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+# ESP8266 Lua/NodeMCU module for MH-Z19 CO₂ sensor
+This repository contains a Lua module (`mh-z19.lua`) as well as ESP8266/NodeMCU
+MQTT gateway application example (`init.lua`) for the **MH-Z19** carbon dioxide
+(CO₂) sensor.
+## Dependencies
+mh-z19.lua has been tested with Lua 5.1 on NodeMCU firmware 3.0.1
+(Release 202112300746, integer build). It requires the following modules.
+* struct
+Most practical applications (such as the example in init.lua) also need the
+following modules.
+* gpio
+* mqtt
+* node
+* softuart
+* tmr
+* uart
+* wifi
+## Setup
+Connect the MH-Z19 sensor to your ESP8266/NodeMCU board as follows.
+* MH-Z19 GND (black wire) → ESP8266/NodeMCU GND
+* MH-Z19 Vin (red wire) → ESP8266/NodeMCU 5V
+* MH-Z19 Rx (blue wire) → NodeMCU D1 (ESP8266 GPIO5)
+* MH-Z19 Tx (green wire) → NodeMCU D2 (ESP8266 GPIO4)
+If you use different pins for TXD and RXD, you need to adjust the
+softuart.setup call in the examples provided in this repository to reflect
+those changes. Keep in mind that some ESP8266 pins must have well-defined logic
+levels at boot time and may therefore be unsuitable for MH-Z19 connection.
+## Usage
+Copy **mh-z19.lua** to your NodeMCU board and set it up as follows.
+mhz19 = require("mh-z19")
+port = softuart.setup(9600, 1, 2)
+port:on("data", 9, uart_callback)
+function uart_callback(data)
+ if sds011.parse_frame(data) then
+ -- mhz19.co2 contains the CO₂ concentration in ppm
+ end
+## Application Example
+**init.lua** is an example application with HomeAssistant integration.
+To use it, you need to create a **config.lua** file with WiFI and MQTT settings:
+station_cfg.ssid = "..."
+station_cfg.pwd = "..."
+mqtt_host = "..."
+Optionally, it can also publish readings to an InfluxDB.
+To do so, configure URL and attribute:
+influx_url = "..."
+influx_attr = "..."
+Readings will be stored as `mh_z19,[influx_attr] co2_ppm=...`
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b8225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+station_cfg = {}
+publishing_mqtt = false
+publishing_http = false
+watchdog = tmr.create()
+chip_id = string.format("%06X", node.chipid())
+device_id = "esp8266_" .. chip_id
+mqtt_prefix = "sensor/" .. device_id
+mqttclient = mqtt.Client(device_id, 120)
+print("ESP8266 " .. chip_id)
+ledpin = 4
+gpio.mode(ledpin, gpio.OUTPUT)
+gpio.write(ledpin, 0)
+mhz19 = require("mh-z19")
+poll = tmr.create()
+function log_restart()
+ print("Network error " .. wifi.sta.status())
+function setup_client()
+ print("Connected")
+ gpio.write(ledpin, 1)
+ port = softuart.setup(9600, 1, 2)
+ port:on("data", 9, uart_callback)
+ publishing_mqtt = true
+ mqttclient:publish(mqtt_prefix .. "/state", "online", 0, 1, function(client)
+ publishing_mqtt = false
+ query_data()
+ poll:start()
+ end)
+function connect_mqtt()
+ print("IP address: " .. wifi.sta.getip())
+ print("Connecting to MQTT " .. mqtt_host)
+ mqttclient:on("connect", hass_register)
+ mqttclient:on("offline", log_restart)
+ mqttclient:lwt(mqtt_prefix .. "/state", "offline", 0, 1)
+ mqttclient:connect(mqtt_host)
+function connect_wifi()
+ print("WiFi MAC: " .. wifi.sta.getmac())
+ print("Connecting to ESSID " .. station_cfg.ssid)
+ wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, connect_mqtt)
+ wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DHCP_TIMEOUT, log_restart)
+ wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED, log_restart)
+ wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION)
+ wifi.sta.config(station_cfg)
+ wifi.sta.connect()
+function uart_callback(data)
+ if not mhz19.parse_frame(data) then
+ print("Invalid MH-Z19 frame")
+ return
+ end
+ local json_str = string.format('{"rssi_dbm":%d,"co2_ppm":"%d"}', wifi.sta.getrssi(), mhz19.co2)
+ local influx_str = string.format("co2_ppm=%d", mhz19.co2)
+ if not publishing_mqtt then
+ watchdog:start(true)
+ publishing_mqtt = true
+ gpio.write(ledpin, 0)
+ mqttclient:publish(mqtt_prefix .. "/data", json_str, 0, 0, function(client)
+ publishing_mqtt = false
+ if influx_url and influx_attr and influx_str then
+ publish_influx(influx_str)
+ else
+ gpio.write(ledpin, 1)
+ collectgarbage()
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+function publish_influx(payload)
+ if not publishing_http then
+ publishing_http = true
+, influx_header, "mh_z19" .. influx_attr .. " " .. payload, function(code, data)
+ publishing_http = false
+ gpio.write(ledpin, 1)
+ collectgarbage()
+ end)
+ end
+function query_data()
+ port:write(mhz19.query())
+function hass_register()
+ local hass_device = string.format('{"connections":[["mac","%s"]],"identifiers":["%s"],"model":"ESP8266 + MH-Z19","name":"MH-Z19 %s","manufacturer":"derf"}', wifi.sta.getmac(), device_id, chip_id)
+ local hass_entity_base = string.format('"device":%s,"state_topic":"%s/data","expire_after":120', hass_device, mqtt_prefix)
+ local hass_co2 = string.format('{%s,"name":"CO₂","object_id":"%s_co2","unique_id":"%s_co2","device_class":"carbon_dioxide","unit_of_measurement":"ppm","value_template":"{{value_json.co2_ppm}}"}', hass_entity_base, device_id, device_id)
+ local hass_rssi = string.format('{%s,"name":"RSSI","object_id":"%s_rssi","unique_id":"%s_rssi","device_class":"signal_strength","unit_of_measurement":"dBm","value_template":"{{value_json.rssi_dbm}}","entity_category":"diagnostic"}', hass_entity_base, device_id, device_id)
+ mqttclient:publish("homeassistant/sensor/" .. device_id .. "/co2/config", hass_co2, 0, 1, function(client)
+ mqttclient:publish("homeassistant/sensor/" .. device_id .. "/rssi/config", hass_rssi, 0, 1, function(client)
+ collectgarbage()
+ setup_client()
+ end)
+ end)
+watchdog:register(180 * 1000, tmr.ALARM_SEMI, node.restart)
+poll:register(20 * 1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, query_data)
diff --git a/mh-z19.lua b/mh-z19.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe269b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mh-z19.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+local mhz19 = {}
+local c_read = string.char(0xff, 0x01, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x79)
+mhz19.co2 = nil
+mhz19.temp = nil = nil = nil
+mhz19.uu = nil
+function mhz19.query()
+ return c_read
+function mhz19.parse_frame(data)
+ local head, cmd, co2h, co2l, temp, tt, ss, uh, ul = struct.unpack("BBBBBBBBB", data)
+ if head ~= 0xff or cmd ~= 0x86 then
+ return false
+ end
+ mhz19.co2 = co2h * 256 + co2l
+ mhz19.temp = temp - 40
+ = tt
+ = ss
+ mhz19.uu = uh * 256 + ul
+ return true
+return mhz19