path: root/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/templates/infoscreen.html.ep b/templates/infoscreen.html.ep
index 145c831..5c67ab0 100644
--- a/templates/infoscreen.html.ep
+++ b/templates/infoscreen.html.ep
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
% for my $departure (@{$raw}) {
% my $linetype = q{};
% my $liclass = q{};
+% my $time_abs = q{};
+% my $time_rel = q{};
% if ($departure->can('type')) {
% given ($departure->type) {
% when ($_ =~ m{ (?: enbahn $ ) | Tram | STR }ix) { $linetype = 'tram' }
@@ -39,8 +41,39 @@
% when ([qw[U-Bahn U]]) { $linetype = 'ubahn' }
% }
% }
+% if ($departure->can('countdown')) {
+% if ($departure->countdown > 1) {
+% $time_rel = $departure->countdown -1 . ' min';
+% }
+% else {
+% $time_rel = 'sofort';
+% }
+% }
+% if ($departure->can('sched_time')) {
+% $time_abs = $departure->sched_time;
+% }
+% else {
+% $time_abs = $departure->time;
+% }
+% my $time_main = $time_rel;
+% my $time_sec = $time_abs;
+% if (my $timefmt = param('time_format')) {
+% if ($timefmt eq 'abs_rel') {
+% $time_main = $time_abs;
+% $time_sec = $time_rel;
+% }
+% elsif ($timefmt eq 'abs') {
+% $time_main = $time_abs;
+% $time_sec = q{};
+% }
+% elsif ($timefmt eq 'rel') {
+% $time_main = $time_rel;
+% $time_sec = q{};
+% }
+% }
% if ($departure->can('is_cancelled') and $departure->is_cancelled) {
% $liclass = 'cancelled';
+% $time_main = q{};
% }
<li class="<%= $liclass %>">
<span class="line <%= $linetype %>">
@@ -159,26 +192,14 @@
<span class="delay"> (+<%= $departure->delay %>) </span>
% }
% if ($departure->can('is_cancelled') and $departure->is_cancelled) {
- <span class="delay"> FÄLLT AUS </span>
+ <span class="delay"> fällt aus </span>
% }
% else {
-% if ($departure->can('countdown')) {
-% if ($departure->countdown > 1) {
- <%= $departure->countdown - 1 %> min
-% }
-% else {
- sofort
-% }
-% }
+%= $time_main
% }
</span> <!-- countdown -->
<span class="time">
-% if ($departure->can('sched_time')) {
-%= $departure->sched_time
-% }
-% else {
-%= $departure->time
-% }
+%= $time_sec
% if ($departure->can('platform') and $departure->platform) {
<span class="platform">
%= $departure->platform