path: root/include/lib/modernjson/detail/input/lexer.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/lib/modernjson/detail/input/lexer.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1506 deletions
diff --git a/include/lib/modernjson/detail/input/lexer.hpp b/include/lib/modernjson/detail/input/lexer.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b61e289..0000000
--- a/include/lib/modernjson/detail/input/lexer.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1506 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <clocale> // localeconv
-#include <cstddef> // size_t
-#include <cstdlib> // strtof, strtod, strtold, strtoll, strtoull
-#include <cstdio> // snprintf
-#include <initializer_list> // initializer_list
-#include <string> // char_traits, string
-#include <vector> // vector
-#include <lib/modernjson/detail/macro_scope.hpp>
-#include <lib/modernjson/detail/input/input_adapters.hpp>
-#include <lib/modernjson/detail/input/position_t.hpp>
-namespace nlohmann
-namespace detail
-// lexer //
-@brief lexical analysis
-This class organizes the lexical analysis during JSON deserialization.
-template<typename BasicJsonType>
-class lexer
- using number_integer_t = typename BasicJsonType::number_integer_t;
- using number_unsigned_t = typename BasicJsonType::number_unsigned_t;
- using number_float_t = typename BasicJsonType::number_float_t;
- using string_t = typename BasicJsonType::string_t;
- public:
- /// token types for the parser
- enum class token_type
- {
- uninitialized, ///< indicating the scanner is uninitialized
- literal_true, ///< the `true` literal
- literal_false, ///< the `false` literal
- literal_null, ///< the `null` literal
- value_string, ///< a string -- use get_string() for actual value
- value_unsigned, ///< an unsigned integer -- use get_number_unsigned() for actual value
- value_integer, ///< a signed integer -- use get_number_integer() for actual value
- value_float, ///< an floating point number -- use get_number_float() for actual value
- begin_array, ///< the character for array begin `[`
- begin_object, ///< the character for object begin `{`
- end_array, ///< the character for array end `]`
- end_object, ///< the character for object end `}`
- name_separator, ///< the name separator `:`
- value_separator, ///< the value separator `,`
- parse_error, ///< indicating a parse error
- end_of_input, ///< indicating the end of the input buffer
- literal_or_value ///< a literal or the begin of a value (only for diagnostics)
- };
- /// return name of values of type token_type (only used for errors)
- static const char* token_type_name(const token_type t) noexcept
- {
- switch (t)
- {
- case token_type::uninitialized:
- return "<uninitialized>";
- case token_type::literal_true:
- return "true literal";
- case token_type::literal_false:
- return "false literal";
- case token_type::literal_null:
- return "null literal";
- case token_type::value_string:
- return "string literal";
- case lexer::token_type::value_unsigned:
- case lexer::token_type::value_integer:
- case lexer::token_type::value_float:
- return "number literal";
- case token_type::begin_array:
- return "'['";
- case token_type::begin_object:
- return "'{'";
- case token_type::end_array:
- return "']'";
- case token_type::end_object:
- return "'}'";
- case token_type::name_separator:
- return "':'";
- case token_type::value_separator:
- return "','";
- case token_type::parse_error:
- return "<parse error>";
- case token_type::end_of_input:
- return "end of input";
- case token_type::literal_or_value:
- return "'[', '{', or a literal";
- default: // catch non-enum values
- return "unknown token";
- }
- }
- explicit lexer(detail::input_adapter_t&& adapter)
- : ia(std::move(adapter)), decimal_point_char(get_decimal_point()) {}
- // delete because of pointer members
- lexer(const lexer&) = delete;
- lexer(lexer&&) = delete;
- lexer& operator=(lexer&) = delete;
- lexer& operator=(lexer&&) = delete;
- ~lexer() = default;
- private:
- /////////////////////
- // locales
- /////////////////////
- /// return the locale-dependent decimal point
- static char get_decimal_point() noexcept
- {
- const auto loc = localeconv();
- assert(loc != nullptr);
- return (loc->decimal_point == nullptr) ? '.' : *(loc->decimal_point);
- }
- /////////////////////
- // scan functions
- /////////////////////
- /*!
- @brief get codepoint from 4 hex characters following `\u`
- For input "\u c1 c2 c3 c4" the codepoint is:
- (c1 * 0x1000) + (c2 * 0x0100) + (c3 * 0x0010) + c4
- = (c1 << 12) + (c2 << 8) + (c3 << 4) + (c4 << 0)
- Furthermore, the possible characters '0'..'9', 'A'..'F', and 'a'..'f'
- must be converted to the integers 0x0..0x9, 0xA..0xF, 0xA..0xF, resp. The
- conversion is done by subtracting the offset (0x30, 0x37, and 0x57)
- between the ASCII value of the character and the desired integer value.
- @return codepoint (0x0000..0xFFFF) or -1 in case of an error (e.g. EOF or
- non-hex character)
- */
- int get_codepoint()
- {
- // this function only makes sense after reading `\u`
- assert(current == 'u');
- int codepoint = 0;
- const auto factors = { 12, 8, 4, 0 };
- for (const auto factor : factors)
- {
- get();
- if (current >= '0' and current <= '9')
- {
- codepoint += ((current - 0x30) << factor);
- }
- else if (current >= 'A' and current <= 'F')
- {
- codepoint += ((current - 0x37) << factor);
- }
- else if (current >= 'a' and current <= 'f')
- {
- codepoint += ((current - 0x57) << factor);
- }
- else
- {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- assert(0x0000 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0xFFFF);
- return codepoint;
- }
- /*!
- @brief check if the next byte(s) are inside a given range
- Adds the current byte and, for each passed range, reads a new byte and
- checks if it is inside the range. If a violation was detected, set up an
- error message and return false. Otherwise, return true.
- @param[in] ranges list of integers; interpreted as list of pairs of
- inclusive lower and upper bound, respectively
- @pre The passed list @a ranges must have 2, 4, or 6 elements; that is,
- 1, 2, or 3 pairs. This precondition is enforced by an assertion.
- @return true if and only if no range violation was detected
- */
- bool next_byte_in_range(std::initializer_list<int> ranges)
- {
- assert(ranges.size() == 2 or ranges.size() == 4 or ranges.size() == 6);
- add(current);
- for (auto range = ranges.begin(); range != ranges.end(); ++range)
- {
- get();
- if (JSON_LIKELY(*range <= current and current <= *(++range)))
- {
- add(current);
- }
- else
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: ill-formed UTF-8 byte";
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*!
- @brief scan a string literal
- This function scans a string according to Sect. 7 of RFC 7159. While
- scanning, bytes are escaped and copied into buffer token_buffer. Then the
- function returns successfully, token_buffer is *not* null-terminated (as it
- may contain \0 bytes), and token_buffer.size() is the number of bytes in the
- string.
- @return token_type::value_string if string could be successfully scanned,
- token_type::parse_error otherwise
- @note In case of errors, variable error_message contains a textual
- description.
- */
- token_type scan_string()
- {
- // reset token_buffer (ignore opening quote)
- reset();
- // we entered the function by reading an open quote
- assert(current == '\"');
- while (true)
- {
- // get next character
- switch (get())
- {
- // end of file while parsing string
- case std::char_traits<char>::eof():
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: missing closing quote";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- // closing quote
- case '\"':
- {
- return token_type::value_string;
- }
- // escapes
- case '\\':
- {
- switch (get())
- {
- // quotation mark
- case '\"':
- add('\"');
- break;
- // reverse solidus
- case '\\':
- add('\\');
- break;
- // solidus
- case '/':
- add('/');
- break;
- // backspace
- case 'b':
- add('\b');
- break;
- // form feed
- case 'f':
- add('\f');
- break;
- // line feed
- case 'n':
- add('\n');
- break;
- // carriage return
- case 'r':
- add('\r');
- break;
- // tab
- case 't':
- add('\t');
- break;
- // unicode escapes
- case 'u':
- {
- const int codepoint1 = get_codepoint();
- int codepoint = codepoint1; // start with codepoint1
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(codepoint1 == -1))
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: '\\u' must be followed by 4 hex digits";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- // check if code point is a high surrogate
- if (0xD800 <= codepoint1 and codepoint1 <= 0xDBFF)
- {
- // expect next \uxxxx entry
- if (JSON_LIKELY(get() == '\\' and get() == 'u'))
- {
- const int codepoint2 = get_codepoint();
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(codepoint2 == -1))
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: '\\u' must be followed by 4 hex digits";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- // check if codepoint2 is a low surrogate
- if (JSON_LIKELY(0xDC00 <= codepoint2 and codepoint2 <= 0xDFFF))
- {
- // overwrite codepoint
- codepoint =
- // high surrogate occupies the most significant 22 bits
- (codepoint1 << 10)
- // low surrogate occupies the least significant 15 bits
- + codepoint2
- // there is still the 0xD800, 0xDC00 and 0x10000 noise
- // in the result so we have to subtract with:
- // (0xD800 << 10) + DC00 - 0x10000 = 0x35FDC00
- - 0x35FDC00;
- }
- else
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: surrogate U+DC00..U+DFFF must be followed by U+DC00..U+DFFF";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: surrogate U+DC00..U+DFFF must be followed by U+DC00..U+DFFF";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(0xDC00 <= codepoint1 and codepoint1 <= 0xDFFF))
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: surrogate U+DC00..U+DFFF must follow U+D800..U+DBFF";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- // result of the above calculation yields a proper codepoint
- assert(0x00 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x10FFFF);
- // translate codepoint into bytes
- if (codepoint < 0x80)
- {
- // 1-byte characters: 0xxxxxxx (ASCII)
- add(codepoint);
- }
- else if (codepoint <= 0x7FF)
- {
- // 2-byte characters: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
- add(0xC0 | (codepoint >> 6));
- add(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F));
- }
- else if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF)
- {
- // 3-byte characters: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
- add(0xE0 | (codepoint >> 12));
- add(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F));
- add(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F));
- }
- else
- {
- // 4-byte characters: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
- add(0xF0 | (codepoint >> 18));
- add(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F));
- add(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F));
- add(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F));
- }
- break;
- }
- // other characters after escape
- default:
- error_message = "invalid string: forbidden character after backslash";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // invalid control characters
- case 0x00:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0000 (NUL) must be escaped to \\u0000";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x01:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0001 (SOH) must be escaped to \\u0001";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x02:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0002 (STX) must be escaped to \\u0002";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x03:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0003 (ETX) must be escaped to \\u0003";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x04:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0004 (EOT) must be escaped to \\u0004";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x05:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0005 (ENQ) must be escaped to \\u0005";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x06:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0006 (ACK) must be escaped to \\u0006";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x07:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0007 (BEL) must be escaped to \\u0007";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x08:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0008 (BS) must be escaped to \\u0008 or \\b";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x09:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0009 (HT) must be escaped to \\u0009 or \\t";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x0A:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+000A (LF) must be escaped to \\u000A or \\n";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x0B:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+000B (VT) must be escaped to \\u000B";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x0C:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+000C (FF) must be escaped to \\u000C or \\f";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x0D:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+000D (CR) must be escaped to \\u000D or \\r";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x0E:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+000E (SO) must be escaped to \\u000E";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x0F:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+000F (SI) must be escaped to \\u000F";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x10:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0010 (DLE) must be escaped to \\u0010";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x11:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0011 (DC1) must be escaped to \\u0011";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x12:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0012 (DC2) must be escaped to \\u0012";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x13:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0013 (DC3) must be escaped to \\u0013";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x14:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0014 (DC4) must be escaped to \\u0014";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x15:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0015 (NAK) must be escaped to \\u0015";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x16:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0016 (SYN) must be escaped to \\u0016";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x17:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0017 (ETB) must be escaped to \\u0017";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x18:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0018 (CAN) must be escaped to \\u0018";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x19:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+0019 (EM) must be escaped to \\u0019";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x1A:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+001A (SUB) must be escaped to \\u001A";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x1B:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+001B (ESC) must be escaped to \\u001B";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x1C:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+001C (FS) must be escaped to \\u001C";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x1D:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+001D (GS) must be escaped to \\u001D";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x1E:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+001E (RS) must be escaped to \\u001E";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- case 0x1F:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: control character U+001F (US) must be escaped to \\u001F";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- // U+0020..U+007F (except U+0022 (quote) and U+005C (backspace))
- case 0x20:
- case 0x21:
- case 0x23:
- case 0x24:
- case 0x25:
- case 0x26:
- case 0x27:
- case 0x28:
- case 0x29:
- case 0x2A:
- case 0x2B:
- case 0x2C:
- case 0x2D:
- case 0x2E:
- case 0x2F:
- case 0x30:
- case 0x31:
- case 0x32:
- case 0x33:
- case 0x34:
- case 0x35:
- case 0x36:
- case 0x37:
- case 0x38:
- case 0x39:
- case 0x3A:
- case 0x3B:
- case 0x3C:
- case 0x3D:
- case 0x3E:
- case 0x3F:
- case 0x40:
- case 0x41:
- case 0x42:
- case 0x43:
- case 0x44:
- case 0x45:
- case 0x46:
- case 0x47:
- case 0x48:
- case 0x49:
- case 0x4A:
- case 0x4B:
- case 0x4C:
- case 0x4D:
- case 0x4E:
- case 0x4F:
- case 0x50:
- case 0x51:
- case 0x52:
- case 0x53:
- case 0x54:
- case 0x55:
- case 0x56:
- case 0x57:
- case 0x58:
- case 0x59:
- case 0x5A:
- case 0x5B:
- case 0x5D:
- case 0x5E:
- case 0x5F:
- case 0x60:
- case 0x61:
- case 0x62:
- case 0x63:
- case 0x64:
- case 0x65:
- case 0x66:
- case 0x67:
- case 0x68:
- case 0x69:
- case 0x6A:
- case 0x6B:
- case 0x6C:
- case 0x6D:
- case 0x6E:
- case 0x6F:
- case 0x70:
- case 0x71:
- case 0x72:
- case 0x73:
- case 0x74:
- case 0x75:
- case 0x76:
- case 0x77:
- case 0x78:
- case 0x79:
- case 0x7A:
- case 0x7B:
- case 0x7C:
- case 0x7D:
- case 0x7E:
- case 0x7F:
- {
- add(current);
- break;
- }
- // U+0080..U+07FF: bytes C2..DF 80..BF
- case 0xC2:
- case 0xC3:
- case 0xC4:
- case 0xC5:
- case 0xC6:
- case 0xC7:
- case 0xC8:
- case 0xC9:
- case 0xCA:
- case 0xCB:
- case 0xCC:
- case 0xCD:
- case 0xCE:
- case 0xCF:
- case 0xD0:
- case 0xD1:
- case 0xD2:
- case 0xD3:
- case 0xD4:
- case 0xD5:
- case 0xD6:
- case 0xD7:
- case 0xD8:
- case 0xD9:
- case 0xDA:
- case 0xDB:
- case 0xDC:
- case 0xDD:
- case 0xDE:
- case 0xDF:
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not next_byte_in_range({0x80, 0xBF})))
- {
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // U+0800..U+0FFF: bytes E0 A0..BF 80..BF
- case 0xE0:
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not (next_byte_in_range({0xA0, 0xBF, 0x80, 0xBF}))))
- {
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // U+1000..U+CFFF: bytes E1..EC 80..BF 80..BF
- // U+E000..U+FFFF: bytes EE..EF 80..BF 80..BF
- case 0xE1:
- case 0xE2:
- case 0xE3:
- case 0xE4:
- case 0xE5:
- case 0xE6:
- case 0xE7:
- case 0xE8:
- case 0xE9:
- case 0xEA:
- case 0xEB:
- case 0xEC:
- case 0xEE:
- case 0xEF:
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not (next_byte_in_range({0x80, 0xBF, 0x80, 0xBF}))))
- {
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // U+D000..U+D7FF: bytes ED 80..9F 80..BF
- case 0xED:
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not (next_byte_in_range({0x80, 0x9F, 0x80, 0xBF}))))
- {
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // U+10000..U+3FFFF F0 90..BF 80..BF 80..BF
- case 0xF0:
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not (next_byte_in_range({0x90, 0xBF, 0x80, 0xBF, 0x80, 0xBF}))))
- {
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // U+40000..U+FFFFF F1..F3 80..BF 80..BF 80..BF
- case 0xF1:
- case 0xF2:
- case 0xF3:
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not (next_byte_in_range({0x80, 0xBF, 0x80, 0xBF, 0x80, 0xBF}))))
- {
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // U+100000..U+10FFFF F4 80..8F 80..BF 80..BF
- case 0xF4:
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not (next_byte_in_range({0x80, 0x8F, 0x80, 0xBF, 0x80, 0xBF}))))
- {
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- // remaining bytes (80..C1 and F5..FF) are ill-formed
- default:
- {
- error_message = "invalid string: ill-formed UTF-8 byte";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void strtof(float& f, const char* str, char** endptr) noexcept
- {
- f = std::strtof(str, endptr);
- }
- static void strtof(double& f, const char* str, char** endptr) noexcept
- {
- f = std::strtod(str, endptr);
- }
- static void strtof(long double& f, const char* str, char** endptr) noexcept
- {
- f = std::strtold(str, endptr);
- }
- /*!
- @brief scan a number literal
- This function scans a string according to Sect. 6 of RFC 7159.
- The function is realized with a deterministic finite state machine derived
- from the grammar described in RFC 7159. Starting in state "init", the
- input is read and used to determined the next state. Only state "done"
- accepts the number. State "error" is a trap state to model errors. In the
- table below, "anything" means any character but the ones listed before.
- state | 0 | 1-9 | e E | + | - | . | anything
- ---------|----------|----------|----------|---------|---------|----------|-----------
- init | zero | any1 | [error] | [error] | minus | [error] | [error]
- minus | zero | any1 | [error] | [error] | [error] | [error] | [error]
- zero | done | done | exponent | done | done | decimal1 | done
- any1 | any1 | any1 | exponent | done | done | decimal1 | done
- decimal1 | decimal2 | [error] | [error] | [error] | [error] | [error] | [error]
- decimal2 | decimal2 | decimal2 | exponent | done | done | done | done
- exponent | any2 | any2 | [error] | sign | sign | [error] | [error]
- sign | any2 | any2 | [error] | [error] | [error] | [error] | [error]
- any2 | any2 | any2 | done | done | done | done | done
- The state machine is realized with one label per state (prefixed with
- "scan_number_") and `goto` statements between them. The state machine
- contains cycles, but any cycle can be left when EOF is read. Therefore,
- the function is guaranteed to terminate.
- During scanning, the read bytes are stored in token_buffer. This string is
- then converted to a signed integer, an unsigned integer, or a
- floating-point number.
- @return token_type::value_unsigned, token_type::value_integer, or
- token_type::value_float if number could be successfully scanned,
- token_type::parse_error otherwise
- @note The scanner is independent of the current locale. Internally, the
- locale's decimal point is used instead of `.` to work with the
- locale-dependent converters.
- */
- token_type scan_number() // lgtm [cpp/use-of-goto]
- {
- // reset token_buffer to store the number's bytes
- reset();
- // the type of the parsed number; initially set to unsigned; will be
- // changed if minus sign, decimal point or exponent is read
- token_type number_type = token_type::value_unsigned;
- // state (init): we just found out we need to scan a number
- switch (current)
- {
- case '-':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_minus;
- }
- case '0':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_zero;
- }
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_any1;
- }
- default:
- {
- // all other characters are rejected outside scan_number()
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- // state: we just parsed a leading minus sign
- number_type = token_type::value_integer;
- switch (get())
- {
- case '0':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_zero;
- }
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_any1;
- }
- default:
- {
- error_message = "invalid number; expected digit after '-'";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- // state: we just parse a zero (maybe with a leading minus sign)
- switch (get())
- {
- case '.':
- {
- add(decimal_point_char);
- goto scan_number_decimal1;
- }
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_exponent;
- }
- default:
- goto scan_number_done;
- }
- // state: we just parsed a number 0-9 (maybe with a leading minus sign)
- switch (get())
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_any1;
- }
- case '.':
- {
- add(decimal_point_char);
- goto scan_number_decimal1;
- }
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_exponent;
- }
- default:
- goto scan_number_done;
- }
- // state: we just parsed a decimal point
- number_type = token_type::value_float;
- switch (get())
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_decimal2;
- }
- default:
- {
- error_message = "invalid number; expected digit after '.'";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- // we just parsed at least one number after a decimal point
- switch (get())
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_decimal2;
- }
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_exponent;
- }
- default:
- goto scan_number_done;
- }
- // we just parsed an exponent
- number_type = token_type::value_float;
- switch (get())
- {
- case '+':
- case '-':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_sign;
- }
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_any2;
- }
- default:
- {
- error_message =
- "invalid number; expected '+', '-', or digit after exponent";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- // we just parsed an exponent sign
- switch (get())
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_any2;
- }
- default:
- {
- error_message = "invalid number; expected digit after exponent sign";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- // we just parsed a number after the exponent or exponent sign
- switch (get())
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- add(current);
- goto scan_number_any2;
- }
- default:
- goto scan_number_done;
- }
- // unget the character after the number (we only read it to know that
- // we are done scanning a number)
- unget();
- char* endptr = nullptr;
- errno = 0;
- // try to parse integers first and fall back to floats
- if (number_type == token_type::value_unsigned)
- {
- const auto x = std::strtoull(, &endptr, 10);
- // we checked the number format before
- assert(endptr == + token_buffer.size());
- if (errno == 0)
- {
- value_unsigned = static_cast<number_unsigned_t>(x);
- if (value_unsigned == x)
- {
- return token_type::value_unsigned;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (number_type == token_type::value_integer)
- {
- const auto x = std::strtoll(, &endptr, 10);
- // we checked the number format before
- assert(endptr == + token_buffer.size());
- if (errno == 0)
- {
- value_integer = static_cast<number_integer_t>(x);
- if (value_integer == x)
- {
- return token_type::value_integer;
- }
- }
- }
- // this code is reached if we parse a floating-point number or if an
- // integer conversion above failed
- strtof(value_float,, &endptr);
- // we checked the number format before
- assert(endptr == + token_buffer.size());
- return token_type::value_float;
- }
- /*!
- @param[in] literal_text the literal text to expect
- @param[in] length the length of the passed literal text
- @param[in] return_type the token type to return on success
- */
- token_type scan_literal(const char* literal_text, const std::size_t length,
- token_type return_type)
- {
- assert(current == literal_text[0]);
- for (std::size_t i = 1; i < length; ++i)
- {
- if (JSON_UNLIKELY(get() != literal_text[i]))
- {
- error_message = "invalid literal";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- return return_type;
- }
- /////////////////////
- // input management
- /////////////////////
- /// reset token_buffer; current character is beginning of token
- void reset() noexcept
- {
- token_buffer.clear();
- token_string.clear();
- token_string.push_back(std::char_traits<char>::to_char_type(current));
- }
- /*
- @brief get next character from the input
- This function provides the interface to the used input adapter. It does
- not throw in case the input reached EOF, but returns a
- `std::char_traits<char>::eof()` in that case. Stores the scanned characters
- for use in error messages.
- @return character read from the input
- */
- std::char_traits<char>::int_type get()
- {
- ++position.chars_read_total;
- ++position.chars_read_current_line;
- if (next_unget)
- {
- // just reset the next_unget variable and work with current
- next_unget = false;
- }
- else
- {
- current = ia->get_character();
- }
- if (JSON_LIKELY(current != std::char_traits<char>::eof()))
- {
- token_string.push_back(std::char_traits<char>::to_char_type(current));
- }
- if (current == '\n')
- {
- ++position.lines_read;
- ++position.chars_read_current_line = 0;
- }
- return current;
- }
- /*!
- @brief unget current character (read it again on next get)
- We implement unget by setting variable next_unget to true. The input is not
- changed - we just simulate ungetting by modifying chars_read_total,
- chars_read_current_line, and token_string. The next call to get() will
- behave as if the unget character is read again.
- */
- void unget()
- {
- next_unget = true;
- --position.chars_read_total;
- // in case we "unget" a newline, we have to also decrement the lines_read
- if (position.chars_read_current_line == 0)
- {
- if (position.lines_read > 0)
- {
- --position.lines_read;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- --position.chars_read_current_line;
- }
- if (JSON_LIKELY(current != std::char_traits<char>::eof()))
- {
- assert(token_string.size() != 0);
- token_string.pop_back();
- }
- }
- /// add a character to token_buffer
- void add(int c)
- {
- token_buffer.push_back(std::char_traits<char>::to_char_type(c));
- }
- public:
- /////////////////////
- // value getters
- /////////////////////
- /// return integer value
- constexpr number_integer_t get_number_integer() const noexcept
- {
- return value_integer;
- }
- /// return unsigned integer value
- constexpr number_unsigned_t get_number_unsigned() const noexcept
- {
- return value_unsigned;
- }
- /// return floating-point value
- constexpr number_float_t get_number_float() const noexcept
- {
- return value_float;
- }
- /// return current string value (implicitly resets the token; useful only once)
- string_t& get_string()
- {
- return token_buffer;
- }
- /////////////////////
- // diagnostics
- /////////////////////
- /// return position of last read token
- constexpr position_t get_position() const noexcept
- {
- return position;
- }
- /// return the last read token (for errors only). Will never contain EOF
- /// (an arbitrary value that is not a valid char value, often -1), because
- /// 255 may legitimately occur. May contain NUL, which should be escaped.
- std::string get_token_string() const
- {
- // escape control characters
- std::string result;
- for (const auto c : token_string)
- {
- if ('\x00' <= c and c <= '\x1F')
- {
- // escape control characters
- char cs[9];
- (std::snprintf)(cs, 9, "<U+%.4X>", static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
- result += cs;
- }
- else
- {
- // add character as is
- result.push_back(c);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// return syntax error message
- constexpr const char* get_error_message() const noexcept
- {
- return error_message;
- }
- /////////////////////
- // actual scanner
- /////////////////////
- /*!
- @brief skip the UTF-8 byte order mark
- @return true iff there is no BOM or the correct BOM has been skipped
- */
- bool skip_bom()
- {
- if (get() == 0xEF)
- {
- // check if we completely parse the BOM
- return get() == 0xBB and get() == 0xBF;
- }
- // the first character is not the beginning of the BOM; unget it to
- // process is later
- unget();
- return true;
- }
- token_type scan()
- {
- // initially, skip the BOM
- if (position.chars_read_total == 0 and not skip_bom())
- {
- error_message = "invalid BOM; must be 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF if given";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- // read next character and ignore whitespace
- do
- {
- get();
- }
- while (current == ' ' or current == '\t' or current == '\n' or current == '\r');
- switch (current)
- {
- // structural characters
- case '[':
- return token_type::begin_array;
- case ']':
- return token_type::end_array;
- case '{':
- return token_type::begin_object;
- case '}':
- return token_type::end_object;
- case ':':
- return token_type::name_separator;
- case ',':
- return token_type::value_separator;
- // literals
- case 't':
- return scan_literal("true", 4, token_type::literal_true);
- case 'f':
- return scan_literal("false", 5, token_type::literal_false);
- case 'n':
- return scan_literal("null", 4, token_type::literal_null);
- // string
- case '\"':
- return scan_string();
- // number
- case '-':
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- return scan_number();
- // end of input (the null byte is needed when parsing from
- // string literals)
- case '\0':
- case std::char_traits<char>::eof():
- return token_type::end_of_input;
- // error
- default:
- error_message = "invalid literal";
- return token_type::parse_error;
- }
- }
- private:
- /// input adapter
- detail::input_adapter_t ia = nullptr;
- /// the current character
- std::char_traits<char>::int_type current = std::char_traits<char>::eof();
- /// whether the next get() call should just return current
- bool next_unget = false;
- /// the start position of the current token
- position_t position;
- /// raw input token string (for error messages)
- std::vector<char> token_string {};
- /// buffer for variable-length tokens (numbers, strings)
- string_t token_buffer {};
- /// a description of occurred lexer errors
- const char* error_message = "";
- // number values
- number_integer_t value_integer = 0;
- number_unsigned_t value_unsigned = 0;
- number_float_t value_float = 0;
- /// the decimal point
- const char decimal_point_char = '.';
-} // namespace detail
-} // namespace nlohmann