1])
+shunt = float(sys.argv[2])
+mimfile = sys.argv[3]
+mim = MIMOSA(voltage, shunt)
+charges, triggers = mim.load_data(mimfile)
+trigidx = mim.trigger_edges(triggers)
+cal_edges = mim.calibration_edges(running_mean(mim.currents_nocal(charges[0:trigidx[0]]), 10))
+#charges = charges[charges > 20000]
+#charges = charges[charges < 21000]
+def show_hist(data):
+ bins = np.max(data) - np.min(data)
+ if bins == 0:
+ bins = 1
+ if bins > 1000:
+ bins = bins / 10
+ #bins = 500
+ n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, bins, normed=0, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75)
+ plt.grid(True)
+ print(np.histogram(data, bins=bins))
+plt.hist(mim.charge_to_current_nocal(charges[cal_edges[2]:cal_edges[3]]) * 1e-3, 100, normed=0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.8)
+plt.xlabel('mA MimosaCMD')
+plt.hist(mim.charge_to_current_nocal(charges[cal_edges[4]:cal_edges[5]]) * 1e-3, 100, normed=0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.8)
+plt.xlabel('mA MimosaCMD')
+plt.hist(mim.charge_to_current_nocal(charges[cal_edges[0]:cal_edges[1]]) * 1e-3, 100, normed=0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.8)
+plt.xlabel('mA MimosaCMD')
+plt.hist(charges[cal_edges[0]:cal_edges[1]], 100, normed=0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.8)
+plt.xlabel('Rohwert MimosaCMD')
diff --git a/bin/dfatool b/bin/dfatool
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00b4196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dfatool
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.020;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IO::Handle;
+use Kratos::DFADriver;
+use List::Util qw(max sum);
+use Time::Progress;
+our $VERSION = '0.00';
+my %opt;
+ \%opt,
+ qw{
+ exclude-states=s@
+ ignore-nested-calls
+ logging!
+ plot=s
+ no-cache
+ no-update
+ state-duration=i
+ shunt=f
+ trace-filter=s@
+ trace-revisit=i
+ trigger-pin=i
+ trigger-port=s
+ voltage=f
+ offset=i
+ zomg-fasta-nao
+ }
+if ( @ARGV < 2 ) {
+ show_usage();
+@{ $opt{'exclude-states'} }
+ = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @{ $opt{'exclude-states'} // [] } ) );
+my ( $command, $xml_file, @data_files ) = @ARGV;
+my $driver = Kratos::DFADriver->new(
+ cache => $opt{'no-cache'} ? 0 : 1,
+ data_file => $data_files[0],
+ excluded_states => $opt{'exclude-states'} // [],
+ fast_analysis => $opt{'zomg-fasta-nao'} // 0,
+ ignore_nested => $opt{'ignore-nested-calls'} // 0,
+ logging => $opt{logging} // 1,
+ state_duration => $opt{'state-duration'} // 1000,
+ trigger_pin => $opt{'trigger-pin'},
+ trigger_port => $opt{'trigger-port'},
+ merge_args => $opt{'plot'}
+ ? [ map { "--$_" } split( qr{,}, $opt{'plot'} ) ]
+ : [],
+ mimosa_offset => $opt{offset} // 130,
+ mimosa_shunt => $opt{shunt} // 330,
+ mimosa_voltage => $opt{voltage} // 3.60,
+ trace_filter => $opt{'trace-filter'} // [],
+ trace_revisit => $opt{'trace-revisit'} // 2,
+ xml_file => $xml_file,
+my %action = (
+ clean => sub {
+ $driver->launchpad_log_clean;
+ },
+ enable => sub {
+ $driver->write_acc_files;
+ },
+ disable => sub {
+ $driver->rm_acc_files;
+ },
+ 'to-tikz' => sub {
+ say $driver->to_tikz;
+ },
+ 'to-dfa' => sub {
+ say join(
+ "\n",
+ map {
+ join( ' -> ', map { "$_->[0]($_->[1],$_->[2])" } @{$_} )
+ } $driver->runs
+ );
+ },
+ flash => sub {
+ say "Compiling Kratos and flashing Launchpad";
+ $driver->launchpad_flash;
+ },
+ maketest => sub {
+ $driver->write_test_files;
+ },
+ rmtest => sub {
+ $driver->rm_test_files;
+ },
+ reset => sub {
+ say "Resetting MSP430";
+ $driver->launchpad_reset;
+ },
+ log => sub {
+ say "Resetting MSP430";
+ $driver->launchpad_reset;
+ say "Connecting to Launchpad";
+ $driver->launchpad_log_init;
+ say "Starting measurement";
+ $driver->mimosa->start;
+ say "Calibrating MIMOSA";
+ $driver->mimosa->calibrate;
+ STDOUT->autoflush(1);
+ print "Waiting for sync";
+ while ( not $driver->launchpad_log_is_synced ) {
+ $driver->launchpad_log_read;
+ print q{.};
+ }
+ print "\r\e[2KSynced with DriverEval app\n";
+ my ( $iter, $run, $maxrun ) = $driver->launchpad_log_status;
+ my $timer = Time::Progress->new(
+ min => 0,
+ max => $maxrun
+ );
+ while ( $run < 1 ) {
+ $driver->launchpad_log_read;
+ ( $iter, $run, $maxrun ) = $driver->launchpad_log_status;
+ }
+ while ( $driver->launchpad_log_is_synced ) {
+ $driver->launchpad_log_read;
+ ( $iter, $run, $maxrun ) = $driver->launchpad_log_status;
+ print $timer->report(
+"\r\e[2K%40b %p (${run}/${maxrun}) %L elapsed %E remaining in iteration ${iter}",
+ $run
+ );
+ if ( $run == $maxrun ) {
+ printf( "\r\e[2KIteration %d done after %d seconds\n",
+ $iter - 1, $timer->elapsed($run) );
+ say "Stopping measurement";
+ $driver->mimosa->stop;
+ say "Archiving files";
+ $driver->archive_files;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( my @errors = $driver->launchpad_get_errors ) {
+ say "\r\e[2KErrors in iteration ${iter}, run ${run}";
+ say join( "\n", @errors );
+ say "Aborting measurement. Current run will not be saved.";
+ $driver->mimosa->kill;
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ analyze => sub {
+ $driver->analyze(@data_files);
+ $driver->assess_model;
+ if ( not $opt{'no-update'} ) {
+ $driver->update_model;
+ }
+ },
+ 'analyze-tex' => sub {
+ $driver->analyze(@data_files);
+ $driver->assess_model_tex;
+ },
+ analyzesingle => sub {
+ if ( $opt{'no-cache'} or not $driver->log->load_cache ) {
+ say "Analyzing DriverEval iterations (this may take a while)";
+ $driver->log->load_archive;
+ $driver->log->preprocess;
+ $driver->log->save_cache;
+ }
+ say "Processing";
+ $driver->log->analyze;
+ $driver->assess_model;
+ if ( not $opt{'no-update'} ) {
+ $driver->update_model;
+ }
+ },
+ validate => sub {
+ $driver->validate_model(@data_files);
+ },
+ crossvalidate => sub {
+ printf("./dfatool crossvalidate %s %s\n",
+ $xml_file,
+ join(q{ }, @data_files)
+ );
+ $driver->crossvalidate_model(@data_files);
+ },
+ ls => sub {
+ for my $file (@data_files) {
+ my $log = $driver->log($file);
+ $log->load_archive;
+ my $setup = $log->setup;
+ say $file;
+ printf(
+ " %.2fV @ %3dΩ, %dms per state, max revisit %d\n",
+ $setup->{mimosa_voltage}, $setup->{mimosa_shunt},
+ $setup->{state_duration}, $setup->{trace_revisit}
+ );
+ if ( $setup->{excluded_states} and @{ $setup->{excluded_states} } )
+ {
+ printf( " excluded states: %s\n", $setup->{excluded_states} );
+ }
+ if ( $setup->{trace_filter} and @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) {
+ printf( " trace filter: %s\n",
+ join( q{ | }, @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ list => sub {
+ for my $file (@data_files) {
+ my $log = $driver->log($file);
+ if ( $opt{'no-cache'} or not $driver->log->load_cache ) {
+ $log->load_archive;
+ $log->preprocess;
+ $log->save_cache;
+ }
+ $log->analyze;
+ my $data = $log->data;
+ my $setup = $log->setup;
+ say $file;
+ printf(
+ " %.2fV @ %3dΩ, %dms per state, max revisit %d\n",
+ $setup->{mimosa_voltage}, $setup->{mimosa_shunt},
+ $setup->{state_duration}, $setup->{trace_revisit}
+ );
+ if ( $setup->{excluded_states} and @{ $setup->{excluded_states} } )
+ {
+ printf( " excluded states: %s\n", $setup->{excluded_states} );
+ }
+ if ( $setup->{trace_filter} and @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) {
+ printf( " trace filter: %s\n",
+ join( q{ | }, @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) );
+ }
+ printf( " MIMOSA offset: %5s %5s %5s\n", 'inf', '100k', '1k' );
+ for my $cal ( @{ $data->{calibration} } ) {
+ printf( " %5.f %5.f %5.f µW\n",
+ @{$cal}{qw{r0_err_uW r2_err_uW r1_err_uW}},
+ );
+ }
+ for my $state ( sort keys %{ $data->{aggregate}{state} } ) {
+ if ( $state ne 'UNINITIALIZED' ) {
+ my $val = $data->{aggregate}{state}{$state};
+ printf(
+ " %15s : %.f±%.f = %.f, clip %.f%% ^ %.f%%\n",
+ $state, $val->{power}{mean},
+ $val->{power}{std_inner}, $val->{power}{median},
+ $val->{clip}{mean}, $val->{clip}{max}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ show => sub {
+ for my $file (@data_files) {
+ my $log = $driver->log($file);
+ $log->load_archive;
+ if ( $opt{'no-cache'} or not $driver->log->load_cache ) {
+ $log->load_archive;
+ $log->preprocess;
+ $log->save_cache;
+ }
+ $log->analyze;
+ for my $trace ( @{ $log->data->{traces} } ) {
+ my ( @data, @widths );
+ printf( '%3d', $trace->{id} );
+ for my $elem ( @{ $trace->{trace} } ) {
+ if ( $elem->{isa} eq 'state'
+ and $elem->{name} ne 'UNINITIALIZED' )
+ {
+ push( @widths, max (length( $elem->{name} ), 9) );
+ printf(' → %9s', $elem->{name});
+ my @powers
+ = map { $_->{uW_mean} } @{ $elem->{offline} };
+ push( @data, sum(@powers) / @powers );
+ }
+ elsif ( $elem->{isa} eq 'transition' ) {
+ my $args = join( q{, }, @{ $elem->{args} // [qw[?]] } );
+ my $pstr = "$elem->{name}($args)";
+ push( @widths, max (length($pstr), 9) );
+ printf(' → %9s', $pstr);
+ my @energies
+ = map { $_->{uW_mean_delta} * ( $_->{us} - 20 ) }
+ @{ $elem->{offline} };
+ push( @data, sum(@energies) / @energies );
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n ";
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $#data ) {
+ printf( " → \%$widths[$i]d", $data[$i] );
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ reset => sub {
+ $driver->reset_model;
+ },
+$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
+ say "\r\e[2KTerminating MIMOSA daemon";
+ $driver->mimosa->kill;
+ say "Goodbye";
+ exit 0;
+sub show_usage {
+ say STDERR "Usage: $0 <action> <DFA driver XML file>";
+ say STDERR 'Supported actions: ' . join( q{ }, sort keys %action );
+ exit 1;
+if ( exists $action{$command} ) {
+ $action{$command}();
+elsif ( $command eq 'loop' ) {
+ $action{clean}();
+ $action{enable}();
+ $action{maketest}();
+ $action{flash}();
+ while (1) {
+ $action{log}();
+ }
+else {
+ show_usage();
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=head1 VERSION
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2016 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
diff --git a/bin/gradient b/bin/gradient
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d2f43ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gradient
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import csv
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from dfatool import running_mean, MIMOSA
+voltage = float(sys.argv[1])
+shunt = float(sys.argv[2])
+mimfile = sys.argv[3]
+mim = MIMOSA(voltage, shunt)
+charges, triggers = mim.load_data(mimfile)
+charges = charges[2000000:3000000]
+currents = running_mean(mim.charge_to_current_nocal(charges), 10) * 1e-6
+xr = np.arange(len(currents)) * 1e-5
+threshold = 3e-5
+grad = np.gradient(currents, 2)
+tp = np.abs(grad) > threshold
+plt.plot( xr, currents, "r-")
+plt.plot( xr, grad, "y-")
+plt.plot( xr[tp], grad[tp], "bo")
+plt.xlabel('Zeit [s]')
+plt.ylabel('Strom [A]')
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ff7e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import getopt
+import json
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import plotter
+from copy import deepcopy
+from dfatool import aggregate_measures, regression_measures, is_numeric, powerset
+from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
+from scipy import optimize
+opts = {}
+def load_json(filename):
+ with open(filename, "r") as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+def save_json(data, filename):
+ with open(filename, "w") as f:
+ return json.dump(data, f)
+def print_data(aggregate):
+ for key in sorted(aggregate.keys()):
+ data = aggregate[key]
+ name, params = key
+ print("%s @ %s : ~ = %.f (%.f, %.f) µ_σ_outer = %.f n = %d" %
+ (name, params, np.median(data['means']), np.percentile(data['means'], 25),
+ np.percentile(data['means'], 75), np.mean(data['stds']), len(data['means'])))
+def flatten(somelist):
+ return [item for sublist in somelist for item in sublist]
+def mimosa_data(elem):
+ means = [x['uW_mean'] for x in elem['offline']]
+ durations = [x['us'] - 20 for x in elem['offline']]
+ stds = [x['uW_std'] for x in elem['offline']]
+ energies = [x['uW_mean'] * (x['us'] - 20) for x in elem['offline']]
+ clips = [x['clip_rate'] for x in elem['offline']]
+ substate_thresholds = []
+ substate_data = []
+ timeouts = []
+ rel_energies = []
+ if 'timeout' in elem['offline'][0]:
+ timeouts = [x['timeout'] for x in elem['offline']]
+ if 'uW_mean_delta' in elem['offline'][0]:
+ rel_energies = [x['uW_mean_delta'] * (x['us'] - 20) for x in elem['offline']]
+ for x in elem['offline']:
+ if 'substates' in x:
+ substate_thresholds.append(x['substates']['threshold'])
+ substate_data.append(x['substates']['states'])
+ return means, stds, durations, energies, rel_energies, clips, timeouts, substate_thresholds
+def online_data(elem):
+ means = [int(x['power']) for x in elem['online']]
+ durations = [int(x['time']) for x in elem['online']]
+ return means, durations
+# parameters = statistic variables such as txpower, bitrate etc.
+# variables = function variables/parameters set by linear regression
+def str_to_param_function(function_string, parameters, variables):
+ rawfunction = function_string
+ dependson = [False] * len(parameters)
+ for i in range(len(parameters)):
+ if rawfunction.find("global(%s)" % (parameters[i])) >= 0:
+ dependson[i] = True
+ rawfunction = rawfunction.replace("global(%s)" % (parameters[i]), "arg[%d]" % (i))
+ for i in range(len(variables)):
+ rawfunction = rawfunction.replace("param(%d)" % (i), "param[%d]" % (i))
+ fitfunc = eval("lambda param, arg: " + rawfunction);
+ return fitfunc, dependson
+def mk_function_data(name, paramdata, parameters, dependson, datatype):
+ X = [[] for i in range(len(parameters))]
+ Xm = [[] for i in range(len(parameters))]
+ Y = []
+ Ym = []
+ num_valid = 0
+ num_total = 0
+ for key, val in paramdata.items():
+ if key[0] == name and len(key[1]) == len(parameters):
+ valid = True
+ num_total += 1
+ for i in range(len(parameters)):
+ if dependson[i] and not is_numeric(key[1][i]):
+ valid = False
+ if valid:
+ num_valid += 1
+ Y.extend(val[datatype])
+ Ym.append(np.median(val[datatype]))
+ for i in range(len(parameters)):
+ if dependson[i] or is_numeric(key[1][i]):
+ X[i].extend([int(key[1][i])] * len(val[datatype]))
+ Xm[i].append(int(key[1][i]))
+ else:
+ X[i].extend([0] * len(val[datatype]))
+ Xm[i].append(0)
+ for i in range(len(parameters)):
+ X[i] = np.array(X[i])
+ Xm[i] = np.array(Xm[i])
+ X = tuple(X)
+ Xm = tuple(Xm)
+ Y = np.array(Y)
+ Ym = np.array(Ym)
+ return X, Y, Xm, Ym, num_valid, num_total
+def raw_num0_8(num):
+ return (8 - num1(num))
+def raw_num0_16(num):
+ return (16 - num1(num))
+def raw_num1(num):
+ return bin(int(num)).count("1")
+num0_8 = np.vectorize(raw_num0_8)
+num0_16 = np.vectorize(raw_num0_16)
+num1 = np.vectorize(raw_num1)
+def try_fits(name, datatype, paramidx, paramdata):
+ functions = {
+ 'linear' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * arg,
+ 'logarithmic' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * np.log(arg),
+ 'logarithmic1' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * np.log(arg + 1),
+ 'exponential' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * np.exp(arg),
+ #'polynomial' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * arg + param[2] * arg ** 2,
+ 'square' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * arg ** 2,
+ 'fractional' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] / arg,
+ 'sqrt' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * np.sqrt(arg),
+ #'num0_8' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * num0_8(arg),
+ #'num0_16' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * num0_16(arg),
+ #'num1' : lambda param, arg: param[0] + param[1] * num1(arg),
+ }
+ results = dict([[key, []] for key in functions.keys()])
+ errors = {}
+ allvalues = [(*key[1][:paramidx], *key[1][paramidx+1:]) for key in paramdata.keys() if key[0] == name]
+ allvalues = list(set(allvalues))
+ for value in allvalues:
+ X = []
+ Xm = []
+ Y = []
+ Ym = []
+ num_valid = 0
+ num_total = 0
+ for key, val in paramdata.items():
+ if key[0] == name and len(key[1]) > paramidx and (*key[1][:paramidx], *key[1][paramidx+1:]) == value:
+ num_total += 1
+ if is_numeric(key[1][paramidx]):
+ num_valid += 1
+ Y.extend(val[datatype])
+ Ym.append(np.median(val[datatype]))
+ X.extend([int(key[1][paramidx])] * len(val[datatype]))
+ Xm.append(int(key[1][paramidx]))
+ if int(key[1][paramidx]) == 0:
+ functions.pop('fractional', None)
+ if int(key[1][paramidx]) <= 0:
+ functions.pop('logarithmic', None)
+ if int(key[1][paramidx]) < 0:
+ functions.pop('logarithmic1', None)
+ functions.pop('sqrt', None)
+ if int(key[1][paramidx]) > 64:
+ functions.pop('exponential', None)
+ # there should be -at least- two values when fitting
+ if num_valid > 1:
+ Y = np.array(Y)
+ Ym = np.array(Ym)
+ X = np.array(X)
+ Xm = np.array(Xm)
+ for kind, function in functions.items():
+ results[kind] = {}
+ errfunc = lambda P, X, y: function(P, X) - y
+ try:
+ res = optimize.least_squares(errfunc, [0, 1], args=(X, Y), xtol=2e-15)
+ measures = regression_measures(function(res.x, X), Y)
+ for k, v in measures.items():
+ if not k in results[kind]:
+ results[kind][k] = []
+ results[kind][k].append(v)
+ except:
+ pass
+ for function_name, result in results.items():
+ if len(result) > 0 and function_name in functions:
+ errors[function_name] = {}
+ for measure in result.keys():
+ errors[function_name][measure] = np.mean(result[measure])
+ return errors
+def fit_function(function, name, datatype, parameters, paramdata, xaxis=None, yaxis=None):
+ variables = list(map(lambda x: float(x), function['params']))
+ fitfunc, dependson = str_to_param_function(function['raw'], parameters, variables)
+ X, Y, Xm, Ym, num_valid, num_total = mk_function_data(name, paramdata, parameters, dependson, datatype)
+ if num_valid > 0:
+ if num_valid != num_total:
+ num_invalid = num_total - num_valid
+ print("Warning: fit(%s): %d of %d states had incomplete parameter hashes" % (name, num_invalid, len(paramdata)))
+ errfunc = lambda P, X, y: fitfunc(P, X) - y
+ try:
+ res = optimize.least_squares(errfunc, variables, args=(X, Y), xtol=2e-15) # loss='cauchy'
+ except ValueError as err:
+ function['error'] = str(err)
+ return
+ #x1 = optimize.curve_fit(lambda param, *arg: fitfunc(param, arg), X, Y, functionparams)
+ measures = regression_measures(fitfunc(res.x, X), Y)
+ if res.status <= 0:
+ function['error'] = res.message
+ return
+ if 'fit' in opts:
+ for i in range(len(parameters)):
+ plotter.plot_param_fit(function['raw'], name, fitfunc, res.x, parameters, datatype, i, X, Y, xaxis, yaxis)
+ function['params'] = list(res.x)
+ function['fit'] = measures
+ else:
+ function['error'] = 'log contained no numeric parameters'
+def assess_function(function, name, datatype, parameters, paramdata):
+ variables = list(map(lambda x: float(x), function['params']))
+ fitfunc, dependson = str_to_param_function(function['raw'], parameters, variables)
+ X, Y, Xm, Ym, num_valid, num_total = mk_function_data(name, paramdata, parameters, dependson, datatype)
+ if num_valid > 0:
+ return regression_measures(fitfunc(variables, X), Y)
+ else:
+ return None
+def xv_assess_function(name, funbase, what, validation, mae, smape):
+ goodness = assess_function(funbase, name, what, parameters, validation)
+ if goodness != None:
+ if not name in mae:
+ mae[name] = []
+ if not name in smape:
+ smape[name] = []
+ mae[name].append(goodness['mae'])
+ smape[name].append(goodness['smape'])
+def xv2_assess_function(name, funbase, what, validation, mae, smape, rmsd):
+ goodness = assess_function(funbase, name, what, parameters, validation)
+ if goodness != None:
+ if goodness['mae'] < 10e9:
+ mae.append(goodness['mae'])
+ rmsd.append(goodness['rmsd'])
+ smape.append(goodness['smape'])
+ else:
+ print('[!] Ignoring MAE of %d (SMAPE %.f)' % (goodness['mae'], goodness['smape']))
+# Returns the values used for each parameter in the measurement, e.g.
+# { 'txpower' : [1, 2, 4, 8], 'length' : [16] }
+# non-numeric values such as '' are skipped
+def param_values(parameters, by_param):
+ paramvalues = dict([[param, set()] for param in parameters])
+ for _, paramvalue in by_param.keys():
+ for i, param in enumerate(parameters):
+ if is_numeric(paramvalue[i]):
+ paramvalues[param].add(paramvalue[i])
+ return paramvalues
+def param_key(elem):
+ name = elem['name']
+ paramtuple = ()
+ if 'parameter' in elem:
+ paramkeys = sorted(elem['parameter'].keys())
+ paramtuple = tuple([elem['parameter'][x] for x in paramkeys])
+ return (name, paramtuple)
+#def param_arg_key(elem):
+# # Argumentbasierte Parametrisierung ist erstmal out of scope
+# #if 'args' in elem:
+# # argtuple = tuple(elem['args'])
+# return (name, paramtuple, argtuple)
+def add_data_to_aggregate(aggregate, key, isa, data):
+ if not key in aggregate:
+ aggregate[key] = {
+ 'isa' : isa,
+ }
+ for datakey in data.keys():
+ aggregate[key][datakey] = []
+ for datakey, dataval in data.items():
+ aggregate[key][datakey].extend(dataval)
+def fake_add_data_to_aggregate(aggregate, key, isa, database, idx):
+ timeout_val = []
+ if len(database['timeouts']):
+ timeout_val = [database['timeouts'][idx]]
+ rel_energy_val = []
+ if len(database['rel_energies']):
+ rel_energy_val = [database['rel_energies'][idx]]
+ add_data_to_aggregate(aggregate, key, isa, {
+ 'means' : [database['means'][idx]],
+ 'stds' : [database['stds'][idx]],
+ 'durations' : [database['durations'][idx]],
+ 'energies' : [database['energies'][idx]],
+ 'rel_energies' : rel_energy_val,
+ 'clip_rate' : [database['clip_rate'][idx]],
+ 'timeouts' : timeout_val,
+ })
+def weight_by_name(aggdata):
+ total = {}
+ count = {}
+ weight = {}
+ for key in aggdata.keys():
+ if not key[0] in total:
+ total[key[0]] = 0
+ total[key[0]] += len(aggdata[key]['means'])
+ count[key] = len(aggdata[key]['means'])
+ for key in aggdata.keys():
+ weight[key] = float(count[key]) / total[key[0]]
+ return weight
+# returns the mean standard deviation of all measurements of 'what'
+# (e.g. power consumption or timeout) for state/transition 'name' where
+# parameter 'index' is dynamic and all other parameters are fixed.
+# I.e., if parameters are a, b, c ∈ {1,2,3} and 'index' corresponds to b', then
+# this function returns the mean of the standard deviations of (a=1, b=*, c=1),
+# (a=1, b=*, c=2), and so on
+def mean_std_by_param(data, keys, name, what, index):
+ partitions = []
+ for key in keys:
+ partition = []
+ for k, v in data.items():
+ if (*k[1][:index], *k[1][index+1:]) == key and k[0] == name:
+ partition.extend(v[what])
+ partitions.append(partition)
+ return np.mean([np.std(partition) for partition in partitions])
+# returns the mean standard deviation of all measurements of 'what'
+# (e.g. power consumption or timeout) for state/transition 'name' where the
+# trace of previous transitions is fixed except for a single transition,
+# whose occurence or absence is silently ignored.
+# this is done separately for each transition (-> returns a dictionary)
+def mean_std_by_trace_part(data, transitions, name, what):
+ ret = {}
+ for transition in transitions:
+ keys = set(map(lambda x : (x[0], x[1], tuple([y for y in x[2] if y != transition])), data.keys()))
+ ret[transition] = {}
+ partitions = []
+ for key in keys:
+ partition = []
+ for k, v in data.items():
+ key_without_transition = (k[0], k[1], tuple([y for y in k[2] if y != transition]))
+ if key[0] == name and key == key_without_transition:
+ partition.extend(v[what])
+ if len(partition):
+ partitions.append(partition)
+ ret[transition] = np.mean([np.std(partition) for partition in partitions])
+ return ret
+def load_run_elem(index, element, trace, by_name, by_param, by_trace):
+ means, stds, durations, energies, rel_energies, clips, timeouts, sub_thresholds = mimosa_data(element)
+ online_means = []
+ online_durations = []
+ if element['isa'] == 'state':
+ online_means, online_durations = online_data(element)
+ key = param_key(element)
+ pre_trace = tuple(map(lambda x : x['name'], trace[1:index:2]))
+ trace_key = (*key, pre_trace)
+ name = element['name']
+ add_data_to_aggregate(by_name, name, element['isa'], {
+ 'means' : means,
+ 'stds' : stds,
+ 'durations' : durations,
+ 'energies' : energies,
+ 'rel_energies' : rel_energies,
+ 'clip_rate' : clips,
+ 'timeouts' : timeouts,
+ 'sub_thresholds' : sub_thresholds,
+ 'param' : [key[1]] * len(means),
+ 'online_means' : online_means,
+ 'online_durations' : online_durations,
+ })
+ add_data_to_aggregate(by_param, key, element['isa'], {
+ 'means' : means,
+ 'stds' : stds,
+ 'durations' : durations,
+ 'energies' : energies,
+ 'rel_energies' : rel_energies,
+ 'clip_rate' : clips,
+ 'timeouts' : timeouts,
+ 'sub_thresholds' : sub_thresholds,
+ 'online_means' : online_means,
+ 'online_durations' : online_durations,
+ })
+ add_data_to_aggregate(by_trace, trace_key, element['isa'], {
+ 'means' : means,
+ 'stds' : stds,
+ 'durations' : durations,
+ 'energies' : energies,
+ 'rel_energies' : rel_energies,
+ 'clip_rate' : clips,
+ 'timeouts' : timeouts,
+ 'sub_thresholds' : sub_thresholds,
+ 'online_means' : online_means,
+ 'online_durations' : online_durations,
+ })
+def fmap(name, funtype):
+ if funtype == 'linear':
+ return "global(%s)" % name
+ if funtype == 'logarithmic':
+ return "np.log(global(%s))" % name
+ if funtype == 'logarithmic1':
+ return "np.log(global(%s) + 1)" % name
+ if funtype == 'exponential':
+ return "np.exp(global(%s))" % name
+ if funtype == 'square':
+ return "global(%s)**2" % name
+ if funtype == 'fractional':
+ return "1 / global(%s)" % name
+ if funtype == 'sqrt':
+ return "np.sqrt(global(%s))" % name
+ if funtype == 'num0_8':
+ return "num0_8(global(%s))" % name
+ if funtype == 'num0_16':
+ return "num0_16(global(%s))" % name
+ if funtype == 'num1':
+ return "num1(global(%s))" % name
+ return "ERROR"
+def fguess_to_function(name, datatype, aggdata, parameters, paramdata, yaxis):
+ best_fit = {}
+ fitguess = aggdata['fit_guess']
+ params = list(filter(lambda x : x in fitguess, parameters))
+ if len(params) > 0:
+ for param in params:
+ best_fit_val = np.inf
+ for func_name, fit_val in fitguess[param].items():
+ if fit_val['rmsd'] < best_fit_val:
+ best_fit_val = fit_val['rmsd']
+ best_fit[param] = func_name
+ buf = '0'
+ pidx = 0
+ for elem in powerset(best_fit.items()):
+ buf += " + param(%d)" % pidx
+ pidx += 1
+ for fun in elem:
+ buf += " * %s" % fmap(*fun)
+ aggdata['function']['estimate'] = {
+ 'raw' : buf,
+ 'params' : list(np.ones((pidx))),
+ 'base' : [best_fit[param] for param in params]
+ }
+ fit_function(
+ aggdata['function']['estimate'], name, datatype, parameters,
+ paramdata, yaxis=yaxis)
+def param_measures(name, paramdata, key, fun):
+ mae = []
+ smape = []
+ rmsd = []
+ for pkey, pval in paramdata.items():
+ if pkey[0] == name:
+ # Median ist besseres Maß für MAE / SMAPE,
+ # Mean ist besseres für SSR. Da least_squares SSR optimiert
+ # nutzen wir hier auch Mean.
+ goodness = aggregate_measures(fun(pval[key]), pval[key])
+ mae.append(goodness['mae'])
+ rmsd.append(goodness['rmsd'])
+ if 'smape' in goodness:
+ smape.append(goodness['smape'])
+ ret = {
+ 'mae' : np.mean(mae),
+ 'rmsd' : np.mean(rmsd)
+ }
+ if len(smape):
+ ret['smape'] = np.mean(smape)
+ return ret
+def keydata(name, val, paramdata, tracedata, key):
+ ret = {
+ 'count' : len(val[key]),
+ 'median' : np.median(val[key]),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val[key]),
+ 'mean_goodness' : aggregate_measures(np.mean(val[key]), val[key]),
+ 'median_goodness' : aggregate_measures(np.median(val[key]), val[key]),
+ 'param_mean_goodness' : param_measures(name, paramdata, key, np.mean),
+ 'param_median_goodness' : param_measures(name, paramdata, key, np.median),
+ 'std_inner' : np.std(val[key]),
+ 'std_param' : np.mean([np.std(paramdata[x][key]) for x in paramdata.keys() if x[0] == name]),
+ 'std_trace' : np.mean([np.std(tracedata[x][key]) for x in tracedata.keys() if x[0] == name]),
+ 'std_by_param' : {},
+ 'fit_guess' : {},
+ 'function' : {},
+ }
+ return ret
+def splitidx_kfold(length, num_slices):
+ pairs = []
+ indexes = np.arange(length)
+ for i in range(0, num_slices):
+ training = np.delete(indexes, slice(i, None, num_slices))
+ validation = indexes[i::num_slices]
+ pairs.append((training, validation))
+ return pairs
+def splitidx_srs(length, num_slices):
+ pairs = []
+ for i in range(0, num_slices):
+ shuffled = np.random.permutation(np.arange(length))
+ border = int(length * float(2) / 3)
+ training = shuffled[:border]
+ validation = shuffled[border:]
+ pairs.append((training, validation))
+ return pairs
+def val_run(aggdata, split_fun, count):
+ mae = []
+ smape = []
+ rmsd = []
+ pairs = split_fun(len(aggdata), count)
+ for i in range(0, count):
+ training = aggdata[pairs[i][0]]
+ validation = aggdata[pairs[i][1]]
+ median = np.median(training)
+ goodness = aggregate_measures(median, validation)
+ mae.append(goodness['mae'])
+ rmsd.append(goodness['rmsd'])
+ if 'smape' in goodness:
+ smape.append(goodness['smape'])
+ mae_mean = np.mean(mae)
+ rmsd_mean = np.mean(rmsd)
+ if len(smape):
+ smape_mean = np.mean(smape)
+ else:
+ smape_mean = -1
+ return mae_mean, smape_mean, rmsd_mean
+# by_trace is not part of the cross-validation process
+def val_run_fun(aggdata, by_trace, name, key, funtype1, funtype2, splitfun, count):
+ aggdata = aggdata[name]
+ isa = aggdata['isa']
+ mae = []
+ smape = []
+ rmsd = []
+ estimates = []
+ pairs = splitfun(len(aggdata[key]), count)
+ for i in range(0, count):
+ bpa_training = {}
+ bpa_validation = {}
+ for idx in pairs[i][0]:
+ bpa_key = (name, aggdata['param'][idx])
+ fake_add_data_to_aggregate(bpa_training, bpa_key, isa, aggdata, idx)
+ for idx in pairs[i][1]:
+ bpa_key = (name, aggdata['param'][idx])
+ fake_add_data_to_aggregate(bpa_validation, bpa_key, isa, aggdata, idx)
+ fake_by_name = { name : aggdata }
+ ares = analyze(fake_by_name, bpa_training, by_trace, parameters)
+ if name in ares[isa] and funtype2 in ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function']:
+ xv2_assess_function(name, ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function'][funtype2], key, bpa_validation, mae, smape, rmsd)
+ if funtype2 == 'estimate':
+ if 'base' in ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function'][funtype2]:
+ estimates.append(tuple(ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function'][funtype2]['base']))
+ else:
+ estimates.append(None)
+ return mae, smape, rmsd, estimates
+# by_trace is not part of the cross-validation process
+def val_run_fun_p(aggdata, by_trace, name, key, funtype1, funtype2, splitfun, count):
+ aggdata = dict([[x, aggdata[x]] for x in aggdata if x[0] == name])
+ isa = aggdata[list(aggdata.keys())[0]]['isa']
+ mae = []
+ smape = []
+ rmsd = []
+ estimates = []
+ pairs = splitfun(len(aggdata.keys()), count) # pairs are by_param index arrays
+ keys = sorted(aggdata.keys())
+ for i in range(0, count):
+ bpa_training = dict([[keys[x], aggdata[keys[x]]] for x in pairs[i][0]])
+ bpa_validation = dict([[keys[x], aggdata[keys[x]]] for x in pairs[i][1]])
+ bna_training = {}
+ for val in bpa_training.values():
+ for idx in range(0, len(val[key])):
+ fake_add_data_to_aggregate(bna_training, name, isa, val, idx)
+ ares = analyze(bna_training, bpa_training, by_trace, parameters)
+ if name in ares[isa] and funtype2 in ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function']:
+ xv2_assess_function(name, ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function'][funtype2], key, bpa_validation, mae, smape, rmsd)
+ if funtype2 == 'estimate':
+ if 'base' in ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function'][funtype2]:
+ estimates.append(tuple(ares[isa][name][funtype1]['function'][funtype2]['base']))
+ else:
+ estimates.append(None)
+ return mae, smape, rmsd, estimates
+def crossvalidate(by_name, by_param, by_trace, model, parameters):
+ param_mc_count = 200
+ paramv = param_values(parameters, by_param)
+ for name in sorted(by_name.keys()):
+ isa = by_name[name]['isa']
+ by_name[name]['means'] = np.array(by_name[name]['means'])
+ by_name[name]['energies'] = np.array(by_name[name]['energies'])
+ by_name[name]['rel_energies'] = np.array(by_name[name]['rel_energies'])
+ by_name[name]['durations'] = np.array(by_name[name]['durations'])
+ if isa == 'state':
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['means'], splitidx_srs, 200)
+ print('%16s, static power, Monte Carlo: MAE %8.f µW, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['means'], splitidx_kfold, 10)
+ print('%16s, static power, 10-fold sys: MAE %8.f µW, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ else:
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['energies'], splitidx_srs, 200)
+ print('%16s, static energy, Monte Carlo: MAE %8.f pJ, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['energies'], splitidx_kfold, 10)
+ print('%16s, static energy, 10-fold sys: MAE %8.f pJ, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['rel_energies'], splitidx_srs, 200)
+ print('%16s, static rel_energy, Monte Carlo: MAE %8.f pJ, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['rel_energies'], splitidx_kfold, 10)
+ print('%16s, static rel_energy, 10-fold sys: MAE %8.f pJ, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['durations'], splitidx_srs, 200)
+ print('%16s, static duration, Monte Carlo: MAE %8.f µs, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean = val_run(by_name[name]['durations'], splitidx_kfold, 10)
+ print('%16s, static duration, 10-fold sys: MAE %8.f µs, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (name, mae_mean, smape_mean, rms_mean))
+ def print_estimates(estimates, total):
+ histogram = {}
+ buf = ' '
+ for estimate in estimates:
+ if not estimate in histogram:
+ histogram[estimate] = 1
+ else:
+ histogram[estimate] += 1
+ for estimate, count in sorted(histogram.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True):
+ buf += ' %.f%% %s' % (count * 100 / total, estimate)
+ if len(estimates):
+ print(buf)
+ def val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, key1, key2, key3, unit):
+ mae, smape, rmsd, estimates = val_run_fun(by_name, by_trace, name, key1, key2, key3, splitidx_srs, param_mc_count)
+ print('%16s, %8s %10s, Monte Carlo: MAE %8.f %s, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (
+ name, key3, key2, np.mean(mae), unit, np.mean(smape), np.mean(rmsd)))
+ print_estimates(estimates, param_mc_count)
+ mae, smape, rmsd, estimates = val_run_fun(by_name, by_trace, name, key1, key2, key3, splitidx_kfold, 10)
+ print('%16s, %8s %10s, 10-fold sys: MAE %8.f %s, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (
+ name, key3, key2, np.mean(mae), unit, np.mean(smape), np.mean(rmsd)))
+ print_estimates(estimates, 10)
+ mae, smape, rmsd, estimates = val_run_fun_p(by_param, by_trace, name, key1, key2, key3, splitidx_srs, param_mc_count)
+ print('%16s, %8s %10s, param-aware Monte Carlo: MAE %8.f %s, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (
+ name, key3, key2, np.mean(mae), unit, np.mean(smape), np.mean(rmsd)))
+ print_estimates(estimates, param_mc_count)
+ mae, smape, rmsd, estimates = val_run_fun_p(by_param, by_trace, name, key1, key2, key3, splitidx_kfold, 10)
+ print('%16s, %8s %10s, param-aware 10-fold sys: MAE %8.f %s, SMAPE %6.2f%%, RMS %d' % (
+ name, key3, key2, np.mean(mae), unit, np.mean(smape), np.mean(rmsd)))
+ print_estimates(estimates, 10)
+ if 'power' in model[isa][name] and 'function' in model[isa][name]['power']:
+ if 'user' in model[isa][name]['power']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'means', 'power', 'user', 'µW')
+ if 'estimate' in model[isa][name]['power']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'means', 'power', 'estimate', 'µW')
+ if 'timeout' in model[isa][name] and 'function' in model[isa][name]['timeout']:
+ if 'user' in model[isa][name]['timeout']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'timeouts', 'timeout', 'user', 'µs')
+ if 'estimate' in model[isa][name]['timeout']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'timeouts', 'timeout', 'estimate', 'µs')
+ if 'duration' in model[isa][name] and 'function' in model[isa][name]['duration']:
+ if 'user' in model[isa][name]['duration']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'durations', 'duration', 'user', 'µs')
+ if 'estimate' in model[isa][name]['duration']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'durations', 'duration', 'estimate', 'µs')
+ if 'energy' in model[isa][name] and 'function' in model[isa][name]['energy']:
+ if 'user' in model[isa][name]['energy']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'energies', 'energy', 'user', 'pJ')
+ if 'estimate' in model[isa][name]['energy']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'energies', 'energy', 'estimate', 'pJ')
+ if 'rel_energy' in model[isa][name] and 'function' in model[isa][name]['rel_energy']:
+ if 'user' in model[isa][name]['rel_energy']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'rel_energies', 'rel_energy', 'user', 'pJ')
+ if 'estimate' in model[isa][name]['rel_energy']['function']:
+ val_run_funs(by_name, by_trace, name, 'rel_energies', 'rel_energy', 'estimate', 'pJ')
+ return
+ for i, param in enumerate(parameters):
+ user_mae = {}
+ user_smape = {}
+ estimate_mae = {}
+ estimate_smape = {}
+ for val in paramv[param]:
+ bpa_training = dict([[x, by_param[x]] for x in by_param if x[1][i] != val])
+ bpa_validation = dict([[x, by_param[x]] for x in by_param if x[1][i] == val])
+ to_pop = []
+ for name in by_name.keys():
+ if not any(map(lambda x : x[0] == name, bpa_training.keys())):
+ to_pop.append(name)
+ for name in to_pop:
+ by_name.pop(name, None)
+ ares = analyze(by_name, bpa_training, by_trace, parameters)
+ for name in sorted(ares['state'].keys()):
+ state = ares['state'][name]
+ if 'function' in state['power']:
+ if 'user' in state['power']['function']:
+ xv_assess_function(name, state['power']['function']['user'], 'means', bpa_validation, user_mae, user_smape)
+ if 'estimate' in state['power']['function']:
+ xv_assess_function(name, state['power']['function']['estimate'], 'means', bpa_validation, estimate_mae, estimate_smape)
+ for name in sorted(ares['transition'].keys()):
+ trans = ares['transition'][name]
+ if 'timeout' in trans and 'function' in trans['timeout']:
+ if 'user' in trans['timeout']['function']:
+ xv_assess_function(name, trans['timeout']['function']['user'], 'timeouts', bpa_validation, user_mae, user_smape)
+ if 'estimate' in trans['timeout']['function']:
+ xv_assess_function(name, trans['timeout']['function']['estimate'], 'timeouts', bpa_validation, estimate_mae, estimate_smape)
+ for name in sorted(user_mae.keys()):
+ if by_name[name]['isa'] == 'state':
+ print('user function %s power by %s: MAE %.f µW, SMAPE %.2f%%' % (
+ name, param, np.mean(user_mae[name]), np.mean(user_smape[name])))
+ else:
+ print('user function %s timeout by %s: MAE %.f µs, SMAPE %.2f%%' % (
+ name, param, np.mean(user_mae[name]), np.mean(user_smape[name])))
+ for name in sorted(estimate_mae.keys()):
+ if by_name[name]['isa'] == 'state':
+ print('estimate function %s power by %s: MAE %.f µW, SMAPE %.2f%%' % (
+ name, param, np.mean(estimate_mae[name]), np.mean(estimate_smape[name])))
+ else:
+ print('estimate function %s timeout by %s: MAE %.f µs, SMAPE %.2f%%' % (
+ name, param, np.mean(estimate_mae[name]), np.mean(estimate_smape[name])))
+def validate(by_name, by_param, parameters):
+ aggdata = {
+ 'state' : {},
+ 'transition' : {},
+ }
+ for key, val in by_name.items():
+ name = key
+ isa = val['isa']
+ model = data['model'][isa][name]
+ if isa == 'state':
+ aggdata[isa][name] = {
+ 'power' : {
+ 'goodness' : aggregate_measures(model['power']['static'], val['means']),
+ 'median' : np.median(val['means']),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['means']),
+ 'std_inner' : np.std(val['means']),
+ 'function' : {},
+ },
+ 'online_power' : {
+ 'goodness' : regression_measures(np.array(val['online_means']), np.array(val['means'])),
+ 'median' : np.median(val['online_means']),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['online_means']),
+ 'std_inner' : np.std(val['online_means']),
+ 'function' : {},
+ },
+ 'online_duration' : {
+ 'goodness' : regression_measures(np.array(val['online_durations']), np.array(val['durations'])),
+ 'median' : np.median(val['online_durations']),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['online_durations']),
+ 'std_inner' : np.std(val['online_durations']),
+ 'function' : {},
+ },
+ 'clip' : {
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['clip_rate']),
+ 'max' : max(val['clip_rate']),
+ },
+ 'timeout' : {},
+ }
+ if 'function' in model['power']:
+ aggdata[isa][name]['power']['function'] = {
+ 'estimate' : {
+ 'fit' : assess_function(model['power']['function']['estimate'],
+ name, 'means', parameters, by_param),
+ },
+ 'user': {
+ 'fit' : assess_function(model['power']['function']['user'],
+ name, 'means', parameters, by_param),
+ },
+ }
+ if isa == 'transition':
+ aggdata[isa][name] = {
+ 'duration' : {
+ 'goodness' : aggregate_measures(model['duration']['static'], val['durations']),
+ 'median' : np.median(val['durations']),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['durations']),
+ 'std_inner' : np.std(val['durations']),
+ 'function' : {},
+ },
+ 'energy' : {
+ 'goodness' : aggregate_measures(model['energy']['static'], val['energies']),
+ 'median' : np.median(val['energies']),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['energies']),
+ 'std_inner' : np.std(val['energies']),
+ 'function' : {},
+ },
+ 'rel_energy' : {
+ 'goodness' : aggregate_measures(model['rel_energy']['static'], val['rel_energies']),
+ 'median' : np.median(val['rel_energies']),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['rel_energies']),
+ 'std_inner' : np.std(val['rel_energies']),
+ 'function' : {},
+ },
+ 'clip' : {
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['clip_rate']),
+ 'max' : max(val['clip_rate']),
+ },
+ 'timeout' : {},
+ }
+ if 'function' in model['timeout']:
+ aggdata[isa][name]['timeout'] = {
+ 'median' : np.median(val['timeouts']),
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['timeouts']),
+ 'function': {
+ 'estimate' : {
+ 'fit' : assess_function(model['timeout']['function']['estimate'],
+ name, 'timeouts', parameters, by_param),
+ },
+ 'user': {
+ 'fit' : assess_function(model['timeout']['function']['user'],
+ name, 'timeouts', parameters, by_param),
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ return aggdata
+def analyze(by_name, by_param, by_trace, parameters):
+ aggdata = {
+ 'state' : {},
+ 'transition' : {},
+ }
+ transition_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1]['isa'] == 'transition', by_name.items())))
+ for name, val in by_name.items():
+ isa = val['isa']
+ model = data['model'][isa][name]
+ aggdata[isa][name] = {
+ 'power' : keydata(name, val, by_param, by_trace, 'means'),
+ 'duration' : keydata(name, val, by_param, by_trace, 'durations'),
+ 'energy' : keydata(name, val, by_param, by_trace, 'energies'),
+ 'clip' : {
+ 'mean' : np.mean(val['clip_rate']),
+ 'max' : max(val['clip_rate']),
+ },
+ 'timeout' : {},
+ }
+ aggval = aggdata[isa][name]
+ aggval['power']['std_outer'] = np.mean(val['stds'])
+ if isa == 'transition':
+ aggval['rel_energy'] = keydata(name, val, by_param, by_trace, 'rel_energies')
+ if isa == 'transition' and 'function' in data['model']['transition'][name]['timeout']:
+ aggval['timeout'] = keydata(name, val, by_param, by_trace, 'timeouts')
+ for i, param in enumerate(sorted(data['model']['parameter'].keys())):
+ values = list(set([key[1][i] for key in by_param.keys() if key[0] == name and key[1][i] != '']))
+ allvalues = [(*key[1][:i], *key[1][i+1:]) for key in by_param.keys() if key[0] == name]
+ #allvalues = list(set(allvalues))
+ if len(values) > 1:
+ if isa == 'state':
+ aggval['power']['std_by_param'][param] = mean_std_by_param(
+ by_param, allvalues, name, 'means', i)
+ if aggval['power']['std_by_param'][param] > 0 and aggval['power']['std_param'] / aggval['power']['std_by_param'][param] < 0.6:
+ aggval['power']['fit_guess'][param] = try_fits(name, 'means', i, by_param)
+ else:
+ aggval['duration']['std_by_param'][param] = mean_std_by_param(
+ by_param, allvalues, name, 'durations', i)
+ if aggval['duration']['std_by_param'][param] > 0 and aggval['duration']['std_param'] / aggval['duration']['std_by_param'][param] < 0.6:
+ aggval['duration']['fit_guess'][param] = try_fits(name, 'durations', i, by_param)
+ aggval['energy']['std_by_param'][param] = mean_std_by_param(
+ by_param, allvalues, name, 'energies', i)
+ if aggval['energy']['std_by_param'][param] > 0 and aggval['energy']['std_param'] / aggval['energy']['std_by_param'][param] < 0.6:
+ aggval['energy']['fit_guess'][param] = try_fits(name, 'energies', i, by_param)
+ aggval['rel_energy']['std_by_param'][param] = mean_std_by_param(
+ by_param, allvalues, name, 'rel_energies', i)
+ if aggval['rel_energy']['std_by_param'][param] > 0 and aggval['rel_energy']['std_param'] / aggval['rel_energy']['std_by_param'][param] < 0.6:
+ aggval['rel_energy']['fit_guess'][param] = try_fits(name, 'rel_energies', i, by_param)
+ if isa == 'transition' and 'function' in data['model']['transition'][name]['timeout']:
+ aggval['timeout']['std_by_param'][param] = mean_std_by_param(
+ by_param, allvalues, name, 'timeouts', i)
+ if aggval['timeout']['std_by_param'][param] > 0 and aggval['timeout']['std_param'] / aggval['timeout']['std_by_param'][param] < 0.6:
+ aggval['timeout']['fit_guess'][param] = try_fits(name, 'timeouts', i, by_param)
+ if isa == 'state':
+ fguess_to_function(name, 'means', aggval['power'], parameters, by_param,
+ 'estimated %s power [µW]' % name)
+ if 'function' in model['power'] and 'user' in model['power']['function']:
+ aggval['power']['function']['user'] = {
+ 'raw' : model['power']['function']['user']['raw'],
+ 'params' : model['power']['function']['user']['params'],
+ }
+ fit_function(
+ aggval['power']['function']['user'], name, 'means', parameters, by_param,
+ yaxis='%s power [µW]' % name)
+ if aggval['power']['std_param'] > 0 and aggval['power']['std_trace'] / aggval['power']['std_param'] < 0.5:
+ aggval['power']['std_by_trace'] = mean_std_by_trace_part(by_trace, transition_names, name, 'means')
+ else:
+ fguess_to_function(name, 'durations', aggval['duration'], parameters, by_param,
+ 'estimated %s duration [µs]' % name)
+ fguess_to_function(name, 'energies', aggval['energy'], parameters, by_param,
+ 'estimated %s energy [pJ]' % name)
+ fguess_to_function(name, 'rel_energies', aggval['rel_energy'], parameters, by_param,
+ 'estimated relative %s energy [pJ]' % name)
+ if 'function' in model['duration'] and 'user' in model['duration']['function']:
+ aggval['duration']['function']['user'] = {
+ 'raw' : model['duration']['function']['user']['raw'],
+ 'params' : model['duration']['function']['user']['params'],
+ }
+ fit_function(
+ aggval['duration']['function']['user'], name, 'durations', parameters, by_param,
+ yaxis='%s duration [µs]' % name)
+ if 'function' in model['energy'] and 'user' in model['energy']['function']:
+ aggval['energy']['function']['user'] = {
+ 'raw' : model['energy']['function']['user']['raw'],
+ 'params' : model['energy']['function']['user']['params'],
+ }
+ fit_function(
+ aggval['energy']['function']['user'], name, 'energies', parameters, by_param,
+ yaxis='%s energy [pJ]' % name)
+ if 'function' in model['rel_energy'] and 'user' in model['rel_energy']['function']:
+ aggval['rel_energy']['function']['user'] = {
+ 'raw' : model['rel_energy']['function']['user']['raw'],
+ 'params' : model['rel_energy']['function']['user']['params'],
+ }
+ fit_function(
+ aggval['rel_energy']['function']['user'], name, 'rel_energies', parameters, by_param,
+ yaxis='%s rel_energy [pJ]' % name)
+ if 'function' in model['timeout'] and 'user' in model['timeout']['function']:
+ fguess_to_function(name, 'timeouts', aggval['timeout'], parameters, by_param,
+ 'estimated %s timeout [µs]' % name)
+ aggval['timeout']['function']['user'] = {
+ 'raw' : model['timeout']['function']['user']['raw'],
+ 'params' : model['timeout']['function']['user']['params'],
+ }
+ fit_function(
+ aggval['timeout']['function']['user'], name, 'timeouts', parameters,
+ by_param, yaxis='%s timeout [µs]' % name)
+ if aggval['timeout']['std_param'] > 0 and aggval['timeout']['std_trace'] / aggval['timeout']['std_param'] < 0.5:
+ aggval['timeout']['std_by_trace'] = mean_std_by_trace_part(by_trace, transition_names, name, 'timeouts')
+ return aggdata
+ raw_opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", [
+ "fit", "states", "transitions", "params", "clipping", "timing",
+ "histogram", "substates", "validate", "crossvalidate", "ignore-trace-idx="])
+ for option, parameter in raw_opts:
+ optname = re.sub(r'^--', '', option)
+ opts[optname] = parameter
+ if 'ignore-trace-idx' in opts:
+ opts['ignore-trace-idx'] = int(opts['ignore-trace-idx'])
+except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+ print(err)
+ sys.exit(2)
+data = load_json(args[0])
+by_name = {}
+by_param = {}
+by_trace = {}
+parameters = sorted(data['model']['parameter'].keys())
+for arg in args:
+ mdata = load_json(arg)
+ for runidx, run in enumerate(mdata['traces']):
+ if 'ignore-trace-idx' not in opts or opts['ignore-trace-idx'] != runidx:
+ for i, elem in enumerate(run['trace']):
+ if elem['name'] != 'UNINITIALIZED':
+ load_run_elem(i, elem, run['trace'], by_name, by_param, by_trace)
+if 'states' in opts:
+ if 'params' in opts:
+ plotter.plot_states_param(data['model'], by_param)
+ else:
+ plotter.plot_states(data['model'], by_name)
+ if 'timing' in opts:
+ plotter.plot_states_duration(data['model'], by_name)
+ plotter.plot_states_duration(data['model'], by_param)
+ if 'clipping' in opts:
+ plotter.plot_states_clips(data['model'], by_name)
+if 'transitions' in opts:
+ plotter.plot_transitions(data['model'], by_name)
+ if 'timing' in opts:
+ plotter.plot_transitions_duration(data['model'], by_name)
+ plotter.plot_transitions_timeout(data['model'], by_param)
+ if 'clipping' in opts:
+ plotter.plot_transitions_clips(data['model'], by_name)
+if 'histogram' in opts:
+ for key in sorted(by_name.keys()):
+ plotter.plot_histogram(by_name[key]['means'])
+if 'substates' in opts:
+ if 'params' in opts:
+ plotter.plot_substate_thresholds_p(data['model'], by_param)
+ else:
+ plotter.plot_substate_thresholds(data['model'], by_name)
+if 'validate' in opts:
+ data['aggregate'] = validate(by_name, by_param, parameters)
+elif 'crossvalidate' in opts:
+ crossvalidate(by_name, by_param, by_trace, data['model'], parameters)
+ data['aggregate'] = analyze(by_name, by_param, by_trace, parameters)
+# TODO optionally also plot data points for states/transitions which do not have
+# a function, but may depend on a parameter (visualization is always good!)
+save_json(data, args[0])
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2cfa976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import csv
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from dfatool import running_mean, MIMOSA, Keysight
+voltage = float(sys.argv[1])
+shunt = float(sys.argv[2])
+mimfile = "../data/20161114_arb_%d.mim" % shunt
+csvfile = "../data/20161114_%d_arb.csv" % shunt
+mim = MIMOSA(voltage, shunt)
+ks = Keysight()
+charges, triggers = mim.load_data(mimfile)
+timestamps, currents = ks.load_data(csvfile)
+def calfunc330(charge):
+ if charge < 140.210488888889:
+ return 0
+ if charge <= 526.507377777778:
+ return float(charge) * 0.0941215500652876 + -13.196828549634
+ else:
+ return float(charge) * 0.0897304193584184 + -47.2437278033012 + 36.358862
+def calfunc82(charge):
+ if charge < 126.993600:
+ return 0
+ if charge <= 245.464889:
+ return charge * 0.306900 + -38.974361
+ else:
+ return charge * 0.356383 + -87.479495 + 36.358862
+def calfunc33(charge):
+ if charge < 127.000000:
+ return 0
+ if charge <= 127.211911:
+ return charge * 171.576006 + -21790.152700
+ else:
+ return charge * 0.884357 + -112.500777 + 36.358862
+calfuncs = {
+ 33 : calfunc33,
+ 82 : calfunc82,
+ 330 : calfunc330,
+vcalfunc = np.vectorize(calfuncs[int(shunt)], otypes=[np.float64])
+#plt.plot(np.arange(0, 1000, 0.01), vcalfunc(np.arange(0, 1000, 0.01)))
+#plt.ylabel('Strom [µA]')
+mim_x = np.arange(len(charges)-199) * 1e-5
+mim_y = running_mean(mim.charge_to_current_nocal(charges), 200) * 1e-6
+cal_y = running_mean(vcalfunc(charges), 200) * 1e-6
+ks_x = timestamps[:len(timestamps)-9]
+ks_y = running_mean(currents, 10)
+# look for synchronization opportunity in first 5 seconds
+mim_sync_idx = 0
+ks_sync_idx = 0
+for i in range(0, 500000):
+ if mim_sync_idx == 0 and mim_y[i] > 0.001:
+ mim_sync_idx = i
+ if ks_sync_idx == 0 and ks_y[i] > 0.001:
+ ks_sync_idx = i
+mim_x = mim_x - mim_x[mim_sync_idx]
+ks_x = ks_x - ks_x[ks_sync_idx]
+mim_max_start = int(len(mim_y) * 0.4)
+mim_max_end = int(len(mim_y) * 0.6)
+mim_start_end = int(len(mim_y) * 0.1)
+mim_end_start = int(len(mim_y) * 0.9)
+mim_max = np.max(mim_y[mim_max_start:mim_max_end])
+mim_min1 = np.min(mim_y[:mim_start_end])
+mim_min2 = np.min(mim_y[mim_end_start:])
+mim_center = 0
+mim_start = 0
+mim_end = 0
+for i, y in enumerate(mim_y):
+ if y == mim_max and i / len(mim_y) > 0.4 and i / len(mim_y) < 0.6:
+ mim_center = i
+ elif y == mim_min1 and i / len(mim_y) < 0.1:
+ mim_start = i
+ elif y == mim_min2 and i / len(mim_y) > 0.9:
+ mim_end = i
+plt.plot([mim_x[mim_center]], [mim_y[mim_center]], "yo")
+plt.plot([mim_x[mim_start]], [mim_y[mim_start]], "yo")
+plt.plot([mim_x[mim_end]], [mim_y[mim_end]], "yo")
+mimhandle, = plt.plot(mim_x, mim_y, "r-", label='MIMOSA')
+#calhandle, = plt.plot(mim_x, cal_y, "g-", label='MIMOSA (autocal)')
+kshandle, = plt.plot(ks_x, ks_y, "b-", label='Keysight')
+#plt.legend(handles=[mimhandle, calhandle, kshandle])
+plt.xlabel('Zeit [s]')
+plt.ylabel('Strom [A]')
+ks_steps_up = []
+ks_steps_down = []
+mim_steps_up = []
+mim_steps_down = []
+skip = 0
+for i, gradient in enumerate(np.gradient(ks_y, 10000)):
+ if gradient > 0.5e-9 and i - skip > 200 and ks_x[i] < mim_x[mim_center] and ks_x[i] > 5:
+ plt.plot([ks_x[i]], [ks_y[i]], "go")
+ ks_steps_up.append(i)
+ skip = i
+ elif gradient < -0.5e-9 and i - skip > 200 and ks_x[i] > mim_x[mim_center] and ks_x[i] < mim_x[mim_end]:
+ plt.plot([ks_x[i]], [ks_y[i]], "g*")
+ ks_steps_down.append(i)
+ skip = i
+j = 0
+for i, ts in enumerate(mim_x):
+ if j < len(ks_steps_up) and ts > ks_x[ks_steps_up[j]]:
+ mim_steps_up.append(i)
+ j += 1
+j = 0
+for i, ts in enumerate(mim_x):
+ if j < len(ks_steps_down) and ts > ks_x[ks_steps_down[j]]:
+ mim_steps_down.append(i)
+ j += 1
+mim_values = []
+cal_values = []
+ks_values = []
+for i in range(1, len(ks_steps_up)):
+ mim_values.append(np.mean(mim_y[mim_steps_up[i-1]:mim_steps_up[i]]))
+ cal_values.append(np.mean(cal_y[mim_steps_up[i-1]:mim_steps_up[i]]))
+ ks_values.append(np.mean(ks_y[ks_steps_up[i-1]:ks_steps_up[i]]))
+ print("step %d avg %5.3f vs %5.3f vs %5.3f mA" %
+ (i, np.mean(ks_y[ks_steps_up[i-1]:ks_steps_up[i]]) * 1e3,
+ np.mean(mim_y[mim_steps_up[i-1]:mim_steps_up[i]]) * 1e3,
+ np.mean(cal_y[mim_steps_up[i-1]:mim_steps_up[i]]) * 1e3))
+for i in range(1, len(ks_steps_down)):
+ mim_values.append(np.mean(mim_y[mim_steps_down[i-1]:mim_steps_down[i]]))
+ cal_values.append(np.mean(cal_y[mim_steps_down[i-1]:mim_steps_down[i]]))
+ ks_values.append(np.mean(ks_y[ks_steps_down[i-1]:ks_steps_down[i]]))
+ print("step %d avg %5.3f vs %5.3f vs %5.3f mA" %
+ (i, np.mean(ks_y[ks_steps_down[i-1]:ks_steps_down[i]]) * 1e3,
+ np.mean(mim_y[mim_steps_down[i-1]:mim_steps_down[i]]) * 1e3,
+ np.mean(cal_y[mim_steps_down[i-1]:mim_steps_down[i]]) * 1e3))
+mim_values = np.array(mim_values)
+cal_values = np.array(cal_values)
+ks_values = np.array(ks_values)
+plt.hist(ks_y[ks_steps_up[48]:ks_steps_up[49]] * 1e3, 100, normed=0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.8)
+plt.xlabel('mA Keysight')
+plt.hist(mim_y[mim_steps_up[48]:mim_steps_up[49]] * 1e3, 100, normed=0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.8)
+plt.xlabel('mA MimosaGUI')
+mimhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, mim_values * 1e3, "ro", label='Unkalibriert', markersize=4)
+calhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, cal_values * 1e3, "bs", label='Kalibriert', markersize=4)
+plt.legend(handles=[mimhandle, calhandle])
+plt.xlabel('mA Keysight')
+plt.ylabel('mA MIMOSA')
+mimhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (mim_values - ks_values) * 1e3, "ro", label='Unkalibriert', markersize=4)
+calhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (cal_values - ks_values) * 1e3, "bs", label='Kalibriert', markersize=4)
+plt.legend(handles=[mimhandle, calhandle])
+plt.xlabel('Sollstrom [mA]')
+plt.ylabel('Messfehler MIMOSA [mA]')
+mimhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (mim_values - ks_values) * 1e3, "r--", label='Unkalibriert')
+calhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (cal_values - ks_values) * 1e3, "b-", label='Kalibriert')
+plt.legend(handles=[mimhandle, calhandle])
+plt.xlabel('Sollstrom [mA]')
+plt.ylabel('Messfehler MIMOSA [mA]')
+mimhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (mim_values - ks_values) / ks_values * 100, "ro", label='Unkalibriert', markersize=4)
+calhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (cal_values - ks_values) / ks_values * 100, "bs", label='Kalibriert', markersize=4)
+plt.legend(handles=[mimhandle, calhandle])
+plt.xlabel('Sollstrom [mA]')
+plt.ylabel('Messfehler MIMOSA [%]')
+mimhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (mim_values - ks_values) / ks_values * 100, "r--", label='Unkalibriert')
+calhandle, = plt.plot(ks_values * 1e3, (cal_values - ks_values) / ks_values * 100, "b-", label='Kalibriert')
+plt.legend(handles=[mimhandle, calhandle])
+plt.xlabel('Sollstrom [mA]')
+plt.ylabel('Messfehler MIMOSA [%]')
+#mimhandle, = plt.plot(mim_x, np.gradient(mim_y, 10000), "r-", label='MIMOSA')
+#kshandle, = plt.plot(ks_x, np.gradient(ks_y, 10000), "b-", label='Keysight')
+#plt.legend(handles=[mimhandle, kshandle])
+#plt.xlabel('Zeit [s]')
+#plt.ylabel('Strom [A]')
diff --git a/bin/mimosawatch b/bin/mimosawatch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88d34a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mimosawatch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.020;
+use File::Slurp qw(slurp);
+use IO::Handle;
+our $VERSION = '0.00';
+while (sleep(1)) {
+ if ( -e '/tmp/mimosa/mimosa_scale_100000.tmp' ) {
+ my $raw_data = slurp('/tmp/mimosa/mimosa_scale_100000.tmp');
+ my @data = map { $_ >> 8 } unpack('L*', $raw_data);
+ my @buzzer = map { $_ & 0x0f } unpack('L*', $raw_data);
+ if (@data > 8) {
+ printf("\r\e[2K" . ('%8d ' x 8), @data[-8 .. -1]);
+ }
+ }