path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d6ae7ba..891a6e7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,13 +17,45 @@ instance if you like, see the Setup notes below.
- * perl >= 5.10
- * Cache::File (part of the Cache module)
- * Geo::Distance
- * Mojolicious
- * Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung >= 0.00
- * Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn >= 2.03
- * Travel::Status::DE::IRIS >= 1.21
+ * perl >= 5.20
+ * carton or cpanminus
+ * build-essential
+ * git
+After installing the dependencies, clone the repository using git, e.g.
+git clone
+Make sure that all files (including `.git`, which is used to determine the
+software version) are readable by your www user, and follow the steps in the
+next sections.
+Perl Dependencies
+db-infoscreen depends on a set of Perl modules which are documented in
+`cpanfile`. After installing the dependencies mentioned above, you can use
+carton or cpanminus to install Perl depenencies locally.
+In the project root directory (where `cpanfile` resides), run either
+carton install
+cpanm --installdeps .
+and set `PERL5LIB=.../local/lib/perl5` before running or wrap it
+with `carton exec hypnotoad`.
@@ -57,6 +89,6 @@ System requirements
Resource requirements depend on usage. For a few requests per second, about
-50MB (150k inodes) cache and one or two CPU cores should be sufficient.
+200MB (600k inodes) cache and one or two CPU cores should be sufficient.
db-infoscreen typically needs 50MB RAM per worker process, though calculating
with 100MB per worker is recommended to leave a safety margin.