path: root/lib/FLAT/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/FLAT/')
1 files changed, 533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/FLAT/ b/lib/FLAT/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd0e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/FLAT/
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+package FLAT::CMD;
+use FLAT;
+use FLAT::Regex;
+use FLAT::NFA;
+use FLAT::DFA;
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+CMD - Commandline interface for the Formal Language & Automata Toolkit
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ is provides an interface to the C<fash> commandline utility that offers
+certain features implemented in FLAT. Consequently, this interface is also
+available using the C<perl -MFLAT::CMD -e func> paradigm, but C<fash> makes
+things a lot more convenient.
+=head1 USAGE
+All regular language objects in FLAT implement the following methods.
+Specific regular language representations (regex, NFA, DFA) may implement
+additional methods that are outlined in the repsective POD pages.
+# Support for perl one liners - like what uses #<- should move all to another file
+use base 'Exporter'; #instead of: use Exporter (); @ISA = 'Exporter';
+use vars qw(@EXPORT $AUTOLOAD);
+@EXPORT = qw(compare dump dfa2gv nfa2gv pfa2gv dfa2undgv nfa2undgv pfa2undgv dfa2digraph
+ nfa2digraph pfa2digraph dfa2undirected nfa2undirected pfa2undirected random_pre random_re
+ savedfa test help
+ );
+ my($l) = $AUTOLOAD;
+ $l =~ s/.*:://;
+ my(%EXPORT);
+ @EXPORT{@EXPORT} = '';
+ if (exists $EXPORT{$l}){
+ FLAT::CMD->$l(@_);
+ }
+sub help {
+print <<END
+__________ .__ ___________.____ ___________
+\______ \ ___________| | \_ _____/| | _____\__ ___/
+ | ___// __ \_ __ \ | | __) | | \__ \ | |
+ | | \ ___/| | \/ |__ | \ | |___ / __ \| |
+ |____| \___ >__| |____/ \___ / |_______ (____ /____|
+ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ Everything is wrt parallel regular expressions, i.e.,
+ with the addtional shuffle operator, "&". All this
+ means is that you can use the ambersand (&) as a symbol
+ in the regular expressions you submit because it will be
+ detected as an operator.That said, if you avoid using
+ the "&" operator, you can forget about all that shuffle
+ business.
+%perl -MFLAT::CMD -e
+ "somestrings" 're1' # creates all valid strings via acyclic path, no cycles yet
+ "compare 're1','re2'" # comares 2 regexs | see note [2]
+ "dump 're1'" # dumps parse trees | see note[1]
+ "dfa2gv 're1'" # dumps graphviz digraph desc | see note[1]
+ "nfa2gv 're1'" # dumps graphviz digraph desc | see note[1]
+ "pfa2gv 're1'" # dumps graphviz digraph desc | see note[1]
+ "dfa2undgv 're1'" # dumps graphviz undirected graph desc | see note[1]
+ "nfa2undgv 're1'" # dumps graphviz undirected graph desc | see note[1]
+ "pfa2undgv 're1'" # dumps graphviz undirected graph desc | see note[1]
+ "dfa2digraph 're1'" # dumps directed graph without transitions
+ "nfa2digraph 're1'" # dumps directed graph without transitions
+ "pfa2digraph 're1'" # dumps directed graph without transitions
+ "dfa2undirected 're1'" # dumps undirected graph without transitions
+ "nfa2undirected 're1'" # dumps undirected graph without transitions
+ "pfa2undirected 're1'" # dumps undirected graph without transitions
+ random_pre
+ random_re
+ "savedfa 're1'" # converts PRE to min dfa, then serializes to disk
+ "test 'regex' 'string1'" # give a regex, reports if subsequent strings are valid
+ help
+[1] This means you could presumably do something like the following:
+ %perl -MFLAT -e command < text_file_with_1_regex_per_line.txt
+ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+[2] This command compares the minimal DFAs of each regular expression;
+ if there exists a exact 1-1 mapping of symbols, states, and
+ transitions then the DFAs are considered equal. This means that
+ "abc" will be equal to "def" To make matters more confusing, "ab+ac"
+ would be equivalent to "xy+xz"; or worse yet, "z(x+y)". So to the
+ 'compare' command, "ab+ac" == "xy+xz" == "z(x+y)". This however
+ does not translate into the situation where "ab+ac" will accept
+ the same LITERAL strings as "z(x+y)" because the symbols are obviously
+ different.
+Blockhead, (for the example of how to implement these one liners),
+and #perl on for pointing out something I missed when
+trying to copy CPAN one liner majik.
+Perl FLAT and all included modules are released under the same terms as Perl
+itself. Cheers.
+# save to a dat file
+sub savedfa {
+ my $PRE = shift;
+ # neat a better way to get input via stdin
+ if (!$PRE) {
+ while (<>) {
+ chomp;
+ $PRE = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use Storable;
+ # caches results, loads them in if detexted
+ my $dfa = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($PRE)->as_pfa->as_nfa->as_dfa->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks;
+ store $dfa, "$PRE.dat";
+# dumps directed graph using Kundu notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "pfa2directed('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub test {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ # handles multiple strings; first is considered the regex
+ if (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new(shift @_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa->as_dfa();
+ foreach (@_)
+ { if ($FA->is_valid_string($_)) {
+ print "(+): $_\n";
+ } else {
+ print "(-): $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $FA;
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ chomp;
+ if ($. == 1) { #<-- uses first line as regex!
+ $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa->as_dfa();
+ } else {
+ if ($FA->is_valid_string($_)) {
+ print "(+): $_\n";
+ } else {
+ print "(-): $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# dumps parse tree
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "dump('re1','re2',...,'reN')"
+# perl -MFLAT -e dump < list_of_regexes.dat
+sub dump {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $PRE = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_);
+ print Dumper($PRE); }}
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $PRE = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_);
+ print Dumper($PRE); }
+ }
+# dumps graphviz notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "dfa2gv('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub dfa2gv {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa()->as_min_dfa()->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_graphviz;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa->as_min_dfa()->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_graphviz;}
+ }
+# dumps graphviz notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "nfa2gv('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub nfa2gv {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_graphviz;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_graphviz;}
+ }
+# dumps graphviz notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "pfa2gv('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub pfa2gv {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_graphviz;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_graphviz;}
+ }
+# dumps graphviz notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "dfa2undgv('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub dfa2undgv {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa()->as_min_dfa()->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_undirected_graphviz;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa->as_min_dfa()->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_undirected_graphviz;}
+ }
+# dumps graphviz notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "nfa2undgv('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub nfa2undgv {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected_graphviz;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected_graphviz;}
+ }
+# dumps graphviz notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "pfa2undgv('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub pfa2undgv {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected_graphviz;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected_graphviz;}
+ }
+# dumps directed graph using Kundu notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "dfa2directed('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub dfa2digraph {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ # trims sink states from min-dfa since transitions are gone
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_digraph;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_digraph;}
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# dumps directed graph using Kundu notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "nfa2directed('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub nfa2digraph {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_digraph;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_digraph;}
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# dumps directed graph using Kundu notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "pfa2directed('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub pfa2digraph {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_digraph;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_digraph;}
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# dumps undirected graph using Kundu notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "dfa2undirected('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub dfa2undirected {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ # trims sink states from min-dfa since transitions are gone
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_undirected;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa()->as_dfa->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks();
+ print $FA->as_undirected;}
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# dumps undirected graph using Kundu notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "nfa2undirected('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub nfa2undirected {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::NFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa()->as_nfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected;}
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# dumps undirected graph using Kundu notation
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "pfa2undirected('a&b&c&d*e*')"
+sub pfa2undirected {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ if (@_)
+ { foreach (@_)
+ { my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected;} }
+ else
+ { while (<STDIN>)
+ { chomp;
+ my $FA = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($_)->as_pfa();
+ print $FA->as_undirected;}
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# compares 2 give PREs
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e "compare('a','a&b&c&d*e*')" #<-- no match, btw
+sub compare {
+ use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps;
+ use FLAT::DFA;
+ use FLAT::PFA;
+ my $PFA1 = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new(shift)->as_pfa();
+ my $PFA2 = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new(shift)->as_pfa();
+ my $DFA1 = $PFA1->as_nfa->as_min_dfa;
+ my $DFA2 = $PFA2->as_nfa->as_min_dfa;
+ if ($DFA1->equals($DFA2)) {
+ print "Yes\n";
+ } else {
+ print "No\n";
+ }
+# prints random PRE
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e random_pre
+sub random_pre {
+ my $and_chance = shift;
+ # skirt around deep recursion warning annoyance
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $_[0] =~ /^Deep recursion/ or warn $_[0] };
+ srand $$;
+ my %CMDLINEOPTS = ();
+ # Percent chance of each operator occuring
+ $CMDLINEOPTS{n} = 1;
+ $CMDLINEOPTS{AND} = 10; #<-- default
+ $CMDLINEOPTS{AND} = $and_chance if ($and_chance == 0); #<-- to make it just an re (no shuffle)
+ my $getRandomChar = sub {
+ my $ch = '';
+ # Get a random character between 0 and 127.
+ do {
+ $ch = int(rand 2);
+ } while ($ch !~ m/[a-zA-Z0-9]/);
+ return $ch;
+ };
+ my $getRandomRE = sub {
+ my $str = '';
+ my @closeparens = ();
+ $str .= $getRandomChar->();
+ # % chance of an "or"
+ if (int(rand 100) < $CMDLINEOPTS{OR}) {
+ $str .= "|1";
+ } elsif (int(rand 100) < $CMDLINEOPTS{AND}) {
+ $str .= "&0";
+ } elsif (int(rand 100) < $CMDLINEOPTS{STAR}) {
+ $str .= "*1";
+ } elsif (int(rand 100) < $CMDLINEOPTS{OPEN}) {
+ $str .= "(";
+ push(@closeparens,'0101)');
+ } elsif (int(rand 100) < $CMDLINEOPTS{CLOSE} && @closeparens) {
+ $str .= pop(@closeparens);
+ }
+ }
+ # empty out @closeparens if there are still some left
+ if (@closeparens) {
+ $str .= join('',@closeparens);
+ }
+ return $str;
+ };
+ for (1..$CMDLINEOPTS{n}) {
+ print $getRandomRE->(),"\n";
+ }
+# prints random RE (no & operator)
+# Usage:
+# perl -MFLAT -e random_re
+sub random_re {
+ shift->random_pre(0);
+FLAT is written by Mike Rosulek E<lt>mike at mikero dot comE<gt> and
+Brett Estrade E<lt>estradb at gmail dot comE<gt>.
+The initial version (FLAT::Legacy) by Brett Estrade was work towards an
+MS thesis at the University of Southern Mississippi.
+Please visit the Wiki at
+=head1 LICENSE
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.