BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
bugfix/2.14.1prepare bugfix release #2Daniel Friesel9 years
masterREADME: specify 'other details' → 'usage instructions'Birte Kristina Friesel5 months
release-3.6Release v3.6.3Daniel Friesel4 years
release-3.7Release v3.7.2Daniel Friesel3 years
simplify-exifEXIF: Use rawtherapee / flickr style output instead of "key: value" listDaniel Friesel4 years
3.10.3commit 3f455b109b...Birte Kristina Friesel5 months
3.10.2commit 698121ae3e...Birte Kristina Friesel12 months
3.10.1commit b86f22bbd3...Birte Kristina Friesel14 months
3.10commit cd183447f3...Daniel Friesel20 months
3.9.1commit d65f3ba146...Daniel Friesel2 years
3.9commit 2810be5e71...Daniel Friesel2 years
3.8commit 4bfea24d19...Daniel Friesel3 years
3.7.2commit 28b29c7170...Daniel Friesel3 years
3.7.1commit 07ab6beb73...Daniel Friesel3 years
3.7commit b33f6b83bc...Daniel Friesel4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorLines
2016-06-24version bump2.16.1Daniel Friesel-1/+2
2016-06-24Also handle fork() failure in magick_load_imageDaniel Friesel-1/+8
2016-06-23imlib/rotate: Fail gracefully when fork() failsDaniel Friesel-3/+3
2016-06-22changelogDaniel Friesel-0/+5
2016-06-20imlib.c: Do not call atexit hooks when terminating a child process (closes #245)Daniel Friesel-5/+5
2016-06-09release v2.162.16Daniel Friesel-2/+3
2016-06-07changelogDaniel Friesel-0/+12
2016-06-06next/priv directory: Use PATH_MAX instead of FEH_MAX_DIRNAME_LENDaniel Friesel-10/+9
2016-06-06Define PATH_MAX ourselves if it isn't defined by the OS (closes #90)Daniel Friesel-1/+12
2016-06-02Merge branch 'guns-dirnav'Daniel Friesel-16/+157