path: root/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
index 4a9c94d..253cbcb 100644
--- a/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
+++ b/lib/DBInfoscreen/Controller/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file);
use List::Util qw(max);
use List::MoreUtils qw();
use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json);
+use Mojo::Promise;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;
@@ -504,25 +505,13 @@ sub get_results_for {
sub handle_request {
- my ($self) = @_;
+ my ($self) = @_;
my $station = $self->stash('station');
- my $via = $self->param('via');
- my @platforms = split( /,/, $self->param('platforms') // q{} );
- my @lines = split( /,/, $self->param('lines') // q{} );
- my $template = $self->param('mode') // 'app';
- my $hide_low_delay = $self->param('hidelowdelay') // 0;
- my $hide_opts = $self->param('hide_opts') // 0;
- my $show_realtime = $self->param('show_realtime') // 0;
- my $show_details = $self->param('detailed') // 0;
- my $backend = $self->param('backend') // 'iris';
- my $admode = $self->param('admode') // 'deparr';
- my $apiver = $self->param('version') // 0;
- my $callback = $self->param('callback');
- my $with_related = !$self->param('no_related');
- my $limit = $self->param('limit') // 0;
- my @train_types = split( /,/, $self->param('train_types') // q{} );
- my %opt = (
+ my $template = $self->param('mode') // 'app';
+ my $backend = $self->param('backend') // 'iris';
+ my $with_related = !$self->param('no_related');
+ my %opt = (
cache_hafas => $self->app->cache_hafas,
cache_iris_main => $self->app->cache_iris_main,
cache_iris_rt => $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
@@ -568,6 +557,8 @@ sub handle_request {
$template = 'app';
+ $self->param( mode => $template );
if ( not $station ) {
$self->render( 'landingpage', show_intro => 1 );
@@ -582,35 +573,312 @@ sub handle_request {
$opt{with_related} = 1;
- my @departures;
- my $data = get_results_for( $backend, $station, %opt );
- my $results_ref = $data->{results};
- my $errstr = $data->{errstr};
- my @results = @{$results_ref};
+ my $data = get_results_for( $backend, $station, %opt );
+ my $errstr = $data->{errstr};
- if ( not @results and $template eq 'json' ) {
+ if ( not @{ $data->{results} } and $template eq 'json' ) {
$self->handle_no_results_json( $backend, $station, $errstr,
- $api_version, $callback );
+ $api_version );
- # foo/bar used to mean "departures for foo via bar". This is now
- # deprecated, but most of these cases are handled here.
- if ( not @results and $station =~ m{/} ) {
- ( $station, $via ) = split( qr{/}, $station );
- $self->param( station => $station );
- $self->param( via => $via );
- $data = get_results_for( $backend, $station, %opt );
- $results_ref = $data->{results};
- $errstr = $data->{errstr};
- @results = @{$results_ref};
- }
- if ( not @results ) {
+ if ( not @{ $data->{results} } ) {
$self->handle_no_results( $backend, $station, $errstr );
+ $self->handle_result($data);
+sub filter_results {
+ my ( $self, @results ) = @_;
+ if ( my $train = $self->param('train') ) {
+ @results = grep { result_is_train( $_, $train ) } @results;
+ }
+ if ( my @lines = split( /,/, $self->param('lines') // q{} ) ) {
+ @results = grep { result_has_line( $_, @lines ) } @results;
+ }
+ if ( my @platforms = split( /,/, $self->param('platforms') // q{} ) ) {
+ @results = grep { result_has_platform( $_, @platforms ) } @results;
+ }
+ if ( my $via = $self->param('via') ) {
+ $via =~ s{ , \s* }{|}gx;
+ @results = grep { result_has_via( $_, $via ) } @results;
+ }
+ if ( my @train_types = split( /,/, $self->param('train_types') // q{} ) ) {
+ @results = grep { result_has_train_type( $_, @train_types ) } @results;
+ }
+ if ( my $limit = $self->param('limit') ) {
+ if ( $limit =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) {
+ splice( @results, $limit );
+ }
+ }
+ return @results;
+sub format_iris_result_info {
+ my ( $self, $template, $result ) = @_;
+ my ( $info, $moreinfo );
+ my $delaymsg
+ = join( ', ', map { $_->[1] } $result->delay_messages );
+ my $qosmsg = join( ' +++ ', map { $_->[1] } $result->qos_messages );
+ if ( $result->is_cancelled ) {
+ $info = "Fahrt fällt aus: ${delaymsg}";
+ }
+ elsif ( $result->departure_is_cancelled ) {
+ $info = "Zug endet hier: ${delaymsg}";
+ }
+ elsif ( $result->delay and $result->delay > 0 ) {
+ if ( $template eq 'app' or $template eq 'infoscreen' ) {
+ $info = $delaymsg;
+ }
+ else {
+ $info = sprintf( 'ca. +%d%s%s',
+ $result->delay, $delaymsg ? q{: } : q{}, $delaymsg );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $result->replacement_for
+ and $template ne 'app'
+ and $template ne 'infoscreen' )
+ {
+ for my $rep ( $result->replacement_for ) {
+ $info = sprintf(
+ 'Ersatzzug für %s %s %s%s',
+ $rep->type, $rep->train_no,
+ $info ? '+++ ' : q{}, $info // q{}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $info and $qosmsg ) {
+ $info .= ' +++ ';
+ }
+ $info .= $qosmsg;
+ if ( $result->additional_stops and not $result->is_cancelled ) {
+ my $additional_line = join( q{, }, $result->additional_stops );
+ $info
+ = 'Zusätzliche Halte: '
+ . $additional_line
+ . ( $info ? ' +++ ' : q{} )
+ . $info;
+ if ( $template ne 'json' ) {
+ push( @{$moreinfo}, [ 'Zusätzliche Halte', $additional_line ] );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $result->canceled_stops and not $result->is_cancelled ) {
+ my $cancel_line = join( q{, }, $result->canceled_stops );
+ $info
+ = 'Ohne Halt in: ' . $cancel_line . ( $info ? ' +++ ' : q{} ) . $info;
+ if ( $template ne 'json' ) {
+ push( @{$moreinfo}, [ 'Ohne Halt in', $cancel_line ] );
+ }
+ }
+ push( @{$moreinfo}, $result->messages );
+ return ( $info, $moreinfo );
+sub format_hafas_result_info {
+ my ( $self, $result ) = @_;
+ my ( $info, $moreinfo );
+ $info = $result->info;
+ if ($info) {
+ $moreinfo = [ [ 'HAFAS', $info ] ];
+ }
+ if ( $result->delay and $result->delay > 0 ) {
+ if ($info) {
+ $info = 'ca. +' . $result->delay . ': ' . $info;
+ }
+ else {
+ $info = 'ca. +' . $result->delay;
+ }
+ }
+ push( @{$moreinfo}, map { [ 'HAFAS', $_ ] } $result->messages );
+ return ( $info, $moreinfo );
+sub render_train {
+ my ( $self, $result, $departure, $station_name ) = @_;
+ $departure->{route_pre_diff} = [
+ $self->json_route_diff(
+ [ $result->route_pre ],
+ [ $result->sched_route_pre ]
+ )
+ ];
+ $departure->{route_post_diff} = [
+ $self->json_route_diff(
+ [ $result->route_post ],
+ [ $result->sched_route_post ]
+ )
+ ];
+ $departure->{trip_id}
+ = get_hafas_trip_id( $self->ua, $self->app->cache_iris_main, $result );
+ if (
+ $departure->{wr_link}
+ and not check_wagonorder_with_wings(
+ $self->ua, $self->app->cache_iris_main,
+ $result, $departure->{wr_link}
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ $departure->{wr_link} = undef;
+ }
+ my ( $route_ts, $route_info ) = get_route_timestamps(
+ $self->ua,
+ $self->app->cache_iris_main,
+ $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
+ { train => $result }
+ );
+ # If a train number changes on the way, IRIS routes are incomplete,
+ # whereas HAFAS data has all stops -> merge HAFAS stops into IRIS
+ # stops. This is a rare case, one point where it can be observed is
+ # the TGV service at Frankfurt/Karlsruhe/Mannheim.
+ if ( $route_info
+ and my @hafas_stations = @{ $route_info->{stations} // [] } )
+ {
+ if ( my @iris_stations = @{ $departure->{route_pre_diff} } ) {
+ my @missing_pre;
+ for my $station (@hafas_stations) {
+ if (
+ List::MoreUtils::any { $_->{name} eq $station }
+ @iris_stations
+ )
+ {
+ unshift( @{ $departure->{route_pre_diff} }, @missing_pre );
+ last;
+ }
+ push(
+ @missing_pre,
+ {
+ name => $station,
+ hafas => 1
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( my @iris_stations = @{ $departure->{route_post_diff} } ) {
+ my @missing_post;
+ for my $station ( reverse @hafas_stations ) {
+ if (
+ List::MoreUtils::any { $_->{name} eq $station }
+ @iris_stations
+ )
+ {
+ push( @{ $departure->{route_post_diff} }, @missing_post );
+ last;
+ }
+ unshift(
+ @missing_post,
+ {
+ name => $station,
+ hafas => 1
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($route_ts) {
+ for my $elem (
+ @{ $departure->{route_pre_diff} },
+ @{ $departure->{route_post_diff} }
+ )
+ {
+ for my $key ( keys %{ $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} } // {} } ) {
+ $elem->{$key} = $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} }{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $route_info and @{ $route_info->{messages} // [] } ) {
+ my $him = $route_info->{messages};
+ my @him_messages;
+ $departure->{messages}{him} = $him;
+ for my $message ( @{$him} ) {
+ if ( $message->{display} ) {
+ push( @him_messages, [ $message->{header}, $message->{lead} ] );
+ }
+ }
+ for my $message ( @{ $departure->{moreinfo} // [] } ) {
+ my $m = $message->[1];
+ @him_messages
+ = grep { $_->[0] !~ m{Information\. $m\.$} } @him_messages;
+ }
+ unshift( @{ $departure->{moreinfo} }, @him_messages );
+ }
+ my $linetype = 'bahn';
+ if ( $departure->{train_type} eq 'S' ) {
+ $linetype = 'sbahn';
+ }
+ elsif ($departure->{train_type} eq 'IC'
+ or $departure->{train_type} eq 'ICE'
+ or $departure->{train_type} eq 'EC'
+ or $departure->{train_type} eq 'ECE'
+ or $departure->{train_type} eq 'EN' )
+ {
+ $linetype = 'fern';
+ }
+ elsif ($departure->{train_type} eq 'THA'
+ or $departure->{train_type} eq 'TGV'
+ or $departure->{train_type} eq 'FLX'
+ or $departure->{train_type} eq 'NJ' )
+ {
+ $linetype = 'ext';
+ }
+ elsif ( $departure->{train_line}
+ and $departure->{train_line} =~ m{^S\d} )
+ {
+ $linetype = 'sbahn';
+ }
+ $self->render(
+ '_train_details',
+ departure => $departure,
+ linetype => $linetype,
+ icetype => $self->app->ice_type_map->{ $departure->{train_no} },
+ dt_now => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
+ station_name => $station_name,
+ );
+sub handle_result {
+ my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
+ my @results = @{ $data->{results} };
+ my @departures;
+ my @platforms = split( /,/, $self->param('platforms') // q{} );
+ my $template = $self->param('mode') // 'app';
+ my $hide_low_delay = $self->param('hidelowdelay') // 0;
+ my $hide_opts = $self->param('hide_opts') // 0;
+ my $show_realtime = $self->param('show_realtime') // 0;
+ my $show_details = $self->param('detailed') // 0;
+ my $backend = $self->param('backend') // 'iris';
+ my $admode = $self->param('admode') // 'deparr';
+ my $apiver = $self->param('version') // 0;
+ my $callback = $self->param('callback');
+ my $via = $self->param('via');
+ if ( $self->param('ajax') ) {
+ delete $self->stash->{layout};
+ }
if ( $template eq 'single' ) {
if ( not @platforms ) {
for my $result (@results) {
@@ -649,30 +917,7 @@ sub handle_request {
- if ( my $train = $self->param('train') ) {
- @results = grep { result_is_train( $_, $train ) } @results;
- }
- if (@lines) {
- @results = grep { result_has_line( $_, @lines ) } @results;
- }
- if (@platforms) {
- @results = grep { result_has_platform( $_, @platforms ) } @results;
- }
- if ($via) {
- $via =~ s{ , \s* }{|}gx;
- @results = grep { result_has_via( $_, $via ) } @results;
- }
- if (@train_types) {
- @results = grep { result_has_train_type( $_, @train_types ) } @results;
- }
- if ( $limit and $limit =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) {
- splice( @results, $limit );
- }
+ @results = $self->filter_results(@results);
for my $result (@results) {
my $platform = ( split( qr{ }, $result->platform // '' ) )[0];
@@ -689,84 +934,11 @@ sub handle_request {
my ( $info, $moreinfo );
if ( $backend eq 'iris' ) {
- my $delaymsg
- = join( ', ', map { $_->[1] } $result->delay_messages );
- my $qosmsg = join( ' +++ ', map { $_->[1] } $result->qos_messages );
- if ( $result->is_cancelled ) {
- $info = "Fahrt fällt aus: ${delaymsg}";
- }
- elsif ( $result->departure_is_cancelled ) {
- $info = "Zug endet hier: ${delaymsg}";
- }
- elsif ( $result->delay and $result->delay > 0 ) {
- if ( $template eq 'app' or $template eq 'infoscreen' ) {
- $info = $delaymsg;
- }
- else {
- $info = sprintf( 'ca. +%d%s%s',
- $result->delay, $delaymsg ? q{: } : q{}, $delaymsg );
- }
- }
- if ( $result->replacement_for
- and $template ne 'app'
- and $template ne 'infoscreen' )
- {
- for my $rep ( $result->replacement_for ) {
- $info = sprintf(
- 'Ersatzzug für %s %s %s%s',
- $rep->type, $rep->train_no,
- $info ? '+++ ' : q{}, $info // q{}
- );
- }
- }
- if ( $info and $qosmsg ) {
- $info .= ' +++ ';
- }
- $info .= $qosmsg;
- if ( $result->additional_stops and not $result->is_cancelled ) {
- my $additional_line = join( q{, }, $result->additional_stops );
- $info
- = 'Zusätzliche Halte: '
- . $additional_line
- . ( $info ? ' +++ ' : q{} )
- . $info;
- if ( $template ne 'json' ) {
- push(
- @{$moreinfo},
- [ 'Zusätzliche Halte', $additional_line ]
- );
- }
- }
- if ( $result->canceled_stops and not $result->is_cancelled ) {
- my $cancel_line = join( q{, }, $result->canceled_stops );
- $info
- = 'Ohne Halt in: '
- . $cancel_line
- . ( $info ? ' +++ ' : q{} )
- . $info;
- if ( $template ne 'json' ) {
- push( @{$moreinfo}, [ 'Ohne Halt in', $cancel_line ] );
- }
- }
- push( @{$moreinfo}, $result->messages );
+ ( $info, $moreinfo )
+ = $self->format_iris_result_info( $template, $result );
else {
- $info = $result->info;
- if ($info) {
- $moreinfo = [ [ 'HAFAS', $info ] ];
- }
- if ( $result->delay and $result->delay > 0 ) {
- if ($info) {
- $info = 'ca. +' . $result->delay . ': ' . $info;
- }
- else {
- $info = 'ca. +' . $result->delay;
- }
- }
- push( @{$moreinfo}, map { [ 'HAFAS', $_ ] } $result->messages );
+ ( $info, $moreinfo ) = $self->format_hafas_result_info($result);
my $time = $result->time;
@@ -1026,131 +1198,9 @@ sub handle_request {
if ( $self->param('train') ) {
- $departures[-1]{route_pre_diff} = [
- $self->json_route_diff(
- [ $result->route_pre ],
- [ $result->sched_route_pre ]
- )
- ];
- $departures[-1]{route_post_diff} = [
- $self->json_route_diff(
- [ $result->route_post ],
- [ $result->sched_route_post ]
- )
- ];
- $departures[-1]{trip_id}
- = get_hafas_trip_id( $self->ua, $self->app->cache_iris_main,
- $result );
- if (
- $departures[-1]{wr_link}
- and not check_wagonorder_with_wings(
- $self->ua, $self->app->cache_iris_main,
- $result, $departures[-1]{wr_link}
- )
- )
- {
- $departures[-1]{wr_link} = undef;
- }
- my ( $route_ts, $route_info ) = get_route_timestamps(
- $self->ua,
- $self->app->cache_iris_main,
- $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
- { train => $result }
- );
- # If a train number changes on the way, IRIS routes are incomplete,
- # whereas HAFAS data has all stops -> merge HAFAS stops into IRIS
- # stops. This is a rare case, one point where it can be observed is
- # the TGV service at Frankfurt/Karlsruhe/Mannheim.
- if ( $route_info
- and my @hafas_stations
- = @{ $route_info->{stations} // [] } )
- {
- if ( my @iris_stations
- = @{ $departures[-1]{route_pre_diff} } )
- {
- my @missing_pre;
- for my $station (@hafas_stations) {
- if (
- List::MoreUtils::any { $_->{name} eq $station }
- @iris_stations
- )
- {
- unshift(
- @{ $departures[-1]{route_pre_diff} },
- @missing_pre
- );
- last;
- }
- push(
- @missing_pre,
- {
- name => $station,
- hafas => 1
- }
- );
- }
- }
- if ( my @iris_stations
- = @{ $departures[-1]{route_post_diff} } )
- {
- my @missing_post;
- for my $station ( reverse @hafas_stations ) {
- if (
- List::MoreUtils::any { $_->{name} eq $station }
- @iris_stations
- )
- {
- push(
- @{ $departures[-1]{route_post_diff} },
- @missing_post
- );
- last;
- }
- unshift(
- @missing_post,
- {
- name => $station,
- hafas => 1
- }
- );
- }
- }
- }
- if ($route_ts) {
- for my $elem (
- @{ $departures[-1]{route_pre_diff} },
- @{ $departures[-1]{route_post_diff} }
- )
- {
- for my $key (
- keys %{ $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} } // {} } )
- {
- $elem->{$key} = $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} }{$key};
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $route_info and @{ $route_info->{messages} // [] } ) {
- my $him = $route_info->{messages};
- my @him_messages;
- $departures[-1]{messages}{him} = $him;
- for my $message ( @{$him} ) {
- if ( $message->{display} ) {
- push( @him_messages,
- [ $message->{header}, $message->{lead} ] );
- }
- }
- for my $message ( @{ $departures[-1]{moreinfo} // [] } ) {
- my $m = $message->[1];
- @him_messages
- = grep { $_->[0] !~ m{Information\. $m\.$} }
- @him_messages;
- }
- unshift( @{ $departures[-1]{moreinfo} }, @him_messages );
- }
+ $self->render_train( $result, $departures[-1],
+ $data->{station_name} // $self->stash('station') );
+ return;
else {
@@ -1182,10 +1232,6 @@ sub handle_request {
- if ( $self->param('ajax') ) {
- delete $self->stash->{layout};
- }
if ( $template eq 'json' ) {
my $json = $self->render_to_string(
@@ -1223,52 +1269,8 @@ sub handle_request {
format => 'text',
- elsif ( my $train = $self->param('train') ) {
- my ($departure) = @departures;
- if ($departure) {
- my $linetype = 'bahn';
- if ( $departure->{train_type} eq 'S' ) {
- $linetype = 'sbahn';
- }
- elsif ($departure->{train_type} eq 'IC'
- or $departure->{train_type} eq 'ICE'
- or $departure->{train_type} eq 'EC'
- or $departure->{train_type} eq 'ECE'
- or $departure->{train_type} eq 'EN' )
- {
- $linetype = 'fern';
- }
- elsif ($departure->{train_type} eq 'THA'
- or $departure->{train_type} eq 'TGV'
- or $departure->{train_type} eq 'FLX'
- or $departure->{train_type} eq 'NJ' )
- {
- $linetype = 'ext';
- }
- elsif ( $departure->{train_line}
- and $departure->{train_line} =~ m{^S\d} )
- {
- $linetype = 'sbahn';
- }
- $self->render(
- '_train_details',
- departure => $departure,
- linetype => $linetype,
- icetype => $self->app->ice_type_map->{ $departure->{train_no} },
- dt_now => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
- station_name => $data->{station_name} // $station,
- );
- }
- else {
- $self->render('not_found');
- }
- }
else {
- my $station_name = $data->{station_name} // $station;
+ my $station_name = $data->{station_name} // $self->stash('station');
departures => \@departures,