BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
bugfix/2.14.1prepare bugfix release #2Daniel Friesel9 years
masterReduce size of "share/images/feh.svg"guraga4 months
release-3.6Release v3.6.3Daniel Friesel4 years
release-3.7Release v3.7.2Daniel Friesel4 years
simplify-exifEXIF: Use rawtherapee / flickr style output instead of "key: value" listDaniel Friesel4 years
3.10.3commit 3f455b109b...Birte Kristina Friesel9 months
3.10.2commit 698121ae3e...Birte Kristina Friesel16 months
3.10.1commit b86f22bbd3...Birte Kristina Friesel18 months
3.10commit cd183447f3...Daniel Friesel24 months
3.9.1commit d65f3ba146...Daniel Friesel3 years
3.9commit 2810be5e71...Daniel Friesel3 years
3.8commit 4bfea24d19...Daniel Friesel3 years
3.7.2commit 28b29c7170...Daniel Friesel4 years
3.7.1commit 07ab6beb73...Daniel Friesel4 years
3.7commit b33f6b83bc...Daniel Friesel4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorLines
2016-02-18prepare bugfix release #22.14.2bugfix/2.14.1Daniel Friesel-0/+13
2016-02-18filelist: Do not print error when a correct filelist file is specifiedDaniel Friesel-6/+10
2016-02-18also, don't fclose() /dev/stdinDaniel Friesel-1/+2
2016-02-18filelist: Don't try to fopen() stdin (it's a stream, not a file)Daniel Friesel-1/+7
2016-02-18update test skip conditions and noticeDaniel Friesel-18/+15
2016-02-18menu: Fix typoDaniel Friesel-1/+1
2016-02-18skip all tests on debian arm* / mips* (broken Imlib2, again)Daniel Friesel-4/+23
2016-02-18update test/run-interactive (needs some sleep)Daniel Friesel-0/+2
2016-02-18manpages: Set date to release date instead of build dateDaniel Friesel-1/+4
2016-02-04changelog: The segfault wasn't present in 2.14, so don't mention it2.14.1Daniel Friesel-2/+0