path: root/include/lib/ArduinoJson/Document/BasicJsonDocument.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/lib/ArduinoJson/Document/BasicJsonDocument.hpp')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/lib/ArduinoJson/Document/BasicJsonDocument.hpp b/include/lib/ArduinoJson/Document/BasicJsonDocument.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c85d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lib/ArduinoJson/Document/BasicJsonDocument.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// ArduinoJson -
+// Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2021
+// MIT License
+#pragma once
+#include <ArduinoJson/Document/JsonDocument.hpp>
+// Helper to implement the "base-from-member" idiom
+// (we need to store the allocator before constructing JsonDocument)
+template <typename TAllocator>
+class AllocatorOwner {
+ public:
+ AllocatorOwner() {}
+ AllocatorOwner(const AllocatorOwner& src) : _allocator(src._allocator) {}
+ AllocatorOwner(TAllocator a) : _allocator(a) {}
+ void* allocate(size_t size) {
+ return _allocator.allocate(size);
+ }
+ void deallocate(void* ptr) {
+ if (ptr)
+ _allocator.deallocate(ptr);
+ }
+ void* reallocate(void* ptr, size_t new_size) {
+ return _allocator.reallocate(ptr, new_size);
+ }
+ TAllocator& allocator() {
+ return _allocator;
+ }
+ private:
+ TAllocator _allocator;
+template <typename TAllocator>
+class BasicJsonDocument : AllocatorOwner<TAllocator>, public JsonDocument {
+ public:
+ explicit BasicJsonDocument(size_t capa, TAllocator alloc = TAllocator())
+ : AllocatorOwner<TAllocator>(alloc), JsonDocument(allocPool(capa)) {}
+ // Copy-constructor
+ BasicJsonDocument(const BasicJsonDocument& src)
+ : AllocatorOwner<TAllocator>(src), JsonDocument() {
+ copyAssignFrom(src);
+ }
+ // Move-constructor
+ BasicJsonDocument(BasicJsonDocument&& src) : AllocatorOwner<TAllocator>(src) {
+ moveAssignFrom(src);
+ }
+ BasicJsonDocument(const JsonDocument& src) {
+ copyAssignFrom(src);
+ }
+ // Construct from variant, array, or object
+ template <typename T>
+ BasicJsonDocument(
+ const T& src,
+ typename enable_if<
+ is_same<T, VariantRef>::value || is_same<T, VariantConstRef>::value ||
+ is_same<T, ArrayRef>::value || is_same<T, ArrayConstRef>::value ||
+ is_same<T, ObjectRef>::value ||
+ is_same<T, ObjectConstRef>::value>::type* = 0)
+ : JsonDocument(allocPool(src.memoryUsage())) {
+ set(src);
+ }
+ // disambiguate
+ BasicJsonDocument(VariantRef src)
+ : JsonDocument(allocPool(src.memoryUsage())) {
+ set(src);
+ }
+ ~BasicJsonDocument() {
+ freePool();
+ }
+ BasicJsonDocument& operator=(const BasicJsonDocument& src) {
+ copyAssignFrom(src);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ BasicJsonDocument& operator=(BasicJsonDocument&& src) {
+ moveAssignFrom(src);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ BasicJsonDocument& operator=(const T& src) {
+ reallocPoolIfTooSmall(src.memoryUsage());
+ set(src);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void shrinkToFit() {
+ ptrdiff_t bytes_reclaimed = _pool.squash();
+ if (bytes_reclaimed == 0)
+ return;
+ void* old_ptr = _pool.buffer();
+ void* new_ptr = this->reallocate(old_ptr, _pool.capacity());
+ ptrdiff_t ptr_offset =
+ static_cast<char*>(new_ptr) - static_cast<char*>(old_ptr);
+ _pool.movePointers(ptr_offset);
+ _data.movePointers(ptr_offset, ptr_offset - bytes_reclaimed);
+ }
+ bool garbageCollect() {
+ // make a temporary clone and move assign
+ BasicJsonDocument tmp(*this);
+ if (!tmp.capacity())
+ return false;
+ tmp.set(*this);
+ moveAssignFrom(tmp);
+ return true;
+ }
+ using AllocatorOwner<TAllocator>::allocator;
+ private:
+ MemoryPool allocPool(size_t requiredSize) {
+ size_t capa = addPadding(requiredSize);
+ return MemoryPool(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->allocate(capa)), capa);
+ }
+ void reallocPoolIfTooSmall(size_t requiredSize) {
+ if (requiredSize <= capacity())
+ return;
+ freePool();
+ replacePool(allocPool(addPadding(requiredSize)));
+ }
+ void freePool() {
+ this->deallocate(memoryPool().buffer());
+ }
+ void copyAssignFrom(const JsonDocument& src) {
+ reallocPoolIfTooSmall(src.capacity());
+ set(src);
+ }
+ void moveAssignFrom(BasicJsonDocument& src) {
+ freePool();
+ _data = src._data;
+ _pool = src._pool;
+ src._data.setNull();
+ src._pool = MemoryPool(0, 0);
+ }