path: root/lib/lennart
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/lennart')
7 files changed, 923 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lennart/ b/lib/lennart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4495db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lennart/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+class DataInterface:
+ def runMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Implemented in subclasses.
+ Starts the measurement
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("The method not implemented")
+ def getData(self):
+ """
+ Implemented in subclasses
+ :returns: gathered data
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("The method not implemented")
+ def forceStopMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Implemented in subclasses
+ Force stops the measurement
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("The method not implemented")
diff --git a/lib/lennart/ b/lib/lennart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b46315a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lennart/
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+import numpy as np
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DataProcessor:
+ def __init__(self, sync_data, energy_data):
+ """
+ Creates DataProcessor object.
+ :param sync_data: input timestamps (SigrokResult)
+ :param energy_data: List of EnergyTrace datapoints
+ """
+ self.reduced_timestamps = []
+ self.modified_timestamps = []
+ self.plot_data_x = []
+ self.plot_data_y = []
+ self.sync_data = sync_data
+ self.energy_data = energy_data
+ self.start_offset = 0
+ self.power_sync_watt = 0.011
+ self.power_sync_len = 0.7
+ self.power_sync_max_outliers = 2
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Main Function to remove unwanted data, get synchronization points, add the offset and add drift.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ # remove Dirty Data from previously running program (happens if logic Analyzer Measurement starts earlier than
+ # the HW Reset from energytrace)
+ use_data_after_index = 0
+ for x in range(1, len(self.sync_data.timestamps)):
+ if self.sync_data.timestamps[x] - self.sync_data.timestamps[x - 1] > 1.3:
+ use_data_after_index = x
+ break
+ time_stamp_data = self.sync_data.timestamps[use_data_after_index:]
+ last_data = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ # clean timestamp data, if at the end strange ts got added somehow
+ # time_stamp_data = self.removeTooFarDatasets(time_stamp_data)
+ self.reduced_timestamps = time_stamp_data
+ # NEW
+ datasync_timestamps = []
+ sync_start = 0
+ outliers = 0
+ pre_outliers_ts = None
+ # TODO only consider the first few and the last few seconds for sync points
+ for i, energytrace_dataset in enumerate(self.energy_data):
+ usedtime = energytrace_dataset[0] - last_data[0] # in microseconds
+ timestamp = energytrace_dataset[0]
+ usedenergy = energytrace_dataset[3] - last_data[3]
+ power = usedenergy / usedtime * 1e-3 # in watts
+ if power > 0:
+ if power > self.power_sync_watt:
+ if sync_start is None:
+ sync_start = timestamp
+ outliers = 0
+ else:
+ # Sync point over or outliers
+ if outliers == 0:
+ pre_outliers_ts = timestamp
+ outliers += 1
+ if outliers > self.power_sync_max_outliers:
+ if sync_start is not None:
+ if (
+ pre_outliers_ts - sync_start
+ ) / 1_000_000 > self.power_sync_len:
+ datasync_timestamps.append(
+ (
+ sync_start / 1_000_000,
+ pre_outliers_ts / 1_000_000,
+ )
+ )
+ sync_start = None
+ last_data = energytrace_dataset
+ self.plot_data_x.append(timestamp / 1_000_000)
+ self.plot_data_y.append(power)
+ if power > self.power_sync_watt:
+ if (self.energy_data[-1][0] - sync_start) / 1_000_000 > self.power_sync_len:
+ datasync_timestamps.append(
+ (sync_start / 1_000_000, pre_outliers_ts / 1_000_000)
+ )
+ # print(datasync_timestamps)
+ # time_stamp_data contains an entry for each level change on the Logic Analyzer input.
+ # So, time_stamp_data[0] is the first low-to-high transition, time_stamp_data[2] the second, etc.
+ # -> time_stamp_data[2] is the low-to-high transition indicating the end of the first sync pulse
+ # -> time_stamp_data[-8] is the low-to-high transition indicating the start of the first after-measurement sync pulse
+ start_timestamp = datasync_timestamps[0][1]
+ start_offset = start_timestamp - time_stamp_data[2]
+ end_timestamp = datasync_timestamps[-2][0]
+ end_offset = end_timestamp - (time_stamp_data[-8] + start_offset)
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Measurement area: ET timestamp range [{start_timestamp}, {end_timestamp}]"
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Measurement area: LA timestamp range [{time_stamp_data[2]}, {time_stamp_data[-8]}]"
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"Start/End offsets: {start_offset} / {end_offset}")
+ if end_offset > 10:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"synchronization end_offset == {end_offset}. It should be no more than a few seconds."
+ )
+ with_offset = np.array(time_stamp_data) + start_offset
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Measurement area with offset: LA timestamp range [{with_offset[2]}, {with_offset[-8]}]"
+ )
+ with_drift = self.addDrift(
+ with_offset, end_timestamp, end_offset, start_timestamp
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Measurement area with drift: LA timestamp range [{with_drift[2]}, {with_drift[-8]}]"
+ )
+ self.modified_timestamps = with_drift
+ def removeTooFarDatasets(self, input_timestamps):
+ """
+ Removing datasets, that are to far away at ethe end
+ :param input_timestamps: List of timestamps (float list)
+ :return: List of modified timestamps (float list)
+ """
+ modified_timestamps = []
+ for i, x in enumerate(input_timestamps):
+ # print(x - input_timestamps[i - 1], x - input_timestamps[i - 1] < 2.5)
+ if x - input_timestamps[i - 1] < 1.6:
+ modified_timestamps.append(x)
+ else:
+ break
+ return modified_timestamps
+ def addDrift(self, input_timestamps, end_timestamp, end_offset, start_timestamp):
+ """
+ Add drift to datapoints
+ :param input_timestamps: List of timestamps (float list)
+ :param end_timestamp: Timestamp of first EnergyTrace datapoint at the second-to-last sync point
+ :param end_offset: the time between end_timestamp and the timestamp of synchronisation signal
+ :param start_timestamp: Timestamp of last EnergyTrace datapoint at the first sync point
+ :return: List of modified timestamps (float list)
+ """
+ endFactor = 1 + (end_offset / ((end_timestamp - end_offset) - start_timestamp))
+ # print(
+ # f"({end_timestamp} + {end_offset} - {start_timestamp}) / ({end_timestamp} - {start_timestamp}) == {endFactor}"
+ # )
+ # Manuelles endFactor += 0.0001 macht es merklich besser
+ # print(f"endFactor = {endFactor}")
+ # endFactor assumes that the end of the first sync pulse is at timestamp 0.
+ # Then, timestamps with drift := timestamps * endFactor.
+ # As this is not the case (the first sync pulse ends at start_timestamp > 0), we shift the data by first
+ # removing start_timestamp, then multiplying with endFactor, and then re-adding the start_timestamp.
+ modified_timestamps_with_drift = (
+ input_timestamps - start_timestamp
+ ) * endFactor + start_timestamp
+ return modified_timestamps_with_drift
+ def export_sync(self):
+ # [1st trans start, 1st trans stop, 2nd trans start, 2nd trans stop, ...]
+ sync_timestamps = list()
+ for i in range(4, len(self.modified_timestamps) - 8, 2):
+ sync_timestamps.append(
+ (self.modified_timestamps[i], self.modified_timestamps[i + 1])
+ )
+ # EnergyTrace timestamps
+ timestamps = self.plot_data_x
+ # EnergyTrace power values
+ power = self.plot_data_y
+ return {"sync": sync_timestamps, "timestamps": timestamps, "power": power}
+ def plot(self, annotateData=None):
+ """
+ Plots the power usage and the timestamps by logic analyzer
+ :param annotateData: List of Strings with labels, only needed if annotated plots are wished
+ :return: None
+ """
+ def calculateRectangleCurve(timestamps, min_value=0, max_value=0.160):
+ import numpy as np
+ data = []
+ for ts in timestamps:
+ data.append(ts)
+ data.append(ts)
+ a = np.empty((len(data),))
+ a[0::4] = min_value
+ a[1::4] = max_value
+ a[2::4] = max_value
+ a[3::4] = min_value
+ return data, a # plotting by columns
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ if annotateData:
+ annot = ax.annotate(
+ "",
+ xy=(0, 0),
+ xytext=(20, 20),
+ textcoords="offset points",
+ bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"),
+ arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"),
+ )
+ annot.set_visible(True)
+ rectCurve_with_drift = calculateRectangleCurve(
+ self.modified_timestamps, max_value=max(self.plot_data_y)
+ )
+ plt.plot(self.plot_data_x, self.plot_data_y, label="Leistung")
+ plt.plot(
+ rectCurve_with_drift[0],
+ rectCurve_with_drift[1],
+ "-g",
+ label="Synchronisationsignale mit Driftfaktor",
+ )
+ plt.xlabel("Zeit von EnergyTrace [s]")
+ plt.ylabel("Leistung [W]")
+ leg = plt.legend()
+ def getDataText(x):
+ # print(x)
+ dl = len(annotateData)
+ for i, xt in enumerate(self.modified_timestamps):
+ if xt > x and i >= 4 and i - 5 < dl:
+ return f"SoT: {annotateData[i - 5]}"
+ def update_annot(x, y, name):
+ annot.xy = (x, y)
+ text = name
+ annot.set_text(text)
+ annot.get_bbox_patch().set_alpha(0.4)
+ def hover(event):
+ if event.xdata and event.ydata:
+ annot.set_visible(False)
+ update_annot(event.xdata, event.ydata, getDataText(event.xdata))
+ annot.set_visible(True)
+ fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+ if annotateData:
+ fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover)
+ def getPowerBetween(self, start, end, state_sleep): # 0.001469
+ """
+ calculates the powerusage in interval
+ :param start: Start timestamp of interval
+ :param end: End timestamp of interval
+ :param state_sleep: Length in seconds of one state, needed for cutting out the UART Sending cycle
+ :return: power measurements in W
+ """
+ first_index = 0
+ all_power = list()
+ all_ts = list()
+ for ind in range(self.start_offset, len(self.plot_data_x)):
+ first_index = ind
+ if self.plot_data_x[ind] > start:
+ break
+ nextIndAfterIndex = None
+ for ind in range(first_index, len(self.plot_data_x)):
+ nextIndAfterIndex = ind
+ if (
+ self.plot_data_x[ind] > end
+ or self.plot_data_x[ind] > start + state_sleep
+ ):
+ self.start_offset = ind - 1
+ break
+ all_power.append(self.plot_data_y[ind])
+ all_ts.append(self.plot_data_x[ind])
+ # TODO Idea remove datapoints that are too far away
+ def removeSD_Mean_Values(arr):
+ import numpy
+ elements = numpy.array(arr)
+ mean = numpy.mean(elements, axis=0)
+ sd = numpy.std(elements, axis=0)
+ return [x for x in arr if (mean - 1 * sd < x < mean + 1.5 * sd)]
+ if len(all_power) > 10:
+ # all_power = removeSD_Mean_Values(all_power)
+ pass
+ # TODO algorithm relocate datapoint
+ pre_fix_len = len(all_power)
+ if len(all_power) == 0:
+ # print("PROBLEM")
+ all_power.append(self.plot_data_y[nextIndAfterIndex])
+ all_ts.append(0)
+ elif len(all_power) == 1:
+ # print("OKAY")
+ pass
+ return np.array(all_power), np.array(all_ts)
+ def getStatesdfatool(self, state_sleep, with_traces=False, algorithm=False):
+ """
+ Calculates the length and energy usage of the states
+ :param state_sleep: Length in seconds of one state, needed for cutting out the UART Sending cycle
+ :param algorithm: possible usage of accuracy algorithm / not implemented yet
+ :returns: returns list of states and transitions, starting with a transition and ending with astate
+ Each element is a dict containing:
+ * `isa`: 'state' or 'transition'
+ * `W_mean`: Mittelwert der Leistungsaufnahme
+ * `W_std`: Standardabweichung der Leistungsaufnahme
+ * `s`: Dauer
+ """
+ if algorithm:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end_transition_ts = None
+ timestamps_sync_start = 0
+ energy_trace_new = list()
+ for ts_index in range(
+ 0 + timestamps_sync_start, int(len(self.modified_timestamps) / 2)
+ ):
+ start_transition_ts = self.modified_timestamps[ts_index * 2]
+ start_transition_ts_timing = self.reduced_timestamps[ts_index * 2]
+ if end_transition_ts is not None:
+ power, timestamps = self.getPowerBetween(
+ end_transition_ts, start_transition_ts, state_sleep
+ )
+ # print("STATE", end_transition_ts * 10 ** 6, start_transition_ts * 10 ** 6, (start_transition_ts - end_transition_ts) * 10 ** 6, power)
+ if (
+ (start_transition_ts - end_transition_ts) * 10 ** 6 > 900_000
+ and np.mean(power) > self.power_sync_watt * 0.9
+ and ts_index > 10
+ ):
+ # remove last transition and stop (upcoming data only sync)
+ del energy_trace_new[-1]
+ break
+ pass
+ state = {
+ "isa": "state",
+ "W_mean": np.mean(power),
+ "W_std": np.std(power),
+ "s": (
+ start_transition_ts_timing - end_transition_ts_timing
+ ), # * 10 ** 6,
+ }
+ if with_traces:
+ state["plot"] = (timestamps - timestamps[0], power)
+ energy_trace_new.append(state)
+ energy_trace_new[-2]["W_mean_delta_next"] = (
+ energy_trace_new[-2]["W_mean"] - energy_trace_new[-1]["W_mean"]
+ )
+ # get energy end_transition_ts
+ end_transition_ts = self.modified_timestamps[ts_index * 2 + 1]
+ power, timestamps = self.getPowerBetween(
+ start_transition_ts, end_transition_ts, state_sleep
+ )
+ # print("TRANS", start_transition_ts * 10 ** 6, end_transition_ts * 10 ** 6, (end_transition_ts - start_transition_ts) * 10 ** 6, power)
+ end_transition_ts_timing = self.reduced_timestamps[ts_index * 2 + 1]
+ transition = {
+ "isa": "transition",
+ "W_mean": np.mean(power),
+ "W_std": np.std(power),
+ "s": (
+ end_transition_ts_timing - start_transition_ts_timing
+ ), # * 10 ** 6,
+ "count_dp": len(power),
+ }
+ if with_traces:
+ transition["plot"] = (timestamps - timestamps[0], power)
+ if (end_transition_ts - start_transition_ts) * 10 ** 6 > 2_000_000:
+ # TODO Last data set corrupted? HOT FIX!!!!!!!!!!!! REMOVE LATER
+ # for x in range(4):
+ # del energy_trace_new[-1]
+ # break
+ pass
+ energy_trace_new.append(transition)
+ # print(start_transition_ts, "-", end_transition_ts, "-", end_transition_ts - start_transition_ts)
+ return energy_trace_new
diff --git a/lib/lennart/ b/lib/lennart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19aae84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lennart/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import re
+import subprocess
+from dfatool.lennart.DataInterface import DataInterface
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class EnergyInterface(DataInterface):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ duration_seconds=10,
+ console_output=False,
+ temp_file="temp/energytrace.log",
+ fake=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ class is not used in embedded into dfatool.
+ :param duration_seconds: seconds the EnergyTrace should be running
+ :param console_output: if EnergyTrace output should be printed to the user
+ :param temp_file: file path for temporary file
+ :param fake: if already existing file should be used
+ """
+ self.energytrace = None
+ self.duration_seconds = duration_seconds
+ self.console_output = console_output
+ self.temp_file = temp_file
+ self.fake = fake
+ def runMeasure(self):
+ """
+ starts the measurement, with waiting for done
+ """
+ if self.fake:
+ return
+ self.runMeasureAsynchronously()
+ self.waitForAsynchronousMeasure()
+ def runMeasureAsynchronously(self):
+ """
+ starts the measurement, not waiting for done
+ """
+ if self.fake:
+ return
+ self.energytrace = subprocess.Popen(
+ "msp430-etv --save %s %s %s"
+ % (
+ self.temp_file,
+ self.duration_seconds,
+ "" if self.console_output else "> /dev/null",
+ ),
+ shell=True,
+ )
+ print(
+ "msp430-etv --save %s %s %s"
+ % (
+ self.temp_file,
+ self.duration_seconds,
+ "" if self.console_output else "> /dev/null",
+ )
+ )
+ def waitForAsynchronousMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Wait until is command call is done
+ """
+ if self.fake:
+ return
+ self.energytrace.wait()
+ def getData(self):
+ """
+ cleans the string data and creates int list
+ :return: list of data, in format [[int,int,int,int], [int,int,int,int], ... ]
+ """
+ energytrace_log = open(self.temp_file)
+ lines = energytrace_log.readlines()[21:]
+ data = []
+ for line in lines:
+ if "MSP430_DisableEnergyTrace" in line:
+ break
+ else:
+ data.append([int(i) for i in line.split()])
+ return data
+ @classmethod
+ def getDataFromString(cls, string, delimiter="\\n"):
+ """
+ Parsing the data from string
+ :param string: input string which will be parsed
+ :param delimiter: for normal file its \n
+ :return: list of data, in format [[int,int,int,int], [int,int,int,int], ... ]
+ """
+ lines = string.split(delimiter)[21:]
+ data = []
+ for line in lines:
+ if "MSP430_DisableEnergyTrace" in line:
+ break
+ else:
+ data.append([int(i) for i in line.split()])
+ return data
+ def setFile(self, path):
+ """
+ changeing the temporary file
+ :param path: file path of new temp file
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.temp_file = path
+ pass
+ def forceStopMeasure(self):
+ """
+ force stops the Measurement, with signals
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.energytrace.send_signal(subprocess.signal.SIGINT)
+ stdout, stderr = self.energytrace.communicate(timeout=15)
diff --git a/lib/lennart/ b/lib/lennart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44da678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lennart/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+import time
+from dfatool.lennart.SigrokInterface import SigrokInterface
+import sigrok.core as sr
+from sigrok.core.classes import *
+from util.ByteHelper import ByteHelper
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SigrokAPIInterface(SigrokInterface):
+ def datafeed_changes(self, device, packet):
+ """
+ Callback type with changes analysis
+ :param device: device object
+ :param packet: data (String with binary data)
+ """
+ data = ByteHelper.rawbytes(self.output.receive(packet))
+ if data:
+ # only using every second byte,
+ # because only every second contains the useful information.
+ for x in data[1::2]:
+ self.analyzeData(x)
+ def datafeed_in_all(self, device, packet):
+ """
+ Callback type which writes all data into the array
+ :param device: device object
+ :param packet: data (String with binary data)
+ """
+ data = ByteHelper.rawbytes(self.output.receive(packet))
+ if data:
+ # only using every second byte,
+ # because only every second contains the useful information.
+ self.all_data += data[1::2]
+ def datafeed_file(self, device, packet):
+ """
+ Callback type which writes all data into a file
+ :param device: device object
+ :param packet: data (String with binary data)
+ """
+ data = ByteHelper.rawbytes(self.output.receive(packet))
+ if data:
+ # only using every second byte,
+ # because only every second contains the useful information.
+ for x in data[1::2]:
+ self.file.write(str(x) + "\n")
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ driver="fx2lafw",
+ sample_rate=100_000,
+ debug_output=False,
+ used_datafeed=datafeed_changes,
+ fake=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ :param driver: Driver that should be used
+ :param sample_rate: The sample rate of the Logic analyzer
+ :param debug_output: Should be true if output should be displayed to user
+ :param used_datafeed: one of the datafeeds above, user later as callback.
+ :param fake:
+ """
+ super(SigrokAPIInterface, self).__init__(sample_rate)
+ if fake:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
+ self.used_datafeed = used_datafeed
+ self.debug_output = debug_output
+ self.session = None
+ def forceStopMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Force stopping the measurement
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.session.stop()
+ def runMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Start the Measurement and set all settings
+ """
+ context = sr.Context_create()
+ devs = context.drivers[self.driver].scan()
+ # print(devs)
+ if len(devs) == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("No device with that driver found!")
+ sigrokDevice = devs[0]
+ if len(devs) > 1:
+ raise Warning(
+ "Attention! Multiple devices with that driver found! Using ",
+ sigrokDevice.connection_id(),
+ )
+ sigrokDevice.config_set(ConfigKey.SAMPLERATE, self.sample_rate)
+ enabled_channels = ["D1"]
+ for channel in sigrokDevice.channels:
+ channel.enabled = in enabled_channels
+ self.session = context.create_session()
+ self.session.add_device(sigrokDevice)
+ self.session.start()
+ self.output = context.output_formats["binary"].create_output(sigrokDevice)
+ print(context.output_formats)
+ self.all_data = b""
+ def datafeed(device, packet):
+ self.used_datafeed(self, device, packet)
+ self.session.add_datafeed_callback(datafeed)
+ time_running = time.time()
+ total_time = time.time() - time_running
+ print(
+ "Used time: ",
+ total_time * 1_000_000,
+ "µs",
+ )
+ self.session.stop()
+ if self.debug_output:
+ # if self.used_datafeed == self.datafeed_in_change:
+ if True:
+ changes = [x / self.sample_rate for x in self.changes]
+ print(changes)
+ is_on = self.start == 0xFF
+ print("0", " - ", changes[0], " # Pin ", "HIGH" if is_on else "LOW")
+ for x in range(len(changes) - 1):
+ is_on = not is_on
+ print(
+ changes[x],
+ " - ",
+ changes[x + 1],
+ " / ",
+ changes[x + 1] - changes[x],
+ " # Pin ",
+ "HIGH" if is_on else "LOW",
+ )
+ elif self.used_datafeed == self.datafeed_in_all:
+ print(self.all_data)
diff --git a/lib/lennart/ b/lib/lennart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b28a8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lennart/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import subprocess
+import time
+from dfatool.lennart.SigrokInterface import SigrokInterface
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SigrokCLIInterface(SigrokInterface):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ bin_temp_file="temp/out.bin",
+ sample_rate=100_000,
+ fake=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ creates SigrokCLIInterface object. Uses the CLI Interface (Command: sigrok-cli)
+ :param bin_temp_file: temporary file for binary output
+ :param sample_rate: The sample rate of the Logic analyzer
+ :param fake: if it should use existing data
+ """
+ super(SigrokCLIInterface, self).__init__(sample_rate)
+ self.fake = fake
+ self.bin_temp_file = bin_temp_file
+ self.sigrok_cli_thread = None
+ def forceStopMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Force stopping measure, sometimes needs pkill for killing definitly
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.sigrok_cli_thread.terminate()
+ try:
+ self.sigrok_cli_thread.wait(timeout=10)
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+ logger.warning("sigrok-cli has not stopped. Killing it.")
+ self.sigrok_cli_thread.kill()
+ self.sigrok_cli_thread.communicate()
+ self.runOpenAnalyze()
+ def runMeasure(self):
+ """
+ starts the measurement, with waiting for done
+ """
+ if not self.fake:
+ self.runMeasureAsynchronous()
+ self.waitForAsynchronousMeasure()
+ def runMeasureAsynchronous(self):
+ """
+ starts the measurement, not waiting for done
+ """
+ shellcommand = [
+ "sigrok-cli",
+ "--output-file",
+ self.bin_temp_file,
+ "--output-format",
+ "binary",
+ "--continuous",
+ "-d",
+ self.driver,
+ "--config",
+ f"samplerate={self.sample_rate} Hz",
+ ]
+ self.sigrok_cli_thread = subprocess.Popen(shellcommand)
+ def waitForAsynchronousMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Wait until is command call is done
+ """
+ if not self.fake:
+ self.sigrok_cli_thread.wait()
+ self.runOpenAnalyze()
+ def runOpenAnalyze(self):
+ """
+ Opens the generated binary file and parses it byte by byte
+ """
+ in_file = open(self.bin_temp_file, "rb") # opening for [r]eading as [b]inary
+ data = # if you only wanted to read 512 bytes, do .read(512)
+ in_file.close()
+ for x in data:
+ self.analyzeData(x)
diff --git a/lib/lennart/ b/lib/lennart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e8fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lennart/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import json
+import numpy as np
+from dfatool.lennart.DataInterface import DataInterface
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Adding additional parsing functionality
+class SigrokResult:
+ def __init__(self, timestamps, onbeforefirstchange):
+ """
+ Creates SigrokResult object, struct for timestamps and onBeforeFirstChange.
+ :param timestamps: list of changing timestamps
+ :param onbeforefirstchange: if the state before the first change is already on / should always be off, just to be data correct
+ """
+ self.timestamps = timestamps
+ self.onBeforeFirstChange = onbeforefirstchange
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ :return: string representation of object
+ """
+ return "<Sigrok Result onBeforeFirstChange=%s timestamps=%s>" % (
+ self.onBeforeFirstChange,
+ self.timestamps,
+ )
+ def getDict(self):
+ """
+ :return: dict representation of object
+ """
+ data = {
+ "onBeforeFirstChange": self.onBeforeFirstChange,
+ "timestamps": self.timestamps,
+ }
+ return data
+ @classmethod
+ def fromFile(cls, path):
+ """
+ Generates SigrokResult from json_file
+ :param path: file path
+ :return: SigrokResult object
+ """
+ with open(path) as json_file:
+ data = json.load(json_file)
+ return SigrokResult(data["timestamps"], data["onBeforeFirstChange"])
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def fromString(cls, string):
+ """
+ Generates SigrokResult from string
+ :param string: string
+ :return: SigrokResult object
+ """
+ data = json.loads(string)
+ return SigrokResult(data["timestamps"], data["onBeforeFirstChange"])
+ pass
+class SigrokInterface(DataInterface):
+ def __init__(self, sample_rate, driver="fx2lafw", filename="temp/sigrok.log"):
+ """
+ :param sample_rate: Samplerate of the Logic Analyzer
+ :param driver: for many Logic Analyzer from Saleae the "fx2lafw" should be working
+ :param filename: temporary file name
+ """
+ # options
+ self.sample_rate = sample_rate
+ self.file = open(filename, "w+")
+ self.driver = driver
+ # internal data
+ self.changes = []
+ self.start = None
+ self.last_val = None
+ self.index = 0
+ def runMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Not implemented because implemented in subclasses
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("The method not implemented")
+ def forceStopMeasure(self):
+ """
+ Not implemented because implemented in subclasses
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("The method not implemented")
+ def getData(self):
+ """
+ :return:
+ """
+ # return sigrok_energy_api_result(self.changes, True if self.start == 0xff else False)
+ return SigrokResult(
+ [x / self.sample_rate for x in self.changes],
+ True if self.start == 0xFF else False,
+ )
+ def analyzeData(self, byte):
+ """
+ analyze one byte if it differs from the last byte, it will be appended to changes.
+ :param byte: one byte to analyze
+ """
+ if self.start is None:
+ self.start = byte
+ self.last_val = byte
+ if byte != self.last_val:
+ self.changes.append(self.index)
+ self.last_val = byte
+ self.index += 1
diff --git a/lib/lennart/ b/lib/lennart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lennart/