path: root/lib/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorLines
7 daysSwitch from DBWagenreihung to DBRIS::FormationBirte Kristina Friesel-6/+6
2025-02-09Add PKP (and, thus, SOCKS proxy) supportBirte Kristina Friesel-0/+1
2024-11-26Mark users as seen when successfully pulling a traewelling checkinBirte Kristina Friesel-0/+1
2024-10-28Use the correct stop instance when checking in to ring linesBirte Kristina Friesel-1/+9
2024-10-16Add terms of service andpoint; reference it from registration and login formsBirte Kristina Friesel-0/+1
2024-09-18API: Add departure and arrival platform2.8.39Birte Kristina Friesel-0/+2
2024-08-28Replace ice_names.json with Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung built-in listBirte Kristina Friesel-2/+4
2024-08-26map, get_travel_distance: Prefer EVA ID over name for route matches2.8.33Birte Kristina Friesel-4/+10
2024-08-25IRIS: Re-add support for stations unknown to T::S::DE::IRIS::Stations2.8.31Birte Kristina Friesel-0/+8
2024-08-25fix /cancelled.jsonBirte Kristina Friesel-1/+2
2024-08-16improve hafas checkin error message for route issuesBirte Kristina Friesel-1/+2
2024-08-15stats, map: deal with multiple EVA IDs mapping to the same station nameBirte Kristina Friesel-0/+25
2024-08-14IRIS checkout: do not overwrite HAFAS route with IRIS routeBirte Kristina Friesel-1/+0
2024-08-14add_route_timestamps: do not re-request trip id if it is already known2.8.17Birte Kristina Friesel-8/+19
2024-08-08Switch to new carriage formation APIBirte Kristina Friesel-42/+58
2024-07-26Multi-backend supportBirte Kristina Friesel-19/+47
2024-07-21Add lat/lon to pre-2.7.8 journeys; add eva where missingBirte Kristina Friesel-39/+38
2024-07-08store lat/lon along with route2.7.8Birte Kristina Friesel-0/+2
2024-06-23always use HAFAS for traewelling → travelynxBirte Kristina Friesel-199/+50
2024-06-21oopsie2.7.2Birte Kristina Friesel-1/+1
2024-06-21add_route_timestamps: use $train->id rather than in_transit id2.7.1Birte Kristina Friesel-1/+1
2024-06-15InTransit: allow setting data in add callBirte Kristina Friesel-5/+1
2024-06-15remove service / sb_template selection; hardcode DBF with variable hafas flagBirte Kristina Friesel-2/+1
2024-06-06allow force checkouts even in case of route mismatches2.6.16Birte Kristina Friesel-1/+1
2024-05-31Profile: Add JSON rendererBirte Kristina Friesel-1/+2
2024-05-30DBDB: use realtime cache for carriage composition requestsBirte Kristina Friesel-5/+6
2024-05-30perform stationinfo requests for hafas checkinsBirte Kristina Friesel-3/+19
2024-05-29request wagon orders for HAFAS checkinsBirte Kristina Friesel-1/+5
2024-05-29Move wagonorder request to a separate helperBirte Kristina Friesel-93/+109
2024-05-24check train/trip id when updating associated dataBirte Kristina Friesel-17/+26
2024-05-22add_route_timestamps: IRIS route may be shorter than HAFAS route2.6.11Birte Kristina Friesel-1/+1
2024-05-22Use HAFAS routes as single source of truth. Overwrite initial IRIS route.Birte Kristina Friesel-35/+47
2024-04-26/status: respond to .json as well as "Accept: application/json"Birte Kristina Friesel-2/+4
2024-04-21refactor polyline insertion into InTransit ModelBirte Kristina Friesel-95/+9
2024-04-07Request polylines for HAFAS journeys as well; only store sensible ones2.6.5Birte Kristina Friesel-1/+91
2024-02-24Use journeyMatch rather than legacy trainsearch.exe API to find tripIDsBirte Kristina Friesel-55/+4
2023-12-27Switch to Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS 5.xBirte Kristina Friesel-1/+2
2023-09-16journey: show distances below 10km with 100m resolution (and <1km with 1m)Birte Kristina Friesel-0/+14
2023-09-12map: use high beeline opacity if no polylines are available2.2.1Birte Kristina Friesel-1/+5
2023-09-07Fix intermediate stop display for journeys without real-time data, e.g. H-BahnBirte Kristina Friesel-15/+11
2023-08-30API: Expose HAFAS JourneyID, if available (#85)Birte Kristina Friesel-4/+5
2023-08-26obtain autocompletion from database2.1.1Birte Kristina Friesel-0/+1
2023-08-19API: Support HAFAS checkin (via journeyID)Birte Kristina Friesel-1/+2
2023-08-13synchronize non-train checkins from traewelling to travelynxBirte Kristina Friesel-14/+79
2023-08-13WIP: HAFAS supportBirte Kristina Friesel-9/+191
2023-08-07Traewelling: replace legacy password login with OAuth2Birte Kristina Friesel-0/+22
2023-07-23convert checkout to promises (checkout_p)Birte Kristina Friesel-186/+221
2023-07-23checkout: remove with_related special caseBirte Kristina Friesel-35/+12
2023-07-15remove debug outputBirte Kristina Friesel-3/+0
2023-07-15add timeline / current checkinsBirte Kristina Friesel-0/+1