diff options
authorDaniel Friesel <>2008-10-26 16:00:22 +0100
committerDaniel Friesel <>2008-10-26 16:00:22 +0100
commitfec1c5f638fb8c97c15afe3dc665a8af0e9b879f (patch)
parent84d91dafd034862c79da4a9990e7a2b44511ae7c (diff)
bin/pkg: populate_collected: Give some output about manpages
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/bin/pkg b/bin/pkg
index 67114e7..3816b4c 100755
--- a/bin/pkg
+++ b/bin/pkg
@@ -321,10 +321,16 @@ function check_prereqs {
-# Write a packages' files to .collected
+# Write a package's files to .collected
# Currently, this is only documentation
function populate_collected {
cd $PDIR/$1 || return
+ typeset -i bins=0 bino=0 mans=0 mano=0
+ if (( wrapped )) {
+ clear_line
+ info "$1: "
+ }
info "Enabling documentation "
if [[ -d man ]] {
for i in man/*/*; {
@@ -333,8 +339,10 @@ function populate_collected {
if (podchecker man/$section/$manpage &> /dev/null) {
pod2man -s $section -c "$1 package" -r $HOME man/$section/$manpage > $PDIR/.collected/man/man$section/$manpage.$section
say -n "+"
+ (( mans++ ))
} else {
say -n "."
+ (( mano++ ))
@@ -343,12 +351,27 @@ function populate_collected {
if (podchecker $i &> /dev/null) {
pod2man $i > $PDIR/.collected/man/man1/${i:t}.1
say -n "+"
+ (( bins++ ))
} else {
say -n "."
+ (( bino++ ))
+ if (( bins + mans > 0 )) {
+ (( wrapped )) && info "$1: "
+ info "Compiled documentation "
+ say -n '('
+ if (( bins + bino > 0 )) {
+ say -n "$(( bins*100/(bins+bino) ))% bin"
+ (( mans + mano > 0 )) && say -n ', '
+ }
+ if (( mans + mano > 0 )) {
+ say -n "$(( mans*100/(mans+mano) ))% man"
+ }
+ say ')'
+ }
if [[ -d bin ]] {
for i in bin/*(*); {
if [[ $(readlink $HOME/$i) != "../$1/$i" ]] {
@@ -359,7 +382,7 @@ function populate_collected {
-# Remove a packages' files from .collected
+# Remove a package's files from .collected
# Assuming there are no packages with colliding files
# TODO: Make sure there are none
function genocide_collected {
@@ -412,8 +435,10 @@ function wrap {
if [[ -n $2 ]] {
+ wrapped=0
$function $2
} else {
+ wrapped=1
cd $PDIR
[[ -n $progress ]] && all=$(wc -l < $PDIR/.list)
[[ -n $progress ]] && current=0