diff options
authorDaniel Friesel <>2010-04-24 02:02:20 +0200
committerDaniel Friesel <>2010-04-24 02:02:20 +0200
commit78017d7e57f04efd74457cceb08ba4f05fb93f7e (patch)
parent50f2987126726d9a4d04e53d50025c5cda94a47b (diff)
Add pmp3p (from fuze package)
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/pmp3p b/bin/pmp3p
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..728f770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/pmp3p
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+# pmp3p - "Populate" MP3 Player
+# Copyright © 2009, 2010 by Daniel Friesel <>
+# License: WTFPL <>
+# Usage: pmp3p [--remove] <basedir> <files ...>
+# Requires: atag/arename, oggdec, flac, lame
+# For playlist generation: sed, unix2dos
+# pmp3p will put all files into basedir, more specifically to
+# basedir/artist/album/id_title.mp3 .
+# If the --remove option is specified, pmp3p will try to remove files which
+# are present in basedir but not mentioned on the commandline
+# I use it like this:
+# I put symlinks to everything I want on my music player into
+# ~/lib/audio/.mp3-player, then regularly call
+# cd ~/lib/audio/.mp3-player
+# pmp3p --remove /data/derf/sansa-tmp/MUSIC ***/*(-.)
+# /data/derf/sansa-tmp is then later (whenever the player is connected for
+# recharing) synced onto it.
+# Of course, you can also directly encode to your music player.
+# Playlist support:
+# This is very specific to the "Sansa Fuze", for other players it's probably
+# useless.
+# Put glob expressions (one per line) to the songs you want in the playlist
+# into .playlists/playlist_name .
+# pmp3p will then expand those expressions and put the correct filenames into
+# the playlist.
+# Example:
+# remnant ~/l/a/.mp3-player > cat .playlists/chill
+# bluechel/*/*
+# schiller/*
+# PS: Yes, I know that the Sansa Fuze also supports flac and ogg.
+# And of course: No warranty for lost data or whatever else might happen.
+autoload atag
+typeset IFS=$'\n'
+typeset -i bitrate=196
+# If mp3info is installed, all MP3s with a bitrate > max_bitrate will be
+# re-encoded to preserve space
+typeset -i max_bitrate=260
+typeset -a -U files files_done
+typeset -A tags rtags
+typeset result
+typeset tmp_wav=/tmp/tempfile.wav tmp_mp3=/tmp/tempfile.mp3
+typeset -i remove
+while [[ ${1} == --* ]] {
+ case ${1} in
+ --remove) remove=1 ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+typeset basedir=${1}
+function filestate {
+ typeset color=${1} message=${2}
+ shift 2
+ print -P -f '%s%-4s%s [%-15s - %-25s] %s\n' "%F{${color}}" ${message} \
+ '%F{default}' ${rtags[artist][1,15]} ${rtags[tracktitle][1,25]} ${file}
+function prepare_tags {
+ rtags=(
+ artist unknown
+ album unknown
+ tracktitle unknown
+ tracknumber 00
+ )
+ tags=()
+ result=
+function read_tags {
+ typeset cfile=${1}
+ atag ${cfile} -e
+ rtags=(
+ artist "${_ar}"
+ album "${_al}"
+ tracktitle "${_tt}"
+ tracknumber "${_tnp}"
+ )
+ tags[artist]=${(L)rtags[artist]//[^[:alnum:]]/_}
+ tags[album]=${(L)rtags[album]//[^[:alnum:]]/_}
+ tags[tracktitle]=${(L)rtags[tracktitle]//[^[:alnum:]]/_}
+ tags[tracknumber]=$(printf "%02d" ${rtags[tracknumber]//[^[:digit:]]})
+ if [[ -n ${tags[artist]} && -n ${tags[tracktitle]} ]] {
+ result=${basedir}/${tags[artist]}/${tags[album]}/${tags[tracknumber]}_${tags[tracktitle]}.mp3
+ } else {
+ result=${basedir}/unknown/${cfile:t:r}.mp3
+ }
+if [[ ! -d ${basedir} ]] {
+ echo "Cannot use ${basedir}" >&2
+ exit 1
+if ((remove)) {
+ i=0
+ for file in ${files}; {
+ echo -n "\rChecking for removed files... $((++i))/${#files}"
+ prepare_tags
+ read_tags ${file}
+ files_done+=${result}
+ }
+ echo
+ for file in ${basedir}/*/*/*(.N); {
+ if [[ ${files_done[(I)$file]} == 0 ]] {
+ prepare_tags
+ read_tags ${file}
+ filestate red rm
+ rm -f ${file}
+ }
+ }
+echo "Creating playlists..."
+for p in .playlists/*(.N); {
+ playlist=()
+ echo "\t${p:t}"
+ while read line; do
+ playlist+=(${~line})
+ done < ${p}
+ for file in ${playlist}; {
+ prepare_tags
+ read_tags ${file}
+ echo ${result#${basedir}/}
+ } |\
+ sed 's:/:\\:g' > ${basedir}/${p:t}.m3u
+ unix2dos -q ${basedir}/${p:t}.m3u
+mkdir -p ${basedir}/unknown
+for file in ${files}; {
+ typeset filetype=${file:e:l}
+ rm -f ${tmp_wav} ${tmp_mp3}
+ prepare_tags
+ read_tags ${file}
+ if [[ -r ${result} ]] {
+ filestate yellow skip
+ continue
+ }
+ filestate green lame
+ case ${filetype} in
+ ogg) oggdec --quiet -o ${tmp_wav} ${file} > /dev/null ;;
+ mp3) cp ${file} ${tmp_mp3} > /dev/null ;;
+ flac) flac --silent --decode -o ${tmp_wav} ${file} > /dev/null ;;
+ *) echo "Unrecognized format: ${file}" >&2; continue ;
+ esac
+ if [[ -r ${tmp_wav} && ! -r ${tmp_mp3} ]] {
+ lame --quiet --ta "${rtags[artist]}" --tt "${rtags[tracktitle]}" \
+ --tl "${rtags[album]}" --ty "${rtags[year]}" -h -b ${bitrate} \
+ ${tmp_wav} ${tmp_mp3}
+ } elif [[ ${filetype} == mp3 && -n ${commands[mp3info]} \
+ && $(mp3info -r m -p '%r' ${file}) -gt ${max_bitrate} ]] \
+ {
+ lame --quiet --mp3input --ta "${rtags[artist]}" \
+ --tt "${rtags[tracktitle]}" --tl "${rtags[album]}" \
+ --ty "${rtags[year]}" -h -b ${bitrate} ${file} ${tmp_mp3}
+ }
+ if [[ -r ${tmp_mp3} ]] {
+ mkdir -p ${basedir}/${tags[artist]}/${tags[album]}
+ cp ${tmp_mp3} ${result}
+ }