path: root/lib/Travel/Routing
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Travel/Routing')
-rw-r--r--lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Exception.pod (renamed from lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/Exception.pod)24
-rw-r--r--lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/ (renamed from lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/
-rw-r--r--lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/ (renamed from lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/Route/
5 files changed, 939 insertions, 804 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da6e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+package Travel::Routing::DE::EFA;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
+use Carp qw(cluck);
+use Encode qw(decode encode);
+use Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use XML::LibXML;
+use Exception::Class (
+ 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception',
+ 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup' => {
+ isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception',
+ description => 'invalid argument on setup',
+ fields => [ 'option', 'have', 'want' ],
+ },
+ 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Net' => {
+ isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception',
+ description => 'could not submit POST request',
+ fields => 'http_response',
+ },
+ 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::NoData' => {
+ isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception',
+ description => 'backend returned no parsable route',
+ },
+ 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Ambiguous' => {
+ isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception',
+ description => 'ambiguous input',
+ fields => [ 'post_key', 'possibilities' ],
+ },
+ 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Other' => {
+ isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception',
+ description => 'EFA backend returned an error',
+ fields => ['message'],
+ },
+our $VERSION = '2.04';
+sub set_time {
+ my ( $self, %conf ) = @_;
+ my $time;
+ if ( $conf{departure_time} ) {
+ $self->{post}->{itdTripDateTimeDepArr} = 'dep';
+ $time = $conf{departure_time};
+ }
+ elsif ( $conf{arrival_time} ) {
+ $self->{post}->{itdTripDateTimeDepArr} = 'arr';
+ $time = $conf{arrival_time};
+ }
+ else {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'time',
+ error => 'Specify either departure_time or arrival_time'
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $time !~ / ^ [0-2]? \d : [0-5]? \d $ /x ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'time',
+ have => $time,
+ want => 'HH:MM',
+ );
+ }
+ @{ $self->{post} }{ 'itdTimeHour', 'itdTimeMinute' } = split( /:/, $time );
+ return;
+sub departure_time {
+ my ( $self, $time ) = @_;
+ return $self->set_time( departure_time => $time );
+sub arrival_time {
+ my ( $self, $time ) = @_;
+ return $self->set_time( arrival_time => $time );
+sub date {
+ my ( $self, $date ) = @_;
+ my ( $day, $month, $year ) = split( /[.]/, $date );
+ if (
+ not( defined $day
+ and length($day)
+ and $day >= 1
+ and $day <= 31
+ and defined $month
+ and length($month)
+ and $month >= 1
+ and $month <= 12 )
+ )
+ {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'date',
+ have => $date,
+ want => 'DD.MM[.[YYYY]]'
+ );
+ }
+ if ( not defined $year or not length($year) ) {
+ $year = ( localtime(time) )[5] + 1900;
+ }
+ @{ $self->{post} }{ 'itdDateDay', 'itdDateMonth', 'itdDateYear' }
+ = ( $day, $month, $year );
+ return;
+sub exclude {
+ my ( $self, @exclude ) = @_;
+ my @mapping = qw{
+ zug s-bahn u-bahn stadtbahn tram stadtbus regionalbus
+ schnellbus seilbahn schiff ast sonstige
+ };
+ foreach my $exclude_type (@exclude) {
+ my $ok = 0;
+ for my $map_id ( 0 .. $#mapping ) {
+ if ( $exclude_type eq $mapping[$map_id] ) {
+ $self->{post}->{"inclMOT_${map_id}"} = undef;
+ $ok = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( not $ok ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'exclude',
+ have => $exclude_type,
+ want => join( ' / ', @mapping ),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub max_interchanges {
+ my ( $self, $max ) = @_;
+ $self->{post}->{maxChanges} = $max;
+ return;
+sub select_interchange_by {
+ my ( $self, $prefer ) = @_;
+ given ($prefer) {
+ when ('speed') { $self->{post}->{routeType} = 'LEASTTIME' }
+ when ('waittime') { $self->{post}->{routeType} = 'LEASTINTERCHANGE' }
+ when ('distance') { $self->{post}->{routeType} = 'LEASTWALKING' }
+ default {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'select_interchange_by',
+ have => $prefer,
+ want => 'speed / waittime / distance',
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub train_type {
+ my ( $self, $include ) = @_;
+ given ($include) {
+ when ('local') { $self->{post}->{lineRestriction} = 403 }
+ when ('ic') { $self->{post}->{lineRestriction} = 401 }
+ when ('ice') { $self->{post}->{lineRestriction} = 400 }
+ default {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'train_type',
+ have => $include,
+ want => 'local / ic / ice',
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub use_near_stops {
+ my ( $self, $toggle ) = @_;
+ $self->{post}->{useProxFootSearch} = $toggle;
+ return;
+sub walk_speed {
+ my ( $self, $walk_speed ) = @_;
+ if ( $walk_speed ~~ [ 'normal', 'fast', 'slow' ] ) {
+ $self->{post}->{changeSpeed} = $walk_speed;
+ }
+ else {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'walk_speed',
+ have => $walk_speed,
+ want => 'normal / fast / slow',
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+sub with_bike {
+ my ( $self, $bike ) = @_;
+ $self->{post}->{bikeTakeAlong} = $bike;
+ return;
+sub place {
+ my ( $self, $which, $place, $stop, $type ) = @_;
+ if ( not( $place and $stop ) ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'place',
+ error => 'Need >= three elements'
+ );
+ }
+ $place = encode( 'ISO-8859-15', $place );
+ $stop = encode( 'ISO-8859-15', $stop );
+ $type //= 'stop';
+ @{ $self->{post} }{ "place_${which}", "name_${which}" } = ( $place, $stop );
+ if ( $type ~~ [qw[address poi stop]] ) {
+ $self->{post}->{"type_${which}"} = $type;
+ }
+ return;
+sub create_post {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $conf = $self->{config};
+ my @now = localtime( time() );
+ $self->{post} = {
+ changeSpeed => 'normal',
+ command => q{},
+ execInst => q{},
+ imparedOptionsActive => 1,
+ inclMOT_0 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_1 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_10 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_11 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_2 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_3 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_4 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_5 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_6 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_7 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_8 => 'on',
+ inclMOT_9 => 'on',
+ includedMeans => 'checkbox',
+ itOptionsActive => 1,
+ itdDateDay => $now[3],
+ itdDateMonth => $now[4] + 1,
+ itdDateYear => $now[5] + 1900,
+ itdLPxx_ShowFare => q{ },
+ itdLPxx_command => q{},
+ itdLPxx_enableMobilityRestrictionOptionsWithButton => q{},
+ itdLPxx_id_destination => ':destination',
+ itdLPxx_id_origin => ':origin',
+ itdLPxx_id_via => ':via',
+ itdLPxx_mapState_destination => q{},
+ itdLPxx_mapState_origin => q{},
+ itdLPxx_mapState_via => q{},
+ itdLPxx_mdvMap2_destination => q{},
+ itdLPxx_mdvMap2_origin => q{},
+ itdLPxx_mdvMap2_via => q{},
+ itdLPxx_mdvMap_destination => q{::},
+ itdLPxx_mdvMap_origin => q{::},
+ itdLPxx_mdvMap_via => q{::},
+ itdLPxx_priceCalculator => q{},
+ itdLPxx_transpCompany => 'vrr',
+ itdLPxx_view => q{},
+ itdTimeHour => $now[2],
+ itdTimeMinute => $now[1],
+ itdTripDateTimeDepArr => 'dep',
+ language => 'de',
+ lineRestriction => 403,
+ maxChanges => 9,
+ nameInfo_destination => 'invalid',
+ nameInfo_origin => 'invalid',
+ nameInfo_via => 'invalid',
+ nameState_destination => 'empty',
+ nameState_origin => 'empty',
+ nameState_via => 'empty',
+ name_destination => q{},
+ name_origin => q{},
+ name_via => q{},
+ outputFormat => 'XML',
+ placeInfo_destination => 'invalid',
+ placeInfo_origin => 'invalid',
+ placeInfo_via => 'invalid',
+ placeState_destination => 'empty',
+ placeState_origin => 'empty',
+ placeState_via => 'empty',
+ place_destination => q{},
+ place_origin => q{},
+ place_via => q{},
+ ptOptionsActive => 1,
+ requestID => 0,
+ routeType => 'LEASTTIME',
+ sessionID => 0,
+ text => 1993,
+ trITArrMOT => 100,
+ trITArrMOTvalue100 => 8,
+ trITArrMOTvalue101 => 10,
+ trITArrMOTvalue104 => 10,
+ trITArrMOTvalue105 => 10,
+ trITDepMOT => 100,
+ trITDepMOTvalue100 => 8,
+ trITDepMOTvalue101 => 10,
+ trITDepMOTvalue104 => 10,
+ trITDepMOTvalue105 => 10,
+ typeInfo_destination => 'invalid',
+ typeInfo_origin => 'invalid',
+ typeInfo_via => 'invalid',
+ type_destination => 'stop',
+ type_origin => 'stop',
+ type_via => 'stop',
+ useRealtime => 1
+ };
+ $self->place( 'origin', @{ $conf->{origin} } );
+ $self->place( 'destination', @{ $conf->{destination} } );
+ if ( $conf->{via} ) {
+ $self->place( 'via', @{ $conf->{via} } );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{arrival_time} || $conf->{departure_time} ) {
+ $self->set_time( %{$conf} );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{date} ) {
+ $self->date( $conf->{date} );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{exclude} ) {
+ $self->exclude( @{ $conf->{exclude} } );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{max_interchanges} ) {
+ $self->max_interchanges( $conf->{max_interchanges} );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{select_interchange_by} ) {
+ $self->select_interchange_by( $conf->{select_interchange_by} );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{use_near_stops} ) {
+ $self->use_near_stops(1);
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{train_type} ) {
+ $self->train_type( $conf->{train_type} );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{walk_speed} ) {
+ $self->walk_speed( $conf->{walk_speed} );
+ }
+ if ( $conf->{with_bike} ) {
+ $self->with_bike(1);
+ }
+ return;
+sub new {
+ my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_;
+ my $ref = {};
+ $ref->{config} = \%conf;
+ bless( $ref, $obj );
+ if (not $ref->{config}->{efa_url}) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'efa_url',
+ error => 'must be set'
+ );
+ }
+ $ref->create_post();
+ if ( not( defined $conf{submit} and $conf{submit} == 0 ) ) {
+ $ref->submit( %{ $conf{lwp_options} } );
+ }
+ return $ref;
+sub new_from_xml {
+ my ( $class, %opt ) = @_;
+ my $self = { xml_reply => $opt{xml} };
+ bless( $self, $class );
+ $self->parse();
+ return $self;
+sub submit {
+ my ( $self, %conf ) = @_;
+ $self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new(%conf);
+ $self->{ua}->env_proxy;
+ my $response = $self->{ua}
+ ->post( $self->{config}->{efa_url}, $self->{post} );
+ if ( $response->is_error ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Net->throw(
+ http_response => $response, );
+ }
+ $self->{xml_reply} = $response->decoded_content;
+ $self->parse();
+ return;
+sub itddate_str {
+ my ( $self, $node ) = @_;
+ return sprintf( '%02d.%02d.%04d',
+ $node->getAttribute('day'),
+ $node->getAttribute('month'),
+ $node->getAttribute('year') );
+sub itdtime_str {
+ my ( $self, $node ) = @_;
+ return sprintf( '%02d:%02d',
+ $node->getAttribute('hour'),
+ $node->getAttribute('minute') );
+sub parse_part {
+ my ( $self, $route ) = @_;
+ my $xp_route = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new(
+ './itdPartialRouteList/itdPartialRoute');
+ my $xp_dep
+ = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdPoint[@usage="departure"]');
+ my $xp_arr
+ = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdPoint[@usage="arrival"]');
+ my $xp_date = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTime/itdDate');
+ my $xp_time = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTime/itdTime');
+ my $xp_via = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdStopSeq/itdPoint');
+ my $xp_sdate
+ = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTimeTarget/itdDate');
+ my $xp_stime
+ = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTimeTarget/itdTime');
+ my $xp_mot = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdMeansOfTransport');
+ my $xp_delay = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdRBLControlled');
+ my $xp_info
+ = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdInfoTextList/infoTextListElem');
+ my $xp_fare
+ = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdFare/itdSingleTicket');
+ my @route_parts;
+ my $info = {
+ duration => $route->getAttribute('publicDuration'),
+ vehicle_time => $route->getAttribute('vehicleTime'),
+ };
+ my $e_fare = ( $route->findnodes($xp_fare) )[0];
+ if ($e_fare) {
+ $info->{ticket_type} = $e_fare->getAttribute('unitsAdult');
+ $info->{fare_adult} = $e_fare->getAttribute('fareAdult');
+ $info->{fare_child} = $e_fare->getAttribute('fareChild');
+ $info->{ticket_text} = $e_fare->textContent;
+ }
+ for my $e ( $route->findnodes($xp_route) ) {
+ my $e_dep = ( $e->findnodes($xp_dep) )[0];
+ my $e_arr = ( $e->findnodes($xp_arr) )[0];
+ my $e_ddate = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_date) )[0];
+ my $e_dtime = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_time) )[0];
+ my $e_dsdate = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_sdate) )[0];
+ my $e_dstime = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_stime) )[0];
+ my $e_adate = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_date) )[0];
+ my $e_atime = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_time) )[0];
+ my $e_asdate = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_sdate) )[0];
+ my $e_astime = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_stime) )[0];
+ my $e_mot = ( $e->findnodes($xp_mot) )[0];
+ my $e_delay = ( $e->findnodes($xp_delay) )[0];
+ my @e_info = $e->findnodes($xp_info);
+ my $delay = $e_delay ? $e_delay->getAttribute('delayMinutes') : 0;
+ my $hash = {
+ delay => $delay,
+ departure_date => $self->itddate_str($e_ddate),
+ departure_time => $self->itdtime_str($e_dtime),
+ departure_sdate => $self->itddate_str($e_dsdate),
+ departure_stime => $self->itdtime_str($e_dstime),
+ departure_stop => $e_dep->getAttribute('name'),
+ departure_platform => $e_dep->getAttribute('platformName'),
+ train_line => $e_mot->getAttribute('name'),
+ train_destination => $e_mot->getAttribute('destination'),
+ arrival_date => $self->itddate_str($e_adate),
+ arrival_time => $self->itdtime_str($e_atime),
+ arrival_sdate => $self->itddate_str($e_asdate),
+ arrival_stime => $self->itdtime_str($e_astime),
+ arrival_stop => $e_arr->getAttribute('name'),
+ arrival_platform => $e_arr->getAttribute('platformName'),
+ };
+ for my $key ( keys %{$hash} ) {
+ $hash->{$key} = decode( 'UTF-8', $hash->{$key} );
+ }
+ for my $ve ( $e->findnodes($xp_via) ) {
+ my $e_vdate = ( $ve->findnodes($xp_date) )[-1];
+ my $e_vtime = ( $ve->findnodes($xp_time) )[-1];
+ if ( not( $e_vdate and $e_vtime )
+ or ( $e_vdate->getAttribute('weekday') == -1 ) )
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ my $name = decode( 'UTF-8', $ve->getAttribute('name') );
+ my $platform = $ve->getAttribute('platformName');
+ if ( $name ~~ [ $hash->{departure_stop}, $hash->{arrival_stop} ] ) {
+ next;
+ }
+ push(
+ @{ $hash->{via} },
+ [
+ $self->itddate_str($e_vdate),
+ $self->itdtime_str($e_vtime),
+ $name,
+ $platform
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ $hash->{extra} = [ map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_->textContent ) } @e_info ];
+ push( @route_parts, $hash );
+ }
+ push(
+ @{ $self->{routes} },
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route->new( $info, @route_parts )
+ );
+ return;
+sub parse {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $tree = $self->{tree}
+ = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $self->{xml_reply}, );
+ my $xp_element = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new(
+ '//itdItinerary/itdRouteList/itdRoute');
+ my $xp_err = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new(
+ '//itdTripRequest/itdMessage[@type="error"]');
+ my $xp_odv = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//itdOdv');
+ for my $odv ( $tree->findnodes($xp_odv) ) {
+ $self->check_ambiguous($odv);
+ }
+ my $err = ( $tree->findnodes($xp_err) )[0];
+ if ($err) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Other->throw(
+ message => $err->textContent );
+ }
+ for my $part ( $tree->findnodes($xp_element) ) {
+ $self->parse_part($part);
+ }
+ if ( not defined $self->{routes} or @{ $self->{routes} } == 0 ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::NoData->throw();
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub check_ambiguous {
+ my ( $self, $tree ) = @_;
+ my $xp_place = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdOdvPlace');
+ my $xp_name = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdOdvName');
+ my $xp_place_elem = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./odvPlaceElem');
+ my $xp_name_elem = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./odvNameElem');
+ my $e_place = ( $tree->findnodes($xp_place) )[0];
+ my $e_name = ( $tree->findnodes($xp_name) )[0];
+ if ( not( $e_place and $e_name ) ) {
+ cluck('skipping ambiguity check - itdOdvPlace/itdOdvName missing');
+ return;
+ }
+ my $s_place = $e_place->getAttribute('state');
+ my $s_name = $e_name->getAttribute('state');
+ if ( $s_place eq 'list' ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Ambiguous->throw(
+ post_key => 'place',
+ possibilities => join( q{ | },
+ map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_->textContent ) }
+ @{ $e_place->findnodes($xp_place_elem) } )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $s_name eq 'list' ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Ambiguous->throw(
+ post_key => 'name',
+ possibilities => join( q{ | },
+ map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_->textContent ) }
+ @{ $e_name->findnodes($xp_name_elem) } )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $s_place eq 'notidentified' ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'place',
+ error => 'unknown place (typo?)'
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $s_name eq 'notidentified' ) {
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup->throw(
+ option => 'name',
+ error => 'unknown name (typo?)'
+ );
+ }
+ # 'identified' and 'empty' are ok
+ return;
+sub routes {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return @{ $self->{routes} };
+=head1 NAME
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA - unofficial interface to EFA-based itinerary services
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Travel::Routing::DE::EFA;
+ my $efa = Travel::Routing::DE::EFA->new(
+ efa_url => '',
+ origin => [ 'Essen', 'HBf' ],
+ destination => [ 'Duisburg', 'HBf' ],
+ );
+ for my $route ( $efa->routes ) {
+ for my $part ( $route->parts ) {
+ printf(
+ "%s at %s -> %s at %s, via %s to %s",
+ $part->departure_time, $part->departure_stop,
+ $part->arrival_time, $part->arrival_stop,
+ $part->train_line, $part->train_destination,
+ );
+ }
+ print "\n\n";
+ }
+=head1 VERSION
+version 2.04
+B<Travel::Routing::DE::EFA> is a client for EFA-based itinerary services.
+You pass it the start/stop of your journey, maybe a time and a date and more
+details, and it returns the up-to-date scheduled connections between those two
+It uses B<LWP::UserAgent> and B<XML::LibXML> for this.
+=head1 METHODS
+=item $efa = Travel::Routing::DE::EFA->new(I<%opts>)
+Returns a new Travel::Routing::DE::EFA object and sets up its POST data via
+Valid hash keys and their values are:
+=item B<efa_url> => I<efa_url>
+Mandatory. Sets the entry point to the EFA itinerary service.
+Known URLs are:
+=item * L<> (Verkehrsverbund GroE<szlig>raum NE<uuml>rnberg)
+=item * L<> (Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr)
+=item * L<> (Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart)
+If you found a URL not listed here, please send it to
+=item B<origin> => B<[> I<city>B<,> I<stop> [ B<,> I<type> ] B<]>
+Mandatory. Sets the start of the journey.
+I<type> is optional and may be one of B<stop> (default), B<address> (street
+and house number) or B<poi> ("point of interest").
+=item B<destination> => B<[> I<city>B<,> I<stop> [ B<,> I<type> ] B<]>
+Mandatory. Sets the end of the journey, see B<origin>.
+=item B<via> => B<[> I<city>B<,> I<stop> [ B<,> I<type> ] B<]>
+Optional. Specifies an intermediate stop which the resulting itinerary must
+contain. See B<origin> for arguments.
+=item B<arrival_time> => I<HH:MM>
+Journey end time
+=item B<departure_time> => I<HH:MM>
+Journey start time. Default: now
+=item B<date> => I<DD.MM.>[I<YYYY>]
+Journey date. Default: tdoay
+=item B<exclude> => \@exclude
+Do not use certain transport types for itinerary. Accepted arguments:
+zug, s-bahn, u-bahn, stadtbahn, tram, stadtbus, regionalbus, schnellbus,
+seilbahn, schiff, ast, sonstige
+=item B<max_interchanges> => I<num>
+Set maximum number of interchanges
+=item B<select_interchange_by> => B<speed>|B<waittime>|B<distance>
+Prefer either fast connections (default), connections with low wait time or
+connections with little distance to walk
+=item B<use_near_stops> => B<0>|B<1>
+If true: Try using near stops instead of the specified origin/destination ones
+=item B<train_type> => B<local>|B<ic>|B<ice>
+Include only local trains into itinarery (default), all but ICEs, or all.
+The latter two are usually way more expensive for short routes.
+=item B<walk_speed> => B<slow>|B<fast>|B<normal>
+Set walk speed. Default: B<normal>
+=item B<with_bike> => B<0>|B<1>
+If true: Prefer connections allowing passengers with bikes
+=item B<lwp_options> => I<\%hashref>
+Options to pass to C<< LWP::UserAgent->new >>.
+=item B<submit> => B<0>|B<1>
+By default, B<new> will create a POST request and submit it. If you do not
+want it to be submitted yet, set this to B<0>.
+=item $efa->submit(I<%opts>)
+Submit the query to I<efa_url>.
+I<%opts> is passed on to C<< LWP::UserAgent->new >>.
+=item $efa->routes()
+Returns a list of Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route(3pm) elements. Each one contains
+one method of getting from start to stop.
+The following methods act like the arguments to B<new>. See there.
+=item $efa->departure_time(I<$time>)
+=item $efa->arrival_time(I<$time>)
+=item $efa->date(I<$date>)
+=item $efa->exclude(I<@exclude>)
+=item $efa->max_interchanges(I<$num>)
+=item $efa->select_interchange_by(I<$selection>)
+=item $efa->train_type(I<$type>)
+=item $efa->use_near_stops(I<$bool>)
+=item $efa->walk_speed(I<$speed>)
+=item $efa->with_bike(I<$bool>)
+When encountering an error, Travel::Routing::DE::EFA throws a
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception(3pm) object.
+=item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm)
+=item * XML::LibXML(3pm)
+None known.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=item * Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception(3pm)
+=item * Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route(3pm)
+=item * L<WWW::EFA> is another implementation, using L<Moose>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2009-2014 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/Exception.pod b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Exception.pod
index aba1197..5ec2991 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/Exception.pod
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Exception.pod
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
=head1 NAME
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception - Travel::Routing::DE::VRR Exceptions
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception - Travel::Routing::DE::EFA Exceptions
-All Exceptions throws by Travel::Routing::DE::VRR are
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception objects created by Exception::Class(3pm).
+All Exceptions thrown by Travel::Routing::DE::EFA are
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception objects created by Exception::Class(3pm).
See Exception::Class::Base(3pm) for their common methods.
-=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup
+=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup
An argument to B<new> had an invalid format.
@@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ What kind of argument we want.
-=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Net
+=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Net
The HTTP request to the efa interface failed. Contains an HTTP::Response(3pm)
object describing the error in B<http_response>.
-=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::NoData
+=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::NoData
-We got no parsable data from
+We got no parsable data from the EFA service
-=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Ambiguous
+=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Ambiguous
Our request contained ambiguous data. B<post_key> contains the relevant POST
key, B<possibilities> is a comma-separated string of possible key values (as
-reported by
+reported by the EFA service).
-=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::NoConnections
+=head2 Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::NoConnections found no connections for our request.
+The EFA service found no connections for our request.
=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/
index 4f70f60..11fbacd 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route;
+package Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route;
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ use 5.010;
use parent 'Class::Accessor';
-use Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part;
+use Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part;
our $VERSION = '2.04';
qw(duration ticket_text ticket_type fare_adult fare_child vehicle_time));
sub new {
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ sub new {
for my $part (@parts) {
@{ $ref->{parts} },
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part->new( %{$part} )
+ Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part->new( %{$part} )
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ __END__
=head1 NAME
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route - Single route (connection) between two points
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route - Single route (connection) between two points
for my $route ( $efa->routes ) {
for my $part ( $route->parts ) {
- # $part is a Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part object
+ # $part is a Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part object
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ version 2.04
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route describes a single method of getting from one
-point to another. It holds a bunch of Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part(3pm)
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route describes a single method of getting from one
+point to another. It holds a bunch of Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part(3pm)
objects describing the parts of the route in detail. Each part depends on the
previous one.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ route duration as string in HH:MM format
=item $route->parts
-Returns a list of Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part(3pm) elements describing
+Returns a list of Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part(3pm) elements describing
the actual route
=item $route->ticket_type
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ None known.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR(3pm), Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part(3pm).
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm), Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part(3pm).
=head1 AUTHOR
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/Route/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/
index 9a11edc..137581d 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/VRR/Route/
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part;
+package Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part;
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use parent 'Class::Accessor';
our $VERSION = '2.04';
qw(arrival_platform arrival_stop
arrival_date arrival_time arrival_sdate arrival_stime
delay departure_platform departure_stop
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ __END__
=head1 NAME
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part - Describes one connection between two
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part - Describes one connection between two
points, without interchanges
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ version 2.04
-B<Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route::Part> holds one specific connection (without
+B<Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part> holds one specific connection (without
interchanges) between two points. It specifies the start/stop point and time,
the train line and its destination, and optional additional data.
-It is usually obtained by a call to Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route(3pm)'s
+It is usually obtained by a call to Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route(3pm)'s
B<parts> method.
=head1 METHODS
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ $part->via does not work reliably.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR(3pm), Class::Accessor(3pm).
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm), Class::Accessor(3pm).
=head1 AUTHOR
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/
index 603ac8b..95ba221 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/
@@ -6,669 +6,21 @@ use 5.010;
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
-use Carp qw(cluck);
-use Encode qw(decode encode);
-use Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use XML::LibXML;
-use Exception::Class (
- 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception',
- 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup' => {
- isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception',
- description => 'invalid argument on setup',
- fields => [ 'option', 'have', 'want' ],
- },
- 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Net' => {
- isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception',
- description => 'could not submit POST request',
- fields => 'http_response',
- },
- 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::NoData' => {
- isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception',
- description => 'backend returned no parsable route',
- },
- 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Ambiguous' => {
- isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception',
- description => 'ambiguous input',
- fields => [ 'post_key', 'possibilities' ],
- },
- 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Other' => {
- isa => 'Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception',
- description => 'EFA backend returned an error',
- fields => ['message'],
- },
our $VERSION = '2.04';
-sub set_time {
- my ( $self, %conf ) = @_;
- my $time;
- if ( $conf{departure_time} ) {
- $self->{post}->{itdTripDateTimeDepArr} = 'dep';
- $time = $conf{departure_time};
- }
- elsif ( $conf{arrival_time} ) {
- $self->{post}->{itdTripDateTimeDepArr} = 'arr';
- $time = $conf{arrival_time};
- }
- else {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'time',
- error => 'Specify either departure_time or arrival_time'
- );
- }
- if ( $time !~ / ^ [0-2]? \d : [0-5]? \d $ /x ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'time',
- have => $time,
- want => 'HH:MM',
- );
- }
- @{ $self->{post} }{ 'itdTimeHour', 'itdTimeMinute' } = split( /:/, $time );
- return;
-sub departure_time {
- my ( $self, $time ) = @_;
- return $self->set_time( departure_time => $time );
-sub arrival_time {
- my ( $self, $time ) = @_;
- return $self->set_time( arrival_time => $time );
-sub date {
- my ( $self, $date ) = @_;
- my ( $day, $month, $year ) = split( /[.]/, $date );
- if (
- not( defined $day
- and length($day)
- and $day >= 1
- and $day <= 31
- and defined $month
- and length($month)
- and $month >= 1
- and $month <= 12 )
- )
- {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'date',
- have => $date,
- want => 'DD.MM[.[YYYY]]'
- );
- }
- if ( not defined $year or not length($year) ) {
- $year = ( localtime(time) )[5] + 1900;
- }
- @{ $self->{post} }{ 'itdDateDay', 'itdDateMonth', 'itdDateYear' }
- = ( $day, $month, $year );
- return;
-sub exclude {
- my ( $self, @exclude ) = @_;
- my @mapping = qw{
- zug s-bahn u-bahn stadtbahn tram stadtbus regionalbus
- schnellbus seilbahn schiff ast sonstige
- };
- foreach my $exclude_type (@exclude) {
- my $ok = 0;
- for my $map_id ( 0 .. $#mapping ) {
- if ( $exclude_type eq $mapping[$map_id] ) {
- $self->{post}->{"inclMOT_${map_id}"} = undef;
- $ok = 1;
- }
- }
- if ( not $ok ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'exclude',
- have => $exclude_type,
- want => join( ' / ', @mapping ),
- );
- }
- }
- return;
-sub max_interchanges {
- my ( $self, $max ) = @_;
- $self->{post}->{maxChanges} = $max;
- return;
-sub select_interchange_by {
- my ( $self, $prefer ) = @_;
- given ($prefer) {
- when ('speed') { $self->{post}->{routeType} = 'LEASTTIME' }
- when ('waittime') { $self->{post}->{routeType} = 'LEASTINTERCHANGE' }
- when ('distance') { $self->{post}->{routeType} = 'LEASTWALKING' }
- default {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'select_interchange_by',
- have => $prefer,
- want => 'speed / waittime / distance',
- );
- }
- }
- return;
-sub train_type {
- my ( $self, $include ) = @_;
- given ($include) {
- when ('local') { $self->{post}->{lineRestriction} = 403 }
- when ('ic') { $self->{post}->{lineRestriction} = 401 }
- when ('ice') { $self->{post}->{lineRestriction} = 400 }
- default {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'train_type',
- have => $include,
- want => 'local / ic / ice',
- );
- }
- }
- return;
-sub use_near_stops {
- my ( $self, $toggle ) = @_;
- $self->{post}->{useProxFootSearch} = $toggle;
- return;
-sub walk_speed {
- my ( $self, $walk_speed ) = @_;
- if ( $walk_speed ~~ [ 'normal', 'fast', 'slow' ] ) {
- $self->{post}->{changeSpeed} = $walk_speed;
- }
- else {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'walk_speed',
- have => $walk_speed,
- want => 'normal / fast / slow',
- );
- }
- return;
-sub with_bike {
- my ( $self, $bike ) = @_;
- $self->{post}->{bikeTakeAlong} = $bike;
- return;
-sub place {
- my ( $self, $which, $place, $stop, $type ) = @_;
- if ( not( $place and $stop ) ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'place',
- error => 'Need >= three elements'
- );
- }
- $place = encode( 'ISO-8859-15', $place );
- $stop = encode( 'ISO-8859-15', $stop );
- $type //= 'stop';
- @{ $self->{post} }{ "place_${which}", "name_${which}" } = ( $place, $stop );
- if ( $type ~~ [qw[address poi stop]] ) {
- $self->{post}->{"type_${which}"} = $type;
- }
- return;
-sub create_post {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $conf = $self->{config};
- my @now = localtime( time() );
- $self->{post} = {
- changeSpeed => 'normal',
- command => q{},
- execInst => q{},
- imparedOptionsActive => 1,
- inclMOT_0 => 'on',
- inclMOT_1 => 'on',
- inclMOT_10 => 'on',
- inclMOT_11 => 'on',
- inclMOT_2 => 'on',
- inclMOT_3 => 'on',
- inclMOT_4 => 'on',
- inclMOT_5 => 'on',
- inclMOT_6 => 'on',
- inclMOT_7 => 'on',
- inclMOT_8 => 'on',
- inclMOT_9 => 'on',
- includedMeans => 'checkbox',
- itOptionsActive => 1,
- itdDateDay => $now[3],
- itdDateMonth => $now[4] + 1,
- itdDateYear => $now[5] + 1900,
- itdLPxx_ShowFare => q{ },
- itdLPxx_command => q{},
- itdLPxx_enableMobilityRestrictionOptionsWithButton => q{},
- itdLPxx_id_destination => ':destination',
- itdLPxx_id_origin => ':origin',
- itdLPxx_id_via => ':via',
- itdLPxx_mapState_destination => q{},
- itdLPxx_mapState_origin => q{},
- itdLPxx_mapState_via => q{},
- itdLPxx_mdvMap2_destination => q{},
- itdLPxx_mdvMap2_origin => q{},
- itdLPxx_mdvMap2_via => q{},
- itdLPxx_mdvMap_destination => q{::},
- itdLPxx_mdvMap_origin => q{::},
- itdLPxx_mdvMap_via => q{::},
- itdLPxx_priceCalculator => q{},
- itdLPxx_transpCompany => 'vrr',
- itdLPxx_view => q{},
- itdTimeHour => $now[2],
- itdTimeMinute => $now[1],
- itdTripDateTimeDepArr => 'dep',
- language => 'de',
- lineRestriction => 403,
- maxChanges => 9,
- nameInfo_destination => 'invalid',
- nameInfo_origin => 'invalid',
- nameInfo_via => 'invalid',
- nameState_destination => 'empty',
- nameState_origin => 'empty',
- nameState_via => 'empty',
- name_destination => q{},
- name_origin => q{},
- name_via => q{},
- outputFormat => 'XML',
- placeInfo_destination => 'invalid',
- placeInfo_origin => 'invalid',
- placeInfo_via => 'invalid',
- placeState_destination => 'empty',
- placeState_origin => 'empty',
- placeState_via => 'empty',
- place_destination => q{},
- place_origin => q{},
- place_via => q{},
- ptOptionsActive => 1,
- requestID => 0,
- routeType => 'LEASTTIME',
- sessionID => 0,
- text => 1993,
- trITArrMOT => 100,
- trITArrMOTvalue100 => 8,
- trITArrMOTvalue101 => 10,
- trITArrMOTvalue104 => 10,
- trITArrMOTvalue105 => 10,
- trITDepMOT => 100,
- trITDepMOTvalue100 => 8,
- trITDepMOTvalue101 => 10,
- trITDepMOTvalue104 => 10,
- trITDepMOTvalue105 => 10,
- typeInfo_destination => 'invalid',
- typeInfo_origin => 'invalid',
- typeInfo_via => 'invalid',
- type_destination => 'stop',
- type_origin => 'stop',
- type_via => 'stop',
- useRealtime => 1
- };
- $self->place( 'origin', @{ $conf->{origin} } );
- $self->place( 'destination', @{ $conf->{destination} } );
- if ( $conf->{via} ) {
- $self->place( 'via', @{ $conf->{via} } );
- }
- if ( $conf->{arrival_time} || $conf->{departure_time} ) {
- $self->set_time( %{$conf} );
- }
- if ( $conf->{date} ) {
- $self->date( $conf->{date} );
- }
- if ( $conf->{exclude} ) {
- $self->exclude( @{ $conf->{exclude} } );
- }
- if ( $conf->{max_interchanges} ) {
- $self->max_interchanges( $conf->{max_interchanges} );
- }
- if ( $conf->{select_interchange_by} ) {
- $self->select_interchange_by( $conf->{select_interchange_by} );
- }
- if ( $conf->{use_near_stops} ) {
- $self->use_near_stops(1);
- }
- if ( $conf->{train_type} ) {
- $self->train_type( $conf->{train_type} );
- }
- if ( $conf->{walk_speed} ) {
- $self->walk_speed( $conf->{walk_speed} );
- }
- if ( $conf->{with_bike} ) {
- $self->with_bike(1);
- }
- return;
+use parent 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA';
sub new {
- my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_;
- my $ref = {};
- $ref->{config} = \%conf;
- bless( $ref, $obj );
- $ref->create_post();
- if ( not( defined $conf{submit} and $conf{submit} == 0 ) ) {
- $ref->submit( %{ $conf{lwp_options} } );
- }
- return $ref;
-sub new_from_xml {
my ( $class, %opt ) = @_;
- my $self = { xml_reply => $opt{xml} };
+ $opt{efa_url} = '';
- bless( $self, $class );
- $self->parse();
- return $self;
-sub submit {
- my ( $self, %conf ) = @_;
- $self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new(%conf);
- $self->{ua}->env_proxy;
- my $response = $self->{ua}
- ->post( '', $self->{post} );
- if ( $response->is_error ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Net->throw(
- http_response => $response, );
- }
- $self->{xml_reply} = $response->decoded_content;
- $self->parse();
- return;
-sub itddate_str {
- my ( $self, $node ) = @_;
- return sprintf( '%02d.%02d.%04d',
- $node->getAttribute('day'),
- $node->getAttribute('month'),
- $node->getAttribute('year') );
-sub itdtime_str {
- my ( $self, $node ) = @_;
- return sprintf( '%02d:%02d',
- $node->getAttribute('hour'),
- $node->getAttribute('minute') );
-sub parse_part {
- my ( $self, $route ) = @_;
- my $xp_route = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new(
- './itdPartialRouteList/itdPartialRoute');
- my $xp_dep
- = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdPoint[@usage="departure"]');
- my $xp_arr
- = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdPoint[@usage="arrival"]');
- my $xp_date = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTime/itdDate');
- my $xp_time = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTime/itdTime');
- my $xp_via = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdStopSeq/itdPoint');
- my $xp_sdate
- = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTimeTarget/itdDate');
- my $xp_stime
- = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdDateTimeTarget/itdTime');
- my $xp_mot = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdMeansOfTransport');
- my $xp_delay = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdRBLControlled');
- my $xp_info
- = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdInfoTextList/infoTextListElem');
- my $xp_fare
- = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdFare/itdSingleTicket');
- my @route_parts;
- my $info = {
- duration => $route->getAttribute('publicDuration'),
- vehicle_time => $route->getAttribute('vehicleTime'),
- };
- my $e_fare = ( $route->findnodes($xp_fare) )[0];
- if ($e_fare) {
- $info->{ticket_type} = $e_fare->getAttribute('unitsAdult');
- $info->{fare_adult} = $e_fare->getAttribute('fareAdult');
- $info->{fare_child} = $e_fare->getAttribute('fareChild');
- $info->{ticket_text} = $e_fare->textContent;
- }
- for my $e ( $route->findnodes($xp_route) ) {
- my $e_dep = ( $e->findnodes($xp_dep) )[0];
- my $e_arr = ( $e->findnodes($xp_arr) )[0];
- my $e_ddate = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_date) )[0];
- my $e_dtime = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_time) )[0];
- my $e_dsdate = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_sdate) )[0];
- my $e_dstime = ( $e_dep->findnodes($xp_stime) )[0];
- my $e_adate = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_date) )[0];
- my $e_atime = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_time) )[0];
- my $e_asdate = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_sdate) )[0];
- my $e_astime = ( $e_arr->findnodes($xp_stime) )[0];
- my $e_mot = ( $e->findnodes($xp_mot) )[0];
- my $e_delay = ( $e->findnodes($xp_delay) )[0];
- my @e_info = $e->findnodes($xp_info);
- my $delay = $e_delay ? $e_delay->getAttribute('delayMinutes') : 0;
- my $hash = {
- delay => $delay,
- departure_date => $self->itddate_str($e_ddate),
- departure_time => $self->itdtime_str($e_dtime),
- departure_sdate => $self->itddate_str($e_dsdate),
- departure_stime => $self->itdtime_str($e_dstime),
- departure_stop => $e_dep->getAttribute('name'),
- departure_platform => $e_dep->getAttribute('platformName'),
- train_line => $e_mot->getAttribute('name'),
- train_destination => $e_mot->getAttribute('destination'),
- arrival_date => $self->itddate_str($e_adate),
- arrival_time => $self->itdtime_str($e_atime),
- arrival_sdate => $self->itddate_str($e_asdate),
- arrival_stime => $self->itdtime_str($e_astime),
- arrival_stop => $e_arr->getAttribute('name'),
- arrival_platform => $e_arr->getAttribute('platformName'),
- };
- for my $key ( keys %{$hash} ) {
- $hash->{$key} = decode( 'UTF-8', $hash->{$key} );
- }
- for my $ve ( $e->findnodes($xp_via) ) {
- my $e_vdate = ( $ve->findnodes($xp_date) )[-1];
- my $e_vtime = ( $ve->findnodes($xp_time) )[-1];
- if ( not( $e_vdate and $e_vtime )
- or ( $e_vdate->getAttribute('weekday') == -1 ) )
- {
- next;
- }
- my $name = decode( 'UTF-8', $ve->getAttribute('name') );
- my $platform = $ve->getAttribute('platformName');
- if ( $name ~~ [ $hash->{departure_stop}, $hash->{arrival_stop} ] ) {
- next;
- }
- push(
- @{ $hash->{via} },
- [
- $self->itddate_str($e_vdate),
- $self->itdtime_str($e_vtime),
- $name,
- $platform
- ]
- );
- }
- $hash->{extra} = [ map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_->textContent ) } @e_info ];
- push( @route_parts, $hash );
- }
- push(
- @{ $self->{routes} },
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route->new( $info, @route_parts )
- );
- return;
-sub parse {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $tree = $self->{tree}
- = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $self->{xml_reply}, );
- my $xp_element = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new(
- '//itdItinerary/itdRouteList/itdRoute');
- my $xp_err = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new(
- '//itdTripRequest/itdMessage[@type="error"]');
- my $xp_odv = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//itdOdv');
- for my $odv ( $tree->findnodes($xp_odv) ) {
- $self->check_ambiguous($odv);
- }
- my $err = ( $tree->findnodes($xp_err) )[0];
- if ($err) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Other->throw(
- message => $err->textContent );
- }
- for my $part ( $tree->findnodes($xp_element) ) {
- $self->parse_part($part);
- }
- if ( not defined $self->{routes} or @{ $self->{routes} } == 0 ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::NoData->throw();
- }
- return 1;
-sub check_ambiguous {
- my ( $self, $tree ) = @_;
- my $xp_place = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdOdvPlace');
- my $xp_name = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./itdOdvName');
- my $xp_place_elem = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./odvPlaceElem');
- my $xp_name_elem = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./odvNameElem');
- my $e_place = ( $tree->findnodes($xp_place) )[0];
- my $e_name = ( $tree->findnodes($xp_name) )[0];
- if ( not( $e_place and $e_name ) ) {
- cluck('skipping ambiguity check - itdOdvPlace/itdOdvName missing');
- return;
- }
- my $s_place = $e_place->getAttribute('state');
- my $s_name = $e_name->getAttribute('state');
- if ( $s_place eq 'list' ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Ambiguous->throw(
- post_key => 'place',
- possibilities => join( q{ | },
- map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_->textContent ) }
- @{ $e_place->findnodes($xp_place_elem) } )
- );
- }
- if ( $s_name eq 'list' ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Ambiguous->throw(
- post_key => 'name',
- possibilities => join( q{ | },
- map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_->textContent ) }
- @{ $e_name->findnodes($xp_name_elem) } )
- );
- }
- if ( $s_place eq 'notidentified' ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'place',
- error => 'unknown place (typo?)'
- );
- }
- if ( $s_name eq 'notidentified' ) {
- Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception::Setup->throw(
- option => 'name',
- error => 'unknown name (typo?)'
- );
- }
- # 'identified' and 'empty' are ok
- return;
-sub routes {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return @{ $self->{routes} };
+ return $class->SUPER::new(%opt);
=head1 NAME
@@ -707,8 +59,6 @@ You pass it the start/stop of your journey, maybe a time and a date and more
details, and it returns the up-to-date scheduled connections between those two
-It uses B<LWP::UserAgent> and B<XML::LibXML> for this.
=head1 METHODS
@@ -716,133 +66,23 @@ It uses B<LWP::UserAgent> and B<XML::LibXML> for this.
=item $efa = Travel::Routing::DE::VRR->new(I<%opts>)
Returns a new Travel::Routing::DE::VRR object and sets up its POST data via
-Valid hash keys and their values are:
-=item B<origin> => B<[> I<city>B<,> I<stop> [ B<,> I<type> ] B<]>
-Mandatory. Sets the start of the journey.
-I<type> is optional and may be one of B<stop> (default), B<address> (street
-and house number) or B<poi> ("point of interest").
-=item B<destination> => B<[> I<city>B<,> I<stop> [ B<,> I<type> ] B<]>
-Mandatory. Sets the end of the journey, see B<origin>.
-=item B<via> => B<[> I<city>B<,> I<stop> [ B<,> I<type> ] B<]>
-Optional. Specifies an intermediate stop which the resulting itinerary must
-contain. See B<origin> for arguments.
-=item B<arrival_time> => I<HH:MM>
-Journey end time
-=item B<departure_time> => I<HH:MM>
-Journey start time. Default: now
-=item B<date> => I<DD.MM.>[I<YYYY>]
-Journey date. Default: tdoay
-=item B<exclude> => \@exclude
-Do not use certain transport types for itinerary. Accepted arguments:
-zug, s-bahn, u-bahn, stadtbahn, tram, stadtbus, regionalbus, schnellbus,
-seilbahn, schiff, ast, sonstige
-=item B<max_interchanges> => I<num>
-Set maximum number of interchanges
-=item B<select_interchange_by> => B<speed>|B<waittime>|B<distance>
-Prefer either fast connections (default), connections with low wait time or
-connections with little distance to walk
-=item B<use_near_stops> => B<0>|B<1>
-If true: Try using near stops instead of the specified origin/destination ones
-=item B<train_type> => B<local>|B<ic>|B<ice>
-Include only local trains into itinarery (default), all but ICEs, or all.
-The latter two are usually way more expensive for short routes.
-=item B<walk_speed> => B<slow>|B<fast>|B<normal>
-Set walk speed. Default: B<normal>
-=item B<with_bike> => B<0>|B<1>
-If true: Prefer connections allowing passengers with bikes
-=item B<lwp_options> => I<\%hashref>
-Options to pass to C<< LWP::UserAgent->new >>.
-=item B<submit> => B<0>|B<1>
-By default, B<new> will create a POST request and submit it to
-L<>. If you do not want it to be submitted yet, set this to
-=item $efa->submit(I<%opts>)
-Submit the query to L<>.
-I<%opts> is passed on to C<< LWP::UserAgent->new >>.
-=item $efa->routes()
-Returns a list of Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route(3pm) elements. Each one contains
-one method of getting from start to stop.
+Calls Travel::Routing::DE::EFA->new with the appropriate B<efa_url>, all
+I<%opts> are passed on. See Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm) for valid
+parameters and methods
-The following methods act like the arguments to B<new>. See there.
-=item $efa->departure_time(I<$time>)
-=item $efa->arrival_time(I<$time>)
-=item $efa->date(I<$date>)
-=item $efa->exclude(I<@exclude>)
-=item $efa->max_interchanges(I<$num>)
-=item $efa->select_interchange_by(I<$selection>)
-=item $efa->train_type(I<$type>)
-=item $efa->use_near_stops(I<$bool>)
-=item $efa->walk_speed(I<$speed>)
-=item $efa->with_bike(I<$bool>)
When encountering an error, Travel::Routing::DE::VRR throws a
-Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception(3pm) object.
+Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception(3pm) object.
+=item * Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm)
=item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm)
=item * XML::LibXML(3pm)
@@ -857,11 +97,7 @@ None known.
-=item * Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Exception(3pm)
-=item * Travel::Routing::DE::VRR::Route(3pm)
-=item * L<WWW::EFA> is another implementation, using L<Moose>.
+=item * Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm)