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authorDaniel Friesel <>2016-01-10 19:03:36 +0100
committerDaniel Friesel <>2016-01-10 19:03:36 +0100
commit5ed92291f1d45d7e61d59779201e8e4c04d9639e (patch)
parent554d78c9c73731705ab536e009ef47760dd2df3f (diff)
firmware: clean up main.c, remove driver size test code
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/main.c b/firmware/main.c
index d04159a..56f2970 100644
--- a/firmware/main.c
+++ b/firmware/main.c
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
-/* Name: main.c
- * Project: PowerSwitch based on AVR USB driver
- * Author: Christian Starkjohann
- * Creation Date: 2005-01-16
- * Tabsize: 4
- * Copyright: (c) 2005 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH
- * License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt) or proprietary (CommercialLicense.txt)
- * This Revision: $Id$
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH
+ * and (c) 2016 by Daniel Friesel
+ * License: GNU GPL v2
#include <avr/io.h>
@@ -17,27 +13,16 @@
#include "oddebug.h"
#include <util/delay.h>
-This module implements an 8 bit parallel output controlled via USB. It is
-intended to switch the power supply to computers and/or other electronic
-Application examples:
-- Rebooting computers located at the provider's site
-- Remotely switch on/off of rarely used computers
-- Rebooting other electronic equipment which is left unattended
-- Control room heating from remote
-#ifndef TEST_DRIVER_SIZE /* define this to check out size of pure driver */
USB_PUBLIC uchar usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8])
usbRequest_t *rq = (void *)data;
static uchar replyBuf[2];
- static uchar bv_sda, bv_scl, i, buf;
+ static uchar bv_sda, bv_scl; // bit vector, e.g. 0b01000000 for bit6
+ static uchar i;
+ static uchar buf; // r/w buffer for wValue.bytes[0]
usbMsgPtr = replyBuf;
if (rq->bRequest == USBCMD_ECHO) {
replyBuf[0] = rq->wValue.bytes[0];
replyBuf[1] = rq->wValue.bytes[1];
@@ -129,74 +114,40 @@ USB_PUBLIC uchar usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8])
int main(void)
-uchar i;
- wdt_enable(WDTO_1S);
- odDebugInit();
- DDRB = 0;
- DDRD = ~USBMASK; /* all outputs except PD2 = INT0 */
- PORTD = 0;
- PORTB = 0; /* no pullups on USB pins */
-/* We fake an USB disconnect by pulling D+ and D- to 0 during reset. This is
- * necessary if we had a watchdog reset or brownout reset to notify the host
- * that it should re-enumerate the device. Otherwise the host's and device's
- * concept of the device-ID would be out of sync.
- */
- usbDeviceDisconnect(); /* enforce re-enumeration, do this while interrupts are disabled! */
- i = 0;
- while(--i){ /* fake USB disconnect for > 500 ms */
- wdt_reset();
- _delay_ms(2);
- }
- usbDeviceConnect();
- TCCR0 = 5; /* set prescaler to 1/1024 */
- usbInit();
- PORTD = _BV(0); /* turn on power LED */
- sei();
- for(;;){ /* main event loop */
- wdt_reset();
- usbPoll();
- if(TIFR & (1 << TOV0)){
- TIFR |= 1 << TOV0; /* clear pending flag */
- if (PINB & _BV(PB7))
- PORTD = _BV(0); /* SCL high : turn on power LED */
- else
- PORTD = _BV(1); /* SCL low (busy) : turn on activity LED */
- }
- }
- return 0;
-#else /* TEST_DRIVER_SIZE */
-/* This is the minimum do-nothing function to determine driver size. The
- * resulting binary will consist of the C startup code, space for interrupt
- * vectors and our minimal initialization. The C startup code and vectors
- * (together ca. 70 bytes of flash) can not directly be considered a part
- * of this driver. The driver is therefore ca. 70 bytes smaller than the
- * resulting binary due to this overhead. The driver also contains strings
- * of arbitrary length. You can save another ca. 50 bytes if you don't
- * include a textual product and vendor description.
- */
-uchar usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8])
- return 0;
+ uchar i;
-int main(void)
-#ifdef PORTD
- PORTD = 0;
- DDRD = ~USBMASK; /* all outputs except PD2 = INT0 */
- PORTB = 0; /* no pullups on USB pins */
- DDRB = 0; /* all outputs except USB data */
- usbInit();
- sei();
- for(;;){ /* main event loop */
- usbPoll();
- }
- return 0;
+ wdt_enable(WDTO_1S);
+ odDebugInit();
+ DDRB = 0;
+ DDRD = ~USBMASK; /* all outputs except PD2 = INT0 */
+ PORTD = 0;
+ PORTB = 0; /* no pullups on USB pins */
+ /* We fake an USB disconnect by pulling D+ and D- to 0 during reset. This is
+ * necessary if we had a watchdog reset or brownout reset to notify the host
+ * that it should re-enumerate the device. Otherwise the host's and device's
+ * concept of the device-ID would be out of sync.
+ */
+ usbDeviceDisconnect(); /* enforce re-enumeration, do this while interrupts are disabled! */
+ i = 0;
+ while(--i){ /* fake USB disconnect for > 500 ms */
+ wdt_reset();
+ _delay_ms(2);
+ }
+ usbDeviceConnect();
+ TCCR0 = 5; /* set prescaler to 1/1024 */
+ usbInit();
+ PORTD = _BV(0); /* turn on power LED */
+ sei();
+ for(;;){ /* main event loop */
+ wdt_reset();
+ usbPoll();
+ if (TIFR & (1 << TOV0)){
+ TIFR |= 1 << TOV0; /* clear pending flag */
+ if (PINB & _BV(PB7))
+ PORTD = _BV(0); /* SCL high : turn on power LED */
+ else
+ PORTD = _BV(1); /* SCL low (busy) : turn on activity LED */
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
-#endif /* TEST_DRIVER_SIZE */