% while (my ($key, $value) = each %{stash('twitter') // {}}) { % } % while (my ($key, $value) = each %{stash('opengraph') // {}}) { % } % my $av = 'v82'; # asset version % if (session('theme') and session('theme') eq 'dark') { %= stylesheet "/static/${av}/css/dark.min.css", id => 'theme' % } % else { %= stylesheet "/static/${av}/css/light.min.css", id => 'theme' % } %= stylesheet "/static/${av}/css/material-icons.css" % if (stash('with_map')) { %= stylesheet "/static/${av}/leaflet/leaflet.css" % } %= javascript "/static/${av}/js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js" %= javascript "/static/${av}/js/materialize.min.js" % my $min = ".min"; % if (app->mode eq 'development') { % $min = q{}; % } %= javascript "/static/${av}/js/travelynx-actions${min}.js" % if (stash('with_geolocation')) { %= javascript "/static/${av}/js/geolocation${min}.js" % } % if (stash('with_autocomplete')) { %= javascript "/dyn/${av}/autocomplete.js?backend_id=" . (stash('backend_id') // 1), defer => undef % } % if (stash('with_map')) { %= javascript "/static/${av}/leaflet/leaflet.js" % } % my $acc = is_user_authenticated() && current_user(); % if (app->mode eq 'development') {
Development Mode – Datenbank: <%= app->config->{db}->{database} %> @ <%= app->config->{db}->{host} %>
% } % if (app->config->{announcement}) {
%= app->config->{announcement}
% }
% if ($acc and $acc->{deletion_requested}) { %= include '_deletion_note', timestamp => $acc->{deletion_requested} % } %= content
travelynx v<%= $version // '???' %> Impressum Datenschutz Legende
Farbschema: hell · dunkel · automatisch