path: root/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a07b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import csv
+from itertools import chain, combinations
+import json
+import numpy as np
+import os
+from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
+import struct
+import sys
+import tarfile
+def running_mean(x, N):
+ cumsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(x, 0, 0))
+ return (cumsum[N:] - cumsum[:-N]) / N
+def is_numeric(n):
+ try:
+ int(n)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def aggregate_measures(aggregate, actual):
+ aggregate_array = np.array([aggregate] * len(actual))
+ return regression_measures(aggregate_array, np.array(actual))
+def regression_measures(predicted, actual):
+ deviations = predicted - actual
+ measures = {
+ 'mae' : np.mean(np.abs(deviations), dtype=np.float64),
+ 'msd' : np.mean(deviations**2, dtype=np.float64),
+ 'rmsd' : np.sqrt(np.mean(deviations**2), dtype=np.float64),
+ 'ssr' : np.sum(deviations**2, dtype=np.float64),
+ }
+ if np.all(actual != 0):
+ measures['mape'] = np.mean(np.abs(deviations / actual)) * 100 # bad measure
+ if np.all(np.abs(predicted) + np.abs(actual) != 0):
+ measures['smape'] = np.mean(np.abs(deviations) / (( np.abs(predicted) + np.abs(actual)) / 2 )) * 100
+ return measures
+def powerset(iterable):
+ s = list(iterable)
+ return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
+class Keysight:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def load_data(self, filename):
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ for i, l in enumerate(f):
+ pass
+ timestamps = np.ndarray((i-3), dtype=float)
+ currents = np.ndarray((i-3), dtype=float)
+ # basically seek back to start
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ for _ in range(4):
+ next(f)
+ reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
+ for i, row in enumerate(reader):
+ timestamps[i] = float(row[0])
+ currents[i] = float(row[2]) * -1
+ return timestamps, currents
+class MIMOSA:
+ def __init__(self, voltage, shunt):
+ self.voltage = voltage
+ self.shunt = shunt
+ self.r1 = 984 # "1k"
+ self.r2 = 99013 # "100k"
+ def charge_to_current_nocal(self, charge):
+ ua_max = 1.836 / self.shunt * 1000000
+ ua_step = ua_max / 65535
+ return charge * ua_step
+ def load_data(self, filename):
+ with as tf:
+ num_bytes = tf.getmember('/tmp/mimosa//mimosa_scale_1.tmp').size
+ charges = np.ndarray(shape=(int(num_bytes / 4)), dtype=np.int32)
+ triggers = np.ndarray(shape=(int(num_bytes / 4)), dtype=np.int8)
+ with tf.extractfile('/tmp/mimosa//mimosa_scale_1.tmp') as f:
+ content =
+ iterator = struct.iter_unpack('<I', content)
+ i = 0
+ for word in iterator:
+ charges[i] = (word[0] >> 4)
+ triggers[i] = (word[0] & 0x08) >> 3
+ i += 1
+ return (charges, triggers)
+ def currents_nocal(self, charges):
+ ua_max = 1.836 / self.shunt * 1000000
+ ua_step = ua_max / 65535
+ return charges.astype(np.double) * ua_step
+ def trigger_edges(self, triggers):
+ trigidx = []
+ prevtrig = triggers[0]
+ # the device is reset for MIMOSA calibration in the first 10s and may
+ # send bogus interrupts -> bogus triggers
+ for i in range(1000000, triggers.shape[0]):
+ trig = triggers[i]
+ if trig != prevtrig:
+ # Due to MIMOSA's integrate-read-reset cycle, the trigger
+ # appears two points (20µs) before the corresponding data
+ trigidx.append(i+2)
+ prevtrig = trig
+ return trigidx
+ def calibration_edges(self, currents):
+ r1idx = 0
+ r2idx = 0
+ ua_r1 = self.voltage / self.r1 * 1000000
+ # first second may be bogus
+ for i in range(100000, len(currents)):
+ if r1idx == 0 and currents[i] > ua_r1 * 0.6:
+ r1idx = i
+ elif r1idx != 0 and r2idx == 0 and i > (r1idx + 180000) and currents[i] < ua_r1 * 0.4:
+ r2idx = i
+ # 2s disconnected, 2s r1, 2s r2 with r1 < r2 -> ua_r1 > ua_r2
+ # allow 5ms buffer in both directions to account for bouncing relais contacts
+ return r1idx - 180500, r1idx - 500, r1idx + 500, r2idx - 500, r2idx + 500, r2idx + 180500
+ def calibration_function(self, charges, cal_edges):
+ dis_start, dis_end, r1_start, r1_end, r2_start, r2_end = cal_edges
+ if dis_start < 0:
+ dis_start = 0
+ chg_r0 = charges[dis_start:dis_end]
+ chg_r1 = charges[r1_start:r1_end]
+ chg_r2 = charges[r2_start:r2_end]
+ cal_0_mean = np.mean(chg_r0)
+ cal_0_std = np.std(chg_r0)
+ cal_r1_mean = np.mean(chg_r1)
+ cal_r1_std = np.std(chg_r1)
+ cal_r2_mean = np.mean(chg_r2)
+ cal_r2_std = np.std(chg_r2)
+ ua_r1 = self.voltage / self.r1 * 1000000
+ ua_r2 = self.voltage / self.r2 * 1000000
+ b_lower = (ua_r2 - 0) / (cal_r2_mean - cal_0_mean)
+ b_upper = (ua_r1 - ua_r2) / (cal_r1_mean - cal_r2_mean)
+ b_total = (ua_r1 - 0) / (cal_r1_mean - cal_0_mean)
+ a_lower = -b_lower * cal_0_mean
+ a_upper = -b_upper * cal_r2_mean
+ a_total = -b_total * cal_0_mean
+ if self.shunt == 680:
+ # R1 current is higher than shunt range -> only use R2 for calibration
+ def calfunc(charge):
+ if charge < cal_0_mean:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return charge * b_lower + a_lower
+ else:
+ def calfunc(charge):
+ if charge < cal_0_mean:
+ return 0
+ if charge <= cal_r2_mean:
+ return charge * b_lower + a_lower
+ else:
+ return charge * b_upper + a_upper + ua_r2
+ caldata = {
+ 'edges' : [x * 10 for x in cal_edges],
+ 'offset': cal_0_mean,
+ 'offset2' : cal_r2_mean,
+ 'slope_low' : b_lower,
+ 'slope_high' : b_upper,
+ 'add_low' : a_lower,
+ 'add_high' : a_upper,
+ 'r0_err_uW' : np.mean(self.currents_nocal(chg_r0)) * self.voltage,
+ 'r0_std_uW' : np.std(self.currents_nocal(chg_r0)) * self.voltage,
+ 'r1_err_uW' : (np.mean(self.currents_nocal(chg_r1)) - ua_r1) * self.voltage,
+ 'r1_std_uW' : np.std(self.currents_nocal(chg_r1)) * self.voltage,
+ 'r2_err_uW' : (np.mean(self.currents_nocal(chg_r2)) - ua_r2) * self.voltage,
+ 'r2_std_uW' : np.std(self.currents_nocal(chg_r2)) * self.voltage,
+ }
+ #print("if charge < %f : return 0" % cal_0_mean)
+ #print("if charge <= %f : return charge * %f + %f" % (cal_r2_mean, b_lower, a_lower))
+ #print("else : return charge * %f + %f + %f" % (b_upper, a_upper, ua_r2))
+ return calfunc, caldata
+ def calcgrad(self, currents, threshold):
+ grad = np.gradient(running_mean(currents * self.voltage, 10))
+ # len(grad) == len(currents) - 9
+ subst = []
+ lastgrad = 0
+ for i in range(len(grad)):
+ # minimum substate duration: 10ms
+ if np.abs(grad[i]) > threshold and i - lastgrad > 50:
+ # account for skew introduced by running_mean and current
+ # ramp slope (parasitic capacitors etc.)
+ subst.append(i+10)
+ lastgrad = i
+ if lastgrad != i:
+ subst.append(i+10)
+ return subst
+ # TODO konfigurierbare min/max threshold und len(gradidx) > X, binaere
+ # Sache nach noetiger threshold. postprocessing mit
+ # "zwei benachbarte substates haben sehr aehnliche werte / niedrige stddev" -> mergen
+ # ... min/max muessen nicht vorgegeben werden, sind ja bekannt (0 / np.max(grad))
+ # TODO bei substates / index foo den offset durch running_mean beachten
+ # TODO ggf. clustering der 'abs(grad) > threshold' und bestimmung interessanter
+ # uebergaenge dadurch?
+ def gradfoo(self, currents):
+ gradients = np.abs(np.gradient(running_mean(currents * self.voltage, 10)))
+ gradmin = np.min(gradients)
+ gradmax = np.max(gradients)
+ threshold = np.mean([gradmin, gradmax])
+ gradidx = self.calcgrad(currents, threshold)
+ num_substates = 2
+ while len(gradidx) != num_substates:
+ if gradmax - gradmin < 0.1:
+ # We did our best
+ return threshold, gradidx
+ if len(gradidx) > num_substates:
+ gradmin = threshold
+ else:
+ gradmax = threshold
+ threshold = np.mean([gradmin, gradmax])
+ gradidx = self.calcgrad(currents, threshold)
+ return threshold, gradidx
+ def analyze_states(self, charges, trigidx, ua_func):
+ previdx = 0
+ is_state = True
+ iterdata = []
+ for idx in trigidx:
+ range_raw = charges[previdx:idx]
+ range_ua = ua_func(range_raw)
+ substates = {}
+ if previdx != 0 and idx - previdx > 200:
+ thr, subst = 0, [] #self.gradfoo(range_ua)
+ if len(subst):
+ statelist = []
+ prevsubidx = 0
+ for subidx in subst:
+ statelist.append({
+ 'duration': (subidx - prevsubidx) * 10,
+ 'uW_mean' : np.mean(range_ua[prevsubidx : subidx] * self.voltage),
+ 'uW_std' : np.std(range_ua[prevsubidx : subidx] * self.voltage),
+ })
+ prevsubidx = subidx
+ substates = {
+ 'threshold' : thr,
+ 'states' : statelist,
+ }
+ isa = 'state'
+ if not is_state:
+ isa = 'transition'
+ data = {
+ 'isa': isa,
+ 'clip_rate' : np.mean(range_raw == 65535),
+ 'raw_mean': np.mean(range_raw),
+ 'raw_std' : np.std(range_raw),
+ 'uW_mean' : np.mean(range_ua * self.voltage),
+ 'uW_std' : np.std(range_ua * self.voltage),
+ 'us' : (idx - previdx) * 10,
+ }
+ if 'states' in substates:
+ data['substates'] = substates
+ ssum = np.sum(list(map(lambda x : x['duration'], substates['states'])))
+ if ssum != data['us']:
+ print("ERR: duration %d vs %d" % (data['us'], ssum))
+ if isa == 'transition':
+ # subtract average power of previous state
+ # (that is, the state from which this transition originates)
+ data['uW_mean_delta'] = data['uW_mean'] - iterdata[-1]['uW_mean']
+ data['timeout'] = iterdata[-1]['us']
+ iterdata.append(data)
+ previdx = idx
+ is_state = not is_state
+ return iterdata