path: root/lib/
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1 files changed, 204 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 3cc46dc..657a7b1 100755
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -20,10 +20,23 @@ from utils import is_numeric
arg_support_enabled = True
def running_mean(x, N):
+ """
+ Compute running average.
+ arguments:
+ x -- NumPy array
+ N -- how many items to average
+ """
cumsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(x, 0, 0))
return (cumsum[N:] - cumsum[:-N]) / N
def soft_cast_int(n):
+ """
+ Convert to int, if possible.
+ If it is empty, returns None.
+ If it is not numeric, it is left unchanged.
+ """
if n == None or n == '':
return None
@@ -32,6 +45,7 @@ def soft_cast_int(n):
return n
def float_or_nan(n):
+ """Convert to float (if numeric) or NaN."""
if n == None:
return np.nan
@@ -40,9 +54,16 @@ def float_or_nan(n):
return np.nan
def vprint(verbose, string):
+ """
+ Print string if verbose.
+ Prints string if verbose is a True value
+ """
if verbose:
+ # I don't recall what these are for.
+ # --df, 2019-01-29
def _gplearn_add_(x, y):
return x + y
@@ -94,19 +115,55 @@ def _arg_name(arg_index):
return '~arg{:02}'.format(arg_index)
def append_if_set(aggregate, data, key):
+ """Append data[key] to aggregate if key in data."""
if key in data:
def mean_or_none(arr):
+ """
+ Compute mean of NumPy array arr.
+ Return -1 if arr is empty.
+ """
if len(arr):
return np.mean(arr)
return -1
def aggregate_measures(aggregate, actual):
+ """
+ Calculate error measures for model value on data list.
+ arguments:
+ aggregate -- model value (float or int)
+ actual -- real-world / reference values (list of float or int)
+ return value:
+ See regression_measures
+ """
aggregate_array = np.array([aggregate] * len(actual))
return regression_measures(aggregate_array, np.array(actual))
def regression_measures(predicted, actual):
+ """
+ Calculate error measures by comparing model values to reference values.
+ arguments:
+ predicted -- model values (np.ndarray)
+ actual -- real-world / reference values (np.ndarray)
+ Returns a dict containing the following measures:
+ mae -- Mean Absolute Error
+ mape -- Mean Absolute Percentage Error,
+ if all items in actual are non-zero (NaN otherwise)
+ smape -- Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error,
+ if no 0,0-pairs are present in actual and predicted (NaN otherwise)
+ msd -- Mean Square Deviation
+ rmsd -- Root Mean Square Deviation
+ ssr -- Sum of Squared Residuals
+ rsq -- R^2 measure, see sklearn.metrics.r2_score
+ count -- Number of values
+ """
if type(predicted) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError('first arg must be ndarray, is {}'.format(type(predicted)))
if type(actual) != np.ndarray:
@@ -209,8 +266,20 @@ def _preprocess_measurement(measurement):
return processed_data
class RawData:
+ """
+ Loader for hardware model traces measured with MIMOSA.
+ Expects a specific trace format and UART log output (as produced by the
+ dfatool benchmark generator). Loads data, prunes bogus measurements, and
+ provides preprocessed data suitable for EnergyModel.
+ """
def __init__(self, filenames):
+ """
+ Create a new RawData object.
+ Each filename element corresponds to a measurement run.
+ """
self.filenames = filenames.copy()
self.traces_by_fileno = []
self.setup_by_fileno = []
@@ -388,17 +457,22 @@ class RawData:
trace['id'] = i
def get_preprocessed_data(self, verbose = True):
+ """
+ Return a list of DFA traces annotated with energy, timing, and parameter data.
+ Suitable for the EnergyModel constructor.
+ See EnergyModel(...) docstring for format details.
+ """
self.verbose = verbose
if self.preprocessed:
return self.traces
if self.version == 0:
- self.preprocess_0()
+ self._preprocess_0()
self.preprocessed = True
return self.traces
- # Loads raw MIMOSA data and turns it into measurements which are ready to
- # be analyzed.
- def preprocess_0(self):
+ def _preprocess_0(self):
+ """Load raw MIMOSA data and turn it into measurements which are ready to be analyzed."""
mim_files = []
for i, filename in enumerate(self.filenames):
with as tf:
@@ -437,6 +511,20 @@ class RawData:
def _param_slice_eq(a, b, index):
+ """
+ Check if by_param keys a and b are identical, ignoring the parameter at index.
+ parameters:
+ a, b -- (state/transition name, [parameter0 value, parameter1 value, ...])
+ index -- parameter index to ignore (0 -> parameter0, 1 -> parameter1, etc.)
+ Returns True iff a and b have the same state/transition name, and all
+ parameters at positions != index are identical.
+ example:
+ ('foo', [1, 4]), ('foo', [2, 4]), 0 -> True
+ ('foo', [1, 4]), ('foo', [2, 4]), 1 -> False
+ """
if (*a[1][:index], *a[1][index+1:]) == (*b[1][:index], *b[1][index+1:]) and a[0] == b[0]:
return True
return False
@@ -528,7 +616,7 @@ def _compute_param_statistics_parallel(args):
'result' : _compute_param_statistics(*args['args'])
-def all_params_are_numeric(data, param_idx):
+def _all_params_are_numeric(data, param_idx):
param_values = list(map(lambda x: x[param_idx], data['param']))
if len(list(filter(is_numeric, param_values))) == len(param_values):
return True
@@ -554,13 +642,24 @@ def _compute_param_statistics(by_name, by_param, parameter_names, num_args, stat
return ret
-# returns the mean standard deviation of all measurements of 'what'
-# (e.g. power consumption or timeout) for state/transition 'name' where
-# parameter 'index' is dynamic and all other parameters are fixed.
-# I.e., if parameters are a, b, c ∈ {1,2,3} and 'index' corresponds to b', then
-# this function returns the mean of the standard deviations of (a=1, b=*, c=1),
-# (a=1, b=*, c=2), and so on
def _mean_std_by_param(by_param, state_or_tran, key, param_index):
+ u"""
+ Calculate the mean standard deviation for a static model where all parameters but param_index are constant.
+ arguments:
+ by_param -- measurements sorted by key/transition name and parameter values
+ state_or_tran -- state or transition name (-> by_param[(state_or_tran, *)])
+ key -- model attribute, e.g. 'power' or 'duration'
+ (-> by_param[(state_or_tran, *)][key])
+ param_index -- index of variable parameter
+ Returns the mean standard deviation of all measurements of 'key'
+ (e.g. power consumption or timeout) for state/transition 'state_or_tran' where
+ parameter 'param_index' is dynamic and all other parameters are fixed.
+ I.e., if parameters are a, b, c ∈ {1,2,3} and 'index' corresponds to b, then
+ this function returns the mean of the standard deviations of (a=1, b=*, c=1),
+ (a=1, b=*, c=2), and so on.
+ """
partitions = []
for param_value in filter(lambda x: x[0] == state_or_tran, by_param.keys()):
param_partition = []
@@ -574,7 +673,7 @@ def _mean_std_by_param(by_param, state_or_tran, key, param_index):
return np.mean([np.std(partition) for partition in partitions])
def _corr_by_param(by_name, state_or_trans, key, param_index):
- if all_params_are_numeric(by_name[state_or_trans], param_index):
+ if _all_params_are_numeric(by_name[state_or_trans], param_index):
param_values = np.array(list((map(lambda x: x[param_index], by_name[state_or_trans]['param']))))
return np.corrcoef(by_name[state_or_trans][key], param_values)[0, 1]
@@ -587,8 +686,101 @@ def _corr_by_param(by_name, state_or_trans, key, param_index):
return 0.
class EnergyModel:
+ """
+ parameter-aware PTA-based energy model.
+ Supports both static and parameter-based model attributes, and automatic detection of parameter-dependence.
+ """
def __init__(self, preprocessed_data, ignore_trace_indexes = [], discard_outliers = None, function_override = {}, verbose = True, use_corrcoef = False, hwmodel = None):
+ """
+ Prepare a new PTA energy model.
+ Actual model generation is done on-demand by calling the respective functions.
+ arguments:
+ preprocessed_data -- list of preprocessed DFA traces.
+ ignore_trace_indexes -- list of trace indexes. The corresponding taces will be ignored.
+ discard_outliers -- experimental: threshold for outlier detection and removel (float).
+ Outlier detection is performed individually for each state/transition in each trace,
+ so it only works if the benchmark ran several times.
+ Given "data" (a set of measurements of the same thing, e.g. TX duration in the third benchmark trace),
+ "m" (the median of all attribute measurements with the same parameters, which may include data from other traces),
+ a data point X is considered an outlier if
+ | 0.6745 * (X - m) / median(|data - m|) | > discard_outliers .
+ function_override -- dict of overrides for automatic parameter function generation.
+ If (state or transition name, model attribute) is present in function_override,
+ the corresponding text string is the function used for analytic (parameter-aware/fitted)
+ modeling of this attribute. It is passed to AnalyticFunction, see
+ there for the required format. Note that this happens regardless of
+ parameter dependency detection: The provided analytic function will be assigned
+ even if it seems like the model attribute is static / parameter-independent.
+ verbose -- print informative output, e.g. when removing an outlier
+ use_corrcoef -- use correlation coefficient instead of stddev comparison
+ to detect whether a model attribute depends on a parameter
+ hwmodel -- hardware model suitable for PTA.from_hwmodel
+ Detailed layout of preprocessed_data:
+ [ ... Liste von einzelnen Läufen (d.h. eine Zustands- und Transitionsfolge UNINITIALIZED -> foo -> FOO -> bar -> BAR -> ...)
+ Jeder Lauf:
+ - id: int Nummer des Laufs, beginnend bei 1
+ - trace: [ ... Liste von Zuständen und Transitionen
+ Jeweils:
+ - name: str Name
+ - isa: str state // transition
+ - parameter: { ... globaler Parameter: aktueller wert. null falls noch nicht eingestellt }
+ - plan:
+ Falls isa == 'state':
+ - power: int(uW?)
+ - time: int(us) geplante Dauer
+ - energy: int(pJ?)
+ Falls isa == 'transition':
+ - timeout: int(us) oder null
+ - energy: int (pJ?)
+ - level: str 'user' 'epilogue'
+ - offline_attributes: [ ... Namen der in offline_aggregates gespeicherten Modellattribute, z.B. param, duration, energy, timeout ]
+ - offline_aggregates:
+ - power: [float(uW)] Mittlere Leistung während Zustand/Transitions
+ - power_std: [float(uW^2)] Standardabweichung der Leistung
+ - duration: [int(us)] Dauer
+ - energy: [float(pJ)] Energieaufnahme des Zustands / der Transition
+ - clip_rate: [float(0..1)] Clipping
+ - paramkeys: [[str]] Name der berücksichtigten Parameter
+ - param: [int // str] Parameterwerte. Quasi-Duplikat von 'parameter' oben
+ Falls isa == 'transition':
+ - timeout: [int(us)] Dauer des vorherigen Zustands
+ - rel_energy_prev: [int(pJ)]
+ - rel_energy_next: [int(pJ)]
+ - offline: [ ... Während der Messung von MIMOSA o.ä. gemessene Werte
+ -> siehe doc/MIMOSA analyze_states
+ - isa: 'state' oder 'transition'
+ - clip_rate: range(0..1) Anteil an Clipping im Energieverbrauch
+ - raw_mean: Mittelwert der Rohwerte
+ - raw_std: Standardabweichung der Rohwerte
+ - uW_mean: Mittelwert der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme
+ - uW_std: Standardabweichung der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme
+ - us: Dauer
+ Nur falls isa 'transition':
+ - timeout: Dauer des vorherigen Zustands
+ - uW_mean_delta_prev
+ - uW_mean_delta_next
+ ]
+ - online: [ ... Während der Messung vom Betriebssystem bestimmte Daten
+ Falls isa == 'state':
+ - power: int(uW?)
+ - time: int(us) geplante Dauer
+ - energy: int(pJ?)
+ Falls isa == 'transition':
+ - timeout: int(us) oder null
+ - energy: int (pJ?)
+ - level: str ('user' oder 'epilogue')
+ ]
+ Falls isa == 'transition':
+ - code: [str] Name und Argumente der aufgerufenen Funktion
+ - args: [str] Argumente der aufgerufenen Funktion
+ ]
+ ]
+ """
self.traces = preprocessed_data
self.by_name = {}
self.by_param = {}