path: root/ext/lightgbm/
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1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/lightgbm/ b/ext/lightgbm/
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+++ b/ext/lightgbm/
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+# coding: utf-8
+"""Callbacks library."""
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from functools import partial
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from .basic import (Booster, _ConfigAliases, _LGBM_BoosterEvalMethodResultType,
+ _LGBM_BoosterEvalMethodResultWithStandardDeviationType, _log_info, _log_warning)
+ from .engine import CVBooster
+__all__ = [
+ 'EarlyStopException',
+ 'early_stopping',
+ 'log_evaluation',
+ 'record_evaluation',
+ 'reset_parameter',
+_EvalResultDict = Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]]
+_EvalResultTuple = Union[
+ _LGBM_BoosterEvalMethodResultType,
+ _LGBM_BoosterEvalMethodResultWithStandardDeviationType
+_ListOfEvalResultTuples = Union[
+ List[_LGBM_BoosterEvalMethodResultType],
+ List[_LGBM_BoosterEvalMethodResultWithStandardDeviationType]
+class EarlyStopException(Exception):
+ """Exception of early stopping.
+ Raise this from a callback passed in via keyword argument ``callbacks``
+ in ``cv()`` or ``train()`` to trigger early stopping.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, best_iteration: int, best_score: _ListOfEvalResultTuples) -> None:
+ """Create early stopping exception.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ best_iteration : int
+ The best iteration stopped.
+ 0-based... pass ``best_iteration=2`` to indicate that the third iteration was the best one.
+ best_score : list of (eval_name, metric_name, eval_result, is_higher_better) tuple or (eval_name, metric_name, eval_result, is_higher_better, stdv) tuple
+ Scores for each metric, on each validation set, as of the best iteration.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.best_iteration = best_iteration
+ self.best_score = best_score
+# Callback environment used by callbacks
+class CallbackEnv:
+ model: Union[Booster, "CVBooster"]
+ params: Dict[str, Any]
+ iteration: int
+ begin_iteration: int
+ end_iteration: int
+ evaluation_result_list: Optional[_ListOfEvalResultTuples]
+def _format_eval_result(value: _EvalResultTuple, show_stdv: bool) -> str:
+ """Format metric string."""
+ if len(value) == 4:
+ return f"{value[0]}'s {value[1]}: {value[2]:g}"
+ elif len(value) == 5:
+ if show_stdv:
+ return f"{value[0]}'s {value[1]}: {value[2]:g} + {value[4]:g}" # type: ignore[misc]
+ else:
+ return f"{value[0]}'s {value[1]}: {value[2]:g}"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Wrong metric value")
+class _LogEvaluationCallback:
+ """Internal log evaluation callable class."""
+ def __init__(self, period: int = 1, show_stdv: bool = True) -> None:
+ self.order = 10
+ self.before_iteration = False
+ self.period = period
+ self.show_stdv = show_stdv
+ def __call__(self, env: CallbackEnv) -> None:
+ if self.period > 0 and env.evaluation_result_list and (env.iteration + 1) % self.period == 0:
+ result = '\t'.join([_format_eval_result(x, self.show_stdv) for x in env.evaluation_result_list])
+ _log_info(f'[{env.iteration + 1}]\t{result}')
+def log_evaluation(period: int = 1, show_stdv: bool = True) -> _LogEvaluationCallback:
+ """Create a callback that logs the evaluation results.
+ By default, standard output resource is used.
+ Use ``register_logger()`` function to register a custom logger.
+ Note
+ ----
+ Requires at least one validation data.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ period : int, optional (default=1)
+ The period to log the evaluation results.
+ The last boosting stage or the boosting stage found by using ``early_stopping`` callback is also logged.
+ show_stdv : bool, optional (default=True)
+ Whether to log stdv (if provided).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ callback : _LogEvaluationCallback
+ The callback that logs the evaluation results every ``period`` boosting iteration(s).
+ """
+ return _LogEvaluationCallback(period=period, show_stdv=show_stdv)
+class _RecordEvaluationCallback:
+ """Internal record evaluation callable class."""
+ def __init__(self, eval_result: _EvalResultDict) -> None:
+ self.order = 20
+ self.before_iteration = False
+ if not isinstance(eval_result, dict):
+ raise TypeError('eval_result should be a dictionary')
+ self.eval_result = eval_result
+ def _init(self, env: CallbackEnv) -> None:
+ if env.evaluation_result_list is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "record_evaluation() callback enabled but no evaluation results found. This is a probably bug in LightGBM. "
+ "Please report it at"
+ )
+ self.eval_result.clear()
+ for item in env.evaluation_result_list:
+ if len(item) == 4: # regular train
+ data_name, eval_name = item[:2]
+ else: # cv
+ data_name, eval_name = item[1].split()
+ self.eval_result.setdefault(data_name, OrderedDict())
+ if len(item) == 4:
+ self.eval_result[data_name].setdefault(eval_name, [])
+ else:
+ self.eval_result[data_name].setdefault(f'{eval_name}-mean', [])
+ self.eval_result[data_name].setdefault(f'{eval_name}-stdv', [])
+ def __call__(self, env: CallbackEnv) -> None:
+ if env.iteration == env.begin_iteration:
+ self._init(env)
+ if env.evaluation_result_list is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "record_evaluation() callback enabled but no evaluation results found. This is a probably bug in LightGBM. "
+ "Please report it at"
+ )
+ for item in env.evaluation_result_list:
+ if len(item) == 4:
+ data_name, eval_name, result = item[:3]
+ self.eval_result[data_name][eval_name].append(result)
+ else:
+ data_name, eval_name = item[1].split()
+ res_mean = item[2]
+ res_stdv = item[4] # type: ignore[misc]
+ self.eval_result[data_name][f'{eval_name}-mean'].append(res_mean)
+ self.eval_result[data_name][f'{eval_name}-stdv'].append(res_stdv)
+def record_evaluation(eval_result: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]]) -> Callable:
+ """Create a callback that records the evaluation history into ``eval_result``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ eval_result : dict
+ Dictionary used to store all evaluation results of all validation sets.
+ This should be initialized outside of your call to ``record_evaluation()`` and should be empty.
+ Any initial contents of the dictionary will be deleted.
+ .. rubric:: Example
+ With two validation sets named 'eval' and 'train', and one evaluation metric named 'logloss'
+ this dictionary after finishing a model training process will have the following structure:
+ .. code-block::
+ {
+ 'train':
+ {
+ 'logloss': [0.48253, 0.35953, ...]
+ },
+ 'eval':
+ {
+ 'logloss': [0.480385, 0.357756, ...]
+ }
+ }
+ Returns
+ -------
+ callback : _RecordEvaluationCallback
+ The callback that records the evaluation history into the passed dictionary.
+ """
+ return _RecordEvaluationCallback(eval_result=eval_result)
+class _ResetParameterCallback:
+ """Internal reset parameter callable class."""
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Union[list, Callable]) -> None:
+ self.order = 10
+ self.before_iteration = True
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ def __call__(self, env: CallbackEnv) -> None:
+ new_parameters = {}
+ for key, value in self.kwargs.items():
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ if len(value) != env.end_iteration - env.begin_iteration:
+ raise ValueError(f"Length of list {key!r} has to be equal to 'num_boost_round'.")
+ new_param = value[env.iteration - env.begin_iteration]
+ elif callable(value):
+ new_param = value(env.iteration - env.begin_iteration)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Only list and callable values are supported "
+ "as a mapping from boosting round index to new parameter value.")
+ if new_param != env.params.get(key, None):
+ new_parameters[key] = new_param
+ if new_parameters:
+ if isinstance(env.model, Booster):
+ env.model.reset_parameter(new_parameters)
+ else:
+ # CVBooster holds a list of Booster objects, each needs to be updated
+ for booster in env.model.boosters:
+ booster.reset_parameter(new_parameters)
+ env.params.update(new_parameters)
+def reset_parameter(**kwargs: Union[list, Callable]) -> Callable:
+ """Create a callback that resets the parameter after the first iteration.
+ .. note::
+ The initial parameter will still take in-effect on first iteration.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ **kwargs : value should be list or callable
+ List of parameters for each boosting round
+ or a callable that calculates the parameter in terms of
+ current number of round (e.g. yields learning rate decay).
+ If list lst, parameter = lst[current_round].
+ If callable func, parameter = func(current_round).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ callback : _ResetParameterCallback
+ The callback that resets the parameter after the first iteration.
+ """
+ return _ResetParameterCallback(**kwargs)
+class _EarlyStoppingCallback:
+ """Internal early stopping callable class."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ stopping_rounds: int,
+ first_metric_only: bool = False,
+ verbose: bool = True,
+ min_delta: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0
+ ) -> None:
+ if not isinstance(stopping_rounds, int) or stopping_rounds <= 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"stopping_rounds should be an integer and greater than 0. got: {stopping_rounds}")
+ self.order = 30
+ self.before_iteration = False
+ self.stopping_rounds = stopping_rounds
+ self.first_metric_only = first_metric_only
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ self.min_delta = min_delta
+ self.enabled = True
+ self._reset_storages()
+ def _reset_storages(self) -> None:
+ self.best_score: List[float] = []
+ self.best_iter: List[int] = []
+ self.best_score_list: List[_ListOfEvalResultTuples] = []
+ self.cmp_op: List[Callable[[float, float], bool]] = []
+ self.first_metric = ''
+ def _gt_delta(self, curr_score: float, best_score: float, delta: float) -> bool:
+ return curr_score > best_score + delta
+ def _lt_delta(self, curr_score: float, best_score: float, delta: float) -> bool:
+ return curr_score < best_score - delta
+ def _is_train_set(self, ds_name: str, eval_name: str, env: CallbackEnv) -> bool:
+ """Check, by name, if a given Dataset is the training data."""
+ # for with eval_train_metric=True, evaluation is also done on the training set
+ # and those metrics are considered for early stopping
+ if ds_name == "cv_agg" and eval_name == "train":
+ return True
+ # for lgb.train(), it's possible to pass the training data via valid_sets with any eval_name
+ if isinstance(env.model, Booster) and ds_name == env.model._train_data_name:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _init(self, env: CallbackEnv) -> None:
+ if env.evaluation_result_list is None or env.evaluation_result_list == []:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "For early stopping, at least one dataset and eval metric is required for evaluation"
+ )
+ is_dart = any(env.params.get(alias, "") == 'dart' for alias in _ConfigAliases.get("boosting"))
+ if is_dart:
+ self.enabled = False
+ _log_warning('Early stopping is not available in dart mode')
+ return
+ # validation sets are guaranteed to not be identical to the training data in cv()
+ if isinstance(env.model, Booster):
+ only_train_set = (
+ len(env.evaluation_result_list) == 1
+ and self._is_train_set(
+ ds_name=env.evaluation_result_list[0][0],
+ eval_name=env.evaluation_result_list[0][1].split(" ")[0],
+ env=env
+ )
+ )
+ if only_train_set:
+ self.enabled = False
+ _log_warning('Only training set found, disabling early stopping.')
+ return
+ if self.verbose:
+ _log_info(f"Training until validation scores don't improve for {self.stopping_rounds} rounds")
+ self._reset_storages()
+ n_metrics = len({m[1] for m in env.evaluation_result_list})
+ n_datasets = len(env.evaluation_result_list) // n_metrics
+ if isinstance(self.min_delta, list):
+ if not all(t >= 0 for t in self.min_delta):
+ raise ValueError('Values for early stopping min_delta must be non-negative.')
+ if len(self.min_delta) == 0:
+ if self.verbose:
+ _log_info('Disabling min_delta for early stopping.')
+ deltas = [0.0] * n_datasets * n_metrics
+ elif len(self.min_delta) == 1:
+ if self.verbose:
+ _log_info(f'Using {self.min_delta[0]} as min_delta for all metrics.')
+ deltas = self.min_delta * n_datasets * n_metrics
+ else:
+ if len(self.min_delta) != n_metrics:
+ raise ValueError('Must provide a single value for min_delta or as many as metrics.')
+ if self.first_metric_only and self.verbose:
+ _log_info(f'Using only {self.min_delta[0]} as early stopping min_delta.')
+ deltas = self.min_delta * n_datasets
+ else:
+ if self.min_delta < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Early stopping min_delta must be non-negative.')
+ if self.min_delta > 0 and n_metrics > 1 and not self.first_metric_only and self.verbose:
+ _log_info(f'Using {self.min_delta} as min_delta for all metrics.')
+ deltas = [self.min_delta] * n_datasets * n_metrics
+ # split is needed for "<dataset type> <metric>" case (e.g. "train l1")
+ self.first_metric = env.evaluation_result_list[0][1].split(" ")[-1]
+ for eval_ret, delta in zip(env.evaluation_result_list, deltas):
+ self.best_iter.append(0)
+ if eval_ret[3]: # greater is better
+ self.best_score.append(float('-inf'))
+ self.cmp_op.append(partial(self._gt_delta, delta=delta))
+ else:
+ self.best_score.append(float('inf'))
+ self.cmp_op.append(partial(self._lt_delta, delta=delta))
+ def _final_iteration_check(self, env: CallbackEnv, eval_name_splitted: List[str], i: int) -> None:
+ if env.iteration == env.end_iteration - 1:
+ if self.verbose:
+ best_score_str = '\t'.join([_format_eval_result(x, show_stdv=True) for x in self.best_score_list[i]])
+ _log_info('Did not meet early stopping. '
+ f'Best iteration is:\n[{self.best_iter[i] + 1}]\t{best_score_str}')
+ if self.first_metric_only:
+ _log_info(f"Evaluated only: {eval_name_splitted[-1]}")
+ raise EarlyStopException(self.best_iter[i], self.best_score_list[i])
+ def __call__(self, env: CallbackEnv) -> None:
+ if env.iteration == env.begin_iteration:
+ self._init(env)
+ if not self.enabled:
+ return
+ if env.evaluation_result_list is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "early_stopping() callback enabled but no evaluation results found. This is a probably bug in LightGBM. "
+ "Please report it at"
+ )
+ # self.best_score_list is initialized to an empty list
+ first_time_updating_best_score_list = (self.best_score_list == [])
+ for i in range(len(env.evaluation_result_list)):
+ score = env.evaluation_result_list[i][2]
+ if first_time_updating_best_score_list or self.cmp_op[i](score, self.best_score[i]):
+ self.best_score[i] = score
+ self.best_iter[i] = env.iteration
+ if first_time_updating_best_score_list:
+ self.best_score_list.append(env.evaluation_result_list)
+ else:
+ self.best_score_list[i] = env.evaluation_result_list
+ # split is needed for "<dataset type> <metric>" case (e.g. "train l1")
+ eval_name_splitted = env.evaluation_result_list[i][1].split(" ")
+ if self.first_metric_only and self.first_metric != eval_name_splitted[-1]:
+ continue # use only the first metric for early stopping
+ if self._is_train_set(
+ ds_name=env.evaluation_result_list[i][0],
+ eval_name=eval_name_splitted[0],
+ env=env
+ ):
+ continue # train data for or sklearn wrapper (underlying lgb.train)
+ elif env.iteration - self.best_iter[i] >= self.stopping_rounds:
+ if self.verbose:
+ eval_result_str = '\t'.join([_format_eval_result(x, show_stdv=True) for x in self.best_score_list[i]])
+ _log_info(f"Early stopping, best iteration is:\n[{self.best_iter[i] + 1}]\t{eval_result_str}")
+ if self.first_metric_only:
+ _log_info(f"Evaluated only: {eval_name_splitted[-1]}")
+ raise EarlyStopException(self.best_iter[i], self.best_score_list[i])
+ self._final_iteration_check(env, eval_name_splitted, i)
+def early_stopping(stopping_rounds: int, first_metric_only: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, min_delta: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0) -> _EarlyStoppingCallback:
+ """Create a callback that activates early stopping.
+ Activates early stopping.
+ The model will train until the validation score doesn't improve by at least ``min_delta``.
+ Validation score needs to improve at least every ``stopping_rounds`` round(s)
+ to continue training.
+ Requires at least one validation data and one metric.
+ If there's more than one, will check all of them. But the training data is ignored anyway.
+ To check only the first metric set ``first_metric_only`` to True.
+ The index of iteration that has the best performance will be saved in the ``best_iteration`` attribute of a model.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ stopping_rounds : int
+ The possible number of rounds without the trend occurrence.
+ first_metric_only : bool, optional (default=False)
+ Whether to use only the first metric for early stopping.
+ verbose : bool, optional (default=True)
+ Whether to log message with early stopping information.
+ By default, standard output resource is used.
+ Use ``register_logger()`` function to register a custom logger.
+ min_delta : float or list of float, optional (default=0.0)
+ Minimum improvement in score to keep training.
+ If float, this single value is used for all metrics.
+ If list, its length should match the total number of metrics.
+ .. versionadded:: 4.0.0
+ Returns
+ -------
+ callback : _EarlyStoppingCallback
+ The callback that activates early stopping.
+ """
+ return _EarlyStoppingCallback(stopping_rounds=stopping_rounds, first_metric_only=first_metric_only, verbose=verbose, min_delta=min_delta)