diff options
authorBirte Kristina Friesel <>2024-02-08 08:09:20 +0100
committerBirte Kristina Friesel <>2024-02-08 08:09:20 +0100
commit6740a377081a15c001cffdaa911d23efe33213ab (patch)
parent745f57c5226a3203678ee23cc0f293ee8ea45949 (diff)
Document nodes in exported models
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 55433b5..2fdbd29 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -28,3 +28,64 @@ unless `--non-interactive` has been specified.
Use `--export-json FILENAME` to export the performance model to FILENAME.
The model for NAME ATTRIBUTE is located in .name.NAME.ATTRIBUTE.modelFunction.
+If it is a list, it is an XGB forest. Otherwise, it is an CART/LMT/RMT element
+described by the `type` key.
+### CART/LMT scalar split node
+ "value": 123,
+ "type": "scalarSplit",
+ "paramIndex": 0,
+ "threshold": 24,
+ "left": …,
+ "right": …
+The model for `param[paramIndex] <= threshold` is located in `left`, the model
+for `param[paramIndex] > threshold` is located in `right`. `value` is a
+static model that serves as fall-back if `param[paramIndex]` is undefined.
+### RMT categorial split node
+ "value": 123,
+ "type": "split",
+ "paramIndex": 0,
+ "child": {
+ "y": …,
+ "n": …,
+ }
+Given some (usually not numeric) `value`, the model for `param[paramIndex] ==
+value` is located in `child[value]`. In this example, the node describes a
+boolean Kconfig feature, so there are just two children: `y` (feature enabled)
+and `n` (feature disabled). Again, `value` refers to a static fall-back model.
+### ULS (least-squares regresion) node
+ "value": 123,
+ "type": "analytic",
+ "functionStr": "0 + regression_arg(0) + regression_arg(1) * np.log(parameter(bitrate))",
+ "regressionModel": [674574496.5381737, -51732985.15977712]
+The model function is `674574496.5381737 - 51732985.15977712 * log(bitrate)`.
+`value` is a static model that serves as fall-back if `bitrate` is undefined.
+### Static node
+ "value": 123,
+ "type": "static"