path: root/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 133 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index a03abc4..a591be3 100755
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -50,6 +50,45 @@ def vprint(verbose, string):
if verbose:
+ def _gplearn_add_(x, y):
+ return x + y
+ def _gplearn_sub_(x, y):
+ return x - y
+ def _gplearn_mul_(x, y):
+ return x * y
+ def _gplearn_div_(x, y):
+ if np.abs(y) > 0.001:
+ return x / y
+ return 1.
+def gplearn_to_function(function_str):
+ eval_globals = {
+ 'add' : lambda x, y : x + y,
+ 'sub' : lambda x, y : x - y,
+ 'mul' : lambda x, y : x * y,
+ 'div' : lambda x, y : np.divide(x, y) if np.abs(y) > 0.001 else 1.,
+ 'sqrt': lambda x : np.sqrt(np.abs(x)),
+ 'log' : lambda x : np.log(np.abs(x)) if np.abs(x) > 0.001 else 0.,
+ 'inv' : lambda x : 1. / x if np.abs(x) > 0.001 else 0.,
+ }
+ last_arg_index = 0
+ for i in range(0, 100):
+ if function_str.find('X{:d}'.format(i)) >= 0:
+ last_arg_index = i
+ arg_list = []
+ for i in range(0, last_arg_index+1):
+ arg_list.append('X{:d}'.format(i))
+ eval_str = 'lambda {}, *whatever: {}'.format(','.join(arg_list), function_str)
+ print(eval_str)
+ return eval(eval_str, eval_globals)
def _elem_param_and_arg_list(elem):
param_dict = elem['parameter']
paramkeys = sorted(param_dict.keys())
@@ -446,7 +485,7 @@ class AnalyticFunction:
self._function = eval('lambda reg_param, model_param: ' + rawfunction);
self._regression_args = list(np.ones((num_vars)))
- def _get_fit_data(self, by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute):
+ def get_fit_data(self, by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute):
dimension = len(self._parameter_names) + self._num_args
X = [[] for i in range(dimension)]
Y = []
@@ -477,7 +516,7 @@ class AnalyticFunction:
return X, Y, num_valid, num_total
def fit(self, by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute):
- X, Y, num_valid, num_total = self._get_fit_data(by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute)
+ X, Y, num_valid, num_total = self.get_fit_data(by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute)
if num_valid > 2:
error_function = lambda P, X, y: self._function(P, X) - y
@@ -750,6 +789,7 @@ class EnergyModel:
self.by_param = {}
self.by_trace = {}
self.stats = {}
+ self.cache = {}
self._parameter_names = sorted(self.traces[0]['trace'][0]['parameter'].keys())
self._num_args = {}
@@ -768,6 +808,11 @@ class EnergyModel:
+ def distinct_param_values(self, state_or_tran, param_index = None, arg_index = None):
+ if param_index != None:
+ param_values = map(lambda x: x[param_index], self.by_name[state_or_tran]['param'])
+ return sorted(set(param_values))
def _compute_outlier_stats(self, ignore_trace_indexes, threshold):
tmp_by_param = {}
self.median_by_param = {}
@@ -934,7 +979,16 @@ class EnergyModel:
def get_param_analytic(self):
static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, np.median)
+ def param_index(self, param_name):
+ if param_name in self._parameter_names:
+ return self._parameter_names.index(param_name)
+ return len(self._parameter_names) + int(param_name)
def get_fitted(self):
+ if 'fitted_model_getter' in self.cache and 'fitted_info_getter' in self.cache:
+ return self.cache['fitted_model_getter'], self.cache['fitted_info_getter']
static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, np.median)
param_model = dict([[state_or_tran, {}] for state_or_tran in self.by_name.keys()])
fit_queue = []
@@ -1018,6 +1072,9 @@ class EnergyModel:
return param_model[name][key]
return None
+ self.cache['fitted_model_getter'] = model_getter
+ self.cache['fitted_info_getter'] = info_getter
return model_getter, info_getter
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 784ba56..6ee2691 100755
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
+def float_or_nan(n):
+ if n == None:
+ return np.nan
+ try:
+ return float(n)
+ except ValueError:
+ return np.nan
def flatten(somelist):
return [item for sublist in somelist for item in sublist]
@@ -71,6 +79,72 @@ def plot_substate_thresholds_p(model, aggregate):
data = [aggregate[key]['sub_thresholds'] for key in keys]
boxplot(keys, None, None, data, 'Zustand', '% Clipping')
+def plot_y(Y, ylabel = None, title = None):
+ plot_xy(np.arange(len(Y)), Y, ylabel = ylabel, title = title)
+def plot_xy(X, Y, xlabel = None, ylabel = None, title = None):
+ fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
+ if title != None:
+ fig.canvas.set_window_title(title)
+ if xlabel != None:
+ ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel)
+ if ylabel != None:
+ ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel)
+ plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.05, bottom = 0.05, right = 0.99, top = 0.99)
+ plt.plot(X, Y, "rx")
+def _param_slice_eq(a, b, index):
+ return (*a[1][:index], *a[1][index+1:]) == (*b[1][:index], *b[1][index+1:]) and a[0] == b[0]
+def plot_param(model, state_or_trans, attribute, param_idx, xlabel = None, ylabel = None, title = None, extra_functions = []):
+ fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
+ if title != None:
+ fig.canvas.set_window_title(title)
+ if xlabel != None:
+ ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel)
+ if ylabel != None:
+ ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel)
+ plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.05, bottom = 0.05, right = 0.99, top = 0.99)
+ param_model, param_info = model.get_fitted()
+ by_other_param = {}
+ for k, v in model.by_param.items():
+ if k[0] == state_or_trans:
+ other_param_key = (*k[1][:param_idx], *k[1][param_idx+1:])
+ if not other_param_key in by_other_param:
+ by_other_param[other_param_key] = {'X': [], 'Y': []}
+ by_other_param[other_param_key]['X'].extend([float(k[1][param_idx])] * len(v[attribute]))
+ by_other_param[other_param_key]['Y'].extend(v[attribute])
+ cm = plt.get_cmap('brg', len(by_other_param))
+ for i, k in enumerate(by_other_param):
+ v = by_other_param[k]
+ v['X'] = np.array(v['X'])
+ v['Y'] = np.array(v['Y'])
+ plt.plot(v['X'], v['Y'], "rx", color=cm(i))
+ x_range = int((v['X'].max() - v['X'].min()) * 2)
+ xsp = np.linspace(v['X'].min(), v['X'].max(), x_range)
+ if param_model:
+ ysp = []
+ for x in xsp:
+ xarg = [*k[:param_idx], x, *k[param_idx:]]
+ ysp.append(param_model(state_or_trans, attribute, param = xarg))
+ plt.plot(xsp, ysp, "r-", color=cm(i), linewidth=0.5)
+ if len(extra_functions) != 0:
+ for f in extra_functions:
+ ysp = []
+ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
+ for x in xsp:
+ xarg = [*k[:param_idx], x, *k[param_idx:]]
+ ysp.append(f(*xarg))
+ plt.plot(xsp, ysp, "r--", color=cm(i), linewidth=1, dashes=(3, 3))
def plot_param_fit(function, name, fitfunc, funp, parameters, datatype, index, X, Y, xaxis=None, yaxis=None):
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
fig.canvas.set_window_title("fit %s" % (function))