diff options
12 files changed, 8 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 78570cf..33d21de 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+git HEAD
+ * Remove deprecated webcam scripts (feh-cam and gen-cam-menu)
Sat, 27 Oct 2018 19:46:48 +0200 Daniel Friesel <>
* Release v2.28.1
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 925e3fb..552ae4d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -25,23 +25,6 @@ test-x11: all
install: install-man install-doc install-bin install-font install-img
install: install-icon install-examples install-applications
-ifeq (${cam},1)
-install: install-cam
-uninstall: uninstall-cam
- @echo installing fe-cam and gen-cam-menu
- @cp man/feh-cam.1 man/gen-cam-menu.1 ${man_dir}/man1
- @chmod 644 ${man_dir}/man1/feh-cam.1 ${man_dir}/man1/gen-cam-menu.1
- @cp cam/feh-cam cam/gen-cam-menu ${bin_dir}
- @chmod 755 ${bin_dir}/feh-cam ${bin_dir}/gen-cam-menu
- rm -f ${man_dir}/man1/feh-cam.1
- rm -f ${man_dir}/man1/gen-cam-menu.1
- rm -f ${bin_dir}/feh-cam ${bin_dir}/gen-cam-menu
@echo installing manuals to ${man_dir}
@mkdir -p ${man_dir}/man1
diff --git a/ b/
index 334e681..3b33520 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ Available flags are:
| Flag | Default value | Description |
| :--- | :---: | :--- |
-| app | 0 | install icons to /usr/share, regardless of `DESTDIR` and `PREFIX, and call gtk-update-icon-cache afterwards |
-| cam | 0 | install deprecated feh-cam und gen-cam-menu scripts |
+| app | 0 | install icons to /usr/share, regardless of `DESTDIR` and `PREFIX`, and call gtk-update-icon-cache afterwards |
| curl | 1 | use libcurl to view http:// and similar images |
| debug | 0 | debug build, enables `--debug` |
| exif | 0 | Builtin EXIF tag display support |
@@ -88,7 +87,8 @@ Available flags are:
| verscmp | 1 | Support naturing sorting (`--version-sort`). Requires a GNU-compatible libc exposing `strverscmp` |
| xinerama | 1 | Support Xinerama/XRandR multiscreen setups |
-So, by default **libcurl** and **Xinerama** are enabled, the rest is disabled.
+So, by default **libcurl**, **verscmp**, and **Xinerama** are enabled.
+All other flags are disabled.
Additionally, the standard variables `PREFIX` and `DESTDIR` are supported.
diff --git a/cam/ChangeLog b/cam/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a562bd..0000000
--- a/cam/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-- added this changelog..
-- added richlowe's patch. since he pretty much rewrote everything, he's
-an author, not a contributor. :)
-- uses "use strict" now
-- uses POD for documentation
-- added title support in cam bookmarks file
-- cmd line flag for different bookmars file
-- getoppt_long use for command-line flags
-- rmeoved richlow's damn nonstandard Pod::Usage stuff
diff --git a/cam/README b/cam/README
deleted file mode 100644
index e67d60e..0000000
--- a/cam/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Cam 0.4 README
-This document was last updated on 20010223-1620-PST.
-Please see the file COPYING for licensing information.
-feh-cam is a Perl wrapper for feh that simlifies viewing webcams. It uses
-keyed bookmarks. Type "feh-cam --help" at the command line for usage
-Webcam Information
-All webcam images are the property of their respective owners. If you
-enjoy the cam, you should check out the page too! The initial list of
-cam bookmarks (in the cam_bookmarks file) is a combination of webcams
-scoured from the #E People Page (,
-my favorite webcams from the Stile Project's cam pages
-(, and additional #e people cams that
-have come online since cam's original release (0.1).
-- Copy the "feh-cam" script to a location in your PATH (ex /usr/bin,
- /usr/local/bin, or $HOME/bin), and make sure hte execute bit on the
- script is set (type "chmod a+x $HOME/.cam_bookmarks").
-- Copy the "cam_bookmarks" file to $HOME/.cam_bookmarks and make sure
- cam can see it by typing "feh-cam --list".
-- Optionally, modify the options inside the feh-cam script. You can pass
- feh any options before the image by adjusting the $PRE variable,
- and any options after the image by adjustin the $POST variable.
- For example, I like to keep all cam images by default; you can enable
- this behavior with the -k command line option, or enable it permanently
- by adding it to the $PRE flags in feh-cam.
-About the Authors
-Paul Duncan <>, pabs on #e
-Richard Lowe <>, richlowe on #e
-...but the real credit goes to Tom Gilbert for making feh, an awesome
-image viewer. :)
diff --git a/cam/cam_bookmarks b/cam/cam_bookmarks
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d45413..0000000
--- a/cam/cam_bookmarks
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/cam/feh-cam b/cam/feh-cam
deleted file mode 100755
index 29b254f..0000000
--- a/cam/feh-cam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-############# CAM RUN-TIME OPTIONS ##########
-my $feh = "feh";
-# additional feh cmdline options
-my $PRE = " -q -G -Twebcam -1 0 -0 1 ";
-my $POST = "";
-# Options
-my $help = '';
-my $fullscreen = '';
-my $geometry = '';
-my $list = '';
-my $verbose = '';
-my $add = '';
-my $keep = '';
-my $deftitle = '%cCAM - %u';
-my $title = '';
-my $bp = $ENV{HOME}."/.cam_bookmarks";
-my $DEBUG = 0;
-# check args
-&print_usage_and_exit unless (@ARGV);
-print STDERR "Note: feh-cam will be removed from the feh distribution in 2013.\n";
-print STDERR "Please mail derf\ if you still use it.\n";
-# Url, Refresh, and bookmarks
-my $url = "";
-my $ref = "";
-my %bms = ();
-GetOptions('help|?|h' => \$help,
- 'full-screen|f|giblets-mom' => \$fullscreen,
- 'list|l' => \$list,
- 'geometry|g=s' => \$geometry,
- 'verbose|v' => \$verbose,
- 'add|a' => \$add,
- 'keep-images|k|save-pr0n' => \$keep,
- 'title|t=s' => \$title,
- 'debug|d' => \$DEBUG,
- 'bookmarks|b=s' => \$bp
- );
-my $key = shift @ARGV;
-&print_usage_and_exit if ($help);
-if ($verbose) {
- $PRE .= " -V ";
-if ($fullscreen) {
- $PRE =~ s/-w//;
- $PRE .= " --full-screen --auto-zoom ";
-if ($geometry) {
- $PRE .= " --geometry $geometry ";
-# if requested, add a key/url pair to bookmarks file
-if ($add) {
- my $mytitle = '';
- ($url,$ref,$mytitle) = @ARGV;
- die "Bad key syntax\n" unless ($key && $url && $ref);
- $mytitle="" unless ($mytitle);
- open(BMF, ">>$bp") or die "Couldn't open bookmarks file \"$bp\": $!\n";
- print BMF "$key=$ref,$url \"$mytitle\"\n";
- close BMF;
- print "Added URL key \"$key\" = $url, $ref.\n"; # its useful to have this even if you arent debugging --richlowe
- exit 0;
-if ($keep) {
- $PRE .= " -k ";
-# load bookmarks
-open(BMF, "$bp") or die "Couldn't open bookmarks file \"$bp\": $!\n";
-foreach (<BMF>) {
- next unless /^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- $bms{$1} = $2;
- print "key=$1, url=$2\n" if ($DEBUG);
-close BMF;
-# if requested, dump a list of key/url pair values
-if ($list) {
- foreach (sort keys %bms) {
- my $t = $bms{$_};
- $t =~ s/^(.+?),(.+?)(^ "(.*)"|)?$/$2/;
- chomp $t;
- print "$_ = $t, $1, $3\n";
- }
- exit 0;
-# main loop
-MAIN: {
- do {
- $title="";
- $url = $bms{$key};
- die "Couldn't find URL key \"$key.\"\n" unless($url);
- $url =~ s/^(.+?),(.+?)( "(.*)")?$/$2/;
- $ref = $1;
- if ($4) {
- $title = $4;
- } else {
- $title = $deftitle;
- }
- if ($title) {
- $title =~ s/\%c/$key/g;
- $title =~ s/\%u/$url/g;
- $title =~ s/\%r/$ref/g;
- $title =~ s/\%\%/\%/g;
- $title = " --title \"$title\" ";
- }
- my $cmd = "$feh $PRE $title -T".$key."cam -R $ref $url $POST";
- print "$cmd\n" if ($DEBUG);
- FORK: {
- my $pid;
- if ($pid = fork) {
- # We're a daddy! :)
- } elsif (defined $pid) {
- # child
- exec "$cmd" or die "Couldnt exec() $feh: $!\n";
- } elsif ( $! =~ /No more process/) {
- sleep 5;
- redo FORK;
- } else {
- # wtf?
- die "Unrecoverable fork() error: $!\n";
- }
- }
- } while ($key = shift @ARGV);
-sub print_usage_and_exit() {
- print <<END_USAGE;
-$0 0.4
-by Paul Duncan <pabs\>, and
- Richard Lowe <richlowe\>
- A convenient webcam wrapper for feh.
- $0 <keys>
- Load the urls specified by the given keys.
- key : a url key stored in the bookmarks file (\"$bp\").
- $0 <-a|--add> key url refresh
- Add a key to the bookmarks file.
- key : short key (ex \"jenni\"),
- url : url (ex \"\"),
- refresh : refresh, in seconds (ex 120)
- $0 <-l|--list>
- List each url key in the bookmarks file (\"$bp\").
- $0 [-f|--full-screen] keys
- Start feh in full-screen mode (aka --giblets-mom \"viewing\" mode).
- $0 [-k|--keep-images] keys
- Save each image in the current directory (aka --save-pr0n).
- $0 [-g|--geometry] xxx
- Use window geometry xxx (e.g. 640x480).
- $0 [-v|--verbose] options
- Start feh in verbose mode (feh -V).
- $0 <-h|-?|--help>
- Display usage information (this screen).
-Thanks to giblet for feh, an awesome image and webcam viewing program,
-and raster for Imlib2.
- exit(-1);
diff --git a/cam/gen-cam-menu b/cam/gen-cam-menu
deleted file mode 100755
index 710070b..0000000
--- a/cam/gen-cam-menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# 0.1 #
-# by Paul Duncan <> #
-# #
-# This script will generate a menu of cam bookmarks for #
-# Enlightenment DR0.16.x. TYou can safely run this script more than #
-# once; it won't add an another entry to the left-click menu if it's #
-# already been run once. It doesn't delete any existing menu #
-# entries, and it backs up your existing menu files as well. (just #
-# in case I screwed up.. hehe). THe two variables below allow you #
-# rename the left-click menuitem, and the menu title. #
-# #
-# #
-MENU_ITEM="Webcams"; #
-MENU_TITLE="Webcam List"; #
-BMARKS=$HOME"/.cam_bookmarks"; #
-# #
-# make backups, just in case
-cp -f $C_MENU $C_MENU"-cam_menu.backup"
-cp -f $F_MENU $F_MENU"-cam_menu.backup"
-echo "Note: gen-cam-menu will be removed from the feh distribution by 2013." > /dev/stderr
-echo "Please mail if you still use it." > /dev/stderr
-# generate cam menu
-echo "Generating \""$C_MENU"\".";
-echo "\"$TITLE\"" > "$C_MENU";
-cat $BMARKS | perl -e "while (<>) { /(.*?)=/; \$keys{\$1}=\"1\"; } foreach(sort keys %keys) { /(.)(.*$)/; print \"\\\"\".uc(\$1).\"\$2\\\" NULL exec \\\"feh-cam \$1\$2\\\"\\n\"; }">> $C_MENU;
-# add entry to file menu if there isn't one
-echo "Generating \""$F_MENU"\".";
-perl -i -e "\$already_there=0; while (<>) { \$already_there++ if (/$MENU_ITEM/); print \"\\\"$MENU_ITEM\\\" NULL menu \\\"$C_MENUFILE\\\"\\n\" if (!\$already_there&&/Restart/); print; }" $F_MENU;
-echo "Done.";
diff --git a/ b/
index 226c612..43cc394 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ PACKAGE ?= feh
VERSION ?= ${shell git describe --dirty}
app ?= 0
-cam ?= 0
curl ?= 1
debug ?= 0
exif ?= 0
diff --git a/man/feh-cam.pre b/man/feh-cam.pre
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a02753..0000000
--- a/man/feh-cam.pre
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-.Dd $DATE$
-.Dt FEH-CAM 1
-.Nm feh-cam
-.Nd utility for viewing live webcam images
-.Op Ar options
-.Ar keys
-This manual documents feh-cam, shipped with feh version $VERSION$
-This tool will be removed from the feh distribution by 2013.
-If you still use it, please contact me at
-is a perl wrapper for feh which simplifies viewing webcams using keyed
-bookmarks. It helps manage viewing your favourite webcam sites with feh.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm -a , --add Ar key url refresh
-.Ar url
-.Ar key
-to the bookmarks file; when viewing, reload it every
-.Ar refresh
-.It Cm -l , --list
-List each url / key pair in the bookmarks file
-.It Cm -f , --full-screen
-Start feh in full-screen mode
-.It Cm -k , --keep-images
-Save each webcam image in the current directory
-.It Cm -g , --geometry Ar width No x Ar height
-Use window geometry
-.Ar width No x Ar height
-.It Cm -v , --verbose
-Start feh in verbose mode
-The bookmarks are stored in
-.Pa ~/.cam_bookmarks
-.Xr feh 1
diff --git a/man/gen-cam-menu.pre b/man/gen-cam-menu.pre
deleted file mode 100644
index 18064f1..0000000
--- a/man/gen-cam-menu.pre
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-.Dd $DATE$
-.Nm gen-cam-menu
-.Nd utility for updating Enlightenment user menus for feh-cam
-This manual documents gen-cam-menu, shipped with feh version $VERSION$
-This tool will be removed from the feh distribution by 2013.
-If you still use it, please contact me at
-is a shell script which creates Enlightenment user menu entries for the
-bookmarks stored by
-.Xr feh-cam 1
-.Pa ~/.enlightenment/ .
-.Xr feh 1 ,
-.Xr feh-cam 1
diff --git a/test/mandoc.t b/test/mandoc.t
index 638c5e9..48b8443 100755
--- a/test/mandoc.t
+++ b/test/mandoc.t
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SKIP: {
skip( 'mandoc not installed', 3 );
- for my $file ( 'feh', 'feh-cam', 'gen-cam-menu' ) {
+ for my $file ('feh') {
qx{mandoc -Tlint -Werror man/${file}.1};
is( $?, 0, "${file}.1: Valid mdoc syntax" );