path: root/lib
diff options
authorDaniel Friesel <>2021-03-19 13:31:34 +0100
committerDaniel Friesel <>2021-03-19 13:31:34 +0100
commit843742e6640c55178a9916e98e69a13ffd95dd30 (patch)
tree20649b6480f8712edf36fc125d7108e832b002a9 /lib
parentdf01b58ce1adeeb833c594f6d942e80b9062068c (diff)
generic ExternalTimerSync: add DFATOOL_PLOT_SYNC support
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/loader/ b/lib/loader/
index c19583a..fce823c 100644
--- a/lib/loader/
+++ b/lib/loader/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
+import os
from bisect import bisect_right
@@ -160,4 +161,92 @@ class ExternalTimerSync:
+ if os.getenv("DFATOOL_PLOT_SYNC") is not None and repeat_id == int(
+ os.getenv("DFATOOL_PLOT_SYNC")
+ ):
+ self.plot_sync(online_timestamps) # <- plot traces with sync annotatons
+ # self.plot_sync(names) # <- plot annotated traces (with state/transition names)
return energy_trace
+ def plot_sync(self, event_timestamps, annotateData=None):
+ """
+ Plots the power usage and the timestamps by logic analyzer
+ :param annotateData: List of Strings with labels, only needed if annotated plots are wished
+ :return: None
+ """
+ def calculateRectangleCurve(timestamps, min_value=0, max_value=0.160):
+ import numpy as np
+ data = []
+ for ts in timestamps:
+ data.append(ts)
+ data.append(ts)
+ a = np.empty((len(data),))
+ a[0::4] = min_value
+ a[1::4] = max_value
+ a[2::4] = max_value
+ a[3::4] = min_value
+ return data, a # plotting by columns
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ if annotateData:
+ annot = ax.annotate(
+ "",
+ xy=(0, 0),
+ xytext=(20, 20),
+ textcoords="offset points",
+ bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"),
+ arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"),
+ )
+ annot.set_visible(True)
+ rectCurve_with_drift = calculateRectangleCurve(
+ event_timestamps, max_value=max(
+ )
+ plt.plot(self.timestamps,, label="Leistung")
+ plt.plot(self.timestamps, np.gradient(, label="dP/dt")
+ plt.plot(
+ rectCurve_with_drift[0],
+ rectCurve_with_drift[1],
+ "-g",
+ label="Events",
+ )
+ plt.xlabel("Zeit [s]")
+ plt.ylabel("Leistung [W]")
+ leg = plt.legend()
+ def getDataText(x):
+ # print(x)
+ dl = len(annotateData)
+ for i, xt in enumerate(event_timestamps):
+ if xt > x and 0 <= i < dl:
+ return f"SoT: {annotateData[i]}"
+ def update_annot(x, y, name):
+ annot.xy = (x, y)
+ text = name
+ annot.set_text(text)
+ annot.get_bbox_patch().set_alpha(0.4)
+ def hover(event):
+ if event.xdata and event.ydata:
+ annot.set_visible(False)
+ update_annot(event.xdata, event.ydata, getDataText(event.xdata))
+ annot.set_visible(True)
+ fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+ if annotateData:
+ fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover)