path: root/lib/Travelynx/Command/
diff options
authorBirte Kristina Friesel <>2024-07-24 20:50:12 +0200
committerBirte Kristina Friesel <>2024-07-24 20:50:12 +0200
commit2759d7258c37c7498905cfe19f6b4c4f6d16bd21 (patch)
treeed91dcab1818f66aefa664da0224d32bb61f7508 /lib/Travelynx/Command/
parent7811520a30657e2bc98873f296ae1f8fcff51dc0 (diff)
support non-DB HAFAS backends (WiP)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Travelynx/Command/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Travelynx/Command/ b/lib/Travelynx/Command/
index ae17f64..880dfb4 100644
--- a/lib/Travelynx/Command/
+++ b/lib/Travelynx/Command/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command';
use DateTime;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
use JSON;
+use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;
has description => 'Initialize or upgrade database layout';
@@ -1918,7 +1919,7 @@ my @migrations = (
# v49 -> v50
# travelynx 2.0 introduced proper HAFAS support, so there is no need for
- # the 'FYI, here is some hAFAS data' kludge anymore.
+ # the 'FYI, here is some HAFAS data' kludge anymore.
sub {
my ($db) = @_;
@@ -2310,6 +2311,235 @@ my @migrations = (
+ # v54 -> v55
+ # do not share stations between backends
+ sub {
+ my ($db) = @_;
+ $db->query(
+ qq{
+ alter table schema_version add column hafas varchar(12);
+ alter table users drop column external_services;
+ alter table users add column backend_id smallint references backends (id) default 1;
+ alter table stations drop constraint stations_pkey;
+ alter table stations add unique (eva, source);
+ create index eva_by_source on stations (eva, source);
+ create index eva on stations (eva);
+ alter table related_stations drop constraint related_stations_eva_meta_key;
+ drop index rel_eva;
+ alter table related_stations add column backend_id smallint;
+ update related_stations set backend_id = 1;
+ alter table related_stations alter column backend_id set not null;
+ alter table related_stations add constraint backend_fk foreign key (backend_id) references backends (id);
+ alter table related_stations add unique (eva, meta, backend_id);
+ create index related_stations_eva_backend_key on related_stations (eva, backend_id);
+ }
+ );
+ # up until now, IRIS and DB HAFAS shared stations, with IRIS taking
+ # preference. As of v2.7, this is no longer the case. However, old DB
+ # HAFAS journeys may still reference IRIS-specific stations. So, we
+ # make all IRIS stations available as DB HAFAS stations as well.
+ my $total
+ = $db->select( 'stations', 'count(*) as count', { source => 0 } )
+ ->hash->{count};
+ my $count = 0;
+ # Caveat: If this is a fresh installation, there are no IRIS stations
+ # in the database yet. So we have to populate it first.
+ if ( not $total ) {
+ say
+'Preparing to untangle IRIS / HAFAS stations, this may take a while ...';
+ $total = scalar Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_stations();
+ for my $s ( Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_stations() ) {
+ my ( $ds100, $name, $eva, $lon, $lat ) = @{$s};
+ and ( $eva < 8000000 or $eva > 8000100 ) )
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ $db->insert(
+ 'stations',
+ {
+ eva => $eva,
+ ds100 => $ds100,
+ name => $name,
+ lat => $lat,
+ lon => $lon,
+ source => 0,
+ archived => 0
+ },
+ );
+ if ( $count++ % 1000 == 0 ) {
+ printf( " %2.0f%% complete\n", $count * 100 / $total );
+ }
+ }
+ $count = 0;
+ }
+ say 'Untangling IRIS / HAFAS stations, this may take a while ...';
+ my $res = $db->query(
+ qq{
+ select eva, ds100, name, lat, lon, archived
+ from stations
+ where source = 0;
+ }
+ );
+ while ( my $row = $res->hash ) {
+ $db->insert(
+ 'stations',
+ {
+ eva => $row->{eva},
+ ds100 => $row->{ds100},
+ name => $row->{name},
+ lat => $row->{lat},
+ lon => $row->{lon},
+ archived => $row->{archived},
+ source => 1,
+ }
+ );
+ if ( $count++ % 1000 == 0 ) {
+ printf( " %2.0f%% complete\n", $count * 100 / $total );
+ }
+ }
+ $db->query(
+ qq{
+ alter table in_transit add constraint in_transit_checkin_eva_fk
+ foreign key (checkin_station_id, backend_id)
+ references stations (eva, source);
+ alter table in_transit add constraint in_transit_checkout_eva_fk
+ foreign key (checkout_station_id, backend_id)
+ references stations (eva, source);
+ alter table journeys add constraint journeys_checkin_eva_fk
+ foreign key (checkin_station_id, backend_id)
+ references stations (eva, source);
+ alter table journeys add constraint journeys_checkout_eva_fk
+ foreign key (checkout_station_id, backend_id)
+ references stations (eva, source);
+ drop view in_transit_str;
+ drop view journeys_str;
+ drop view follows_in_transit;
+ create view in_transit_str as select
+ user_id,
+ backend.iris as is_iris, backend.hafas as is_hafas,
+ backend.efa as is_efa, backend.ris as is_ris,
+ as backend_name, in_transit.backend_id as backend_id,
+ train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
+ extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
+ extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
+ extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
+ checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
+ dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100,
+ as dep_name,
+ as dep_lat,
+ dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
+ extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
+ extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
+ extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
+ checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
+ arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100,
+ as arr_name,
+ as arr_lat,
+ arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
+ polyline_id,
+ polylines.polyline as polyline,
+ visibility,
+ coalesce(visibility, users.public_level & 127) as effective_visibility,
+ cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
+ dep_platform, arr_platform, data
+ from in_transit
+ left join polylines on = polyline_id
+ left join users on = user_id
+ left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva and in_transit.backend_id = dep_station.source
+ left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva and in_transit.backend_id = arr_station.source
+ left join backends as backend on in_transit.backend_id =
+ ;
+ create view journeys_str as select
+ as journey_id, user_id,
+ backend.iris as is_iris, backend.hafas as is_hafas,
+ backend.efa as is_efa, backend.ris as is_ris,
+ as backend_name, journeys.backend_id as backend_id,
+ train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
+ extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
+ extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
+ extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
+ checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
+ dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100,
+ as dep_name,
+ as dep_lat,
+ dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
+ extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
+ extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
+ extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
+ checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
+ arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100,
+ as arr_name,
+ as arr_lat,
+ arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
+ polylines.polyline as polyline,
+ visibility,
+ coalesce(visibility, users.public_level & 127) as effective_visibility,
+ cancelled, edited, route, messages, user_data,
+ dep_platform, arr_platform
+ from journeys
+ left join polylines on = polyline_id
+ left join users on = user_id
+ left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva and journeys.backend_id = dep_station.source
+ left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva and journeys.backend_id = arr_station.source
+ left join backends as backend on journeys.backend_id =
+ ;
+ create view follows_in_transit as select
+ r1.subject_id as follower_id, user_id as followee_id,
+ as followee_name,
+ train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
+ in_transit.backend_id as backend_id,
+ extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
+ extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
+ extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
+ checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
+ dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100,
+ as dep_name,
+ as dep_lat,
+ dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
+ extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
+ extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
+ extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
+ checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
+ arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100,
+ as arr_name,
+ as arr_lat,
+ arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
+ polyline_id,
+ polylines.polyline as polyline,
+ visibility,
+ coalesce(visibility, users.public_level & 127) as effective_visibility,
+ cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
+ dep_platform, arr_platform, data
+ from in_transit
+ left join polylines on = polyline_id
+ left join users on = user_id
+ left join relations as r1 on r1.predicate = 1 and r1.object_id = user_id
+ left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva and in_transit.backend_id = dep_station.source
+ left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva and in_transit.backend_id = arr_station.source
+ order by checkin_time desc
+ ;
+ create view users_with_backend as select
+ as id, as name, status, public_level,
+ email, password, registered_at, last_seen,
+ deletion_requested, deletion_notified, use_history,
+ accept_follows, notifications, profile, backend_id, iris,
+ hafas, efa, ris, as backend_name
+ from users
+ left join backends as backend on users.backend_id =
+ ;
+ update schema_version set version = 55;
+ update schema_version set hafas = '0';
+ }
+ );
+ say
+ 'This travelynx instance now has support for non-DB HAFAS backends.';
+ say
+'If the migration fails due to a deadlock, re-run it after stopping all background workers';
+ },
sub sync_stations {
@@ -2341,7 +2571,7 @@ sub sync_stations {
on_conflict => \
-'(eva) do update set archived = false, source = 0, ds100 = EXCLUDED.ds100,,, lon=EXCLUDED.lon'
+'(eva, source) do update set archived = false, source = 0, ds100 = EXCLUDED.ds100,,, lon=EXCLUDED.lon'
if ( $count++ % 1000 == 0 ) {
@@ -2500,6 +2730,26 @@ sub sync_stations {
+sub sync_backends {
+ my ($db) = @_;
+ for my $service ( Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::get_services()) {
+ $db->insert(
+ 'backends',
+ {
+ iris => 0,
+ hafas => 1,
+ efa => 0,
+ ris => 0,
+ name => $service->{shortname},
+ },
+ { on_conflict => undef }
+ );
+ }
+ $db->update( 'schema_version',
+ { hafas => $Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::VERSION } );
sub setup_db {
my ($db) = @_;
my $tx = $db->begin;
@@ -2566,9 +2816,9 @@ sub migrate_db {
my $iris_version = get_schema_version( $db, 'iris' );
- say "Found IRIS station database v${iris_version}";
+ say "Found IRIS station table v${iris_version}";
if ( $iris_version eq $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION ) {
- say 'Station database is up-to-date';
+ say 'Station table is up-to-date';
else {
eval {
@@ -2587,6 +2837,18 @@ sub migrate_db {
+ my $hafas_version = get_schema_version( $db, 'hafas' );
+ say "Found backend table for HAFAS v${hafas_version}";
+ if ( $hafas_version eq $Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::VERSION ) {
+ say 'Backend table is up-to-date';
+ }
+ else {
+ say
+"Synchronizing with Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS $Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::VERSION";
+ sync_backends($db);
+ }
$db->update( 'schema_version',
{ travelynx => $self->app->config->{version} } );