path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 491 deletions
diff --git a/bin/dfatool b/bin/dfatool
index ce9224e..dc598c5 100755..120000
--- a/bin/dfatool
+++ b/bin/dfatool
@@ -1,491 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use 5.020;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use IO::Handle;
-use Kratos::DFADriver;
-use List::Util qw(max sum);
-use Time::Progress;
-our $VERSION = '0.00';
-my %opt;
- \%opt,
- qw{
- baudrate=i
- class=s
- exclude-states=s@
- ignore-nested-calls
- logging!
- plot=s
- no-cache
- no-update
- note=s
- param-default=s@
- state-duration=i
- shunt=f
- trace-filter=s@
- trace-revisit=i
- trigger-pin=i
- trigger-port=s
- voltage=f
- with-lut!
- offset=i
- workload=s
- zomg-fasta-nao
- }
-if ( @ARGV < 2 ) {
- show_usage();
-@{ $opt{'exclude-states'} }
- = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @{ $opt{'exclude-states'} // [] } ) );
-@{ $opt{'param-default'} }
- = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @{ $opt{'param-default'} // [] } ) );
-my ( $command, $model_file, @data_files ) = @ARGV;
-my $driver = Kratos::DFADriver->new(
- baud_rate => $opt{baudrate} // 115200,
- cache => $opt{'no-cache'} ? 0 : 1,
- class_name => $opt{class},
- data_file => $data_files[0],
- excluded_states => $opt{'exclude-states'} // [],
- fast_analysis => $opt{'zomg-fasta-nao'} // 0,
- filename_suffix => $opt{'note'},
- ignore_nested => $opt{'ignore-nested-calls'} // 0,
- logging => $opt{logging} // 1,
- state_duration => $opt{'state-duration'} // 1000,
- trigger_pin => $opt{'trigger-pin'},
- trigger_port => $opt{'trigger-port'},
- merge_args => $opt{'plot'}
- ? [ map { "--$_" } split( qr{,}, $opt{'plot'} ) ]
- : [],
- mimosa_offset => $opt{offset} // 130,
- mimosa_shunt => $opt{shunt} // 330,
- mimosa_voltage => $opt{voltage} // 3.60,
- model_file => $model_file,
- param_default => $opt{'param-default'} // [],
- trace_filter => $opt{'trace-filter'} // [],
- trace_revisit => $opt{'trace-revisit'} // 2,
- with_lut => $opt{'with-lut'},
-my %action = (
- autogen => sub {
- # nothing to do
- },
- clean => sub {
- $driver->launchpad_log_clean;
- },
- enable => sub {
- $driver->write_acc_files;
- },
- disable => sub {
- $driver->rm_acc_files;
- },
- 'to-tikz' => sub {
- say $driver->to_tikz;
- },
- 'to-dfa' => sub {
- say join(
- "\n",
- map {
- join( ' -> ', map { "$_->[0]($_->[1],$_->[2])" } @{$_} )
- } $driver->runs
- );
- },
- flash => sub {
- say "Compiling Kratos and flashing Launchpad";
- $driver->launchpad_flash;
- },
- maketest => sub {
- $driver->write_test_files;
- },
- rmtest => sub {
- $driver->rm_test_files;
- },
- reset => sub {
- say "Resetting MSP430";
- $driver->launchpad_reset;
- },
- log => sub {
- say "Resetting MSP430";
- $driver->launchpad_reset;
- say "Connecting to Launchpad";
- $driver->launchpad_log_init;
- say "Starting measurement";
- $driver->mimosa->start;
- say "Calibrating MIMOSA";
- $driver->mimosa->calibrate;
- STDOUT->autoflush(1);
- print "Waiting for sync";
- while ( not $driver->launchpad_log_is_synced ) {
- $driver->launchpad_log_read;
- print q{.};
- }
- print "\r\e[2KSynced with DriverEval app\n";
- my ( $iter, $run, $maxrun ) = $driver->launchpad_log_status;
- my $timer = Time::Progress->new(
- min => 0,
- max => $maxrun
- );
- while ( $run < 1 ) {
- $driver->launchpad_log_read;
- ( $iter, $run, $maxrun ) = $driver->launchpad_log_status;
- }
- while ( $driver->launchpad_log_is_synced ) {
- $driver->launchpad_log_read;
- ( $iter, $run, $maxrun ) = $driver->launchpad_log_status;
- print $timer->report(
-"\r\e[2K%40b %p (${run}/${maxrun}) %L elapsed %E remaining in iteration ${iter}",
- $run
- );
- if ( $run == $maxrun ) {
- printf( "\r\e[2KIteration %d done after %d seconds\n",
- $iter - 1, $timer->elapsed($run) );
- say "Stopping measurement";
- $driver->mimosa->stop;
- say "Archiving files";
- $driver->archive_files;
- return;
- }
- if ( my @errors = $driver->launchpad_get_errors ) {
- say "\r\e[2KErrors in iteration ${iter}, run ${run}";
- say join( "\n", @errors );
- say "Aborting measurement. Current run will not be saved.";
- $driver->mimosa->kill;
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- },
- analyze => sub {
- $driver->analyze(@data_files);
- $driver->assess_model;
- if ( $opt{workload} ) {
- $driver->assess_workload( $opt{workload} );
- }
- elsif ( not $opt{'no-update'} ) {
- $driver->update_model;
- }
- },
- 'analyze-tex' => sub {
- $driver->analyze(@data_files);
- $driver->assess_model_tex;
- },
- analyzesingle => sub {
- if ( $opt{'no-cache'} or not $driver->log->load_cache ) {
- say "Analyzing DriverEval iterations (this may take a while)";
- $driver->log->load_archive;
- $driver->log->preprocess;
- $driver->log->save_cache;
- }
- say "Processing";
- $driver->log->analyze;
- $driver->assess_model;
- if ( not $opt{'no-update'} ) {
- $driver->update_model;
- }
- },
- crossvalidate => sub {
- printf( "./dfatool crossvalidate %s %s\n",
- $model_file, join( q{ }, @data_files ) );
- $driver->crossvalidate_model(@data_files);
- },
- ls => sub {
- for my $file (@data_files) {
- my $log = $driver->log($file);
- $log->load_archive;
- my $setup = $log->setup;
- say $file;
- printf(
- " %.2fV @ %3dΩ, %dms per state, max revisit %d\n",
- $setup->{mimosa_voltage}, $setup->{mimosa_shunt},
- $setup->{state_duration}, $setup->{trace_revisit}
- );
- if ( $setup->{excluded_states} and @{ $setup->{excluded_states} } )
- {
- printf( " excluded states: %s\n", $setup->{excluded_states} );
- }
- if ( $setup->{trace_filter} and @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) {
- printf( " trace filter: %s\n",
- join( q{ | }, @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) );
- }
- }
- },
- list => sub {
- for my $file (@data_files) {
- my $log = $driver->log($file);
- if ( $opt{'no-cache'} or not $driver->log->load_cache ) {
- $log->load_archive;
- $log->preprocess;
- $log->save_cache;
- }
- $log->analyze;
- my $data = $log->data;
- my $setup = $log->setup;
- say $file;
- printf(
- " %.2fV @ %3dΩ, %dms per state, max revisit %d\n",
- $setup->{mimosa_voltage}, $setup->{mimosa_shunt},
- $setup->{state_duration}, $setup->{trace_revisit}
- );
- if ( $setup->{excluded_states} and @{ $setup->{excluded_states} } )
- {
- printf( " excluded states: %s\n", $setup->{excluded_states} );
- }
- if ( $setup->{trace_filter} and @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) {
- printf( " trace filter: %s\n",
- join( q{ | }, @{ $setup->{trace_filter} } ) );
- }
- printf( " MIMOSA offset: %5s %5s %5s\n", 'inf', '100k', '1k' );
- for my $cal ( @{ $data->{calibration} } ) {
- printf( " %5.f %5.f %5.f µW\n",
- @{$cal}{qw{r0_err_uW r2_err_uW r1_err_uW}},
- );
- }
- for my $state ( sort keys %{ $data->{aggregate}{state} } ) {
- if ( $state ne 'UNINITIALIZED' ) {
- my $val = $data->{aggregate}{state}{$state};
- printf(
- " %15s : %.f±%.f = %.f, clip %.f%% ^ %.f%%\n",
- $state, $val->{power}{mean},
- $val->{power}{std_inner}, $val->{power}{median},
- $val->{clip}{mean}, $val->{clip}{max}
- );
- }
- }
- }
- },
- show => sub {
- for my $file (@data_files) {
- my $log = $driver->log($file);
- $log->load_archive;
- if ( $opt{'no-cache'} or not $driver->log->load_cache ) {
- $log->load_archive;
- $log->preprocess;
- $log->save_cache;
- }
- $log->analyze;
- for my $trace ( @{ $log->data->{traces} } ) {
- my ( @data, @widths );
- printf( '%3d', $trace->{id} );
- for my $elem ( @{ $trace->{trace} } ) {
- if ( $elem->{isa} eq 'state'
- and $elem->{name} ne 'UNINITIALIZED' )
- {
- push( @widths, max( length( $elem->{name} ), 9 ) );
- printf( ' → %9s', $elem->{name} );
- my @powers
- = map { $_->{uW_mean} } @{ $elem->{offline} };
- push( @data, sum(@powers) / @powers );
- }
- elsif ( $elem->{isa} eq 'transition' ) {
- my $args = join( q{, }, @{ $elem->{args} // [qw[?]] } );
- my $pstr = "$elem->{name}($args)";
- push( @widths, max( length($pstr), 9 ) );
- printf( ' → %9s', $pstr );
- my @energies
- = map { $_->{uW_mean_delta_prev} * ( $_->{us} - 20 ) }
- @{ $elem->{offline} };
- push( @data, sum(@energies) / @energies );
- }
- }
- print "\n ";
- for my $i ( 0 .. $#data ) {
- printf( " → \%$widths[$i]d", $data[$i] );
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- },
- reset => sub {
- $driver->reset_model;
- },
-$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
- say "\r\e[2KTerminating MIMOSA daemon";
- $driver->mimosa->kill;
- say "Goodbye";
- exit 0;
-sub show_usage {
- say STDERR "Usage: $0 <action> <DFA driver file>";
- say STDERR 'Supported actions: ' . join( q{ }, sort keys %action );
- exit 1;
-if ( exists $action{$command} ) {
- $action{$command}();
-elsif ( $command eq 'loop' ) {
- $action{clean}();
- $action{enable}();
- $action{maketest}();
- $action{flash}();
- while (1) {
- $action{log}();
- }
-else {
- show_usage();
-=head1 NAME
-dfatool manages energy-aware DFA drivers for kratos and generates and runs
-test programs to assess a device's energy usage.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<dfatool> [I<options>] enable|disable|maketest|rmtest|log|loop I<driver.json>
-B<dfatool> [I<options>] analyze|crossvalidate|ls|list|show
-I<driver.json> I<data.tar> [I<moredata.tar ...>]
-=head1 VERSION
-TODO WARNING: rel_energy_next is unusable for transitions which frequently are
-the last transition in a run
-=head1 COMMANDS
-=item B<enable> I<driver.json>
-Instruments the driver noted in I<driver.json> for energy accounting and state
-and transition logging. Unconditionally uses static model attributes and only
-relative energy values. Attributes whose power or energy values are not yet
-known are set to zero.
-=item B<disable> I<driver.json>
-Removes accounting and logging instrumentation, thus turning the driver back
-into an energy-unaware one. By default, each state may be visited up to two
-=item B<maketest> I<driver.json>
-Creates a kratos application containing a test program for the driver. By
-=head1 OPTIONS
-As of 2017-04, the following packages (and some more) are required on Debian
- apt install libcarp-assert-more-perl libclass-accessor-perl libdatetime-perl
- libdevice-serialport-perl libfile-slurp-perl libipc-run-perl libjson-perl
- liblist-moreutils-perl libmath-cartesian-product-perl
- libparse-recdescent-perl libtime-progress-perl libxml-libxml-perl
- python3-matplotlib python3-numpy python3-scipy
-Required non-standard perl modules:
-=item * Carp::Assert::More
-=item * DateTIme
-=item * Device::SerialPort
-=item * File::Slurp
-=item * IPC::Run
-=item * List::MoreUtils
-=item * Math::Cartesian::Product
-=item * Parse::RecDescent
-=item * Time::Progress
-=item * XML::LibXML
-For analysis, the following programs and modules are required:
-=item * Python 3.5 with matplotlib, numpy and scipy modules
-=item * parallel (either GNU parallel or the one provided by moreutils)
-Normal driver usage and analyses of generated data requires no external
-hardware. For data collection (C<< dfatool loop >> and C<< dfatool log >>), the
-following pieces are required:
-=item * An MSP430 Launchpad with the Device Under Test attached
-=item * MIMOSA
-=item * MIMOSA-Autocal
-To be determined.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>daniel.friesel@udo.eduE<gt>
-=head1 LICENSE
-You may use this program either according to the terms of the Perl license
-(also known as the Artistic license) or under the following terms
-(also knows as the Three-clause BSD License).
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
-may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-specific prior written permission.
+../lib \ No newline at end of file