diff options
authorDaniel Friesel <>2018-11-02 21:35:53 +0100
committerDaniel Friesel <>2018-11-02 21:35:53 +0100
commitf87306dc34e91ade3e55d67ac776fd5c7fd3bb15 (patch)
parent6933b8ee45bee33562ac3bf9cd864e6d09e6917b (diff)
allow undo for checkins
4 files changed, 87 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ee78445..fe5bcb6 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ my $dbname = $ENV{TRAVELYNX_DB_FILE} // 'travelynx.sqlite';
my %action_type = (
checkin => 1,
checkout => 2,
- undo => -1
+ undo => 3,
app->defaults( layout => 'default' );
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ app->attr(
return $self->app->dbh->prepare(
insert into user_actions (
- user_id, action_id, action_time,
+ user_id, action_id, action_time
) values (
?, $action_type{undo}, ?
@@ -292,6 +292,30 @@ helper 'checkin' => sub {
+helper 'undo' => sub {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $uid = $self->get_user_id;
+ $self->app->get_last_actions_query->execute($uid);
+ my $rows = $self->app->get_last_actions_query->fetchall_arrayref;
+ if ( @{$rows} and $rows->[0][0] == $action_type{undo}) {
+ return 'Nested undo (undoing an undo) is not supported';
+ }
+ my $success = $self->app->undo_query->execute(
+ $self->get_user_id,
+ DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )->epoch,
+ );
+ if (defined $success) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'INSERT failed';
+ }
helper 'checkout' => sub {
my ( $self, $station, $force ) = @_;
@@ -513,9 +537,15 @@ helper 'get_user_status' => sub {
if ( @{$rows} ) {
my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
- my $ts = epoch_to_dt( $rows->[0][1] );
- my $checkin_station_name = decode( 'UTF-8', $rows->[0][3] );
- my @route = split( qr{[|]}, decode( 'UTF-8', $rows->[0][10] // q{} ) );
+ my @cols = @{$rows->[0]};
+ if (@{$rows} > 2 and $rows->[0][0] == $action_type{undo}) {
+ @cols = @{$rows->[2]};
+ }
+ my $ts = epoch_to_dt( $cols[1] );
+ my $checkin_station_name = decode( 'UTF-8', $cols[3] );
+ my @route = split( qr{[|]}, decode( 'UTF-8', $cols[10] // q{} ) );
my @route_after;
my $is_after = 0;
for my $station (@route) {
@@ -527,15 +557,15 @@ helper 'get_user_status' => sub {
return {
- checked_in => ( $rows->[0][0] == $action_type{checkin} ),
+ checked_in => ( $cols[0] == $action_type{checkin} ),
timestamp => $ts,
- timestamp_delta => $now->subtract_datetime($ts),
- station_ds100 => $rows->[0][2],
- station_name => $rows->[0][3],
- train_type => $rows->[0][4],
- train_line => $rows->[0][5],
- train_no => $rows->[0][6],
- train_id => $rows->[0][7],
+ timestamp_delta => $now->epoch - $ts->epoch,
+ station_ds100 => $cols[2],
+ station_name => $cols[3],
+ train_type => $cols[4],
+ train_line => $cols[5],
+ train_no => $cols[6],
+ train_id => $cols[7],
route => \@route,
route_after => \@route_after,
@@ -600,7 +630,10 @@ post '/action' => sub {
if ( not $params->{action} ) {
- json => {},
+ json => {
+ success => 0,
+ error => 'Missing action value',
+ },
status => 400,
@@ -648,6 +681,33 @@ post '/action' => sub {
+ elsif ( $params->{action} eq 'undo' ) {
+ my $error = $self->undo;
+ if ($error) {
+ $self->render(
+ json => {
+ success => 0,
+ error => $error,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->render(
+ json => {
+ success => 1,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->render(
+ json => {
+ success => 0,
+ error => 'invalid action value',
+ },
+ status => 400,
+ );
+ }
get '/a/history' => sub {
diff --git a/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.js b/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.js
index 70c5d39..86ad87d 100644
--- a/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.js
+++ b/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.js
@@ -39,4 +39,11 @@ $(document).ready(function() {'force', true);
+ $('.action-undo').click(function() {
+ var link = $(this);
+ var req = {
+ action: 'undo',
+ };
+ tvly_run(link, req, window.location.href);
+ });
diff --git a/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.min.js b/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.min.js
index 2ecfe38..0393b42 100644
--- a/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.min.js
+++ b/public/static/js/travelynx-actions.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-function tvly_run(t,a,n,i){var c='<i class="material-icons">error</i>',o=$('<div class="progress"><div class="indeterminate"></div></div>');t.hide(),t.after(o),$.post("/action",a,function(a){a.success?$(location).attr("href",n):(M.toast({html:c+" "+a.error}),o.remove(),i&&i(),t.append(" "+c),})}$(document).ready(function(){$(".action-checkin").click(function(){var t=$(this);tvly_run(t,{action:"checkin","station"),"train")},"/")}),$(".action-checkout").click(function(){var t=$(this),a={action:"checkout","station"),"force")};tvly_run(t,a,"/"+a.station,function(){t.append(" – Keine Echtzeitdaten vorhanden"),"force",!0)})})});
+function tvly_run(t,n,i,a){var c='<i class="material-icons">error</i>',o=$('<div class="progress"><div class="indeterminate"></div></div>');t.hide(),t.after(o),$.post("/action",n,function(n){n.success?$(location).attr("href",i):(M.toast({html:c+" "+n.error}),o.remove(),a&&a(),t.append(" "+c),})}$(document).ready(function(){$(".action-checkin").click(function(){var t=$(this);tvly_run(t,{action:"checkin","station"),"train")},"/")}),$(".action-checkout").click(function(){var t=$(this),n={action:"checkout","station"),"force")};tvly_run(t,n,"/"+n.station,function(){t.append(" – Keine Echtzeitdaten vorhanden"),"force",!0)})}),$(".action-undo").click(function(){tvly_run($(this),{action:"undo"},window.location.href)})});
diff --git a/templates/landingpage.html.ep b/templates/landingpage.html.ep
index 5d03262..00a67cc 100644
--- a/templates/landingpage.html.ep
+++ b/templates/landingpage.html.ep
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
<span class="card-title">Hallo, <%= $self->get_user_name %>!</span>
<p>Du bist gerade eingecheckt in
<%= $status->{train_type} %> <%= $status->{train_no} %>
- ab <%= $status->{station_name} %>.</p>
+ ab <%= $status->{station_name} %>.
+ % if ($status->{timestamp_delta} < 3600) {
+ <a class="action-undo"><i class="material-icons">undo</i> Rückgängig</a>
+ % }
+ </p>