path: root/BFS/support/graph.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'BFS/support/graph.h')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/BFS/support/graph.h b/BFS/support/graph.h
index f89ff5c..2a19f67 100644
--- a/BFS/support/graph.h
+++ b/BFS/support/graph.h
@@ -9,108 +9,125 @@
#include "utils.h"
struct COOGraph {
- uint32_t numNodes;
- uint32_t numEdges;
- uint32_t* nodeIdxs;
- uint32_t* neighborIdxs;
+ uint32_t numNodes;
+ uint32_t numEdges;
+ uint32_t *nodeIdxs;
+ uint32_t *neighborIdxs;
struct CSRGraph {
- uint32_t numNodes;
- uint32_t numEdges;
- uint32_t* nodePtrs;
- uint32_t* neighborIdxs;
+ uint32_t numNodes;
+ uint32_t numEdges;
+ uint32_t *nodePtrs;
+ uint32_t *neighborIdxs;
-static struct COOGraph readCOOGraph(const char* fileName) {
- struct COOGraph cooGraph;
- // Initialize fields
- FILE* fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
- uint32_t numNodes, numCols;
- assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &numNodes));
- assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &numCols));
- if(numNodes == numCols) {
- cooGraph.numNodes = numNodes;
- } else {
- PRINT_WARNING(" Adjacency matrix is not square. Padding matrix to be square.");
- cooGraph.numNodes = (numNodes > numCols)? numNodes : numCols;
- }
- if(cooGraph.numNodes%64 != 0) {
- PRINT_WARNING(" Adjacency matrix dimension is %u which is not a multiple of 64 nodes.", cooGraph.numNodes);
- cooGraph.numNodes += (64 - cooGraph.numNodes%64);
- PRINT_WARNING(" Padding to %u which is a multiple of 64 nodes.", cooGraph.numNodes);
- }
- assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &cooGraph.numEdges));
- cooGraph.nodeIdxs = (uint32_t*) malloc(cooGraph.numEdges*sizeof(uint32_t));
- cooGraph.neighborIdxs = (uint32_t*) malloc(cooGraph.numEdges*sizeof(uint32_t));
- // Read the neighborIdxs
- for(uint32_t edgeIdx = 0; edgeIdx < cooGraph.numEdges; ++edgeIdx) {
- uint32_t nodeIdx;
- assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &nodeIdx));
- cooGraph.nodeIdxs[edgeIdx] = nodeIdx;
- uint32_t neighborIdx;
- assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &neighborIdx));
- cooGraph.neighborIdxs[edgeIdx] = neighborIdx;
- }
- return cooGraph;
+static struct COOGraph readCOOGraph(const char *fileName)
+ struct COOGraph cooGraph;
+ // Initialize fields
+ FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
+ uint32_t numNodes, numCols;
+ assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &numNodes));
+ assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &numCols));
+ if (numNodes == numCols) {
+ cooGraph.numNodes = numNodes;
+ } else {
+ (" Adjacency matrix is not square. Padding matrix to be square.");
+ cooGraph.numNodes = (numNodes > numCols) ? numNodes : numCols;
+ }
+ if (cooGraph.numNodes % 64 != 0) {
+ (" Adjacency matrix dimension is %u which is not a multiple of 64 nodes.",
+ cooGraph.numNodes);
+ cooGraph.numNodes += (64 - cooGraph.numNodes % 64);
+ (" Padding to %u which is a multiple of 64 nodes.",
+ cooGraph.numNodes);
+ }
+ assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &cooGraph.numEdges));
+ cooGraph.nodeIdxs =
+ (uint32_t *) malloc(cooGraph.numEdges * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ cooGraph.neighborIdxs =
+ (uint32_t *) malloc(cooGraph.numEdges * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ // Read the neighborIdxs
+ for (uint32_t edgeIdx = 0; edgeIdx < cooGraph.numEdges; ++edgeIdx) {
+ uint32_t nodeIdx;
+ assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &nodeIdx));
+ cooGraph.nodeIdxs[edgeIdx] = nodeIdx;
+ uint32_t neighborIdx;
+ assert(fscanf(fp, "%u", &neighborIdx));
+ cooGraph.neighborIdxs[edgeIdx] = neighborIdx;
+ }
+ return cooGraph;
-static void freeCOOGraph(struct COOGraph cooGraph) {
- free(cooGraph.nodeIdxs);
- free(cooGraph.neighborIdxs);
+static void freeCOOGraph(struct COOGraph cooGraph)
+ free(cooGraph.nodeIdxs);
+ free(cooGraph.neighborIdxs);
-static struct CSRGraph coo2csr(struct COOGraph cooGraph) {
- struct CSRGraph csrGraph;
- // Initialize fields
- csrGraph.numNodes = cooGraph.numNodes;
- csrGraph.numEdges = cooGraph.numEdges;
- csrGraph.nodePtrs = (uint32_t*) calloc(ROUND_UP_TO_MULTIPLE_OF_2(csrGraph.numNodes + 1), sizeof(uint32_t));
- csrGraph.neighborIdxs = (uint32_t*)malloc(ROUND_UP_TO_MULTIPLE_OF_8(csrGraph.numEdges*sizeof(uint32_t)));
- // Histogram nodeIdxs
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i < cooGraph.numEdges; ++i) {
- uint32_t nodeIdx = cooGraph.nodeIdxs[i];
- csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx]++;
- }
- // Prefix sum nodePtrs
- uint32_t sumBeforeNextNode = 0;
- for(uint32_t nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < csrGraph.numNodes; ++nodeIdx) {
- uint32_t sumBeforeNode = sumBeforeNextNode;
- sumBeforeNextNode += csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx];
- csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx] = sumBeforeNode;
- }
- csrGraph.nodePtrs[csrGraph.numNodes] = sumBeforeNextNode;
- // Bin the neighborIdxs
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i < cooGraph.numEdges; ++i) {
- uint32_t nodeIdx = cooGraph.nodeIdxs[i];
- uint32_t neighborListIdx = csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx]++;
- csrGraph.neighborIdxs[neighborListIdx] = cooGraph.neighborIdxs[i];
- }
- // Restore nodePtrs
- for(uint32_t nodeIdx = csrGraph.numNodes - 1; nodeIdx > 0; --nodeIdx) {
- csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx] = csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx - 1];
- }
- csrGraph.nodePtrs[0] = 0;
- return csrGraph;
+static struct CSRGraph coo2csr(struct COOGraph cooGraph)
+ struct CSRGraph csrGraph;
+ // Initialize fields
+ csrGraph.numNodes = cooGraph.numNodes;
+ csrGraph.numEdges = cooGraph.numEdges;
+ csrGraph.nodePtrs =
+ (uint32_t *)
+ calloc(ROUND_UP_TO_MULTIPLE_OF_2(csrGraph.numNodes + 1),
+ sizeof(uint32_t));
+ csrGraph.neighborIdxs =
+ (uint32_t *)
+ (csrGraph.numEdges * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+ // Histogram nodeIdxs
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cooGraph.numEdges; ++i) {
+ uint32_t nodeIdx = cooGraph.nodeIdxs[i];
+ csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx]++;
+ }
+ // Prefix sum nodePtrs
+ uint32_t sumBeforeNextNode = 0;
+ for (uint32_t nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < csrGraph.numNodes; ++nodeIdx) {
+ uint32_t sumBeforeNode = sumBeforeNextNode;
+ sumBeforeNextNode += csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx];
+ csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx] = sumBeforeNode;
+ }
+ csrGraph.nodePtrs[csrGraph.numNodes] = sumBeforeNextNode;
+ // Bin the neighborIdxs
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cooGraph.numEdges; ++i) {
+ uint32_t nodeIdx = cooGraph.nodeIdxs[i];
+ uint32_t neighborListIdx = csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx]++;
+ csrGraph.neighborIdxs[neighborListIdx] =
+ cooGraph.neighborIdxs[i];
+ }
+ // Restore nodePtrs
+ for (uint32_t nodeIdx = csrGraph.numNodes - 1; nodeIdx > 0; --nodeIdx) {
+ csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx] = csrGraph.nodePtrs[nodeIdx - 1];
+ }
+ csrGraph.nodePtrs[0] = 0;
+ return csrGraph;
-static void freeCSRGraph(struct CSRGraph csrGraph) {
- free(csrGraph.nodePtrs);
- free(csrGraph.neighborIdxs);
+static void freeCSRGraph(struct CSRGraph csrGraph)
+ free(csrGraph.nodePtrs);
+ free(csrGraph.neighborIdxs);